def check_new_submissions(): """Check the action submission queue and send out notifications to admin when there is new submissions in the queue. algorithm for queue processing: 1. on zero to one transition: send email unless email already sent within N minutes. """ submission_count = ActionMember.objects.filter( action__type="activity", approval_status="pending").count() if submission_count: try: admin = User.objects.get(username=settings.ADMIN_USER) action = Action.objects.get(slug=SETUP_WIZARD_ACTIVITY) reminder = EmailReminder.objects.filter(user=admin, action=action) if not reminder: EmailReminder.objects.create(user=admin, action=action,, sent=True) challenge = challenge_mgr.get_challenge() subject = "[%s] %d New Pending Action Submissions" % (, submission_count) message = "There are %d new pending action submissions as of %s." % ( submission_count, if challenge.email_enabled and challenge.contact_email: print "Sending new submission notification to %s" % challenge.contact_email mail = EmailMultiAlternatives(subject, message, challenge.contact_email, [ challenge.contact_email, ]) mail.send() except ObjectDoesNotExist: pass
def send_feedback(request): """send feedback.""" if request.method == "POST": form = FeedbackForm(request.POST) if form.is_valid(): html_message = render_to_string( "email/ask_admin.html", {"user": request.user, "url": form.cleaned_data["url"], "question": form.cleaned_data["question"]}, ) message = render_to_string( "email/ask_admin.txt", {"user": request.user, "url": form.cleaned_data["url"], "question": form.cleaned_data["question"]}, ) challenge = challenge_mgr.get_challenge() # Using adapted version from Django source code subject = u"[%s] %s asked a question" % (challenge.competition_name, request.user.get_profile().name) if challenge.email_enabled: mail = EmailMultiAlternatives( subject, message, FROM_EMAIL, [challenge.contact_email], headers={"Reply-To":} ) mail.attach_alternative(html_message, "text/html") mail.send() # print "email sent %s" % html_message if request.is_ajax(): return HttpResponse(json.dumps({"success": True}), mimetype="application/json") raise Http404
def _get_energy_usage(self, session, source): """Return the energy usage from wattdepot.""" rest_url = "%s/sources/%s/energy/" % ( challenge_mgr.get_challenge().wattdepot_server_url, source) # comment out for debug #import sys #session.config['verbose'] = sys.stderr session.timeout = 5 try: response = session.get(url=rest_url) #print response.text usage = 0 property_elements = ElementTree.XML( response.text).findall(".//Property") for p in property_elements: key_value = p.getchildren() if key_value and key_value[0].text == "energyConsumed": usage = key_value[1].text return int(round(float(usage))) except Timeout: print 'Wattdepot data retrieval for team %s error: connection timeout.' % source except ParseError as exception: print 'Wattdepot data retrieval for team %s ParseError : %s' % ( source, exception) return 0
def change_theme(user): """returns True if the user change their theme.""" theme = user.get_profile().theme if not theme: return False else: return theme != challenge_mgr.get_challenge().theme
def check_new_submissions(): """Check the action submission queue and send out notifications to admin when there is new submissions in the queue. algorithm for queue processing: 1. on zero to one transition: send email unless email already sent within N minutes. """ submission_count = ActionMember.objects.filter( action__type="activity", approval_status="pending").count() if submission_count: try: admin = User.objects.get(username=settings.ADMIN_USER) action = Action.objects.get(slug=SETUP_WIZARD_ACTIVITY) reminder = EmailReminder.objects.filter(user=admin, action=action) if not reminder: EmailReminder.objects.create(user=admin, action=action,, sent=True) challenge = challenge_mgr.get_challenge() subject = "[%s] %d New Pending Action Submissions" % (, submission_count) message = "There are %d new pending action submissions as of %s." % ( submission_count, if challenge.email_enabled and challenge.contact_email: print "Sending new submission notification to %s" % challenge.contact_email mail = EmailMultiAlternatives(subject, message, challenge.contact_email, [challenge.contact_email, ]) mail.send() except ObjectDoesNotExist: pass
def supply(request, page_name): """Supply view_objects for My_Info and process the POST command.""" _ = page_name session = request.session form = None if "form" in session: form = session.pop('form') if not form: user = request.user profile = user.get_profile() user_theme = profile.theme if not user_theme: user_theme = challenge_mgr.get_challenge().theme form = ProfileForm(initial={ "display_name":, "contact_email":, "contact_text": profile.contact_text, "contact_carrier": profile.contact_carrier, "theme": user_theme, }) if "changed_avatar" in request.GET: form.message = "Your avatar has been updated." return { "form": form, }
def send(self): """ Sends a reminder email to the user. """ if not self.sent: challenge = challenge_mgr.get_challenge() subject = "[%s] Reminder for %s" % (, self.action.title) message = render_to_string( "email/activity_reminder.txt", { "action": self.action, "user": self.user, "COMPETITION_NAME":, "domain": challenge.domain, }) html_message = render_to_string( "email/activity_reminder.html", { "action": self.action, "user": self.user, "COMPETITION_NAME":, "domain": challenge.domain, }) UserNotification.create_email_notification(self.email_address, subject, message, html_message) self.sent = True
def prize_form(request, prize_id, user_id): """Supply the prize form.""" _ = request prize = get_object_or_404(Prize, pk=prize_id) prize.winner = get_object_or_404(User, pk=user_id) challenge = challenge_mgr.get_challenge() try: template = NoticeTemplate.objects.get( notice_type='prize-winner-receipt') except NoticeTemplate.DoesNotExist: return render_to_response('view_prizes/form.txt', { 'raffle': False, 'prize': prize, 'round':, 'competition_name':, }, context_instance=RequestContext(request), mimetype='text/plain') message = template.render({ 'raffle': False, 'prize': prize, 'round':, 'competition_name':, }) return HttpResponse(message, content_type="text", mimetype='text/html')
def _get_energy_usage(self, session, source): """Return the energy usage from wattdepot.""" rest_url = "%s/sources/%s/energy/" % ( challenge_mgr.get_challenge().wattdepot_server_url, source) # comment out for debug #import sys #session.config['verbose'] = sys.stderr session.timeout = 5 try: response = session.get(url=rest_url) #print response.text usage = 0 property_elements = ElementTree.XML(response.text).findall(".//Property") for p in property_elements: key_value = p.getchildren() if key_value and key_value[0].text == "energyConsumed": usage = key_value[1].text return int(round(float(usage))) except Timeout: print 'Wattdepot data retrieval for team %s error: connection timeout.' % source except ParseError as exception: print 'Wattdepot data retrieval for team %s ParseError : %s' % (source, exception) return 0
def send(self): """ Sends a reminder email to the user. """ if not self.sent: challenge = challenge_mgr.get_challenge() subject = "[%s] Reminder for %s" % (, self.action.title) message = render_to_string( "email/activity_reminder.txt", { "action": self.action, "user": self.user, "COMPETITION_NAME":, "domain": challenge.domain, }, ) html_message = render_to_string( "email/activity_reminder.html", { "action": self.action, "user": self.user, "COMPETITION_NAME":, "domain": challenge.domain, }, ) UserNotification.create_email_notification(self.email_address, subject, message, html_message) self.sent = True
def get_latest_resource_data_wattdepot2(self, session, source_name, date): """Returns the latest usage of the specified resource for the current date.""" start_time = date.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT00:00:00") end_time = "latest" session.params = {"startTime": start_time, "endTime": end_time} url = "%s/sources/%s/energy/" % (challenge_mgr.get_challenge().wattdepot_server_url, source_name) return self._get_energy_usage(session, url, source_name)
def get_latest_resource_data_wattdepot3(self, session, source_name, date): """Returns the latest usage of the specified resource for the current date.""" _ = date source_name = source_name.lower() session.params = {'sensor': source_name, 'latest': "true"} url = "%s/depository/energy/value/" % (challenge_mgr.get_challenge().wattdepot_server_url) return self._get_energy_usage(session, url, source_name) / 1000
def supply(request, page_name): """Supply view_objects for My_Info and process the POST command.""" _ = page_name user = request.user form = None if request.method == "POST": user = request.user form = ProfileForm(request.POST, user=request.user) if form.is_valid(): profile = user.get_profile() name = form.cleaned_data["display_name"].strip() if name != = name theme = form.cleaned_data["theme"].strip() if theme and theme != profile.theme: profile.theme = theme = form.cleaned_data["contact_email"] profile.contact_text = form.cleaned_data["contact_text"] profile.contact_carrier = form.cleaned_data["contact_carrier"] # Invalidate info bar cache. cache_mgr.invalidate_template_cache("RIB", user.username) form.message = "Your changes have been saved" else: form.message = "Please correct the errors below." # If this is a new request, initialize the form. if not form: profile = user.get_profile() user_theme = profile.theme if not user_theme: user_theme = challenge_mgr.get_challenge().theme form = ProfileForm(initial={ "display_name":, "contact_email":, "contact_text": profile.contact_text, "contact_carrier": profile.contact_carrier, "theme": user_theme, }) if "changed_avatar" in request.GET: form.message = "Your avatar has been updated." return { "form": form, }
def get_history_resource_data_wattdepot3(self, session, source_name, date, hour): """Return the history energy usage of the team for the date and hour.""" if hour and hour < 24: timestamp = date.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT") + "%.2d:00:00.000" % hour else: timestamp = (date + datetime.timedelta(days=1)).strftime("%Y-%m-%dT00:00:00.000") session.params = {"sensor": source_name, "timestamp": timestamp} url = "%s/depository/energy/value/" % (challenge_mgr.get_challenge().wattdepot_server_url) return self._get_energy_usage(session, url, source_name)
def get_history_resource_data_wattdepot2(self, session, source_name, date, hour): """Return the history energy usage of the team for the date and hour.""" start_time = date.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT00:00:00") if hour and hour < 24: end_time = date.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT") + "%.2d:00:00" % hour else: end_time = (date + datetime.timedelta(days=1)).strftime("%Y-%m-%dT00:00:00") session.params = {"startTime": start_time, "endTime": end_time} url = "%s/sources/%s/energy/" % (challenge_mgr.get_challenge().wattdepot_server_url, source_name) return self._get_energy_usage(session, url, source_name)
def _send_winner_notification(self, prize, leader): """send notification.""" if leader and not self._notification_exists(prize, leader): # Notify winner using the template. template = NoticeTemplate.objects.get(notice_type='prize-winner') message = template.render({'PRIZE': prize}) UserNotification.create_info_notification(leader.user, message, True, prize) challenge = challenge_mgr.get_challenge() subject = "[%s] Congratulations, you won a prize!" % UserNotification.create_email_notification(, subject, message, message)
def create_email_notification(recipient_email, subject, message, html_message=None): """Create an email notification.""" if settings.EMAIL_BACKEND == 'django.core.mail.backends.locmem.EmailBackend' or\ challenge_mgr.get_challenge().email_enabled: msg = EmailMultiAlternatives(subject, message, settings.SERVER_EMAIL, [recipient_email, ]) if html_message: msg.attach_alternative(html_message, "text/html") msg.send()
def _send_winner_notification(self, prize, leader): """send notification.""" if leader and not self._notification_exists(prize, leader): # Notify winner using the template. template = NoticeTemplate.objects.get(notice_type='prize-winner') message = template.render({'PRIZE': prize}) UserNotification.create_info_notification(leader.user, message, True, prize) challenge = challenge_mgr.get_challenge() subject = "[%s] Congratulations, you won a prize!" % UserNotification.create_email_notification(, subject, message, message)
def notify_winner(self, request, queryset): """pick winner.""" _ = request for obj in queryset: if obj.winner and not self.notice_sent(obj): # Notify winner using the template. template = NoticeTemplate.objects.get(notice_type="raffle-winner") message = template.render({"PRIZE": obj}) UserNotification.create_info_notification(obj.winner, message, True, obj) challenge = challenge_mgr.get_challenge() subject = "[%s] Congratulations, you won a prize!" % UserNotification.create_email_notification(, subject, message, message) self.message_user(request, "Winners notification sent.")
def create_email_notification(recipient_email, subject, message, html_message=None): """Create an email notification.""" if settings.EMAIL_BACKEND == 'django.core.mail.backends.locmem.EmailBackend' or\ challenge_mgr.get_challenge().email_enabled: msg = EmailMultiAlternatives(subject, message, settings.SERVER_EMAIL, [ recipient_email, ]) if html_message: msg.attach_alternative(html_message, "text/html") msg.send()
def notify_winner(self, request, queryset): """pick winner.""" _ = request for obj in queryset: leader = obj.leader() if leader and obj.award_to in ('individual_overall', 'individual_team')\ and not self.notice_sent(obj): # Notify winner using the template. template = NoticeTemplate.objects.get(notice_type='prize-winner') message = template.render({'PRIZE': obj}) UserNotification.create_info_notification(leader.user, message, True, obj) challenge = challenge_mgr.get_challenge() subject = "[%s] Congratulations, you won a prize!" % challenge.competition_name UserNotification.create_email_notification(, subject, message, message) self.message_user(request, "Winners notification sent.")
def notify_winner(self, request, queryset): """pick winner.""" _ = request for obj in queryset: if obj.winner and not self.notice_sent(obj): # Notify winner using the template. template = NoticeTemplate.objects.get( notice_type='raffle-winner') message = template.render({'PRIZE': obj}) UserNotification.create_info_notification( obj.winner, message, True, obj) challenge = challenge_mgr.get_challenge() subject = "[%s] Congratulations, you won a prize!" % UserNotification.create_email_notification(, subject, message, message) self.message_user(request, "Winners notification sent.")
def send_feedback(request): """send feedback.""" if request.method == "POST": form = FeedbackForm(request.POST) if form.is_valid(): html_message = render_to_string( "email/ask_admin.html", { "user": request.user, "url": form.cleaned_data["url"], "question": form.cleaned_data["question"], }) message = render_to_string( "email/ask_admin.txt", { "user": request.user, "url": form.cleaned_data["url"], "question": form.cleaned_data["question"], }) challenge = challenge_mgr.get_challenge() # Using adapted version from Django source code subject = u'[%s] %s asked a question' % (, if challenge.email_enabled or True: mail = EmailMultiAlternatives( subject, message, challenge.contact_email, [ challenge.contact_email, ], headers={"Reply-To":}) mail.attach_alternative(html_message, 'text/html') print html_message mail.send() #print "email sent %s" % html_message if request.is_ajax(): return HttpResponse(json.dumps({"success": True}), mimetype="application/json") raise Http404
def check_daily_submissions(): """Check the action submission queue and send out notifications to admin when there are still submission in the queue. algorithm for queue processing: 2. every 24 hours: send email with queue size unless queue size is zero. """ submission_count = ActionMember.objects.filter(action__type="activity", approval_status="pending").count() if submission_count: challenge = challenge_mgr.get_challenge() subject = "[%s] %d Remaining Pending Action Submissions" % (challenge.competition_name, submission_count) message = "There are %d remaining pending action submissions as of %s." % ( submission_count,, ) if challenge.email_enabled and challenge.contact_email: print "Sending new submission notification to %s" % challenge.contact_email mail = EmailMultiAlternatives(subject, message, challenge.contact_email, [challenge.contact_email]) mail.send()
def check_daily_submissions(): """Check the action submission queue and send out notifications to admin when there are still submission in the queue. algorithm for queue processing: 2. every 24 hours: send email with queue size unless queue size is zero. """ submission_count = ActionMember.objects.filter( action__type="activity", approval_status="pending").count() if submission_count: challenge = challenge_mgr.get_challenge() subject = "[%s] %d Remaining Pending Action Submissions" % (, submission_count) message = "There are %d remaining pending action submissions as of %s." % ( submission_count, if challenge.email_enabled and challenge.contact_email: print "Sending new submission notification to %s" % challenge.contact_email mail = EmailMultiAlternatives(subject, message, challenge.contact_email, [ challenge.contact_email, ]) mail.send()
def prize_form(request, prize_id, user_id): """Supply the prize form.""" _ = request prize = get_object_or_404(Prize, pk=prize_id) prize.winner = get_object_or_404(User, pk=user_id) challenge = challenge_mgr.get_challenge() try: template = NoticeTemplate.objects.get(notice_type='prize-winner-receipt') except NoticeTemplate.DoesNotExist: return render_to_response('view_prizes/form.txt', { 'raffle': False, 'prize': prize, 'round':, 'competition_name':, }, context_instance=RequestContext(request), mimetype='text/plain') message = template.render({ 'raffle': False, 'prize': prize, 'round':, 'competition_name':, }) return HttpResponse(message, content_type="text", mimetype='text/html')
def _handle_activity_notification(self, status): """Creates a notification for rejected or approved tasks. This also creates an email message if it is configured. """ # don't create notification if the action is the SETUP_WIZARD_ACTIVITY # that is used in the setup wizard. if self.action.slug == SETUP_WIZARD_ACTIVITY: return # Construct the message to be sent. status_nicely = "not approved" if status != "approved" else status message = 'Your response to <a href="%s#action-details">"%s"</a> %s was %s.' % ( reverse("activity_task", args=(self.action.type, self.action.slug)), self.action.title, # The below is to tell the javascript to convert into a pretty date. # See the prettyDate function in media/js/makahiki.js '<span class="rejection-date" title="%s"></span>' % self.submission_date.isoformat(), status_nicely, ) if status != "approved": challenge = challenge_mgr.get_challenge() message += " You can still get points by clicking on the link and trying again." UserNotification.create_error_notification(self.user, message, display_alert=True, content_object=self) # only send out email notification for rejected action subject = "[%s] Your response to '%s' was %s" % (, self.action.title, status_nicely) message = render_to_string( "email/rejected_activity.txt", { "object": self, "COMPETITION_NAME":, "domain": challenge.domain, "status_nicely": status_nicely, }, ) html_message = render_to_string( "email/rejected_activity.html", { "object": self, "COMPETITION_NAME":, "domain": challenge.domain, "status_nicely": status_nicely, }, ) UserNotification.create_email_notification(, subject, message, html_message) else: points = self.points_awarded if self.points_awarded else self.action.point_value message += " You earned %d points!" % points UserNotification.create_success_notification(self.user, message, display_alert=True, content_object=self) # if admin approve an activity (action_type==activity), # check to the submission queue is empty, # if so, remove the admin reminder object. if self.action.type == "activity": submission_count = ActionMember.objects.filter( action__type="activity", approval_status="pending" ).count() if not submission_count: try: admin = User.objects.get(username=settings.ADMIN_USER) action = Action.objects.get(slug=SETUP_WIZARD_ACTIVITY) EmailReminder.objects.filter(user=admin, action=action).delete() except ObjectDoesNotExist: pass
def competition(request): """Provides access to standard competition constants within a template. :param request: The request object. :return: a dictionary of game settings.""" # Get user-specific information. if _pass_through(request): return {} user = request.user team_member_count = None team_count = None overall_member_count = None available_events = None default_view_objects = None all_page_info = None designer_models = [None, None] admin_models = [None, None] developer_models = [None, None] challenge = challenge_mgr.get_challenge() css_theme = challenge.theme page_name = request.path[1:][:-1] if user.is_authenticated(): profile = user.get_profile() default_view_objects = _get_default_view_objects(request) all_page_info = challenge_mgr.all_page_info(user) if team_member_count = team_count = Team.objects.count() overall_member_count = Profile.objects.count() available_events = smartgrid.get_next_available_event(user) # override the site theme if there is any if profile.theme: css_theme = profile.theme if page_name == "sys_admin/challenge_mgr/challengesetting/1": page_name = "admin" if page_name in ("challenge_setting_admin", "challenge_admin", "developer_admin"): page_name = "admin" designer_models[0] = \ challenge_mgr.get_designer_challenge_info_models() designer_models[1] = \ challenge_mgr.get_designer_game_info_models() admin_models[0] = \ challenge_mgr.get_admin_challenge_info_models() admin_models[1] = challenge_mgr.get_admin_game_info_models() developer_models[ 0] = challenge_mgr.get_developer_challenge_info_models() developer_models[1] = challenge_mgr.get_developer_game_info_models( ) return { "CHALLENGE": challenge, "SCORE_SETTINGS": score_mgr.score_setting(), "CSS_THEME": css_theme, "TEAM_LABEL": challenge.team_label, "MAKAHIKI_FACEBOOK_APP_ID": settings.MAKAHIKI_FACEBOOK_APP_ID if settings.MAKAHIKI_USE_FACEBOOK else '', "MAKAHIKI_USE_LESS": settings.MAKAHIKI_USE_LESS, "CURRENT_ROUND_INFO": settings.CURRENT_ROUND_INFO, "TEAM_COUNT": team_count, "TEAM_MEMBER_COUNT": team_member_count, "OVERALL_MEMBER_COUNT": overall_member_count, "DEFAULT_VIEW_OBJECTS": default_view_objects, "AVAILABLE_EVENTS": available_events, "ALL_PAGE_INFO": all_page_info, "MAKAHIKI_DESIGNER_CHALLENGE_MODELS": designer_models[0], "MAKAHIKI_DESIGNER_GAME_MODELS": designer_models[1], "MAKAHIKI_ADMIN_CHALLENGE_MODELS": admin_models[0], "MAKAHIKI_ADMIN_GAME_MODELS": admin_models[1], "MAKAHIKI_DEVELOPER_CHALLENGE_MODELS": developer_models[0], "MAKAHIKI_DEVELOPER_GAME_MODELS": developer_models[1], "ACTIVE_PAGE": page_name }
def _handle_activity_notification(self, status): """Creates a notification for rejected or approved tasks. This also creates an email message if it is configured. """ # don't create notification if the action is the SETUP_WIZARD_ACTIVITY # that is used in the setup wizard. if self.action.slug == SETUP_WIZARD_ACTIVITY: return # Construct the message to be sent. status_nicely = 'not approved' if status != 'approved' else status message = 'Your response to <a href="%s#action-details">"%s"</a> %s was %s.' % ( reverse("activity_task", args=( self.action.type, self.action.slug, )), self.action.title, # The below is to tell the javascript to convert into a pretty date. # See the prettyDate function in media/js/makahiki.js '<span class="rejection-date" title="%s"></span>' % self.submission_date.isoformat(), status_nicely, ) if status != 'approved': challenge = challenge_mgr.get_challenge() message += " You can still get points by clicking on the link and trying again." UserNotification.create_error_notification(self.user, message, display_alert=True, content_object=self) # only send out email notification for rejected action subject = "[%s] Your response to '%s' was %s" % (, self.action.title, status_nicely) message = render_to_string( "email/rejected_activity.txt", { "object": self, "COMPETITION_NAME":, "domain": challenge.domain, "status_nicely": status_nicely, }) html_message = render_to_string( "email/rejected_activity.html", { "object": self, "COMPETITION_NAME":, "domain": challenge.domain, "status_nicely": status_nicely, }) UserNotification.create_email_notification(, subject, message, html_message) else: points = self.points_awarded if self.points_awarded else self.action.point_value message += " You earned %d points!" % points UserNotification.create_success_notification(self.user, message, display_alert=True, content_object=self) # if admin approve an activity (action_type==activity), # check to the submission queue is empty, # if so, remove the admin reminder object. if self.action.type == "activity": submission_count = ActionMember.objects.filter( action__type="activity", approval_status="pending").count() if not submission_count: try: admin = User.objects.get(username=settings.ADMIN_USER) action = Action.objects.get(slug=SETUP_WIZARD_ACTIVITY) EmailReminder.objects.filter(user=admin, action=action).delete() except ObjectDoesNotExist: pass
def competition(request): """Provides access to standard competition constants within a template. :param request: The request object. :return: a dictionary of game settings.""" # Get user-specific information. if _pass_through(request): return {} user = request.user team_member_count = None team_count = None overall_member_count = None available_events = None default_view_objects = None all_page_info = None site_admin_models = None sys_admin_models = None game_admin_models = None challenge = challenge_mgr.get_challenge() css_theme = challenge.theme page_name = request.path[1:][:-1] if user.is_authenticated(): profile = user.get_profile() default_view_objects = _get_default_view_objects(request) all_page_info = challenge_mgr.all_page_info(user) if team_member_count = team_count = Team.objects.count() overall_member_count = Profile.objects.count() available_events = smartgrid.get_next_available_event(user) # override the site theme if there is any if profile.theme: css_theme = profile.theme if page_name == "admin": site_admin_models = challenge_mgr.get_site_admin_models() sys_admin_models = challenge_mgr.get_sys_admin_models() game_admin_models = challenge_mgr.get_game_admin_models() return { "CHALLENGE": challenge, "CSS_THEME": css_theme, "TEAM_LABEL": challenge.competition_team_label, "MAKAHIKI_FACEBOOK_APP_ID": settings.MAKAHIKI_FACEBOOK_APP_ID if settings.MAKAHIKI_USE_FACEBOOK else '', "MAKAHIKI_USE_LESS": settings.MAKAHIKI_USE_LESS, "CURRENT_ROUND_INFO": settings.CURRENT_ROUND_INFO, "TEAM_COUNT": team_count, "TEAM_MEMBER_COUNT": team_member_count, "OVERALL_MEMBER_COUNT": overall_member_count, "DEFAULT_VIEW_OBJECTS": default_view_objects, "AVAILABLE_EVENTS": available_events, "ALL_PAGE_INFO": all_page_info, "MAKAHIKI_SITE_ADMIN_MODELS": site_admin_models, "MAKAHIKI_SYS_ADMIN_MODELS": sys_admin_models, "MAKAHIKI_GAME_ADMIN_MODELS": game_admin_models, "ACTIVE_PAGE": page_name }
def process_rsvp(): """Process RSVP notification and penalty""" noshow_penalty_points = score_mgr.noshow_penalty_points() signup_points = score_mgr.signup_points() members = ActionMember.objects.filter(Q(action__type="event") | Q(action__type="excursion"), approval_status="pending") # try and load the notification template. template_noshow = None try: template_noshow = NoticeTemplate.objects.get( notice_type="event-noshow-penalty") except NoticeTemplate.DoesNotExist: pass template_reminder = None try: template_reminder = NoticeTemplate.objects.get( notice_type="event-post-reminder") except NoticeTemplate.DoesNotExist: pass for member in members: action = member.action user = member.user profile = user.profile diff = - if diff.days == NOSHOW_PENALTY_DAYS: # send out notification to remind the penalty if template_reminder: message = template_reminder.render({"ACTIVITY": action}) else: message = "Hi %s, <p/> We just wanted to remind you that the "\ "%s <a href='http://%s%s'>%s</a> had ended. Please "\ "click on the link to claim your points." % (, action.type.capitalize(), challenge_mgr.get_challenge().domain, reverse("activity_task", args=(action.type, action.slug,)), action.title) message += "<p/>Because you signed up for the "\ "event, if you do not enter the "\ "confirmation code within %d days after the "\ "event, a total of %d points (%d point "\ "signup bonus plus %d point no-show penalty) will "\ "be deducted from your total points. So please "\ "enter your confirmation code early to avoid the "\ "penalty." % ( NOSHOW_PENALTY_DAYS, noshow_penalty_points + signup_points, noshow_penalty_points, signup_points, ) message += "<p/><p/>Kukui Cup Administrators" subject = "[Kukui Cup] Reminder to enter your event confirmation code" UserNotification.create_email_notification(, subject, message, message) print "sent post event email reminder to %s for %s" % (, action.title) elif diff.days == (NOSHOW_PENALTY_DAYS + 1): # the day after the penalty day, process the penalty reduction message = "%s: %s (No Show)" % (action.type.capitalize(), action.title) profile.remove_points( noshow_penalty_points + signup_points, - datetime.timedelta(minutes=1), message, member) print "removed noshow penalty points from %s for '%s'" % (, message) if template_noshow: message = template_noshow.render({"ACTIVITY": action}) else: message = "%d points had been deducted from you, "\ "because you signed up but did not enter the "\ "confirmation code %d days after the %s <a "\ "href='%s'>%s</a>, " % ( noshow_penalty_points + signup_points, NOSHOW_PENALTY_DAYS, action.type.capitalize(), reverse("activity_task", args=(action.type, action.slug,)), action.title) message += " If you did attend, please click on the link to "\ "claim your points and reverse the deduction." UserNotification.create_info_notification(user, message, display_alert=True, content_object=member) print "created no-show penalty notification for %s for %s" % (, action.title)
def process_rsvp(): """Process RSVP notification and penalty""" noshow_penalty_points = score_mgr.noshow_penalty_points() signup_points = score_mgr.signup_points() members = ActionMember.objects.filter( Q(action__type="event") | Q(action__type="excursion"), approval_status="pending") # try and load the notification template. template_noshow = None try: template_noshow = NoticeTemplate.objects.get( notice_type="event-noshow-penalty") except NoticeTemplate.DoesNotExist: pass template_reminder = None try: template_reminder = NoticeTemplate.objects.get( notice_type="event-post-reminder") except NoticeTemplate.DoesNotExist: pass for member in members: action = member.action user = member.user profile = user.get_profile() diff = - if diff.days == NOSHOW_PENALTY_DAYS: # send out notification to remind the penalty if template_reminder: message = template_reminder.render({"ACTIVITY": action}) else: message = "Hi %s, <p/> We just wanted to remind you that the "\ "%s <a href='http://%s%s'>%s</a> had ended. Please "\ "click on the link to claim your points." % (, action.type.capitalize(), challenge_mgr.get_challenge().domain, reverse("activity_task", args=(action.type, action.slug,)), action.title) message += "<p/>Because you signed up for the "\ "event, if you do not enter the "\ "confirmation code within %d days after the "\ "event, a total of %d points (%d point "\ "signup bonus plus %d point no-show penalty) will "\ "be deducted from your total points. So please "\ "enter your confirmation code early to avoid the "\ "penalty." % ( NOSHOW_PENALTY_DAYS, noshow_penalty_points + signup_points, noshow_penalty_points, signup_points, ) message += "<p/><p/>Kukui Cup Administrators" subject = "[Kukui Cup] Reminder to enter your event confirmation code" UserNotification.create_email_notification(, subject, message, message) print "sent post event email reminder to %s for %s" % (, action.title) elif diff.days == (NOSHOW_PENALTY_DAYS + 1): # the day after the penalty day, process the penalty reduction message = "%s: %s (No Show)" % (action.type.capitalize(), action.title) profile.remove_points(noshow_penalty_points + signup_points, - datetime.timedelta(minutes=1), message, member) print "removed noshow penalty points from %s for '%s'" % (, message) if template_noshow: message = template_noshow.render({"ACTIVITY": action}) else: message = "%d points had been deducted from you, "\ "because you signed up but did not enter the "\ "confirmation code %d days after the %s <a "\ "href='%s'>%s</a>, " % ( noshow_penalty_points + signup_points, NOSHOW_PENALTY_DAYS, action.type.capitalize(), reverse("activity_task", args=(action.type, action.slug,)), action.title) message += " If you did attend, please click on the link to "\ "claim your points and reverse the deduction." UserNotification.create_info_notification(user, message, display_alert=True, content_object=member) print "created no-show penalty notification for %s for %s" % (, action.title)
def competition(request): """Provides access to standard competition constants within a template. :param request: The request object. :return: a dictionary of game settings.""" # Get user-specific information. if _pass_through(request): return {} user = request.user team_member_count = None team_count = None overall_member_count = None available_events = None default_view_objects = None all_page_info = None designer_models = [None, None] admin_models = [None, None] developer_models = [None, None] challenge = challenge_mgr.get_challenge() css_theme = challenge.theme page_name = request.path[1:][:-1] if user.is_authenticated(): try: profile = user.profile except User.DoesNotExist: profile = None if profile: default_view_objects = _get_default_view_objects(request) all_page_info = challenge_mgr.all_page_info(user) if team_member_count = team_count = Team.objects.count() overall_member_count = Profile.objects.count() available_events = smartgrid.get_next_available_event(user) # override the site theme if there is any if profile.theme: css_theme = profile.theme if page_name == "sys_admin/challenge_mgr/challengesetting/1": page_name = "admin" if page_name in ("challenge_setting_admin", "challenge_admin", "developer_admin"): page_name = "admin" designer_models[0] = \ challenge_mgr.get_designer_challenge_info_models() designer_models[1] = \ challenge_mgr.get_designer_game_info_models() admin_models[0] = \ challenge_mgr.get_admin_challenge_info_models() admin_models[1] = challenge_mgr.get_admin_game_info_models() developer_models[0] = challenge_mgr.get_developer_challenge_info_models() developer_models[1] = challenge_mgr.get_developer_game_info_models() return { "CHALLENGE": challenge, "SCORE_SETTINGS": score_mgr.score_setting(), "CSS_THEME": css_theme, "TEAM_LABEL": challenge.team_label, "MAKAHIKI_FACEBOOK_APP_ID": settings.MAKAHIKI_FACEBOOK_APP_ID if settings.MAKAHIKI_USE_FACEBOOK else '', "MAKAHIKI_USE_LESS": settings.MAKAHIKI_USE_LESS, "CURRENT_ROUND_INFO": settings.CURRENT_ROUND_INFO, "TEAM_COUNT": team_count, "TEAM_MEMBER_COUNT": team_member_count, "OVERALL_MEMBER_COUNT": overall_member_count, "DEFAULT_VIEW_OBJECTS": default_view_objects, "AVAILABLE_EVENTS": available_events, "ALL_PAGE_INFO": all_page_info, "MAKAHIKI_DESIGNER_CHALLENGE_MODELS": designer_models[0], "MAKAHIKI_DESIGNER_GAME_MODELS": designer_models[1], "MAKAHIKI_ADMIN_CHALLENGE_MODELS": admin_models[0], "MAKAHIKI_ADMIN_GAME_MODELS": admin_models[1], "MAKAHIKI_DEVELOPER_CHALLENGE_MODELS": developer_models[0], "MAKAHIKI_DEVELOPER_GAME_MODELS": developer_models[1], "ACTIVE_PAGE": page_name }