  def test_from_directory(self):
    # Ensure an exception is raised if there are no configuration candidates.
    shortest_path_func = 'appscale.tools.admin_api.version.shortest_directory_path'
    with patch(shortest_path_func, side_effect=lambda fn, path: None):
      with self.assertRaises(AppEngineConfigException):

    with patch(shortest_path_func,
               side_effect=lambda fn, path: '/example/guestbook/app.yaml'):
      open_path = 'appscale.tools.admin_api.version.open'
      with patch(open_path, mock_open(read_data=SIMPLE_APP_YAML)):
        version = Version.from_yaml_file('/example/app.yaml')

      self.assertEqual(version.runtime, 'python27')
  def test_from_directory(self):
    # Ensure an exception is raised if there are no configuration candidates.
    shortest_path_func = 'appscale.tools.admin_api.version.shortest_directory_path'
    with patch(shortest_path_func, side_effect=lambda fn, path: None):
      with self.assertRaises(AppEngineConfigException):

    with patch(shortest_path_func,
               side_effect=lambda fn, path: '/example/guestbook/app.yaml'):
      open_path = 'appscale.tools.admin_api.version.open'
      with patch(open_path, mock_open(read_data=SIMPLE_APP_YAML)):
        version = Version.from_yaml_file('/example/app.yaml')

      self.assertEqual(version.runtime, 'python27')
  def update_dispatch(cls, source_location, keyname, project_id):
    """ Updates an application's dispatch routing rules from the configuration

      options: A Namespace that has fields for each parameter that can be
        passed in via the command-line interface.
    if cls.TAR_GZ_REGEX.search(source_location):
      fetch_function = utils.config_from_tar_gz
      version = Version.from_tar_gz(source_location)
    elif cls.ZIP_REGEX.search(source_location):
      fetch_function = utils.config_from_zip
      version = Version.from_zip(source_location)
    elif os.path.isdir(source_location):
      fetch_function = utils.config_from_dir
      version = Version.from_directory(source_location)
    elif source_location.endswith('.yaml'):
      fetch_function = utils.config_from_dir
      version = Version.from_yaml_file(source_location)
      source_location = os.path.dirname(source_location)
      raise BadConfigurationException(
        '{} must be a directory, tar.gz, or zip'.format(source_location))

    if project_id:
      version.project_id = project_id

    dispatch_rules = utils.dispatch_from_yaml(source_location, fetch_function)
    if dispatch_rules is None:
    AppScaleLogger.log('Updating dispatch for {}'.format(version.project_id))

    load_balancer_ip = LocalState.get_host_with_role(keyname, 'load_balancer')
    secret_key = LocalState.get_secret_key(keyname)
    admin_client = AdminClient(load_balancer_ip, secret_key)
    operation_id = admin_client.update_dispatch(version.project_id, dispatch_rules)

    # Check on the operation.
    AppScaleLogger.log("Please wait for your dispatch to be updated.")

    deadline = time.time() + cls.MAX_OPERATION_TIME
    while True:
      if time.time() > deadline:
        raise AppScaleException('The operation took too long.')
      operation = admin_client.get_operation(version.project_id, operation_id)
      if not operation['done']:

      if 'error' in operation:
        raise AppScaleException(operation['error']['message'])
      dispatch_rules = operation['response']['dispatchRules']

        "The following dispatchRules have been applied to your application's "
        "configuration : {}".format(dispatch_rules))
    AppScaleLogger.success('Dispatch has been updated for {}'.format(
  def update_queues(cls, source_location, keyname, project_id):
    """ Updates a project's queues from the configuration file.

      source_location: A string specifying the location of the source code.
      keyname: A string specifying the key name.
      project_id: A string specifying the project ID.
    if cls.TAR_GZ_REGEX.search(source_location):
      fetch_function = utils.config_from_tar_gz
      version = Version.from_tar_gz(source_location)
    elif cls.ZIP_REGEX.search(source_location):
      fetch_function = utils.config_from_zip
      version = Version.from_zip(source_location)
    elif os.path.isdir(source_location):
      fetch_function = utils.config_from_dir
      version = Version.from_directory(source_location)
    elif source_location.endswith('.yaml'):
      fetch_function = utils.config_from_dir
      version = Version.from_yaml_file(source_location)
      source_location = os.path.dirname(source_location)
      raise BadConfigurationException(
        '{} must be a directory, tar.gz, or zip'.format(source_location))

    if project_id:
      version.project_id = project_id

    queue_config = fetch_function('queue.yaml', source_location)
    if queue_config is None:
      queue_config = fetch_function('queue.xml', source_location)
      # If the source does not have a queue configuration file, do nothing.
      if queue_config is None:

      queues = utils.queues_from_xml(queue_config)
      queues = yaml.safe_load(queue_config)

    AppScaleLogger.log('Updating queues')

    for queue in queues.get('queue', []):
      if 'bucket_size' in queue or 'max_concurrent_requests' in queue:
        AppScaleLogger.warn('Queue configuration uses unsupported rate options'
                            ' (bucket size or max concurrent requests)')

    load_balancer_ip = LocalState.get_host_with_role(keyname, 'load_balancer')
    secret_key = LocalState.get_secret_key(keyname)
    admin_client = AdminClient(load_balancer_ip, secret_key)
    admin_client.update_queues(version.project_id, queues)
  def update_cron(cls, source_location, keyname, project_id):
    """ Updates a project's cron jobs from the configuration file.

      source_location: A string specifying the location of the source code.
      keyname: A string specifying the key name.
      project_id: A string specifying the project ID.
    if cls.TAR_GZ_REGEX.search(source_location):
      fetch_function = utils.config_from_tar_gz
      version = Version.from_tar_gz(source_location)
    elif cls.ZIP_REGEX.search(source_location):
      fetch_function = utils.config_from_zip
      version = Version.from_zip(source_location)
    elif os.path.isdir(source_location):
      fetch_function = utils.config_from_dir
      version = Version.from_directory(source_location)
    elif source_location.endswith('.yaml'):
      fetch_function = utils.config_from_dir
      version = Version.from_yaml_file(source_location)
      source_location = os.path.dirname(source_location)
      raise BadConfigurationException(
        '{} must be a directory, tar.gz, or zip'.format(source_location))

    if project_id:
      version.project_id = project_id

    cron_config = fetch_function('cron.yaml', source_location)
    if cron_config is None:
      cron_config = fetch_function('cron.xml', source_location)
      # If the source does not have a cron configuration file, do nothing.
      if cron_config is None:

      cron_jobs = utils.cron_from_xml(cron_config)
      cron_jobs = yaml.safe_load(cron_config)

    AppScaleLogger.log('Updating cron jobs')
    load_balancer_ip = LocalState.get_host_with_role(keyname, 'load_balancer')
    secret_key = LocalState.get_secret_key(keyname)
    admin_client = AdminClient(load_balancer_ip, secret_key)
    admin_client.update_cron(version.project_id, cron_jobs)
  def upload_app(cls, options):
    """Uploads the given App Engine application into AppScale.

      options: A Namespace that has fields for each parameter that can be
        passed in via the command-line interface.
      A tuple containing the host and port where the application is serving
        traffic from.
    custom_service_yaml = None
    if cls.TAR_GZ_REGEX.search(options.file):
      file_location = LocalState.extract_tgz_app_to_dir(options.file)
      created_dir = True
      version = Version.from_tar_gz(options.file)
    elif cls.ZIP_REGEX.search(options.file):
      file_location = LocalState.extract_zip_app_to_dir(options.file)
      created_dir = True
      version = Version.from_zip(options.file)
    elif os.path.isdir(options.file):
      file_location = options.file
      created_dir = False
      version = Version.from_directory(options.file)
    elif options.file.endswith('.yaml'):
      file_location = os.path.dirname(options.file)
      created_dir = False
      version = Version.from_yaml_file(options.file)
      custom_service_yaml = options.file
      raise AppEngineConfigException('{0} is not a tar.gz file, a zip file, ' \
        'or a directory. Please try uploading either a tar.gz file, a zip ' \
        'file, or a directory.'.format(options.file))

    if options.project:
      if version.runtime == 'java':
        raise BadConfigurationException("AppScale doesn't support --project for"
          "Java yet. Please specify the application id in appengine-web.xml.")

      version.project_id = options.project

    if version.project_id is None:
      if version.config_type == 'app.yaml':
        message = 'Specify --project or define "application" in your app.yaml'
        message = 'Define "application" in your appengine-web.xml'

      raise AppEngineConfigException(message)

    # Let users know that versions are not supported yet.
    AppEngineHelper.warn_if_version_defined(version, options.test)


    extras = {}
    if version.runtime == 'go':
      extras = LocalState.get_extra_go_dependencies(options.file, options.test)

    if (version.runtime == 'java'
        and AppEngineHelper.is_sdk_mismatch(file_location)):
        'AppScale did not find the correct SDK jar versions in your app. The '
        'current supported SDK version is '

    head_node_public_ip = LocalState.get_host_with_role(
      options.keyname, 'shadow')
    secret_key = LocalState.get_secret_key(options.keyname)
    admin_client = AdminClient(head_node_public_ip, secret_key)

    remote_file_path = RemoteHelper.copy_app_to_host(
      file_location, version.project_id, options.keyname,
      extras, custom_service_yaml)

      'Deploying service {} for {}'.format(version.service_id,
    operation_id = admin_client.create_version(version, remote_file_path)

    # now that we've told the AppController to start our app, find out what port
    # the app is running on and wait for it to start serving
    AppScaleLogger.log("Please wait for your app to start serving.")

    deadline = time.time() + cls.MAX_OPERATION_TIME
    while True:
      if time.time() > deadline:
        raise AppScaleException('The deployment operation took too long.')
      operation = admin_client.get_operation(version.project_id, operation_id)
      if not operation['done']:

      if 'error' in operation:
        raise AppScaleException(operation['error']['message'])
      version_url = operation['response']['versionUrl']

      'Your app can be reached at the following URL: {}'.format(version_url))

    if created_dir:

    match = re.match('http://(.+):(\d+)', version_url)
    login_host = match.group(1)
    http_port = int(match.group(2))
    return login_host, http_port