    def delete_sub_package(self, name):
        """ Deletes the sub-package with the specified name. """

        sub_package = File(join(self.filename, name))

    def delete_sub_package(self, name):
        """ Deletes the sub-package with the specified name. """

        sub_package = File(join(self.filename, name))

    def _unbind(self, name):
        """ Unbinds a name from this context. """

        # Get the full path to the file.
        path = join(self.path, self._name_to_filename_map[name])

        # Remove it!
        f = File(path)

        # Update the name to filename map.
        del self._name_to_filename_map[name]

        # Update the cache.
        if name in self._cache:
            del self._cache[name]

        # Remove any attributes.
        if name in self._attributes:
            del self._attributes[name]
    def _unbind(self, name):
        """ Unbinds a name from this context. """

        # Get the full path to the file.
        path = join(self.path, self._name_to_filename_map[name])

        # Remove it!
        f = File(path)

        # Update the name to filename map.
        del self._name_to_filename_map[name]

        # Update the cache.
        if name in self._cache:
            del self._cache[name]

        # Remove any attributes.
        if name in self._attributes:
            del self._attributes[name]

    def _rename(self, old_name, new_name):
        """ Renames an object in this context. """

        # Get the old filename.
        old_filename = self._name_to_filename_map[old_name]
        old_file = File(join(self.path, old_filename))

        # Lookup the object bound to the old name.  This has the side effect
        # of adding the object to the cache under the name 'old_name'.
        obj = self._lookup(old_name)

        # We are renaming a LOCAL context (ie. a folder)...
        if old_file.is_folder:
            # Create the new filename.
            new_filename = new_name
            new_file = File(join(self.path, new_filename))

            # Move the folder.

            # Update the 'Context' object.
            obj.path = new_file.path

            # Update the cache.
            self._cache[new_name] = obj
            del self._cache[old_name]

            # Refreshing the context makes sure that all of its contents
            # reflect the new name (i.e., sub-folders and files have the
            # correct path).
            # fixme: This currently results in new copies of serialized
            # Python objects!  We need to be a bit more judicious in the
            # refresh.

        # We are renaming a file...
        elif isinstance(obj, File):
            # Create the new filename.
            new_filename = new_name
            new_file = File(join(self.path, new_filename))

            # Move the file.

            # Update the 'File' object.
            obj.path = new_file.path

            # Update the cache.
            self._cache[new_name] = obj
            del self._cache[old_name]

        # We are renaming a serialized Python object...
            # Create the new filename.
            new_filename = new_name + old_file.ext
            new_file = File(join(self.path, new_filename))


            # Update the cache.
            if old_name in self._cache:
                self._cache[new_name] = self._cache[old_name]
                del self._cache[old_name]

            # Force the creation of the new file.
            # fixme: I'm not sure that this is really the place for this.  We
            # do it because often the 'name' of the object is actually an
            # attribute of the object itself, and hence we want the serialized
            # state to reflect the new name... Hmmm...
            self._rebind(new_name, obj)

        # Update the name to filename map.
        del self._name_to_filename_map[old_name]
        self._name_to_filename_map[new_name] = new_filename

        # Move any attributes over to the new name.
        if old_name in self._attributes:
            self._attributes[new_name] = self._attributes[old_name]
            del self._attributes[old_name]

    def _rename(self, old_name, new_name):
        """ Renames an object in this context. """

        # Get the old filename.
        old_filename = self._name_to_filename_map[old_name]
        old_file = File(join(self.path, old_filename))

        # Lookup the object bound to the old name.  This has the side effect
        # of adding the object to the cache under the name 'old_name'.
        obj = self._lookup(old_name)

        # We are renaming a LOCAL context (ie. a folder)...
        if old_file.is_folder:
            # Create the new filename.
            new_filename = new_name
            new_file = File(join(self.path, new_filename))

            # Move the folder.

            # Update the 'Context' object.
            obj.path = new_file.path

            # Update the cache.
            self._cache[new_name] = obj
            del self._cache[old_name]

            # Refreshing the context makes sure that all of its contents
            # reflect the new name (i.e., sub-folders and files have the
            # correct path).
            # fixme: This currently results in new copies of serialized
            # Python objects!  We need to be a bit more judicious in the
            # refresh.

        # We are renaming a file...
        elif isinstance(obj, File):
            # Create the new filename.
            new_filename = new_name
            new_file = File(join(self.path, new_filename))

            # Move the file.

            # Update the 'File' object.
            obj.path = new_file.path

            # Update the cache.
            self._cache[new_name] = obj
            del self._cache[old_name]

        # We are renaming a serialized Python object...
            # Create the new filename.
            new_filename = new_name + old_file.ext
            new_file = File(join(self.path, new_filename))


            # Update the cache.
            if old_name in self._cache:
                self._cache[new_name] = self._cache[old_name]
                del self._cache[old_name]

            # Force the creation of the new file.
            # fixme: I'm not sure that this is really the place for this.  We
            # do it because often the 'name' of the object is actually an
            # attribute of the object itself, and hence we want the serialized
            # state to reflect the new name... Hmmm...
            self._rebind(new_name, obj)

        # Update the name to filename map.
        del self._name_to_filename_map[old_name]
        self._name_to_filename_map[new_name] = new_filename

        # Move any attributes over to the new name.
        if old_name in self._attributes:
            self._attributes[new_name] = self._attributes[old_name]
            del self._attributes[old_name]

    def save(self, location=None, overwrite=False):
        Save this project.

        The project is saved to its current location, identified by the value
        of the *location* trait, unless a new location is explicitly provided.
        The specification of a new location is used to do a 'save as'

        If a new location is provided, and a file or directory already exists
        at that location, then an *AssertionError* exception is raised unless
        the overwrite flag is True.  This ensures that users won't accidentally
        overwrite existing data.

        This method requires the overwrite flag because prompting the user to
        confirm the overwrite requires GUI interaction and thus should not be
        done at the model level.

        Note that, because we can rely on the location of a loaded project
        always being set to the location it was loaded from, there is no reason
        to try to force the *location* trait within a saved project to the
        location we are trying to save to.  Instead, we update the value in
        the in-memory version of the project only if the save completed

        The dirty flag is always cleared upon a succesfull save of the project.

        An exception will be raised to indicate a failure.


        # Ensure saving (or save as) is allowed at this time.
        if location is None or location == self.location:
            if not self.is_save_allowed:
                raise AssertionError("Saving is currently not allowed.")
        elif location != self.location:
            if not self.is_save_as_allowed:
                raise AssertionError("Save as is currently not allowed.")

        # Use the internally-specified location unless a new location was
        # explicitly provided.  The new location can not contain any starting
        # or trailing whitespace and it cannot overwrite an existing file or
        # directory unless that was explicitly allowed.
        loc = self.location
        if location is not None:
            location = location.strip()
            if len(location) > 0 and location != self.location:

                # Ensure we never overwrite existing files / directories just
                # because someone specified a new location.  (Confirmation or
                # correction of overwriting requires prompting of the user and
                # is thus not part of the project model.)
                if os.path.exists(location) and overwrite is False:
                    raise AssertionError("Can not overwrite existing " +
                                         "location [%s]" % location)

                # The requested location is valid so let's use it.
                loc = location

        # Ensure all necessary directories exist.  If we're saving a file, then
        # these are the path upto the file name.  If we're saving to a directory
        # then the path is the complete location.
        if self.PROJECTS_ARE_FILES:
            path, filename = os.path.split(loc)
            path = loc
        if len(path) > 0:
            f = File(path)
            if f.is_file:
            if not f.exists:

        # Save this project in a manner that derived classes can modify.

        # If the save succeeds (no exceptions were raised), then update the
        # location of the project and clear the dirty flag.
        self.location = loc
        self.dirty = False

    def save(self, location=None, overwrite=False):
        Save this project.

        The project is saved to its current location, identified by the value
        of the *location* trait, unless a new location is explicitly provided.
        The specification of a new location is used to do a 'save as'

        If a new location is provided, and a file or directory already exists
        at that location, then an *AssertionError* exception is raised unless
        the overwrite flag is True.  This ensures that users won't accidentally
        overwrite existing data.

        This method requires the overwrite flag because prompting the user to
        confirm the overwrite requires GUI interaction and thus should not be
        done at the model level.

        Note that, because we can rely on the location of a loaded project
        always being set to the location it was loaded from, there is no reason
        to try to force the *location* trait within a saved project to the
        location we are trying to save to.  Instead, we update the value in
        the in-memory version of the project only if the save completed

        The dirty flag is always cleared upon a succesfull save of the project.

        An exception will be raised to indicate a failure.


        # Ensure saving (or save as) is allowed at this time.
        if location is None or location == self.location:
            if not self.is_save_allowed:
                raise AssertionError('Saving is currently not allowed.')
        elif location != self.location:
            if not self.is_save_as_allowed:
                raise AssertionError('Save as is currently not allowed.')

        # Use the internally-specified location unless a new location was
        # explicitly provided.  The new location can not contain any starting
        # or trailing whitespace and it cannot overwrite an existing file or
        # directory unless that was explicitly allowed.
        loc = self.location
        if location is not None:
            location = location.strip()
            if len(location) > 0 and location != self.location:

                # Ensure we never overwrite existing files / directories just
                # because someone specified a new location.  (Confirmation or
                # correction of overwriting requires prompting of the user and
                # is thus not part of the project model.)
                if os.path.exists(location) and overwrite is False:
                    raise AssertionError('Can not overwrite existing ' + \
                        'location [%s]' % location)

                # The requested location is valid so let's use it.
                loc = location

        # Ensure all necessary directories exist.  If we're saving a file, then
        # these are the path upto the file name.  If we're saving to a directory
        # then the path is the complete location.
        if self.PROJECTS_ARE_FILES:
            path, filename = os.path.split(loc)
            path = loc
        if len(path) > 0:
            f = File(path)
            if f.is_file:
            if not f.exists:

        # Save this project in a manner that derived classes can modify.

        # If the save succeeds (no exceptions were raised), then update the
        # location of the project and clear the dirty flag.
        self.location = loc
        self.dirty = False
