    async def _send_to_users(self, qs_users: QuerySet,
                             message_obj: ChannelMessage):
        Send the message to the users returned by the specified Django query set.

        This is an async method made private for calling it from the sync public method.
        :param qs_users: Django query set returning User models. Pk field will be requested via values_list(..).
        :param message_obj: Message to send.
        connected_user_ids = self.get_connected_users()
        if not connected_user_ids:

        # A workaround for "connection already closed" problem.
        # Looks like this code is being executed in a way that
        # the "connection" object it accesses is re-used for a long time and appears broken after some long delay.

        layer = get_channel_layer()  # type: RedisChannelLayer
        msg = {'type': 'send_to_client', 'message': message_obj.to_dict()}
        coros = list()
        for user_id in qs_users.filter(pk__in=connected_user_ids).values_list(
                'pk', flat=True):
            send_to_user_coro = layer.group_send(
                self.user_id_to_group_name(user_id), msg)
        await asyncio.gather(*coros)
 def send_to_all_users(self, message_obj: ChannelMessage):
     Send the message to all connected users.
     Each authenticated user is added to a special ALL group and this method sends the message into this group.
     :param message_obj:
     layer = get_channel_layer()  # type: RedisChannelLayer
     async_to_sync(layer.group_send)(ALL, {'type': 'send_to_client', 'message': message_obj.to_dict()})
 def send_to_user(self, user_id, message_obj: ChannelMessage):
     Send the message to the specified user.
     :param user_id: ID of the user.
     :param message_obj: Message to send.
     layer = get_channel_layer()  # type: RedisChannelLayer
                                     {'type': 'send_to_client', 'message': message_obj.to_dict()})
    def send_to_users_by_ids(self, user_ids: List[int], message_obj: ChannelMessage):
        Send the message to the users returned by the specified Django query set.

        :param user_ids: user ids to send messages to
        :param message_obj: Message to send.

        connected_user_ids = self.get_connected_users()
        if not connected_user_ids:
        layer = get_channel_layer()  # type: RedisChannelLayer
        async_to_sync(layer.group_send)(ALL, {'type': 'send_to_client',
                                              'user_ids': user_ids,
                                              'message': message_obj.to_dict()})
    def send_to_users(self, qs_users: QuerySet, message_obj: ChannelMessage):
        Send the message to the users returned by the specified Django query set.

        :param qs_users: Django query set returning User models. Pk field will be requested via values_list(..).
        :param message_obj: Message to send.

        connected_user_ids = self.get_connected_users()
        if not connected_user_ids:
        user_ids: Set[int] = set(qs_users.filter(pk__in=connected_user_ids).values_list('pk', flat=True))

        layer = get_channel_layer()  # type: RedisChannelLayer
        async_to_sync(layer.group_send)(ALL, {'type': 'send_to_client',
                                              'user_ids': list(user_ids),
                                              'message': message_obj.to_dict()})
    async def _send_to_users(self, qs_users: QuerySet, message_obj: ChannelMessage):
        Send the message to the users returned by the specified Django query set.

        This is an async method made private for calling it from the sync public method.
        :param qs_users: Django query set returning User models. Pk field will be requested via values_list(..).
        :param message_obj: Message to send.
        connected_user_ids = self.get_connected_users()
        if not connected_user_ids:

        layer = get_channel_layer()  # type: RedisChannelLayer
        msg = {'type': 'send_to_client', 'message': message_obj.to_dict()}
        coros = list()
        for user_id in qs_users.filter(pk__in=connected_user_ids).values_list('pk', flat=True):
            send_to_user_coro = layer.group_send(self.user_id_to_group_name(user_id), msg)
        await asyncio.gather(*coros)