def validate_run(self, log, info, exit_code, stdout): if "Warning - no spectra searched" in stdout: raise RuntimeError("No spectra in mzXML!") check_stdout(log, stdout) check_exitcode(log, exit_code) check_xml(log, info[Keys.PEPXML]) return info
def validate_run(self, log, info, exit_code, stdout): # Double check "Spectrast finished ..." if not " without error." in stdout: raise RuntimeError("SpectraST finished with some error!") validation.check_exitcode(log, exit_code) validation.check_file(log, info['SPLIB']) return info
def validate_run(self, log, info, exit_code, out): validation.check_exitcode(log, exit_code) if 'Valid models = 0' in out: raise RuntimeError('No valid model found') validation.check_xml(log, info[Keys.PEPXML]) return info
def validate_run(self, log, info, run_code, out): if "No decoys with label DECOY_ were found" in out: raise RuntimeError( "No DECOY_s found in fasta. Please use other fasta!") validation.check_stdout(log, out) validation.check_exitcode(log, run_code) validation.check_xml(log, info[Keys.PEPXML]) return info
def validate_run(self, log, info, exit_code, stdout): if exit_code == -8: raise RuntimeError( "iProphet failed most probably because too few peptides were found in the search before" ) for line in stdout.splitlines(): if 'fin: error opening' in line: raise RuntimeError("Could not read the input file " + line) validation.check_exitcode(log, exit_code) validation.check_xml(log, info[Keys.PEPXML]) return info
def validate_run(self, log, info, exit_code, stdout): check_exitcode(log, exit_code) weblogoexe = info['WEBLOGO'] weblogoinputs = [] for file in self.outfiles: weblogoinputs += fixStupidGibbsclusterFile(file, file + "out") commands = runweblogo_on_files(weblogoexe, weblogoinputs) self.execute_run(log, info, commands) return info
def validate_run(self, log, info, exit_code, stdout): validation.check_exitcode(log, exit_code) for msg in [ 'Error:', 'did not find any InterProphet results in input data!', 'no data - quitting', 'WARNING: No database referenced' ]: if msg in stdout: raise RuntimeError('ProteinProphet error [%s]' % msg) validation.check_xml(log, info[Keys.PROTXML]) return info
def validate_run(self, log, info, exit_code, stdout): if info['RUNRT'] == 'True': # Spectrast imports sample *whitout error* when no iRTs are found. Thus look for "Comment:" entries without # iRT= attribute in splib notenough = set() for line in open(info['SPLIB']).readlines(): if "Comment:" in line and not "iRT=" in line: samplename ="RawSpectrum=([^\.]*)\.", line).group(1) notenough.add(samplename) if notenough: log.error("No/not enough iRT peptides found in sample(s): " + ", ".join(notenough)) #when irt.txt not readable: PEPXML IMPORT: Cannot read landmark table. No RT normalization will be performed. rtcalibfailed = False for line in open(info['SPLOG']).readlines(): if "Cannot read landmark table" in line: log.error("Problem with reading rtkit file %s!" % info['RTKIT']) rtcalibfailed = True # Parse logfile to see whether R^2 is high enough. Example log for failed calibration (line 3 only when <0.9): # PEPXML IMPORT: RT normalization by linear regression. Found 10 landmarks in MS run "CHLUD_L110830_21". # PEPXML_IMPORT: Final fitted equation: iRT = (rRT - 1758) / (8.627); R^2 = 0.5698; 5 outliers removed. # ERROR PEPXML_IMPORT: R^2 still too low at required coverage. No RT normalization performed. Consider... rsqlow = False for line in open(info['SPLOG']).readlines(): if "Final fitted equation:" in line: samplename = prevline.strip().split(" ")[-1] rsq = line.split()[-4].replace(";", "") if float(rsq) < float(info['RSQ_THRESHOLD']): log.error("R^2 of %s is below threshold of %s for %s" % (rsq, info['RSQ_THRESHOLD'], samplename)) rsqlow = True else: log.debug("R^2 of %s is OK for %s" % (rsq, samplename)) else: prevline = line # Raise only here to have all errors shown if rsqlow or rtcalibfailed or notenough: raise RuntimeError("Error in iRT calibration.") # Double check "Spectrast finished ..." if not " without error." in stdout: raise RuntimeError("SpectraST finished with some error!") validation.check_exitcode(log, exit_code) validation.check_file(log, info['SPLIB']) return info
def validate_run(self, log, info, exit_code, stdout): check_exitcode(log, exit_code) check_xml(log, info[Keys.PEPXML]) #!topic/spctools-discuss/dV8LSaE60ao shutil.move(info[Keys.PEPXML], info[Keys.PEPXML] + '.broken') fout = open(info[Keys.PEPXML], 'w') for line in open(info[Keys.PEPXML] + '.broken').readlines(): if 'spectrumNativeID' in line: line = re.sub('spectrumNativeID="[^"]*"', '', line) fout.write(line) fout.close() return info
def validate_run(self, log, info, exit_code, stdout): validation.check_stdout(log, stdout) validation.check_exitcode(log, exit_code) validation.check_file(log, info['SPLIB']) validation.check_file(log, info['TSV']) return info