def callOpenRecentFile(self, path=None): # Check if the file/dir exist if os.path.isdir(path) or os.path.isfile(path): # Get the name of the file _, _image_name = os.path.split(path) # Get the recommandations image_recommendations = getImagesInfos(path) _do_crop = image_recommendations['do_crop'] and self.parent.config.crop_image _crop_size = self.parent.config.crop_size _do_sign_correction = image_recommendations['do_sign_correction'] and self.parent.config.correct_signed _open_range = None _wait_range = False # Open the progress bar window openWindow(self.parent, OpenImageProgressBarWindow, 'progress_bar', image_path=path, name=_image_name, crop=_do_crop, crop_size=_crop_size, correct_sign=_do_sign_correction, scheduler=self) # Add the path to the recent file list appendRecentFiles(path) # Raise an error if the file doesn't exist anymore else: errorMessage("No Selection","The selected file or folder doesn't exist.") # Remove the file from the list deleteRecentFiles(path)
def convertFolders(self): # Only process if the folder is not empty if is not None: # Get all the folders to save folders_to_save = [] for i, crt_checkbox in enumerate(self.all_checkboxes): if crt_checkbox.isChecked(): folders_to_save.append( os.path.join(, self.folders[i])) # Process the folders if len(folders_to_save) == 0: errorMessage( "Empty selection", "The current selection of folders to be converted is empty. Select at least one folder to proceed." ) else: # Get the status of the checkbox delete_folders = self.deleteFoldersCheckbox.isChecked() # Process all the folders openWindow(self.parent, ConvertFolderProgressBarWindow, 'progress_bar', folder_list=folders_to_save, delete_folders=delete_folders, scheduler=self)
def callOpenImageWindow(self): # Autoload the image with recommendations if self.parent.config.autoload_images: # Load a single image if self.parent.config.single_images: imageFile, _ = qtw.QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(self.parent, "Open Image(s)...", "","Image Files (*.tif;*.tiff;*.png;*.bmp;*.gif);;All Files (*)") else: imageFile = qtw.QFileDialog.getExistingDirectory(self.parent, "Open Image(s)...") if imageFile: # Get the name of the file _, _image_name = os.path.split(imageFile) # Get the recommandations image_recommendations = getImagesInfos(imageFile) _do_crop = image_recommendations['do_crop'] and self.parent.config.crop_image _crop_size = self.parent.config.crop_size _do_sign_correction = image_recommendations['do_sign_correction'] and self.parent.config.correct_signed _open_range = None _wait_range = False # Open the progress bar window openWindow(self.parent, OpenImageProgressBarWindow, 'progress_bar', image_path=imageFile, name=_image_name, crop=_do_crop, crop_size=_crop_size, correct_sign=_do_sign_correction, scheduler=self) # Add the path to the recent file list appendRecentFiles(imageFile) # Load the advanced config window else: openWindow(self.parent, openImageWindow, 'open_image')
def processStack(self): # Save the current settings in the class self.saveSettings() # Ask the user to save the new settings as well if needed if self.trajectory_session.modified: # Prompt if warningProceedMessage( 'Save Tracker', 'Do you want to save the batch settings of the tracker in the memory?' ): editTrackerConfig(self.trajectory_session) # Retrieve the displayed stack tab_id = self.parent.imageTabDisplay.currentIndex() self.image_class = self.parent.imageTabDisplay.displayedTabs[ tab_id].image_class # Open the progress bar window openWindow(self.parent, TrackpyProgressBarWindow, 'progress_bar', image_class=self.image_class, trackpy_session=self.detection_session, scheduler=self)
def callReadMetadataWindow(self): # Get the metadata metadataFile, _ = qtw.QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(self.parent, "Open Metadata file...", "","Metadata Files (*.xml)") # Open the window if a file has been selected if metadataFile: openWindow(self.parent, readMetadataWindow, 'read_metadata', file_path=metadataFile)
def callDarkToBright(self): # Check if a tab is open if len( self.parent.imageTabDisplay.displayedTabs ) > 0: openWindow(self.parent, darkToBrightCorrectionWindow, 'dark_to_bright') else: errorMessageNoImage()
def imageStackOpened(self): # Add in a new tab self.parent.imageTabDisplay.newTab(self.image_class) # Do background correction if required if self.backgroundCorrectionCheckBox.isChecked(): # Open the progress window openWindow(self.parent, ImageCorrectionProgressBarWindow, 'progress_bar') # Get the settings in memory do_median = self.parent.config.background_type == 'Median' do_division = self.parent.config.correction_type == 'Division' do_intensity_correction = self.parent.config.correct_intensity replace_tab = not self.parent.config.correct_newtab # Apply the background correction corrected_array = backgroundCorrection( self.image_class.image.source, median=do_median, divide=do_division) # Apply the intensity fluctuation correction - if required if do_intensity_correction: _intensity_correction_type = self.parent.config.intensity_correction_type.lower( ) corrected_array = intensityCorrection( corrected_array, correction=_intensity_correction_type) # Load the array in a file new_class = ImageCollection(corrected_array, + ' (Corrected)', space_scale=self.parent.space_scale, space_unit=self.parent.space_unit, frame_rate=self.parent.frame_rate) # Update the current tab if replace_tab: # Get the current tab tab_id = self.parent.imageTabDisplay.currentIndex() # Update the tab = self.parent.imageTabDisplay.replaceTab(tab_id, new_class) # Create a new tab else: self.parent.imageTabDisplay.newTab(new_class) # Close the progress window self.parent.subWindows['progress_bar'].close() self.parent.application.processEvents() # Close the current window self.close()
def makeNewTracker(self): # Make a blank tracker blank_session = loadTrackerConfig('Default') blank_session = deepcopy(blank_session) # Open the window openWindow(self.parent, TrackerSettingsWindow, 'tracker_settings', detection_session=blank_session)
def processImage(self): # Retrieve the user selection do_division = self.correctionTypeComboBox.currentText() == 'Division' do_median = self.backgroundTypeComboBox.currentText() == 'Median' do_intensity_correction = self.correctFluctuationsCheckBox.isChecked() do_crop = self.cropCheckBox.isChecked() crop_size = int(self.cropSizeEntry.text()) do_bit_correction = self.signCorrectionCheckBox.isChecked() replace_tab = self.replaceTabCheckBox.isChecked() # Crop the image - if required if do_crop: self.image_array = cropImage(self.image_array, (crop_size,crop_size)) # Correct signed bits image - if required if do_bit_correction: self.image_array = correctSignedBits(self.image_array) # Open the progress window openWindow(self.parent, ImageCorrectionProgressBarWindow, 'progress_bar') # Apply the background correction self.image_array = backgroundCorrection(self.image_array, median=do_median, divide=do_division) # Apply the intensity fluctuation correction - if required if do_intensity_correction: self.image_array = intensityCorrection(self.image_array) # Get the current tab tab_id = self.parent.imageTabDisplay.currentIndex() old_class = self.parent.imageTabDisplay.displayedTabs[tab_id].image_class # Load the array in a file new_class = ImageCollection(self.image_array,' (Corrected)', space_scale=old_class.scale.space_scale, space_unit=old_class.scale.space_unit, frame_rate=old_class.scale.frame_rate) # Update the current tab if replace_tab: = self.parent.imageTabDisplay.replaceTab(tab_id, new_class) # Create a new tab else: self.parent.imageTabDisplay.newTab(new_class) # Close the progress window self.parent.subWindows['progress_bar'].close() self.parent.application.processEvents() # Close the window self.close()
def callBrightnessCorrection(self): # Check if a tab is open if len( self.parent.imageTabDisplay.displayedTabs ) > 0: # Get the current tab tab_id = self.parent.imageTabDisplay.currentIndex() crt_class = self.parent.imageTabDisplay.displayedTabs[tab_id].image_class # Open the window openWindow(self.parent, contrastCorrectionWindow, 'contrast_correction', image_class=crt_class) else: errorMessageNoImage()
def callSaveSingleFrame(self): # Check if a tab is open if len( self.parent.imageTabDisplay.displayedTabs ) > 0: # Get the current tab tab_id = self.parent.imageTabDisplay.currentIndex() crt_class = self.parent.imageTabDisplay.displayedTabs[tab_id].image_class # Open the save window openWindow(self.parent, saveSingleImageWindow, 'save_single', image_class=crt_class) else: errorMessageNoImage()
def editTracker(self, tracker_id=0): # Get the name of the tracker tracker_name = self.tracker_list[tracker_id] # Load the selected tracker tracker_session = loadTrackerConfig(tracker_name) tracker_session = deepcopy(tracker_session) # Open the window openWindow(self.parent, TrackerSettingsWindow, 'tracker_settings', detection_session=tracker_session)
def processParticleDetection(self): # Update the selection self.updateDetectionSession() # Process the whole stack if self.image_class.n_frames > 1: openWindow(self.parent, stackDetectionSubWindow, 'particle_stack', detection_session=self.trajectory_session) # Process a single frame else: # Get the current frame crt_frame = self.image_class.image.source[self.image_class.frame] crt_positions = self.detection_session.locate(crt_frame) # Format the trajectory crt_trajectory = generateTrajectory(crt_positions) # Save the trajectory in the class tab_id = self.parent.imageTabDisplay.currentIndex() self.parent.imageTabDisplay.displayedTabs[ tab_id].image_class.trajectory = crt_trajectory # Close the window self.close() # Open the dock _open_dock = True if "tracking" in self.parent.docks.keys(): if self.parent.docks["tracking"] is not None: _open_dock = False if _open_dock: self.parent.docks["tracking"] = TrajectoryControlsPanel( "Trajectory Controller", self.parent) self.parent.addDockWidget(qtc.Qt.RightDockWidgetArea, self.parent.docks["tracking"]) # Set the size and attach the dock self.parent.docks["tracking"].setFloating(True) self.parent.docks["tracking"].detectLocationChange() self.parent.docks["tracking"].setFloating(False) # Refresh the display self.parent.imageTabDisplay.displayedTabs[tab_id].refreshPathList() self.parent.imageTabDisplay.displayedTabs[tab_id].displayImage()
def callCropCurrentImage(self): # Check if a tab is open if len( self.parent.imageTabDisplay.displayedTabs ) > 0: # Get the current tab tab_id = self.parent.imageTabDisplay.currentIndex() crt_class = self.parent.imageTabDisplay.displayedTabs[tab_id].image_class # Open the window openWindow(self.parent, imageCropWindow, 'crop_image', image_class=crt_class) else: errorMessageNoImage()
def getProperties(self): # Open the progress window openWindow(self.parent, ProcessSignalsProgressBarWindow, 'progress_bar') # Start the processing self.image_class.trajectory.signals = readSignals( self.image_class.image.source, self.image_class.trajectory) # Close the progress window self.parent.subWindows['progress_bar'].close() self.parent.application.processEvents() # Update the display self.populateTable()
def callSetScaleWindow(self): # Check if a tab is open if len(self.parent.imageTabDisplay.displayedTabs) > 0: # Get the current tab tab_id = self.parent.imageTabDisplay.currentIndex() crt_class = self.parent.imageTabDisplay.displayedTabs[ tab_id].image_class # Call the window openWindow(self.parent, SetScaleWindow, 'set_scale', image_class=crt_class) else: errorMessageNoImage()
def callParticleDetectionWindow(self): # Check if a tab is open if len(self.parent.imageTabDisplay.displayedTabs) > 0: # Get the current tab tab_id = self.parent.imageTabDisplay.currentIndex() crt_class = self.parent.imageTabDisplay.displayedTabs[ tab_id].image_class # Call the window openWindow(self.parent, particleDetectionWindow, 'particle_analysis', image_class=crt_class) else: errorMessageNoImage()
def callSeekMetadataWindow(self): # Get the metadata metadataFolder = qtw.QFileDialog.getExistingDirectory(self.parent, "Search in folder...") # Open the window if a folder has been selected if metadataFolder: # List all files data_files = [ x for x in Path(metadataFolder).rglob('*.xml') ] # Raise an error if no files could be found if len(data_files) == 0: pass # NOTE: Add error message here # Open the file else: openWindow(self.parent, seekMetadataPopup, 'seek_metadata_popup', files_list=data_files)
def correctFluctuations(self): # Get the settings correction_type = self.correctionSelectionBox.currentText().lower() # Check the fluctuations values do_correction = True if self.variations_value < 0.01: do_correction = warningProceedMessage( 'Low intensity fluctuations', 'The measured intensity fluctuations are below 0.01% of the mean intensity. Performing a correction might not improve the quality of the signal. Proceed anyway?' ) # Do the correction if accepted if do_correction: # Open the progress window openWindow(self.parent, ImageCorrectionProgressBarWindow, 'progress_bar') self.image_array = intensityCorrection(self.image_array, correction=correction_type) # Get the current tab tab_id = self.parent.imageTabDisplay.currentIndex() use_name = self.parent.imageTabDisplay.displayedTabs[ tab_id] # Load the array in a file new_class = ImageCollection(self.image_array, name=use_name, space_scale=self.parent.space_scale, space_unit=self.parent.space_unit, frame_rate=self.parent.frame_rate) # Refresh the tab self.parent.imageTabDisplay.replaceTab(tab_id, new_class) # Close the progress window self.parent.subWindows['progress_bar'].close() self.parent.application.processEvents() # Close the window self.close()
def callIntensityFluctuations(self): # Check if a tab is open if len( self.parent.imageTabDisplay.displayedTabs ) > 0: # Get the current tab tab_id = self.parent.imageTabDisplay.currentIndex() crt_class = self.parent.imageTabDisplay.displayedTabs[tab_id].image_class n_frames = crt_class.n_frames # Check if there is more than one image in the stack if n_frames > 1: openWindow(self.parent, fluctuationCorrectionWindow, 'fluctuations_correction', image_array=crt_class.image.source) else: errorMessageNoStack() else: errorMessageNoImage()
def callFrameAveraging(self): # Check if a tab is open if len( self.parent.imageTabDisplay.displayedTabs ) > 0: # Get the current tab tab_id = self.parent.imageTabDisplay.currentIndex() crt_class = self.parent.imageTabDisplay.displayedTabs[tab_id].image_class n_frames = crt_class.n_frames # Check if there is more than one image in the stack if n_frames > 1: openWindow(self.parent, frameAveragingWindow, 'frame_average', image_array=crt_class.image.source) else: errorMessageNoStack() else: errorMessageNoImage()
def readAndLoadFiles(self): # Replace the display self.changeToProgressBar() self.parent.application.processEvents() # Get the type of file to read file_type = self.dataTypeComboBox.currentText() file_type = self.type_dict[file_type] # Process all the files selected_files = {} for i, file_path in enumerate(self.all_files): # Read the file try: current_type, current_content = readMetadataFile(file_path) # Add to the list if current_type == file_type: selected_files[file_path] = current_content except: pass # Update the status of the progress bar self.updateProgressBar(i + 1) self.parent.application.processEvents() # Open the new window if len(list(selected_files.keys())) == 0: pass # NOTE: Add error message here else: openWindow(self.parent, seekMetadataWindow, 'seek_metadata', metadata_type=file_type, file_contents=selected_files) # Close the window self.close()
def callCenterCropWindow(self): # Check if a tab is open if len(self.parent.imageTabDisplay.displayedTabs) > 0: # Get the current tab tab_id = self.parent.imageTabDisplay.currentIndex() crt_class = self.parent.imageTabDisplay.displayedTabs[ tab_id].image_class # Check if there is a trajectory if crt_class.trajectory is not None: # Get the selection from the dock if self.parent.docks["tracking"] is not None: _path_id = self.parent.docks[ "tracking"].pathSelectionEntry.comboBox.currentText() else: _path_id = 'All' # Prompt the user if a specific path is not selected is_ok = True if _path_id == 'All': path_list = crt_class.trajectory.listTracks().astype(str) _path_id, is_ok = qtw.QInputDialog.getItem( self.parent, 'Path Selection', 'Path to Center on:', path_list, 0, False) if is_ok: openWindow(self.parent, cropCenterWindow, 'crop_center', image_class=crt_class, path_id=int(_path_id)) else: errorMessageNoTrajectory() else: errorMessageNoImage()
def getImageFromPath(self): # Get the name of the file _, image_name = os.path.split(self.image_path) # Get the correction to apply _do_crop = self.cropCheckBox.isChecked() _crop_size = int(self.cropSizeEntry.text()) _do_sign_correction = self.signCorrectionCheckBox.isChecked() _start, _end = self.frameRangeSelection.getRange() _open_range = _start - 1, _end # Check the crop size _proceed = True if _do_crop: if _crop_size > np.amin( [self.image_infos['size'][0], self.image_infos['size'][1]]): errorMessage( 'Cropping Error', 'The requested crop size is greater than the image size.') _proceed = False # Load the image if _proceed: self.image_class = None # Open the progress bar window openWindow(self.parent, OpenImageProgressBarWindow, 'progress_bar', image_path=self.image_path, name=image_name, open_range=_open_range, crop=_do_crop, crop_size=_crop_size, correct_sign=_do_sign_correction, scheduler=self) # Add the image to the list of recent items appendRecentFiles(self.image_path)
def callSignalAnalysisWindow(self): # Check if a tab is open if len(self.parent.imageTabDisplay.displayedTabs) > 0: # Get the current tab tab_id = self.parent.imageTabDisplay.currentIndex() crt_class = self.parent.imageTabDisplay.displayedTabs[ tab_id].image_class # Check if there is a trajectory if crt_class.trajectory is not None: openWindow(self.parent, analyseSignalWindow, 'measure_signals', image_class=crt_class) else: errorMessageNoTrajectory() else: errorMessageNoImage()
def processAveraging(self): # Get the averaging parameters avg_type = self.averagingTypeComboBox.currentText() n_frames = int(self.numberFrameEntry.text()) include_partial = self.partialDataCheckBox.isChecked() # Convert the average type type_conversion = { "Standard Average": 'block', "Running Average": 'running', } avg_type = type_conversion[avg_type] # Open the progress bar window openWindow(self.parent, AverageImageProgressBarWindow, 'progress_bar', image_class=self.image_array, window=n_frames, average_type=avg_type, include_partial=include_partial, scheduler=self)
def callSaveStack(self): # Check if a tab is open if len(self.parent.imageTabDisplay.displayedTabs) > 0: # Get the current tab tab_id = self.parent.imageTabDisplay.currentIndex() crt_class = self.parent.imageTabDisplay.displayedTabs[ tab_id].image_class n_frames = crt_class.n_frames # Check if there is more than one image in the stack if n_frames > 1: openWindow(self.parent, saveImageStackWindow, 'save_frame', image_class=crt_class) else: errorMessageNoStack() else: errorMessageNoImage()
def callConvertFolderWindow(self): openWindow(self.parent, convertStackWindow, 'convert_stacks')
def callTrackerManagerWindow(self): openWindow(self.parent, TrackerManagerWindow, 'tracker_manager')
def processAveraging(self): # Get the information path_id = int( self.pathSelectionBox.currentText() ) average_type = self.averagingTypeComboBox.currentText() min_avg, max_avg = self.frameRangeSelection.getRange() # Get the position to process crt_position = self.image_class.trajectory.positions crt_position = crt_position[crt_position['particle'] == path_id] _all_frames = crt_position['frame'].unique() object_position = crt_position[crt_position['frame'] == np.amin(_all_frames)] object_position = object_position[['y','x']].to_numpy() object_position = object_position[0] # Get the type of average type_conversion = { "Standard Average":'block', "Running Average":'running', } average_type = type_conversion[average_type] # Initialise the variables all_n_avg = [] all_contrast = [] all_noise = [] all_snr = [] # Open the progress window openWindow(self.parent, AnalyseAveragingProgressBarWindow, 'progress_bar') # Do the loop n_avg = (max_avg-min_avg)+1 for i, n_frames in enumerate( range(min_avg, max_avg+1) ): # Update the progress bar self.parent.subWindows['progress_bar'].updateProgress(i+1, n_avg) self.parent.application.processEvents() print( str(i+1)+'/'+str(n_avg) ) # Do the current averaging crt_average = averageStack(self.image_class.image.source, n_frames, average_type=average_type, include_partial=False, quiet=True) crt_frame = crt_average[0:2] # Measure the signal crt_profile = readSingle(crt_frame, object_position) # Save the values all_n_avg.append( n_frames ) all_contrast.append( crt_profile['contrast'][0] ) all_noise.append( crt_profile['noise'][0] ) all_snr.append( crt_profile['snr'][0] ) # Close the progress window self.parent.subWindows['progress_bar'].close() self.parent.application.processEvents() # Save in the memory self.averaging_result = { 'averaged frames':all_n_avg, 'contrast':all_contrast, 'noise':all_noise, 'snr':all_snr, } # Display the results self.plotFluctuations() # Update the display self.saveButton.setEnabled( True )