def __init__(self, defaults: Dict = None): self.defaults = { datetime: lambda x: TimeUtils.to_timestamp(x), date: lambda x: TimeUtils.to_timestamp(x), UUID: lambda x: x.hex, set: lambda x: list(x), DictObject: lambda x: x.to_dict(), } self.defaults.update(defaults or {})
def write_command(cls, command, path: Text = None): path = path if path else '/tmp' timestamp = TimeUtils.utc_timestamp() cls.sequence += 1 tmp_file = f'appyratus-sys-exec-{timestamp}-{cls.sequence}.sh' file_path = PathUtils.join(path, tmp_file) File.write(file_path, f"#!/usr/bin/env bash\n{command}") PathUtils.make_executable(file_path, user=True) return file_path
def process(self, value): if isinstance(value, (int, float)): return (value, None) elif isinstance(value, datetime): return (TimeUtils.to_timestamp(value), None) elif isinstance(value, date): return (time.mktime(value.timetuple()), None) else: return (None, UNRECOGNIZED_VALUE)
class NumericIndex(RangeIndex): custom_serializers = { UUID: lambda x: int(x.hex, 16), datetime: lambda x: TimeUtils.to_timestamp(x), bool: lambda x: int(x), } def upsert(self, _id, value, pipe=None): redis = pipe if pipe is not None else self.redis ser = self.custom_serializers.get(value.__class__) value = ser(value) if ser else value redis.zrem(, _id) redis.zadd(, {_id: value}) def delete(self, _id, pipe=None): redis = pipe if pipe is not None else self.redis redis.zrem(, _id) def delete_many(self, _ids, pipe=None): if isinstance(_ids, GeneratorType): _ids = tuple(_ids) if _ids: redis = pipe if pipe is not None else self.redis redis.zrem(, *_ids) def search(self, lower=None, upper=None, include_lower=True, include_upper=False, offset=None, limit=None, pipe=None): if lower is not None: lower = '({}'.format(lower) if not include_lower else lower else: lower = '-inf' if upper is not None: upper = '({}'.format(upper) if not include_upper else upper else: upper = '+inf' if limit is not None and offset is None: offset = 0 redis = pipe if pipe is not None else self.redis return [ v.split(self.DELIM_BYTES)[-1] for v in redis.zrangebyscore(, lower, upper, start=offset, num=limit) ]
def __init__(self, exc, middleware=None): self.middleware = middleware self.timestamp = TimeUtils.utc_now() self.exc = exc if isinstance(exc, RavelError) and exc.wrapped_traceback: self.trace = self.exc.wrapped_traceback.strip().split('\n')[1:] self.exc_message = self.trace[-1].split(': ', 1)[1] else: self.trace = traceback.format_exc().strip().split('\n')[1:] final_line = self.trace[-1] if ':' in final_line: self.exc_message = final_line.split(':', 1)[1] else: self.exc_message = None
def read_context(cls, path: Text = None): _, context, _, _ = DotFileManager.get_context(path) embryo_commands = cls.parse_context(context) embryo_commands.sort(key=lambda tup: tup[0]) used_commands = [] for timestamp, command in embryo_commands: if command in used_commands: continue if timestamp is not None: ts = TimeUtils.from_timestamp(timestamp) else: ts = None used_commands.append((ts, command)) return used_commands
def build_response_message(self, message: Message, source: Dict) -> Message: """ Recursively bind each value in a source dict to the corresponding attribute in a grpc Message object, resulting in the prepared response message, ready to be sent back to the client. """ if source is None: return None for k, v in source.items(): if v is None: # protobufs don't understand null values continue # TODO: move conversion logic into adapters if isinstance(v, (date, datetime)): ts = TimeUtils.to_timestamp(v) setattr(message, k, ts) elif isinstance(getattr(message, k), Message): sub_message = getattr(message, k) assert isinstance(v, dict) self.build_response_message(sub_message, v) elif isinstance(v, dict): json_str = self.json.encode(v) setattr(message, k, json_str) elif isinstance(v, (list, tuple, set)): list_field = getattr(message, k) sub_message_type_name = ('{}Schema'.format(k.title().replace( '_', ''))) sub_message_type = getattr(message, sub_message_type_name, None) if sub_message_type: list_field.extend( self.build_response_message(sub_message_type(), v_i) for v_i in v) else: v_prime = [ x if not isinstance(x, dict) else self.json.encode(x) for x in v ] list_field.extend(v_prime) else: setattr(message, k, v) return message
def __init__( self, method: Text, args: Tuple = None, kwargs: Dict = None, result=None, exc: Exception = None, ): self.method = method self.args = list(args) if args else [] self.kwargs = kwargs or {} self.result = result self.timestamp = TimeUtils.utc_now() self.exc = exc # fix up create and create_many args and kwargs. # see the doc string for _backfill_id_fields. if (exc is None) and (method in {'create', 'create_many'}): self._backfill_id_fields(result)
def process_message(self, level: Text, message: Text, data: Dict) -> Text: when = TimeUtils.utc_now().strftime('%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S') level = level.upper()[0] if data: data = json.decode(json.encode(data)) if self._style == 'json': dumped_data = self._to_json(data) elif self._style == 'yaml': dumped_data = self._to_yaml(data) else: raise ValueError(f'unrecognized log style: {}') else: dumped_data = None display_string = f'{when} ({level}) {self._name} - {message}' if dumped_data: display_string += f'\n\n{dumped_data}\n' return display_string
def __init__( self, embryo_name: str, destination: str, context: Dict = None, embryo: 'Embryo' = None, ): """ Generate an embryo, along with any embryos nested therein. Returns a list of Renderer objects. The first instance is the embryo being generated, and the rest are the nested ones. # Args - `embryo_name`: The name of the embryo. - `destination`: Directory to hatch embryo into - `context`: Context data to merge into other sources. """ self._embryo_class = None self._embryo_path = None self._embryo = None if embryo_name is None: # this should mean we're coming from the # from_embryo factory method return # ------ # Add Embryo metadata to context context.update({ 'embryo': { 'name': embryo_name, 'destination': os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(destination)), 'timestamp': TimeUtils.utc_now(), 'action': 'hatch', } }) embryo_name, embryo_path, embryo_class = get_embryo_resource( embryo_name) self._embryo = embryo_class(embryo_path, context)
def process(self, value): if isinstance(value, str): try: dt = dateutil.parser.parse(value) except: return (None, INVALID_VALUE) elif isinstance(value, (int, float)): dt = TimeUtils.from_timestamp(value) elif isinstance(value, datetime): dt = value.replace(tzinfo=self.timezone) elif isinstance(value, date): dt = datetime.combine(value, datetime.min.time()) else: return (None, UNRECOGNIZED_VALUE) if self.format_spec: dt_str = datetime.strftime(dt, self.format_spec) else: dt_str = dt.isoformat() return (dt_str, None)
def process(self, value): if isinstance(value, datetime): return (value.replace(, None) elif isinstance(value, (int, float)): try: return (TimeUtils.from_timestamp(value).replace(, None) except ValueError: return (None, INVALID_VALUE) elif isinstance(value, date): new_value = datetime.combine(value, datetime.min.time()) new_value = new_value.replace( return (new_value, None) elif isinstance(value, str): try: return (dateutil.parser.parse(value).replace(, None) except: return (None, INVALID_VALUE) else: return (None, UNRECOGNIZED_VALUE)
return fitness if __name__ == '__main__': # optional constraints on the argument search space options = { 'age': { 'min': 30, 'max': 50 }, 'temperature': { 'min': 91.0, 'max': 104 }, 'name': { 'enum': ['Jeff', 'John', 'Jimbob', 'Joffrey'] }, } # NOTE: statistics False in production by default tuner = FunctionTuner(epochs=256, statistics=True) # returns top individual from latest generation from appyratus.utils.time_utils import TimeUtils args, time = TimeUtils.timed(lambda: tuner.tune(objective, options)) print(f'Runtime: {time.total_seconds():.2f}s') print(f'Best Args:', args) tuner.plot()
def on_generate(self, **kwargs): return TimeUtils.to_timestamp( self.faker.date_time_this_year(tzinfo=pytz.utc))
def logout(self): if self.is_active: self.update(logged_out_at=TimeUtils.utc_now(), is_active=False)