def input_script_multisig( multisig: MultisigRedeemScriptType, signature: bytes, signature_index: int, hash_type: int, coin: CoinInfo, ) -> bytearray: signatures = multisig.signatures # other signatures if len(signatures[signature_index]) > 0: raise wire.DataError("Invalid multisig parameters") signatures[signature_index] = signature # our signature # length of the redeem script pubkeys = multisig_get_pubkeys(multisig) redeem_script_length = scripts.output_script_multisig_length( pubkeys, multisig.m) # length of the result total_length = 0 for s in signatures: total_length += 1 + len(s) + 1 # length, signature, hash_type total_length += 1 + redeem_script_length # length, script w = empty_bytearray(total_length) for s in signatures: if len(s): scripts.append_signature(w, s, hash_type) # redeem script write_op_push(w, redeem_script_length) scripts.write_output_script_multisig(w, pubkeys, multisig.m) return w
def generate_proof( node: bip32.HDNode, script_type: EnumTypeInputScriptType, multisig: Optional[MultisigRedeemScriptType], coin: CoinInfo, user_confirmed: bool, ownership_ids: List[bytes], script_pubkey: bytes, commitment_data: bytes, ) -> Tuple[bytes, bytes]: flags = 0 if user_confirmed: flags |= _FLAG_USER_CONFIRMED proof = empty_bytearray(4 + 1 + 1 + len(ownership_ids) * _OWNERSHIP_ID_LEN) write_bytes_fixed(proof, _VERSION_MAGIC, 4) write_uint8(proof, flags) write_bitcoin_varint(proof, len(ownership_ids)) for ownership_id in ownership_ids: write_bytes_fixed(proof, ownership_id, _OWNERSHIP_ID_LEN) sighash = hashlib.sha256(proof) sighash.update(script_pubkey) sighash.update(commitment_data) signature = common.ecdsa_sign(node, sighash.digest()) public_key = node.public_key() write_bip322_signature_proof(proof, script_type, multisig, coin, public_key, signature) return proof, signature
def input_script_p2pkh_or_p2sh( pubkey: bytes, signature: bytes, sighash: int ) -> bytearray: w = empty_bytearray(5 + len(signature) + 1 + 5 + len(pubkey)) append_signature(w, signature, sighash) append_pubkey(w, pubkey) return w
def witness_p2wpkh(signature: bytes, pubkey: bytes, sighash: int) -> bytearray: w = empty_bytearray(1 + 5 + len(signature) + 1 + 5 + len(pubkey)) write_bitcoin_varint(w, 0x02) # num of segwit items, in P2WPKH it's always 2 append_signature(w, signature, sighash) append_pubkey(w, pubkey) return w
def witness_p2wpkh(signature: bytes, pubkey: bytes, hash_type: int) -> bytearray: w = empty_bytearray(1 + 5 + len(signature) + 1 + 5 + len(pubkey)) write_bitcoin_varint(w, 0x02) # num of segwit items, in P2WPKH it's always 2 write_signature_prefixed(w, signature, hash_type) write_bytes_prefixed(w, pubkey) return w
def input_script_p2wpkh_in_p2sh(pubkeyhash: bytes) -> bytearray: # 16 00 14 <pubkeyhash> # Signature is moved to the witness. w = empty_bytearray(3 + len(pubkeyhash)) w.append(0x16) # length of the data w.append(0x00) # witness version byte w.append(0x14) # P2WPKH witness program (pub key hash length) write_bytes(w, pubkeyhash) # pub key hash return w
def output_script_native_p2wpkh_or_p2wsh(witprog: bytes) -> bytearray: # Either: # 00 14 <20-byte-key-hash> # 00 20 <32-byte-script-hash> w = empty_bytearray(3 + len(witprog)) w.append(0x00) # witness version byte w.append(len(witprog)) # pub key hash length is 20 (P2WPKH) or 32 (P2WSH) bytes write_bytes(w, witprog) # pub key hash return w
def output_script_native_p2wpkh_or_p2wsh(witprog: bytes) -> bytearray: # Either: # 00 14 <20-byte-key-hash> # 00 20 <32-byte-script-hash> length = len(witprog) utils.ensure(length == 20 or length == 32) w = empty_bytearray(3 + length) w.append(0x00) # witness version byte w.append(length) # pub key hash length is 20 (P2WPKH) or 32 (P2WSH) bytes write_bytes_fixed(w, witprog, length) # pub key hash return w
def input_script_p2wsh_in_p2sh(script_hash: bytes) -> bytearray: # 22 00 20 <redeem script hash> # Signature is moved to the witness. if len(script_hash) != 32: raise ScriptsError("Redeem script hash should be 32 bytes long") w = empty_bytearray(3 + len(script_hash)) w.append(0x22) # length of the data w.append(0x00) # witness version byte w.append(0x20) # P2WSH witness program (redeem script hash length) write_bytes(w, script_hash) return w
def output_script_sstxchange(addr: str) -> bytearray: try: raw_address = base58.decode_check(addr, blake256d_32) except ValueError: raise wire.DataError("Invalid address") w = empty_bytearray(26) w.append(0xBD) # OP_SSTXCHANGE w.append(0x76) # OP_DUP w.append(0xA9) # OP_HASH160 w.append(0x14) # OP_DATA_20 write_bytes_fixed(w, raw_address[2:], 20) w.append(0x88) # OP_EQUALVERIFY w.append(0xAC) # OP_CHECKSIG return w
def output_script_multisig(pubkeys, m: int, w: bytearray = None) -> bytearray: n = len(pubkeys) if n < 1 or n > 15 or m < 1 or m > 15: raise ScriptsError("Invalid multisig parameters") for pubkey in pubkeys: if len(pubkey) != 33: raise ScriptsError("Invalid multisig parameters") if w is None: w = empty_bytearray(output_script_multisig_length(pubkeys, m)) w.append(0x50 + m) # numbers 1 to 16 are pushed as 0x50 + value for p in pubkeys: append_pubkey(w, p) w.append(0x50 + n) w.append(0xAE) # OP_CHECKMULTISIG return w
def witness_multisig( multisig: MultisigRedeemScriptType, signature: bytes, signature_index: int, hash_type: int, ) -> bytearray: # get other signatures, stretch with empty bytes to the number of the pubkeys signatures = multisig.signatures + [b""] * ( multisig_get_pubkey_count(multisig) - len(multisig.signatures)) # fill in our signature if signatures[signature_index]: raise wire.DataError("Invalid multisig parameters") signatures[signature_index] = signature # filter empty signatures = [s for s in signatures if s] # witness program + signatures + redeem script num_of_witness_items = 1 + len(signatures) + 1 # length of the redeem script pubkeys = multisig_get_pubkeys(multisig) redeem_script_length = output_script_multisig_length(pubkeys, multisig.m) # length of the result total_length = 1 + 1 # number of items, OP_FALSE for s in signatures: total_length += 1 + len(s) + 1 # length, signature, hash_type total_length += 1 + redeem_script_length # length, script w = empty_bytearray(total_length) write_bitcoin_varint(w, num_of_witness_items) # Starts with OP_FALSE because of an old OP_CHECKMULTISIG bug, which # consumes one additional item on the stack: # write_bitcoin_varint(w, 0) for s in signatures: write_signature_prefixed(w, s, hash_type) # size of the witness included # redeem script write_bitcoin_varint(w, redeem_script_length) write_output_script_multisig(w, pubkeys, multisig.m) return w
def witness_p2wsh( multisig: MultisigRedeemScriptType, signature: bytes, signature_index: int, sighash: int, ): # get other signatures, stretch with None to the number of the pubkeys signatures = multisig.signatures + [None] * ( multisig_get_pubkey_count(multisig) - len(multisig.signatures) ) # fill in our signature if signatures[signature_index]: raise ScriptsError("Invalid multisig parameters") signatures[signature_index] = signature # filter empty signatures = [s for s in signatures if s] # witness program + signatures + redeem script num_of_witness_items = 1 + len(signatures) + 1 # length of the redeem script pubkeys = multisig_get_pubkeys(multisig) redeem_script_length = output_script_multisig_length(pubkeys, multisig.m) # length of the result total_length = 1 + 1 # number of items, version for s in signatures: total_length += 1 + len(s) + 1 # length, signature, sighash total_length += 1 + redeem_script_length # length, script w = empty_bytearray(total_length) write_varint(w, num_of_witness_items) write_varint(w, 0) # version 0 witness program for s in signatures: append_signature(w, s, sighash) # size of the witness included # redeem script write_varint(w, redeem_script_length) output_script_multisig(pubkeys, multisig.m, w) return w
def input_script_multisig( multisig: MultisigRedeemScriptType, signature: bytes, signature_index: int, sighash: int, coin: CoinInfo, ) -> bytearray: signatures = multisig.signatures # other signatures if len(signatures[signature_index]) > 0: raise ScriptsError("Invalid multisig parameters") signatures[signature_index] = signature # our signature # length of the redeem script pubkeys = multisig_get_pubkeys(multisig) redeem_script_length = output_script_multisig_length(pubkeys, multisig.m) # length of the result total_length = 0 if utils.BITCOIN_ONLY or not coin.decred: total_length += 1 # OP_FALSE for s in signatures: total_length += 1 + len(s) + 1 # length, signature, sighash total_length += 1 + redeem_script_length # length, script w = empty_bytearray(total_length) if utils.BITCOIN_ONLY or not coin.decred: # Starts with OP_FALSE because of an old OP_CHECKMULTISIG bug, which # consumes one additional item on the stack: # w.append(0x00) for s in signatures: if len(s): append_signature(w, s, sighash) # redeem script write_op_push(w, redeem_script_length) write_output_script_multisig(w, pubkeys, multisig.m) return w
async def check_tx_fee(tx: SignTx, root: bip32.HDNode): coin = coins.by_name(tx.coin_name) # h_first is used to make sure the inputs and outputs streamed in Phase 1 # are the same as in Phase 2. it is thus not required to fully hash the # tx, as the SignTx info is streamed only once h_first = HashWriter(sha256()) # not a real tx hash if coin.decred: hash143 = DecredPrefixHasher(tx) # pseudo bip143 prefix hashing tx_ser = TxRequestSerializedType() elif tx.overwintered: if tx.version == 3: hash143 = Zip143() # ZIP-0143 transaction hashing elif tx.version == 4: hash143 = Zip243() # ZIP-0243 transaction hashing else: raise SigningError( FailureType.DataError, "Unsupported version for overwintered transaction", ) else: hash143 = Bip143() # BIP-0143 transaction hashing multifp = MultisigFingerprint() # control checksum of multisig inputs weight = TxWeightCalculator(tx.inputs_count, tx.outputs_count) total_in = 0 # sum of input amounts segwit_in = 0 # sum of segwit input amounts total_out = 0 # sum of output amounts change_out = 0 # change output amount wallet_path = [] # common prefix of input paths segwit = {} # dict of booleans stating if input is segwit # output structures txo_bin = TxOutputBinType() tx_req = TxRequest() tx_req.details = TxRequestDetailsType() for i in range(tx.inputs_count): progress.advance() # STAGE_REQUEST_1_INPUT txi = await request_tx_input(tx_req, i) wallet_path = input_extract_wallet_path(txi, wallet_path) write_tx_input_check(h_first, txi) weight.add_input(txi) hash143.add_prevouts( txi) # all inputs are included (non-segwit as well) hash143.add_sequence(txi) if not address_n_matches_coin(txi.address_n, coin): await confirm_foreign_address(txi.address_n, coin) if txi.multisig: multifp.add(txi.multisig) if txi.script_type in ( InputScriptType.SPENDWITNESS, InputScriptType.SPENDP2SHWITNESS, ): if not coin.segwit: raise SigningError(FailureType.DataError, "Segwit not enabled on this coin") if not txi.amount: raise SigningError(FailureType.DataError, "Segwit input without amount") segwit[i] = True segwit_in += txi.amount total_in += txi.amount elif txi.script_type in ( InputScriptType.SPENDADDRESS, InputScriptType.SPENDMULTISIG, ): if coin.force_bip143 or tx.overwintered: if not txi.amount: raise SigningError(FailureType.DataError, "Expected input with amount") segwit[i] = False segwit_in += txi.amount total_in += txi.amount else: segwit[i] = False total_in += await get_prevtx_output_value( coin, tx_req, txi.prev_hash, txi.prev_index) else: raise SigningError(FailureType.DataError, "Wrong input script type") if coin.decred: w_txi = empty_bytearray(8 if i == 0 else 0 + 9 + len(txi.prev_hash)) if i == 0: # serializing first input => prepend headers write_bytes(w_txi, get_tx_header(coin, tx)) write_tx_input_decred(w_txi, txi) tx_ser.serialized_tx = w_txi tx_req.serialized = tx_ser if coin.decred: hash143.add_output_count(tx) for o in range(tx.outputs_count): # STAGE_REQUEST_3_OUTPUT txo = await request_tx_output(tx_req, o) txo_bin.amount = txo.amount txo_bin.script_pubkey = output_derive_script(txo, coin, root) weight.add_output(txo_bin.script_pubkey) if change_out == 0 and is_change(txo, wallet_path, segwit_in, multifp): # output is change and does not need confirmation change_out = txo.amount elif not await confirm_output(txo, coin): raise SigningError(FailureType.ActionCancelled, "Output cancelled") if coin.decred: if txo.decred_script_version is not None and txo.decred_script_version != 0: raise SigningError( FailureType.ActionCancelled, "Cannot send to output with script version != 0", ) txo_bin.decred_script_version = txo.decred_script_version w_txo_bin = empty_bytearray(4 + 8 + 2 + 4 + len(txo_bin.script_pubkey)) if o == 0: # serializing first output => prepend outputs count write_varint(w_txo_bin, tx.outputs_count) write_tx_output(w_txo_bin, txo_bin) tx_ser.serialized_tx = w_txo_bin tx_req.serialized = tx_ser hash143.set_last_output_bytes(w_txo_bin) write_tx_output(h_first, txo_bin) hash143.add_output(txo_bin) total_out += txo_bin.amount fee = total_in - total_out if fee < 0: raise SigningError(FailureType.NotEnoughFunds, "Not enough funds") # fee > (coin.maxfee per byte * tx size) if fee > (coin.maxfee_kb / 1000) * (weight.get_total() / 4): if not await confirm_feeoverthreshold(fee, coin): raise SigningError(FailureType.ActionCancelled, "Signing cancelled") if not await confirm_total(total_in - change_out, fee, coin): raise SigningError(FailureType.ActionCancelled, "Total cancelled") if coin.decred: hash143.add_locktime_expiry(tx) return h_first, hash143, segwit, total_in, wallet_path
async def sign_tx(tx: SignTx, root: bip32.HDNode): tx = sanitize_sign_tx(tx) progress.init(tx.inputs_count, tx.outputs_count) # Phase 1 h_first, hash143, segwit, authorized_in, wallet_path = await check_tx_fee( tx, root) # Phase 2 # - sign inputs # - check that nothing changed coin = coins.by_name(tx.coin_name) tx_ser = TxRequestSerializedType() txo_bin = TxOutputBinType() tx_req = TxRequest() tx_req.details = TxRequestDetailsType() tx_req.serialized = None if coin.decred: prefix_hash = hash143.prefix_hash() for i_sign in range(tx.inputs_count): progress.advance() txi_sign = None key_sign = None key_sign_pub = None if segwit[i_sign]: # STAGE_REQUEST_SEGWIT_INPUT txi_sign = await request_tx_input(tx_req, i_sign) is_segwit = (txi_sign.script_type == InputScriptType.SPENDWITNESS or txi_sign.script_type == InputScriptType.SPENDP2SHWITNESS) if not is_segwit: raise SigningError(FailureType.ProcessError, "Transaction has changed during signing") input_check_wallet_path(txi_sign, wallet_path) key_sign = node_derive(root, txi_sign.address_n) key_sign_pub = key_sign.public_key() txi_sign.script_sig = input_derive_script(coin, txi_sign, key_sign_pub) w_txi = empty_bytearray(7 + len(txi_sign.prev_hash) + 4 + len(txi_sign.script_sig) + 4) if i_sign == 0: # serializing first input => prepend headers write_bytes(w_txi, get_tx_header(coin, tx, True)) write_tx_input(w_txi, txi_sign) tx_ser.serialized_tx = w_txi tx_req.serialized = tx_ser elif coin.force_bip143 or tx.overwintered: # STAGE_REQUEST_SEGWIT_INPUT txi_sign = await request_tx_input(tx_req, i_sign) input_check_wallet_path(txi_sign, wallet_path) is_bip143 = (txi_sign.script_type == InputScriptType.SPENDADDRESS or txi_sign.script_type == InputScriptType.SPENDMULTISIG) if not is_bip143 or txi_sign.amount > authorized_in: raise SigningError(FailureType.ProcessError, "Transaction has changed during signing") authorized_in -= txi_sign.amount key_sign = node_derive(root, txi_sign.address_n) key_sign_pub = key_sign.public_key() hash143_hash = hash143.preimage_hash( coin, tx, txi_sign, ecdsa_hash_pubkey(key_sign_pub, coin), get_hash_type(coin), ) # if multisig, check if singing with a key that is included in multisig if txi_sign.multisig: multisig_pubkey_index(txi_sign.multisig, key_sign_pub) signature = ecdsa_sign(key_sign, hash143_hash) tx_ser.signature_index = i_sign tx_ser.signature = signature # serialize input with correct signature txi_sign.script_sig = input_derive_script(coin, txi_sign, key_sign_pub, signature) w_txi_sign = empty_bytearray(5 + len(txi_sign.prev_hash) + 4 + len(txi_sign.script_sig) + 4) if i_sign == 0: # serializing first input => prepend headers write_bytes(w_txi_sign, get_tx_header(coin, tx)) write_tx_input(w_txi_sign, txi_sign) tx_ser.serialized_tx = w_txi_sign tx_req.serialized = tx_ser elif coin.decred: txi_sign = await request_tx_input(tx_req, i_sign) input_check_wallet_path(txi_sign, wallet_path) key_sign = node_derive(root, txi_sign.address_n) key_sign_pub = key_sign.public_key() if txi_sign.script_type == InputScriptType.SPENDMULTISIG: prev_pkscript = output_script_multisig( multisig_get_pubkeys(txi_sign.multisig), txi_sign.multisig.m) elif txi_sign.script_type == InputScriptType.SPENDADDRESS: prev_pkscript = output_script_p2pkh( ecdsa_hash_pubkey(key_sign_pub, coin)) else: raise ValueError("Unknown input script type") h_witness = HashWriter(blake256()) write_uint32(h_witness, tx.version | DECRED_SERIALIZE_WITNESS_SIGNING) write_varint(h_witness, tx.inputs_count) for ii in range(tx.inputs_count): if ii == i_sign: write_varint(h_witness, len(prev_pkscript)) write_bytes(h_witness, prev_pkscript) else: write_varint(h_witness, 0) witness_hash = get_tx_hash(h_witness, double=coin.sign_hash_double, reverse=False) h_sign = HashWriter(blake256()) write_uint32(h_sign, DECRED_SIGHASHALL) write_bytes(h_sign, prefix_hash) write_bytes(h_sign, witness_hash) sig_hash = get_tx_hash(h_sign, double=coin.sign_hash_double) signature = ecdsa_sign(key_sign, sig_hash) tx_ser.signature_index = i_sign tx_ser.signature = signature # serialize input with correct signature txi_sign.script_sig = input_derive_script(coin, txi_sign, key_sign_pub, signature) w_txi_sign = empty_bytearray( 8 + 4 + len(hash143.get_last_output_bytes()) if i_sign == 0 else 0 + 16 + 4 + len(txi_sign.script_sig)) if i_sign == 0: write_bytes(w_txi_sign, hash143.get_last_output_bytes()) write_uint32(w_txi_sign, tx.lock_time) write_uint32(w_txi_sign, tx.expiry) write_varint(w_txi_sign, tx.inputs_count) write_tx_input_decred_witness(w_txi_sign, txi_sign) tx_ser.serialized_tx = w_txi_sign tx_req.serialized = tx_ser else: # hash of what we are signing with this input h_sign = HashWriter(sha256()) # same as h_first, checked before signing the digest h_second = HashWriter(sha256()) if tx.overwintered: write_uint32(h_sign, tx.version | OVERWINTERED) # nVersion | fOverwintered write_uint32(h_sign, tx.version_group_id) # nVersionGroupId else: write_uint32(h_sign, tx.version) # nVersion write_varint(h_sign, tx.inputs_count) for i in range(tx.inputs_count): # STAGE_REQUEST_4_INPUT txi = await request_tx_input(tx_req, i) input_check_wallet_path(txi, wallet_path) write_tx_input_check(h_second, txi) if i == i_sign: txi_sign = txi key_sign = node_derive(root, txi.address_n) key_sign_pub = key_sign.public_key() # for the signing process the script_sig is equal # to the previous tx's scriptPubKey (P2PKH) or a redeem script (P2SH) if txi_sign.script_type == InputScriptType.SPENDMULTISIG: txi_sign.script_sig = output_script_multisig( multisig_get_pubkeys(txi_sign.multisig), txi_sign.multisig.m) elif txi_sign.script_type == InputScriptType.SPENDADDRESS: txi_sign.script_sig = output_script_p2pkh( ecdsa_hash_pubkey(key_sign_pub, coin)) if coin.bip115: txi_sign.script_sig += script_replay_protection_bip115( txi_sign.prev_block_hash_bip115, txi_sign.prev_block_height_bip115, ) else: raise SigningError(FailureType.ProcessError, "Unknown transaction type") else: txi.script_sig = bytes() write_tx_input(h_sign, txi) write_varint(h_sign, tx.outputs_count) for o in range(tx.outputs_count): # STAGE_REQUEST_4_OUTPUT txo = await request_tx_output(tx_req, o) txo_bin.amount = txo.amount txo_bin.script_pubkey = output_derive_script(txo, coin, root) write_tx_output(h_second, txo_bin) write_tx_output(h_sign, txo_bin) write_uint32(h_sign, tx.lock_time) if tx.overwintered: write_uint32(h_sign, tx.expiry) # expiryHeight write_varint(h_sign, 0) # nJoinSplit write_uint32(h_sign, get_hash_type(coin)) # check the control digests if get_tx_hash(h_first, False) != get_tx_hash(h_second): raise SigningError(FailureType.ProcessError, "Transaction has changed during signing") # if multisig, check if singing with a key that is included in multisig if txi_sign.multisig: multisig_pubkey_index(txi_sign.multisig, key_sign_pub) # compute the signature from the tx digest signature = ecdsa_sign( key_sign, get_tx_hash(h_sign, double=coin.sign_hash_double)) tx_ser.signature_index = i_sign tx_ser.signature = signature # serialize input with correct signature txi_sign.script_sig = input_derive_script(coin, txi_sign, key_sign_pub, signature) w_txi_sign = empty_bytearray(5 + len(txi_sign.prev_hash) + 4 + len(txi_sign.script_sig) + 4) if i_sign == 0: # serializing first input => prepend headers write_bytes(w_txi_sign, get_tx_header(coin, tx)) write_tx_input(w_txi_sign, txi_sign) tx_ser.serialized_tx = w_txi_sign tx_req.serialized = tx_ser if coin.decred: return await request_tx_finish(tx_req) for o in range(tx.outputs_count): progress.advance() # STAGE_REQUEST_5_OUTPUT txo = await request_tx_output(tx_req, o) txo_bin.amount = txo.amount txo_bin.script_pubkey = output_derive_script(txo, coin, root) # serialize output w_txo_bin = empty_bytearray(5 + 8 + 5 + len(txo_bin.script_pubkey) + 4) if o == 0: # serializing first output => prepend outputs count write_varint(w_txo_bin, tx.outputs_count) write_tx_output(w_txo_bin, txo_bin) tx_ser.signature_index = None tx_ser.signature = None tx_ser.serialized_tx = w_txo_bin tx_req.serialized = tx_ser any_segwit = True in segwit.values() for i in range(tx.inputs_count): progress.advance() if segwit[i]: # STAGE_REQUEST_SEGWIT_WITNESS txi = await request_tx_input(tx_req, i) input_check_wallet_path(txi, wallet_path) is_segwit = (txi.script_type == InputScriptType.SPENDWITNESS or txi.script_type == InputScriptType.SPENDP2SHWITNESS) if not is_segwit or txi.amount > authorized_in: raise SigningError(FailureType.ProcessError, "Transaction has changed during signing") authorized_in -= txi.amount key_sign = node_derive(root, txi.address_n) key_sign_pub = key_sign.public_key() hash143_hash = hash143.preimage_hash( coin, tx, txi, ecdsa_hash_pubkey(key_sign_pub, coin), get_hash_type(coin), ) signature = ecdsa_sign(key_sign, hash143_hash) if txi.multisig: # find out place of our signature based on the pubkey signature_index = multisig_pubkey_index( txi.multisig, key_sign_pub) witness = witness_p2wsh(txi.multisig, signature, signature_index, get_hash_type(coin)) else: witness = witness_p2wpkh(signature, key_sign_pub, get_hash_type(coin)) tx_ser.serialized_tx = witness tx_ser.signature_index = i tx_ser.signature = signature elif any_segwit: tx_ser.serialized_tx = bytearray( 1) # empty witness for non-segwit inputs tx_ser.signature_index = None tx_ser.signature = None tx_req.serialized = tx_ser write_uint32(tx_ser.serialized_tx, tx.lock_time) if tx.overwintered: if tx.version == 3: write_uint32(tx_ser.serialized_tx, tx.expiry) # expiryHeight write_varint(tx_ser.serialized_tx, 0) # nJoinSplit elif tx.version == 4: write_uint32(tx_ser.serialized_tx, tx.expiry) # expiryHeight write_uint64(tx_ser.serialized_tx, 0) # valueBalance write_varint(tx_ser.serialized_tx, 0) # nShieldedSpend write_varint(tx_ser.serialized_tx, 0) # nShieldedOutput write_varint(tx_ser.serialized_tx, 0) # nJoinSplit else: raise SigningError( FailureType.DataError, "Unsupported version for overwintered transaction", ) await request_tx_finish(tx_req)
def output_script_paytoopreturn(data: bytes) -> bytearray: w = empty_bytearray(1 + 5 + len(data)) w.append(0x6A) # OP_RETURN write_op_push(w, len(data)) w.extend(data) return w
def sstxcommitment_pkh(pkh: bytes, amount: int) -> bytes: w = empty_bytearray(30) write_bytes_fixed(w, pkh, 20) write_uint64_le(w, amount) write_bytes_fixed(w, b"\x00\x58", 2) # standard fee limits return w
def output_script_multisig(pubkeys: List[bytes], m: int) -> bytearray: w = empty_bytearray(output_script_multisig_length(pubkeys, m)) write_output_script_multisig(w, pubkeys, m) return w