def bb_to_json(request): """ Get the User's Crosswalk record Get the mmg_bbdata textfield Convert to json Update mmg_bbjson :param request: :return: """ result = {} result['result'] = "FAIL" u = User.objects.get( xwalk = Crosswalk.objects.get(user=u) if xwalk.mmg_bbdata: # We have something to process bb_dict = cms_text_read(xwalk.mmg_bbdata) print("bb_dict:", bb_dict) json_stuff = parse_lines(bb_dict) print("json:", json_stuff) print("Json Length:", len(json_stuff)) xwalk.mmg_bbjson = json_stuff # result['mmg_bbjson'] = json_stuff result['description'] = "BlueButton converted to json and saved", result['description']) result['result'] = "OK" else: messages.error(request,"Nothing to process ["+xwalk.mmg_bbdata[:80]+"]") return result
def write_eob(request, patient_id, bbj_in): """ :param request: :param patient_id: :param bbj_in: :return: """ if settings.DEBUG: print("Patient_Id =", patient_id) print("JSON File =", bbj_in) demodict = cms_file_read(settings.MEDIA_ROOT+bbj_in) json_stuff = parse_lines(demodict) if settings.DEBUG: print("Converted BlueButton File:\n", json_stuff, "\n===================================") #jfn = open(settings.MEDIA_ROOT+bbj_in, 'r') #json_stuff = json.load(jfn) # print("stuff:", json_stuff) #jfn.close() # Check the Crosswalk for a FHIR Id for this user # If no Crosswalk entry let's check to see if we have a match on # name, dob and addressLine1 # Now we need to see if there is a patient record patient_count = match_patient(request, json_stuff) if settings.DEBUG: print("Patient Count: ", patient_count, "\n Request.user:"******"Unable to match a patient record. We" "have multiple patient records matching." " We found ", patient_count, " records.") return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse("eob_upload:home")) elif patient_count == 0: # We need to create a patient resource record # If there is no fhir_url_id in the crosswalk for request.user try: x_walk = Crosswalk.objects.get(user=request.user) guid = x_walk.guid patient_id = x_walk.get_fhir_url_id() except Crosswalk.DoesNotExist: # No Crosswalk so create a patient result = create_patient(request, bb_dict=json_stuff) # create_patient should have created a crosswalk entry x_walk = Crosswalk.objects.get(user=request.user) guid = x_walk.guid patient_id = x_walk.get_fhir_url_id() else: # patient_count == 1: # x_walk = Crosswalk.objects.get(user=request.user) guid = x_walk.guid patient_id = x_walk.get_fhir_url_id() if settings.DEBUG: print("=====================", "\nWorking with Patient Id:", patient_id, "\nGUID:", guid, "\n===========") claims = json_stuff['claims'] for claim in claims: # Deal with the Claim Header extension = [] extension.append(extn_item("Patient", patient_id, "valueString")) extension.append(extn_item("identifier", guid, "valueString")) for key, value in claim.items(): # if settings.DEBUG: # print("Key:", key) # print("Value:", value) if key == "claimNumber": add_it = extn_item(key, value, "valueString",) claim_number = value extension.append(add_it) elif key == "claimType": add_it = extn_item(key, value, "valueString") extension.append(add_it) elif key == "provider": add_it = extn_item(key, value, "valueString") extension.append(add_it) elif key == "providerBillingAddress": add_it = extn_item(key, value, "valueString") extension.append(add_it) elif key == "date": period = {} if value['serviceStartDate']: period['start'] = value['serviceStartDate'] if value['serviceEndDate']: period['end'] = value['serviceEndDate'] add_it = extn_item(key, period, "valuePeriod") extension.append(add_it) # Set created to the Service End Date. # This should be easier to track duplicate # EOB entries created = value['serviceEndDate'] elif key == "diagnosisCode1": add_it = extn_item(key, value, "valueString") extension.append(add_it) elif key == "diagnosisCode2": add_it = extn_item(key, value, "valueString") extension.append(add_it) elif key == "source": add_it = extn_item(key, value, "valueString") extension.append(add_it) elif key == "charges": for ckey, charge in value.items(): add_it = extn_item(ckey,charge, "valueString") extension.append(add_it) elif key == "details": # Deal with the Claim Lines add_it = claim_detail(details=value) add_it = extn_item(key,add_it,"valueString") extension.append(add_it) eob_extn = [{"url" : "", "extension": extension}] #if settings.DEBUG: # print("==================================", # "extension:", eob_extn, # "\n==================================") # Now we need to write an EOB Resource to the server. eob = OrderedDict() eob['resourceType'] = "ExplanationOfBenefit" id_source = {} id_list = [] id_source['system'] = "" id_source['use'] = "official" id_source['value'] = claim_number id_list.append(unique_id(id_source)) id_source['system'] = "" id_source['use'] = "official" id_source['value'] = "Patient/"+str(patient_id) id_list.append(unique_id(id_source)) eob['identifier'] = id_list eob['outcome'] = "complete" eob['extension'] = eob_extn #if settings.DEBUG: # print("EOB:", eob) txn = {'resourceType': "ExplanationOfBenefit", 'server': settings.FHIR_SERVER, 'locn': "/baseDstu2/ExplanationOfBenefit"} target_url = txn['server'] + txn['locn'] # Can we write the EOB now.... headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json+fhir; charset=UTF-8', 'Accept': 'text/plain'} try: r = + "?_format=json", data=json.dumps(eob), headers=headers ) if r.status_code == 201: commit_data = r.headers['content-location'] if settings.DEBUG: print("Write returned:", r.status_code, "|", commit_data) elif r.status_code == 400: if settings.DEBUG: print(r.status_code," Problem with input") print(rec_counter,":","Mode:", claim_number,"[", r.status_code, "] NPI:", row_under['NPI'], r.__dict__) except requests.ConnectionError: messages.error(request,"Problem posting:" + claim_number) if settings.DEBUG: print("Result from post", r.status_code, "|", r.content, "|", r.text, "|", "Headers", r.headers) form = {} return render_to_response('eob_upload/eob.html', {'documents': claims, 'patient_id': patient_id, 'eob': json.dumps(eob, indent=4, ), 'form': form}, context_instance=RequestContext(request) )