def create(self, validated_data): """Conditionally constructs the appropriate form type with validated request data based on subclass name when a new ContactForm object is being created. Additionally, this method handles the creation of related ContactInfo objects after creating the form object. Args: validated_data: the validated request data to construct a new form object with """ contacts = validated_data.pop('contacts', None) if self.__class__.__name__ == 'GuestSpeakerContactFormSerializer': form = GuestSpeakerContactForm(**validated_data) elif self.__class__.__name__ == 'MentorContactFormSerializer': form = MentorContactForm(**validated_data) elif self.__class__.__name__ == 'EventOrganizerContactFormSerializer': form = EventOrganizerContactForm(**validated_data) elif self.__class__.__name__ == 'PartnerContactFormSerializer': form = PartnerContactForm(**validated_data) else: from rest_framework.exceptions import APIException raise APIException('Unsupported contact form type.', 400) for contact_data in contacts: contact = ContactInfo(**contact_data, content_object=form) return form
def test_invalid_availability_empty_object_in_array(self): """Ensure that an empty object in an array is not a valid value for the availability field. """ form = GuestSpeakerContactForm(first_name=self.fname, last_name=self.lname, topic=self.topic, length=self.length, availability=[{}]) self.assertRaises(ValidationError, form.full_clean)
def test_invalid_availability_object_not_array(self): """Ensure that the availability field must be an array. """ form = GuestSpeakerContactForm(first_name=self.fname, last_name=self.lname, topic=self.topic, length=self.length, availability={}) self.assertRaises(ValidationError, form.full_clean)
def test_invalid_availability_object_with_only_time(self): """Ensure that an array containing an object with only a `time` property is an invalid value. """ form = GuestSpeakerContactForm(first_name=self.fname, last_name=self.lname, topic=self.topic, length=self.length, availability=[{ 'time': '20:20:39+00:00' }]) self.assertRaises(ValidationError, form.full_clean)
def test_invalid_availability_object_with_invalid_date_and_time(self): """Ensure that an array containing an object with invalid `date` and `time` is invalid. """ form = GuestSpeakerContactForm(first_name=self.fname, last_name=self.lname, topic=self.topic, length=self.length, availability=[{ 'date': '2018abc-09-p14', 'time': '20p:p20:3' }]) self.assertRaises(ValidationError, form.full_clean)
def test_invalid_availability_object_with_addl_prop(self): """Ensure that an array containing an object with `date`, `time` and an arbitrary third property is invalid. """ form = GuestSpeakerContactForm(first_name=self.fname, last_name=self.lname, topic=self.topic, length=self.length, availability=[{ 'date': '2018-11-13', 'time': '20:20:39+00:00', 'additional': 'property' }]) self.assertRaises(ValidationError, form.full_clean)
def test_valid(self): """Ensure that no ValidationError is raised when saving a valid form object. """ form = GuestSpeakerContactForm(first_name=self.fname, last_name=self.lname, topic=self.topic, length=self.length, availability=[{ 'date': '2018-11-13', 'time': '20:20:39+00:00' }, { 'date': '2018-11-13', 'time': '20:20:39+00:00' }, { 'date': '2018-11-13', 'time': '20:20:39+00:00' }]) self.assertNotRaises(ValidationError, form.full_clean)
def test_invalid_availability_array_too_long(self): """Ensure that an array of length greater than three is an invalid value for the availability field. """ form = GuestSpeakerContactForm(first_name=self.fname, last_name=self.lname, topic=self.topic, length=self.length, availability=[{ 'date': '2018-11-13', 'time': '20:20:39+00:00' }, { 'date': '2018-11-13', 'time': '20:20:39+00:00' }, { 'date': '2018-11-13', 'time': '20:20:39+00:00' }, { 'date': '2018-11-13', 'time': '20:20:39+00:00' }]) self.assertRaises(ValidationError, form.full_clean)
def setUpTestData(cls): """Set up the test data for the test case once when the test case class is being prepared to run. """ cls.form = GuestSpeakerContactForm(first_name='John', last_name='Smith', topic='AI/ML', length=90, availability=[{ 'date': '2018-11-13', 'time': '20:20:39+00:00' }, { 'date': '2018-11-13', 'time': '20:20:39+00:00' }, { 'date': '2018-11-13', 'time': '20:20:39+00:00' }])