def insert_data(): with open(r"resource/test.json", 'r') as load_f: load_dict = json.load(load_f) cursor = conn.cursor() for prov in load_dict: cursor.execute( 'insert into tb_province(provid,provname,state) values(%s,%s,\'1\')', [prov["code"], prov["name"]]) if len(prov["sub"]) > 0: for city in prov["sub"]: cursor.execute( 'insert into tb_city(cityid,cityname,provid,provname,state) values(%s,%s,%s,%s,\'1\')', [ city["code"], city["name"], prov["code"], prov["name"] ]) if 'sub' in city and len(city["sub"]) > 0: for country in city["sub"]: cursor.execute( 'insert into tb_county(countyid,countyname,cityid,cityname,state) values(%s,%s,%s,%s,\'1\')', [ country["code"], country["name"], city["code"], city["name"] ]) conn.commit() cursor.close() return 'success'
def test(): cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute('insert into test(name) values(%s)', ['niu']) conn.commit() print(cursor.rowcount) cursor.close() return 'success'
def petition(): cur = conn.cursor() if request.method == 'POST': first_name = request.form['first_name'] last_name = request.form['last_name'] email = request.form['email'] story = request.form.get('story') mp.people_set(email, { '$first_name' : first_name, '$last_name' : last_name, '$email' : email, 'story' : story }) mp.track(email, "Signed Petition"); cur.execute("INSERT INTO signature (first_name, last_name, email, story) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s);", (first_name, last_name, email, story)) cur.execute("SELECT first_name, last_name FROM signature;") results = cur.fetchall() signatures = [] for signature in results: signatures.append(signature[0] + ' ' + signature[1]) cur.close() conn.commit() return jsonify({"results": signatures})
def index(name=None): cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute("select id,title,code,`table` from tb_table") value = cursor.fetchall() print('-----------------') print(value) cursor.close() return render_template('index.html', data=value)
def delete(): id = request.args.get('id') print('................') print(id) cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute("delete from tb_table where id=%s", [id]) row = cursor.rowcount conn.commit() cursor.close() return str(row)
def delete_patient(): if session.get('username'): if session.get('usertype') == "rde": pform = GetPatientId() if pform.validate_on_submit(): ssn = cursor = conn.cursor(buffered=True) cursor.execute( """SELECT (`*`) FROM `patient` WHERE `ws_ssn` LIKE '{}'""". format(ssn)) if cursor.rowcount > 0: return redirect(url_for('fetch_To_delete', patientid=ssn)) else: flash("Patient Not Found") return redirect(url_for('delete_patient')) return render_template("delete_patient.html", pform=pform) return redirect("/login")
import sqlalchemy import psycopg2 from application import db, conn, bcrypt from models import Users, Paths, Checkpoints, Interactions from config import Config # Getting a cursor object from database connection # It will be used to execute PSQL queries cursor = conn.cursor() class Database(): # Checking for duplicate values in a table def check_duplicate(tablename, columnName, value): # Developing the query to get from the table query = "SELECT * FROM %s WHERE %s = '%s'" % (tablename, columnName, value) try: # Executing the query cursor.execute(query) # Finding out if it exists in the table exists = cursor.fetchone() is not None # Returning if the entry exists or not return exists except Exception as error: return "Error! %s" % error # Function to get id of a user