def mod_primary(composite, mod_id, algorithm):
  # paths
  template = composite.templates.get(name='source') # SOURCE TEMPLATE

  # channel
  channel, channel_created = composite.channels.get_or_create(name='-primary')

  # iterate
  for t in range(composite.series.ts):

    # get markers
    markers = composite.experiment.markers.filter(t=t)
    primary = np.zeros(composite.series.shape(d=2))

    for marker in markers:
      primary[marker.r-3:marker.r+2, marker.c-3:marker.c+2] = 255

    # make blank image and print dots
    gon = composite.gons.create(experiment=composite.experiment, series=composite.series, channel=channel, template=template)
    gon.id_token = generate_id_token('img','Gon')

    gon.array = primary.copy()

    gon.save_array(composite.experiment.composite_path, template)
def mod_primary(composite, mod_id, algorithm):
    # paths
    template = composite.templates.get(name='source')  # SOURCE TEMPLATE

    # channel
    channel, channel_created = composite.channels.get_or_create(

    # iterate
    for t in range(composite.series.ts):

        # get markers
        markers = composite.experiment.markers.filter(t=t)
        primary = np.zeros(composite.series.shape(d=2))

        for marker in markers:
            primary[marker.r - 3:marker.r + 2, marker.c - 3:marker.c + 2] = 255

        # make blank image and print dots
        gon = composite.gons.create(experiment=composite.experiment,
        gon.id_token = generate_id_token('img', 'Gon')
        gon.set_origin(0, 0, 0, t)
        gon.set_extent(composite.series.rs, composite.series.cs, 1)

        gon.array = primary.copy()

        gon.save_array(composite.experiment.composite_path, template)
    def handle(self, *args, **options):
    1. What does this script do?
    > Use masks to build up larger masks surrounding markers

    2. What data structures are input?
    > Mask, Gon

    3. What data structures are output?
    > Channel, Gon, Mask

    4. Is this stage repeated/one-time?
    > Repeated


    1. load mask gons
    2. stack vertically in single array


        # 1. select composite
        composite = Composite.objects.get(experiment__name=options['expt'],

        # 2. Call pmod mod
        mod = composite.mods.create(id_token=generate_id_token('img', 'Mod'),

        # 3. Run mod
        print('step13 | processing mod_step13_cell_masks...', end='\r')
        print('step13 | processing mod_step13_cell_masks... done.')
def mod_step09_regions(composite, mod_id, algorithm):
  # paths
  template = composite.templates.get(name='region') # REGION TEMPLATE
  mask_template = composite.templates.get(name='mask')

  # get region img set that has the region template
  region_img_set = composite.gons.filter(channel__name='-regionimg', template__name='region')

  # channel
  region_channel, region_channel_created = composite.channels.get_or_create(name='-regions')

  # iterate
  for t in range(composite.series.ts):
    region_img = region_img_set.filter(t=t)
    if region_img.count()==0:
      region_img = region_img_set.get(t=t-1)
      region_img = region_img_set.get(t=t)

    # for each image, determine unique values of labelled array
    # make gon with label array and save

    region_gon = composite.gons.create(experiment=composite.experiment, series=composite.series, channel=region_channel, template=template)
    region_gon.set_origin(0, 0, 0, t)
    region_gon.set_extent(composite.series.rs, composite.series.cs, 1)

    # modify image
    region_array = region_img.load()
    region_array = region_array[:,:,0]
    region_array[region_array>0] = 1
    region_array, n = label(region_array)

    region_gon.array = region_array.copy()
    region_gon.save_array(os.path.join(composite.experiment.mask_path, composite.series.name), template)

    for unique_value in [u for u in np.unique(region_array) if u>0]:
      # 1. cut image to single value
      unique_image = np.zeros(region_array.shape)
      unique_image[region_array==unique_value] = 1
      cut, (r,c,rs,cs) = cut_to_black(unique_image)

      # 2. make gon with cut image and associate to gon
      gon = region_gon.gons.create(experiment=composite.experiment, series=composite.series, channel=region_channel, template=mask_template)
      gon.id_token = generate_id_token('img','Gon')

      gon.array = cut.copy()


      # 3. make mask with cut image and associate to gon2
      mask = region_gon.masks.create(composite=composite, channel=region_channel, mask_id=unique_value)
  def export_data(self):
    # composite for datafile
    composite = self.composites.get()
    template = composite.templates.get(name='data')
    id_token = generate_id_token('img', 'DataFile')
    data_type = 'output'
    file_name = template.rv.format(self.experiment.name, self.name, id_token, data_type)
    url = os.path.join(self.experiment.data_path, file_name)

    # datafile
    data_file = self.data_files.create(experiment=self.experiment, composite=composite, template=template, id_token=id_token, data_type=data_type, url=url, file_name=file_name)

    # populate data
    data_file.data = [cell_instance.line() for cell_instance in self.cell_instances.order_by('cell__pk', 't')]
  def compose(self):

    # composite
    composite, composite_created = self.composites.get_or_create(experiment=self.experiment, id_token=generate_id_token('img', 'Composite'))

    # templates
    for template in self.experiment.templates.all():
      composite_template, composite_template_created = composite.templates.get_or_create(name=template.name)
      if composite_template_created:
        composite_template.rx = template.rx
        composite_template.rv = template.rv

    # iterate over paths
    for channel in self.experiment.channels.all():
      composite_channel, composite_channel_created = composite.channels.get_or_create(name=channel.name)

      for t in range(self.ts):

        # path set
        path_set = self.paths.filter(channel=channel, t=t)

        # if the total number of paths is less than a great gon, do not make one. Save only individual gons.
        if path_set.count()==self.zs:

          # gon
          gon, gon_created = self.gons.get_or_create(experiment=self.experiment, composite=composite, channel=composite_channel, t=t)
          if gon_created:
            gon.set_extent(self.rs, self.cs, self.zs)

          for z in range(self.zs):

            # path
            path = path_set.get(channel=channel, t=t, z=z)
            template = composite.templates.get(name=path.template.name)
            gon.template = template
            gon.paths.get_or_create(composite=composite, channel=composite_channel, template=template, url=path.url, file_name=path.file_name, t=t, z=z)

            # sub gon
            sub_gon, sub_gon_created = self.gons.get_or_create(experiment=self.experiment, gon=gon, channel=composite_channel, template=template, t=t, z=z)
            E = z==self.zs-1 and t==self.ts-1
            if sub_gon_created:
              print('step01 | composing {} series {}... channel {} t{} z{}... created.{}'.format(self.experiment.name, self.name, channel.name, t, z, spacer), end='\n' if E else '\r')
              sub_gon.set_extent(self.rs, self.cs, 1)
              sub_gon.paths.create(composite=composite, channel=composite_channel, template=template, url=path.url, file_name=path.file_name, t=t, z=z)

              print('step01 | composing {} series {}... channel {} t{} z{}... already exists.{}'.format(self.experiment.name, self.name, channel.name, t, z, spacer), end='\n' if E else '\r')



        else: # disfuse gon structure (reduced, regions)
          L = len(path_set) - 1
          for i, path in enumerate(path_set):
            E = i==L and t==self.ts-1
            print('step01 | composing {} series {}... channel {} t{} z{}... created diffuse.{}'.format(self.experiment.name, self.name, channel.name, t, path.z, spacer), end='\n' if E else '\r')

            template = composite.templates.get(name=path.template.name)
            gon, gon_created = self.gons.get_or_create(experiment=self.experiment, composite=composite, channel=composite_channel, template=template, t=t, z=path.z)
            if gon_created:
              gon.set_extent(self.rs, self.cs, 1)

              gon.paths.create(composite=composite, channel=composite_channel, template=template, url=path.url, file_name=path.file_name, t=t, z=path.z)


    return composite
def mod_step13_cell_masks(composite, mod_id, algorithm):
  # paths
  template = composite.templates.get(name='mask') # MASK TEMPLATE

  # create batches
  batch = 0
  max_batch_size = 100

  # channel
  cell_mask_channel, cell_mask_channel_created = composite.channels.get_or_create(name='cellmask')

  # mean
  # mask_mean_max = np.max([mask.mean for mask in composite.masks.all()])

  # iterate over frames
  for t in range(composite.series.ts):
    print('step13 | processing mod_step13_cell_masks t{}...                                         '.format(t), end='\r')

    # one mask for each marker
    markers = composite.series.markers.filter(t=t)

    # 1. get masks
    mask_gon_set = composite.gons.filter(channel__name__in=['pmodreduced','bfreduced'], t=t)
    bulk = create_bulk_from_image_set(mask_gon_set)

    for m, marker in enumerate(markers):
      print('step13 | processing mod_step13_cell_masks t{}, marker {}/{}...                                         '.format(t, m, len(markers)), end='\r')
      if composite.gons.filter(marker=marker).count()==0:
        # marker parameters
        r, c, z = marker.r, marker.c, marker.z
        other_marker_positions = [(m.r,m.c) for m in markers.exclude(pk=marker.pk)]

        # get primary mask
        primary_mask = np.zeros(composite.series.shape(), dtype=float) # blank image

        mask_uids = [(i, uid) for i,uid in enumerate(bulk.gon_stack[r,c,:]) if uid>0]
        for i,uid in mask_uids:
          gon_pk = bulk.rv[i]
          mask = composite.masks.get(gon__pk=gon_pk, mask_id=uid)
          mask_array = (bulk.slice(pk=mask.gon.pk)==mask.mask_id).astype(float)

          # modify mask array based on parameters
          mask_z, mask_max_z, mask_mean, mask_std = mask.z, mask.max_z, mask.mean, mask.std

          z_term = 1.0 / (1.0 + 0.1*np.abs(z - mask_z)) # suppress z levels at increasing distances from marker
          max_z_term = 1.0 / (1.0 + 0.1*np.abs(z - mask_max_z)) # suppress z levels at increasing distances from marker
          # mean_term = mask_mean / mask_mean_max # raise mask according to mean
          std_term = 1.0

          mask_array = mask_array * z_term * max_z_term * std_term

          # add to primary mask
          primary_mask += mask_array

        # get secondary mask - get unique masks that touch the edge of the primary mask
        secondary_mask = np.zeros(composite.series.shape(), dtype=float) # blank image

        secondary_mask_uids = []
        edges = np.where(edge_image(primary_mask>0))
        for r, c in zip(*edges):
          for i,uid in enumerate(bulk.gon_stack[r,c,:]):
            if (i,uid) not in secondary_mask_uids and (i,uid) not in mask_uids and uid>0:

        for i,uid in secondary_mask_uids:
          print('step13 | processing mod_step13_cell_masks t{}, marker {}/{}, secondary {}/{}...                                         '.format(t, m, len(markers), i, len(secondary_mask_uids)), end='\r')
          gon_pk = bulk.rv[i]
          mask = composite.masks.get(gon__pk=gon_pk, mask_id=uid)
          mask_array = (bulk.slice(pk=mask.gon.pk)==mask.mask_id).astype(float)

          # modify mask array based on parameters
          mask_z, mask_max_z, mask_mean, mask_std = mask.z, mask.max_z, mask.mean, mask.std

          z_term = 1.0 / (1.0 + 0.1*np.abs(z - mask_z)) # suppress z levels at increasing distances from marker
          max_z_term = 1.0 / (1.0 + 0.1*np.abs(z - mask_max_z)) # suppress z levels at increasing distances from marker
          # mean_term = mask_mean / mask_mean_max # raise mask according to mean
          std_term = 1.0

          foreign_marker_condition = 1.0 # if the mask contains a different marker
          foreign_marker_match = False
          foreign_marker_counter = 0
          while not foreign_marker_match and foreign_marker_counter!=len(other_marker_positions)-1:
            r, c = other_marker_positions[foreign_marker_counter]
            foreign_marker_match = (mask_array>0)[r,c]
            if foreign_marker_match:
              foreign_marker_condition = 0.0
            foreign_marker_counter += 1

          mask_array = mask_array * z_term * max_z_term * std_term * foreign_marker_condition

          # add to primary mask
          secondary_mask += mask_array

        print('step13 | processing mod_step13_cell_masks t{}, marker {}/{}, saving square mask...                                         '.format(t, m, len(markers)), end='\n' if t==composite.series.ts-1 else '\r')
        cell_mask = primary_mask + secondary_mask

        # finally, mean threshold mask
        cell_mask[cell_mask<nonzero_mean(cell_mask)] = 0
        cell_mask[cell_mask<nonzero_mean(cell_mask)] = 0

        # cut to size
        # I want every mask to be exactly the same size -> 128 pixels wide
        # I want the centre of the mask to be in the centre of image
        # Add black space around even past the borders of larger image
        # 1. determine centre of mass
        com_r, com_c = com(cell_mask>0)
        mask_square = np.zeros((256,256), dtype=float)

        if not np.isnan(com_r):
          # 2. cut to black and preserve boundaries
          cut, (cr, cc, crs, ccs) = cut_to_black(cell_mask)

          # 3. place cut inside square image using the centre of mass and the cut boundaries to hit the centre
          dr, dc = int(128 + cr - com_r), int(128 + cc - com_c)

          # 4. preserve coordinates of square to position gon
          small_r, small_c = mask_square[dr:dr+crs,dc:dc+ccs].shape
          mask_square[dr:dr+crs,dc:dc+ccs] = cut[:small_r,:small_c]

        # check batch and make folders, set url
        if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(composite.experiment.cp2_path, composite.series.name, str(batch))):
          os.makedirs(os.path.join(composite.experiment.cp2_path, composite.series.name, str(batch)))

        if len(os.listdir(os.path.join(composite.experiment.cp2_path, composite.series.name, str(batch))))>=max_batch_size:
          batch += 1
          if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(composite.experiment.cp2_path, composite.series.name, str(batch))):
            os.makedirs(os.path.join(composite.experiment.cp2_path, composite.series.name, str(batch)))

        root = os.path.join(composite.experiment.cp2_path, composite.series.name, str(batch)) # CP PATH

        # cell mask gon
        cell_mask_gon = composite.gons.create(experiment=composite.experiment, series=composite.series, channel=cell_mask_channel, template=template)
        cell_mask_gon.set_origin(cr-dr, cc-dc, z, t)
        cell_mask_gon.set_extent(crs, ccs, 1)

        id_token = generate_id_token('img','Gon')
        cell_mask_gon.id_token = id_token

        file_name = template.rv.format(id_token)
        url = os.path.join(root, file_name)

        imsave(url, mask_square.copy())
        cell_mask_gon.paths.create(composite=composite, channel=cell_mask_channel, template=template, url=url, file_name=file_name, t=t, z=z)

        # associate with marker
        marker.gon = cell_mask_gon
        cell_mask_gon.marker = marker
