def userLogin(): # Set options so that Chrome starts fullscreen logger.set_logger(StdoutLogger()) options = webdriver.ChromeOptions() options.add_argument("--start-maximized") eyes = Eyes() eyes.api_key = "VOfLF4XBAbbMmsOLf0BxDx4APw7gCynQz7NjZwRG1076g110" eyes.force_full_page_screenshot = True # Get a selenium web driver object. # driver = webdriver.Chrome(chrome_options=options) driver = webdriver.Firefox() # driver = webdriver.Chrome() # Make sure to use the returned driver from this point on. # Use the following line for a specific viewport_size (WSVGA 16:9) driver=driver, app_name="Home Reach", test_name="Login to Dash", viewport_size={"width": 1136, "height": 640} ) # No viewport size set - using fullscreen # driver =, app_name='Home Reach', test_name='Login to Dash') # Work-around for eyes SDK issue #, app_name='Home Reach', test_name='Login to Dash') try: driver.get("") # Visual validation point #1 eyes.check_window("Login Page") driver.find_element_by_id("username").clear() driver.find_element_by_id("username").send_keys("rayres-prodlive1") driver.find_element_by_id("username").send_keys(u"\ue004") driver.find_element_by_id("userpassword").clear() driver.find_element_by_id("userpassword").send_keys("planet07") driver.find_element_by_id("cmdLogin").click() for i in range(10): try: if driver.find_element_by_id("flashImg1"): # Visual validation point #2 # eyes.check_window('Dashboard') driver.find_element_by_link_text("Logout").click() print "Logging out" break except Exception as e: print "Wait.." time.sleep(1) else: return "Element not found" # End visual testing. Validate visual correctness. eyes.close() except Exception as e: print e finally: driver.quit() eyes.abort_if_not_closed()
def open_eyes_session(self, appname, testname, apikey, applitoolsurl='', library='Selenium2Library', width=None, height=None, osname=None, browsername=None, matchlevel=None, includeEyesLog=False, httpDebugLog=False, fullPageScreenshot=False, baselineName=None, batchName=None, branchname=None, parentbranch=None): """ Starts a session with the Applitools Eyes Website. Arguments: | Application Name (string) | The name of the application under test. | | Test Name (string) | The test name. | | API Key (string) | User's Applitools Eyes key. | library (optional) | Standard:Selenium2Library. If you use another one, assign the right library. | applitoolsurl (optional) | If you run in a cloud version, assign the right applitoolsurl. | (Optional) Width (int) | The width of the browser window e.g. 1280 | | (Optional) Height (int) | The height of the browser window e.g. 1000 | | (Optional) Operating System (string) | The operating system of the test, can be used to override the OS name to allow cross OS verfication | | (Optional) Browser Name (string) | The browser name for the test, can be used to override the browser name to allow cross browser verfication | | (Optional) Match Level (string) | The match level for the comparison - can be STRICT, LAYOUT or CONTENT | | Force Full Page Screenshot (default=False) | Will force the browser to take a screenshot of whole page. | | Include Eyes Log (default=False) | The Eyes logs will not be included by default. To activate, pass 'True' in the variable. | | HTTP Debug Log (default=False) | The HTTP Debug logs will not be included by default. To activate, pass 'True' in the variable. | | baselineName (default=None) | New tests will be automatically saved as baseline. | batchName (default=None) | Tests with the same batchname will be unified as one group in the Test Manager screen. | Branch Name (default=False) | The branch to use to check test | | Parent Branch (default=False) | Parent Branch to base the new Branch on | Force full page screenshot (default=false) | The whole page will be in the screen shot Creates an instance of the library webdriver. Defines a global driver and sets the library webdriver to the global driver. Checks if there has been a width or height value passed in. If there no are values passed in, eyes calls the method open without the width and height values. Otherwise eyes calls open with the width and height values defined. The Height resolution should not be greater than 1000, this is currently Applitools maximum setting. Starts a session with the Applitools Eyes Website. See Example: | *Keywords* | *Parameters* | | | | | | | | | | | | | Open Browser | yourTestingUrl | gc | | | | | | | | | | | | Open Eyes Session | yourAppName | yourTestName | YourApplitoolsKey| cloudapplitoolsurl | library | 1024 | 768 | OSOverrideName | BrowserOverrideName | matchlevel=LAYOUT | includeEyesLog=True | httpDebugLog=True | | Check Eyes Window | NaviNet Home | | | | | | | | | | | | | Close Eyes Session | False | | | | | | | | | | | | """ global driver global eyes eyes = Eyes(applitoolsurl) eyes.api_key = apikey eyes.force_full_page_screenshot = fullPageScreenshot in [ True, 'True', 'true', '1', 1 ] s2l = BuiltIn().get_library_instance(library) webdriver = s2l._current_browser() driver = webdriver if includeEyesLog is True: logger.set_logger(StdoutLogger()) logger.open_() if httpDebugLog is True: httplib.HTTPConnection.debuglevel = 1 if osname is not None: eyes.host_os = osname # (str) if browsername is not None: eyes.host_app = browsername # (str) if baselineName is not None: eyes.baseline_name = baselineName # (str) if batchName is not None: batch = BatchInfo(batchName) eyes.batch = batch if matchlevel is not None: eyes.match_level = matchlevel if parentbranch is not None: eyes.parent_branch_name = parentbranch # (str) if branchname is not None: eyes.branch_name = branchname # (str) if width is None and height is None:, appname, testname) else: intwidth = int(width) intheight = int(height), appname, testname, { 'width': intwidth, 'height': intheight })
from applitools.logger import StdoutLogger from applitools.eyes import Eyes from applitools.common import StitchMode import os #os.environ['HTTPS_PROXY'] = "http://localhost:8888" driver = webdriver.Chrome() eyes = Eyes() eyes.api_key = os.environ['APPLITOOLS_API_KEY'] logger.set_logger(StdoutLogger()) # Force Eyes to grab a full page screenshot. eyes.force_full_page_screenshot = True eyes.stitch_mode = StitchMode.CSS try: driver =, "Python app", "applitools", { 'width': 800, 'height': 600 }) driver.get('') eyes.check_window("Home") automated_paragraph = driver.find_element_by_class_name("automated") eyes.check_region_by_element(automated_paragraph, "Automated Testing Paragraph") eyes.close()
def open_eyes_session(self, appname, testname, apikey, width=None, height=None, osname=None, browsername=None, matchlevel=None, includeEyesLog=False, httpDebugLog=False, baselineName=None, batchName=None, ApplitoolsJenkinsPlugin=False, branchname=None, parentbranch=None, hideScrollBar=False, fullPageScreenshot=False, matchTimeout=None, cssStitch=None): """ Starts a session with the Applitools Eyes Website. Arguments: | Application Name (string) | The name of the application under test. | | Test Name (string) | The test name. | | API Key (string) | User's Applitools Eyes key. | | (Optional) Width (int) | The width of the browser window e.g. 1280 | | (Optional) Height (int) | The height of the browser window e.g. 1000 | | (Optional) Operating System (string) | The operating system of the test, can be used to override the OS name to allow cross OS verfication | | (Optional) Browser Name (string) | The browser name for the test, can be used to override the browser name to allow cross browser verfication | | (Optional) Match Level (string) | The match level for the comparison - can be STRICT, LAYOUT or CONTENT | | Include Eyes Log (default=False) | The Eyes logs will not be included by default. To activate, pass 'True' in the variable. | | HTTP Debug Log (default=False) | The HTTP Debug logs will not be included by default. To activate, pass 'True' in the variable. | | (Optional) Branch Name (default=None) | The branch to use to check test | For further information - | (Optional)Parent Branch (default=None) | Parent Branch to base the new Branch on | For further information - | (Optional) fullPageScrennshot (default=False) | Will force the browser to take a screenshot of whole page. | | (Optional) matchTimeout | The amount of time that Eyes will wait for an image to stabilize to a point that it is similar to the baseline image | For further information - | (Optional) ApplitoolsJenkinsPlugin (Boolean) | Integration with Applitools Jenkins Plugin | For further information - | (Optional) cssStitch (string) | Scrolling option either Scroll or CSS | For further information - Creates an instance of the Selenium2Library webdriver. Defines a global driver and sets the Selenium2Library webdriver to the global driver. Checks if there has been a width or height value passed in. If there no are values passed in, eyes calls the method open without the width and height values. Otherwise eyes calls open with the width and height values defined. The Height resolution should not be greater than 1000, this is currently Applitools maximum setting. Starts a session with the Applitools Eyes Website. See Example: | *Keywords* | *Parameters* | | Open Browser | | gc | | | | | | | | | | | Open Eyes Session | RobotAppEyes_Test | NaviNet_RobotAppEyes_Test | YourApplitoolsKey | 1024 | 768 | OSOverrideName | BrowserOverrideName | matchlevel=LAYOUT | includeEyesLog=True | httpDebugLog=True | | Check Eyes Window | NaviNet Home | | | | | | | | | | | | Close Eyes Session | False | | | | | | | | | | | """ global driver global eyes eyes = Eyes() eyes.api_key = apikey self._eyes_set_batch(batchName,ApplitoolsJenkinsPlugin) eyes.force_full_page_screenshot = fullPageScreenshot eyes.hide_scrollbars = hideScrollBar if baselineName is not None: eyes.baseline_name = baselineName # (str) s2l = BuiltIn().get_library_instance('Selenium2Library') webdriver = s2l._current_browser() driver = webdriver if includeEyesLog is True: logger.set_logger(StdoutLogger()) logger.open_() if httpDebugLog is True: httplib.HTTPConnection.debuglevel = 1 if osname is not None: eyes.host_os = osname # (str) if browsername is not None: eyes.host_app = browsername # (str) if matchTimeout is not None: eyes._match_timeout= int(matchTimeout) if baselineName is not None: eyes.baseline_name = baselineName # (str) if matchlevel is not None: eyes.match_level = matchlevel if parentbranch is not None: eyes.parent_branch_name = parentbranch # (str) if branchname is not None: eyes.branch_name = branchname # (str) if cssStitch is not None: if cssStitch == 'CSS': eyes.stitch_mode = StitchMode.CSS elif cssStitch == 'Scroll': eyes.stitch_mode = StitchMode.Scroll if width is None and height is None:, appname, testname) else: intwidth = int(width) intheight = int(height), appname, testname, {'width': intwidth, 'height': intheight})
def main(): customer="winterfest" url_file_name="book_url_to_be_checked.xlsx" protocol ="https://" # Initialize the eyes SDK and set your private API key. eyes = Eyes() eyes.api_key = <<<<<API key here>>>>>> mybatch = BatchInfo(customer) # Testing whole web page eyes.force_full_page_screenshot = True eyes.hide_scrollbars = True eyes.use_css_transition = True eyes.batch = mybatch print('Opening workbook...') wb = openpyxl.load_workbook(url_file_name) sheet = wb[customer] domain_live = sheet['A' + str(2)].value.split('//', 1)[1].split('/', 1)[0] domain_staging = sheet['B' + str(2)].value.split('//', 1)[1].split('/', 1)[0] username_staging = sheet['C' + str(2)].value password_staging = sheet['D' + str(2)].value print("Base data for the client:", customer, "\nLiveURL: ", domain_live, "\nStagingURL: "+ domain_staging, "\nStaging_username: "******"info" with two elements add into the list "url_list": if (sheet['F' + str(row)].value==None) or (sheet['E' + str(row)].value==None): print("Skiped empty row: ", row) else: info = {} info['menu_title'] = sheet['E' + str(row)].value #removing the domain from url info['menu_path'] = ''.join(sheet['F' + str(row)].value.split('//', 1)[1].split('/', 1)[1:]) url_list.append(info) driver = webdriver.Chrome() for item in url_list: #domain_live print("Test Live: ", item['menu_title'], protocol+domain_live+"/"+item['menu_path']) driver.get(protocol+domain_live+"/"+item['menu_path']), app_name=customer, test_name=item['menu_title'], viewport_size={'width': 800, 'height': 600}) try: eyes.check_window(item['menu_title']) finally: eyes.close() print("Test Staging: ", item['menu_title'], protocol + domain_staging + "/"+item['menu_path']) driver.get(protocol + domain_staging + "/" + item['menu_path']), app_name=customer, test_name=item['menu_title'], viewport_size={'width': 800, 'height': 600}) try: eyes.check_window(item['menu_title']) finally: eyes.close()
from selenium import webdriver from selenium.webdriver.common.desired_capabilities import DesiredCapabilities from applitools import logger from applitools.logger import StdoutLogger, FileLogger from applitools.eyes import Eyes import os # os.environ['HTTPS_PROXY'] = "http://localhost:8888" driver = webdriver.Chrome() logger.set_logger(StdoutLogger()) eyes = Eyes("") eyes.api_key = os.environ['APPLITOOLS_API_KEY'] eyes.force_full_page_screenshot = True eyes.save_new_tests = False try: ## First test driver =, "Python app", "Python binary", {'width': 800, 'height': 600}) driver.get('') eyes.check_window("initial") pricing_element = driver.find_element_by_css_selector("li.pricing a") eyes.check_region_by_element(pricing_element, "pricing button") driver.find_element_by_css_selector(" a").click() eyes.check_window("contact us page") ## Second test