def read_osiris_beam(file_path, plasma_dens):
    """Reads particle data from an OSIRIS paricle file and returns it in the
    unis used by APtools.

    file_path : str
        Path to the file with particle data

    plasma_dens : float
        Plasma density in units od cm^{-3} used to convert the beam data to
        non-normalized units

    A tuple with 7 arrays containing the 6D phase space and charge of the
    s_d = plasma_skin_depth(plasma_dens)
    file_content = H5File(file_path)
    # get data
    q = np.array(file_content.get('q')) * ct.e
    x = np.array(file_content.get('x2')) * s_d
    y = np.array(file_content.get('x3')) * s_d
    z = np.array(file_content.get('x1')) * s_d
    px = np.array(file_content.get('p2'))
    py = np.array(file_content.get('p3'))
    pz = np.array(file_content.get('p1'))
    return x, y, z, px, py, pz, q
def read_hipace_beam(file_path, plasma_dens):
    """Reads particle data from an HiPACE paricle file and returns it in the
    unis used by APtools.

    file_path : str
        Path to the file with particle data

    plasma_dens : float
        Plasma density in units od cm^{-3} used to convert the beam data to
        non-normalized units

    A tuple with 7 arrays containing the 6D phase space and charge of the
    s_d = plasma_skin_depth(plasma_dens)
    file_content = H5File(file_path)
    # sim parameters
    n_cells = file_content.attrs['NX']
    sim_size = (file_content.attrs['XMAX'] - file_content.attrs['XMIN'])
    cell_vol = np.prod(sim_size / n_cells)
    q_norm = cell_vol * plasma_dens * 1e6 * s_d**3 * ct.e
    # get data
    q = np.array(file_content.get('q')) * q_norm
    x = np.array(file_content.get('x2')) * s_d
    y = np.array(file_content.get('x3')) * s_d
    z = np.array(file_content.get('x1')) * s_d
    px = np.array(file_content.get('p2'))
    py = np.array(file_content.get('p3'))
    pz = np.array(file_content.get('p1'))
    return x, y, z, px, py, pz, q
def get_beam_function(beam_part, n_r, n_xi, n_p, r_arr, xi_arr, p_shape):
    Return a function of r and xi which gives the azimuthal magnetic field
    from a particle distribution. This is Eq. (18) in the original paper.

    For details about input parameters see method 'calculate_wakefields'.

    # Plasma skin depth.
    s_d = ge.plasma_skin_depth(n_p / 1e6)

    # Grid parameters.
    dr = r_arr[1] - r_arr[0]
    dxi = xi_arr[1] - xi_arr[0]
    r_min = r_arr[0]
    xi_min = xi_arr[0]

    # Grid arrays with guard cells.
    r_grid_g = (0.5 + np.arange(-2, n_r + 2)) * dr
    xi_grid_g = np.arange(-2, n_xi + 2) * dxi + xi_min

    # Get and normalize particle coordinate arrays.
    x, y, xi, q = beam_part
    xi_n = xi / s_d
    x_n = x / s_d
    y_n = y / s_d

    # Calculate particle weights.
    w = q / ct.e / (2 * np.pi * dr * dxi * s_d**3 * n_p)

    # Obtain charge distribution (using cubic particle shape by default).
    q_dist = charge_distribution_cyl(xi_n,

    # Calculate radial integral (Eq. (18)).
    r_int = np.cumsum(q_dist, axis=1) / np.abs(r_grid_g) * dr

    # Create and return interpolator.
    return scint.interp2d(r_grid_g, xi_grid_g, -r_int)
    def __calculate_wakefields(self, x, y, xi, px, py, pz, q, t):
        self.current_t = t
        if self.current_t_wf is None:
            self.current_t_wf = t
        elif (self.current_t_wf != t
              and t >= self.current_t_wf + self.dz_fields / ct.c):
            self.current_t_wf = t
        z_beam = t * ct.c + np.average(xi)  # z postion of beam center
        n_p = self.density_function(z_beam)

        # calculate distance to laser focus
        if self.laser_evolution:
            dz_foc = self.laser_z_foc - ct.c * t
            dz_foc = 0

        flds = calculate_wakefields(self.laser, [x, y, xi, q],
        n_p_mesh, W_r, E_z, E_z_p, K_r, psi_mesh, xi_arr, r_arr = flds

        E_0 = ge.plasma_cold_non_relativisct_wave_breaking_field(n_p * 1e-6)
        s_d = ge.plasma_skin_depth(n_p * 1e-6)

        self.rho = n_p_mesh
        self.E_z = E_z.T * E_0
        self.W_x = W_r.T * E_0
        self.K_x = K_r.T * E_0 / s_d / ct.c
        self.E_z_p = E_z_p.T * E_0 / s_d
        self.xi_fld = xi_arr * s_d
        self.r_fld = r_arr * s_d
def get_beam_function(beam_part, r_max, xi_min, xi_max, n_r, n_xi, n_p):
    Return a function of r and xi which gives the azimuthal magnetic field
    from a particle distribution. This is Eq. (18) in the original paper.

    For details about input parameters see method 'calculate_wakefields'.

    x, y, xi, q = beam_part
    s_d = ge.plasma_skin_depth(n_p / 1e6)
    xi_n = xi / s_d
    r_n = np.sqrt(x**2 + y**2) / s_d
    x_edges = np.linspace(xi_min, xi_max, n_xi)
    y_edges = np.linspace(0, r_max, n_r)
    bins = [x_edges, y_edges]
    dr = y_edges[1] - y_edges[0]
    dxi = x_edges[1] - x_edges[0]
    hist_weights = q / ct.e / (2 * np.pi * dr * dxi * s_d**3 * n_p)
    bunch_hist, *_ = np.histogram2d(xi_n, r_n, bins=bins, weights=hist_weights)
    r_b = y_edges[1:] - dr / 2
    xi_b = x_edges[1:] - dxi / 2
    bunch_rint = np.cumsum(bunch_hist, axis=1) / r_b * dr
    return scint.interp2d(r_b, xi_b, -bunch_rint)
    def __calculate_wakefields(self, x, y, xi, px, py, pz, q, t):
        if self.current_t is None:
            self.current_t = t
        elif self.current_t != t and t >= self.current_t + self.dz_fields / ct.c:
            self.current_t = t
        z_beam = t * ct.c + np.average(xi)  # z postion of beam center
        n_p = self.density_function(z_beam)

        # calculate distance to laser focus
        if self.laser_evolution:
            dz_foc = self.laser_z_foc - ct.c * t
            dz_foc = 0

        flds = calculate_wakefields(self.laser, [x, y, xi, q], self.r_max,
                                    self.xi_min, self.xi_max, self.n_r,
                                    self.n_xi, self.ppc, n_p, dz_foc)
        n_p_mesh, W_r, E_z, E_z_p, K_r, psi_mesh, xi_arr, r_arr = flds

        # For debugging
        # plt.plot(E_z[:,0])
        # plt.plot(K_r[:,0])
        # plt.plot(a0_0[:,0])
        # plt.show()

        # plt.subplot(411)
        # plt.imshow(E_z.T*E_0, aspect='auto',
        #           extent=(self.xi_min, self.xi_max, 0, self.r_max))
        # plt.plot(E_z[:,0]*E_0)
        # plt.subplot(412)
        # plt.imshow(K_r.T*E_0/s_d, aspect='auto',
        #           extent=(self.xi_min, self.xi_max, 0, self.r_max))
        # plt.subplot(413)
        # plt.imshow(E_z_p.T*E_0/s_d, aspect='auto',
        #           extent=(self.xi_min, self.xi_max, 0, self.r_max))
        # plt.subplot(414)
        # plt.imshow(beam_hist.T, aspect='auto',
        #           extent=(self.xi_min, self.xi_max, 0, self.r_max))
        # plt.show()
        E_0 = ge.plasma_cold_non_relativisct_wave_breaking_field(n_p * 1e-6)
        s_d = ge.plasma_skin_depth(n_p * 1e-6)

        self.E_z = RectBivariateSpline(xi_arr * s_d,
                                       r_arr * s_d,
                                       E_z.T * E_0,
        self.W_x = RectBivariateSpline(xi_arr * s_d,
                                       r_arr * s_d,
                                       W_r.T * E_0,
        self.K_x = RectBivariateSpline(xi_arr * s_d,
                                       r_arr * s_d,
                                       K_r.T * E_0 / s_d / ct.c,
        self.E_z_p = RectBivariateSpline(xi_arr * s_d,
                                         r_arr * s_d,
                                         E_z_p.T * E_0 / s_d,
    def __calculate_wakefields(self, x, y, xi, px, py, pz, q, t):
        if self.current_t != t:
            self.current_t = t
        z_beam = t * ct.c + np.average(xi)  # z postion of beam center
        n_p = self.density_function(z_beam)

        if n_p == self.current_n_p and not self.laser_evolution:
            # If density has not changed and driver does not evolve, it is
            # not necessary to recompute fields.
        self.current_n_p = n_p

        s_d = ge.plasma_skin_depth(n_p * 1e-6)
        r = np.linspace(0, self.r_max, self.n_r)
        dz = (self.xi_max - self.xi_min) / self.n_xi / s_d
        dr = self.r_max / self.n_r / s_d
        r_part = np.sqrt(x**2 + y**2)
        beam_hist, *_ = np.histogram2d(xi,
                                       bins=[self.n_xi, self.n_r],
                                       range=[[self.xi_min, self.xi_max],
                                              [0, self.r_max]],
                                       weights=q / ct.e)
        # ,
        # weights=1/(ct.pi*dr*2*dz))
        n = np.arange(self.n_r)
        disc_area = np.pi * dr**2 * (1 + 2 * n)
        beam_hist *= 1 / (disc_area * dz * n_p) / s_d**3
        n_iter = self.n_xi - 1
        u_1 = np.zeros((n_iter + 1, len(r)))
        u_2 = np.zeros((n_iter + 1, len(r)))
        z_arr = np.zeros(n_iter + 1)
        z_arr[-1] = self.xi_max / s_d
        # calculate distance to laser focus
        if self.laser_evolution:
            dz_foc = self.laser_z_foc - ct.c * t
            dz_foc = 0
        for i in np.arange(n_iter):
            z = z_arr[-1] - i * dz
            # get laser a0 at z, z+dz/2 and z+dz
            if self.driver is not None:
                a0_0 = self.driver.get_a0_profile(r, z * s_d, dz_foc)
                a0_1 = self.driver.get_a0_profile(r, (z - dz / 2) * s_d,
                a0_2 = self.driver.get_a0_profile(r, (z - dz) * s_d, dz_foc)
                a0_0 = np.zeros(r.shape[0])
                a0_1 = np.zeros(r.shape[0])
                a0_2 = np.zeros(r.shape[0])
            # perform runge-kutta
            A = dz * self.__wakefield_ode_system(u_1[-1 - i], u_2[-1 - i], r,
                                                 z * s_d, a0_0,
                                                 beam_hist[-(i + 1)])
            B = dz * self.__wakefield_ode_system(
                u_1[-1 - i] + A[0] / 2, u_2[-1 - i] + A[1] / 2, r,
                (z - dz / 2) * s_d, a0_1, beam_hist[-(i + 1)])
            C = dz * self.__wakefield_ode_system(
                u_1[-1 - i] + B[0] / 2, u_2[-1 - i] + B[1] / 2, r,
                (z - dz / 2) * s_d, a0_1, beam_hist[-(i + 1)])
            D = dz * self.__wakefield_ode_system(
                u_1[-1 - i] + C[0], u_2[-1 - i] + C[1], r,
                (z - dz) * s_d, a0_2, beam_hist[-(i + 1)])
            u_1[-2 -
                i] = u_1[-1 - i] + 1 / 6 * (A[0] + 2 * B[0] + 2 * C[0] + D[0])
            u_2[-2 -
                i] = u_2[-1 - i] + 1 / 6 * (A[1] + 2 * B[1] + 2 * C[1] + D[1])
            z_arr[-2 - i] = z - dz
        E_z = -np.gradient(u_1, dz, axis=0, edge_order=2)
        E_z_p = np.gradient(E_z, dz, axis=0, edge_order=2)
        W_r = -np.gradient(u_1, dr, axis=1, edge_order=2)
        K_r = np.gradient(W_r, dr, axis=1, edge_order=2)
        E_0 = ge.plasma_cold_non_relativisct_wave_breaking_field(n_p * 1e-6)

        # For debugging
        # plt.plot(E_z[:,0])
        # plt.plot(K_r[:,0])
        # plt.plot(a0_0[:,0])
        # plt.show()

        # plt.subplot(411)
        # plt.imshow(E_z.T*E_0, aspect='auto',
        #           extent=(self.xi_min, self.xi_max, 0, self.r_max))
        # plt.plot(E_z[:,0]*E_0)
        # plt.subplot(412)
        # plt.imshow(W_r.T*E_0, aspect='auto',
        #           extent=(self.xi_min, self.xi_max, 0, self.r_max))
        # plt.subplot(413)
        # plt.imshow(E_z_p.T*E_0/s_d, aspect='auto',
        #           extent=(self.xi_min, self.xi_max, 0, self.r_max))
        # plt.subplot(414)
        # plt.imshow(beam_hist.T, aspect='auto',
        #           extent=(self.xi_min, self.xi_max, 0, self.r_max))
        # plt.show()

        self.E_z = RectBivariateSpline(z_arr * s_d, r, E_z * E_0, kx=2, ky=2)
        self.W_x = RectBivariateSpline(z_arr * s_d, r, W_r * E_0, kx=2, ky=2)
        self.K_x = RectBivariateSpline(z_arr * s_d,
                                       K_r * E_0 / s_d / ct.c,
        self.E_z_p = RectBivariateSpline(z_arr * s_d,
                                         E_z_p * E_0 / s_d,
def calculate_wakefields(laser, beam_part, r_max, xi_min, xi_max, n_r, n_xi,
                         ppc, n_p, laser_z_foc):
    Calculate the plasma wakefields generated by the given laser pulse and
    electron beam in the specified grid points.

    laser : LaserPulse (optional)
        Laser driver of the plasma stage.

    beam_part : list
        List of numpy arrays containing the spatial coordinates and charge of
        all beam particles, i.e [x, y, xi, q].

    r_max : float
        Maximum radial position up to which plasma wakefield will be

    xi_min : float
        Minimum longitudinal (speed of light frame) position up to which
        plasma wakefield will be calculated.

    xi_max : float
        Maximum longitudinal (speed of light frame) position up to which
        plasma wakefield will be calculated.

    n_r : int
        Number of grid elements along r in which to calculate the wakefields.

    n_xi : int
        Number of grid elements along xi in which to calculate the wakefields.

    ppc : int (optional)
        Number of plasma particles per 1d cell along the radial direction.

    n_p : float
        Plasma density in units of m^{-3}.

    laser_z_foc : float
        Focal position of the laser along z in meters. It is measured as
        the distance from the beginning of the PlasmaStage. A negative
        value implies that the focal point is located before the

    s_d = ge.plasma_skin_depth(n_p * 1e-6)
    r_max = r_max / s_d
    xi_min = xi_min / s_d
    xi_max = xi_max / s_d

    # Laser parameters.
    if laser is not None:
        laser_params = [
            laser.a_0, laser.l_0, laser.w_0, laser.tau, laser.xi_c,
            laser.polarization, laser_z_foc
        laser_params = None

    # Initialize plasma particles.
    dr = r_max / n_r
    dr_p = dr / ppc
    n_part = n_r * ppc
    r = np.linspace(dr_p / 2, r_max - dr_p / 2, n_part)
    pr = np.zeros_like(r)
    gamma = np.ones_like(r)
    q = dr_p * r

    # Iteration steps.
    dxi = (xi_max - xi_min) / n_xi

    # Initialize field arrays.
    psi_mesh = np.zeros((n_r, n_xi))
    dr_psi_mesh = np.zeros((n_r, n_xi))
    dxi_psi_mesh = np.zeros((n_r, n_xi))
    b_theta_bar_mesh = np.zeros((n_r, n_xi))
    b_theta_0_mesh = np.zeros((n_r, n_xi))
    r_arr = np.linspace(dr / 2, r_max - dr / 2, n_r)
    xi_arr = np.linspace(xi_min, xi_max, n_xi)

    # Calculate beam source term (b_theta_0) from particle distribution.
    if beam_part is not None:
        beam_source = get_beam_function(beam_part, r_max, xi_min, xi_max, n_r,
                                        n_xi, n_p)
        beam_source = None

    # Main loop.
    for step in np.arange(n_xi):
        xi = xi_max - dxi * step

        # Evolve plasma to next xi step.
        r, pr = evolve_plasma(r, pr, q, xi, dxi, laser_params, beam_source,

        # Remove plasma particles leaving simulation boundaries (plus margin).
        idx_keep = np.where(r <= r_max + 0.1)
        r = r[idx_keep]
        pr = pr[idx_keep]
        gamma = gamma[idx_keep]
        q = q[idx_keep]

        # Calculate fields at specified r locations.
        fields = calculate_fields(r_arr, xi, r, pr, q, laser_params,
                                  beam_source, s_d)
        i = -1 - step

        # Unpack fields.
        (psi_mesh[:, i], dr_psi_mesh[:, i], dxi_psi_mesh[:, i],
         b_theta_bar_mesh[:, i], b_theta_0_mesh[:, i]) = fields

    # Calculate derived fields (E_r, n_p, K_r and E_z').
    dr_psi_mesh, dxi_psi_mesh = np.gradient(psi_mesh, dr, dxi, edge_order=2)
    dxi_psi_mesh *= -1
    dr_psi_mesh *= -1
    e_r_mesh = b_theta_bar_mesh + b_theta_0_mesh - dr_psi_mesh
    r_arr_v = np.vstack(r_arr)
    n_p = (
        np.gradient(r_arr_v * e_r_mesh, dr, axis=0, edge_order=2) / r_arr_v -
        np.gradient(dxi_psi_mesh, dxi, axis=1, edge_order=2) - 1)
    k_r_mesh = np.gradient(dr_psi_mesh, dr, axis=0, edge_order=2)
    e_z_p_mesh = np.gradient(dxi_psi_mesh, dxi, axis=1, edge_order=2)
    return (n_p, dr_psi_mesh, dxi_psi_mesh, e_z_p_mesh, k_r_mesh, psi_mesh,
            xi_arr, r_arr)
    def __calculate_wakefields(self, x, y, xi, px, py, pz, q, t):
        if self.current_t != t:
            self.current_t = t
        z_beam = t * ct.c + np.average(xi)  # z postion of beam center
        n_p = self.density_function(z_beam)

        if n_p == self.current_n_p and not self.laser_evolution:
            # If density has not changed and driver does not evolve, it is
            # not necessary to recompute fields.
        self.current_n_p = n_p

        s_d = ge.plasma_skin_depth(n_p * 1e-6)
        dz = (self.xi_max - self.xi_min) / self.n_xi / s_d
        dr = self.r_max / self.n_r / s_d
        r = np.linspace(dr / 2, self.r_max / s_d - dr / 2, self.n_r)

        # Get charge distribution and remove guard cells.
        beam_hist = charge_distribution_cyl(xi / s_d,
                                            x / s_d,
                                            y / s_d,
                                            q / ct.e,
                                            self.xi_min / s_d,
        beam_hist = beam_hist[2:-2, 2:-2]

        n = np.arange(self.n_r)
        disc_area = np.pi * dr**2 * (1 + 2 * n)
        beam_hist *= 1 / (disc_area * dz * n_p) / s_d**3
        n_iter = self.n_xi - 1
        u_1 = np.zeros((n_iter + 1, len(r)))
        u_2 = np.zeros((n_iter + 1, len(r)))
        z_arr = np.zeros(n_iter + 1)
        z_arr[-1] = self.xi_max / s_d
        # calculate distance to laser focus
        if self.laser_evolution:
            dz_foc = self.laser_z_foc - ct.c * t
            dz_foc = 0
        for i in np.arange(n_iter):
            z = z_arr[-1] - i * dz
            # get laser a0 at z, z+dz/2 and z+dz
            if self.driver is not None:
                a0_0 = self.driver.get_a0_profile(r * s_d, z * s_d, dz_foc)
                a0_1 = self.driver.get_a0_profile(r * s_d, (z - dz / 2) * s_d,
                a0_2 = self.driver.get_a0_profile(r * s_d, (z - dz) * s_d,
                a0_0 = np.zeros(r.shape[0])
                a0_1 = np.zeros(r.shape[0])
                a0_2 = np.zeros(r.shape[0])
            # perform runge-kutta
            A = dz * self.__wakefield_ode_system(u_1[-1 - i], u_2[-1 - i],
                                                 r * s_d, z * s_d, a0_0,
                                                 beam_hist[-(i + 1)])
            B = dz * self.__wakefield_ode_system(
                u_1[-1 - i] + A[0] / 2, u_2[-1 - i] + A[1] / 2, r * s_d,
                (z - dz / 2) * s_d, a0_1, beam_hist[-(i + 1)])
            C = dz * self.__wakefield_ode_system(
                u_1[-1 - i] + B[0] / 2, u_2[-1 - i] + B[1] / 2, r * s_d,
                (z - dz / 2) * s_d, a0_1, beam_hist[-(i + 1)])
            D = dz * self.__wakefield_ode_system(
                u_1[-1 - i] + C[0], u_2[-1 - i] + C[1], r * s_d,
                (z - dz) * s_d, a0_2, beam_hist[-(i + 1)])
            u_1[-2 -
                i] = u_1[-1 - i] + 1 / 6 * (A[0] + 2 * B[0] + 2 * C[0] + D[0])
            u_2[-2 -
                i] = u_2[-1 - i] + 1 / 6 * (A[1] + 2 * B[1] + 2 * C[1] + D[1])
            z_arr[-2 - i] = z - dz
        E_z = -np.gradient(u_1, dz, axis=0, edge_order=2)
        E_z_p = np.gradient(E_z, dz, axis=0, edge_order=2)
        W_r = -np.gradient(u_1, dr, axis=1, edge_order=2)
        K_r = np.gradient(W_r, dr, axis=1, edge_order=2)
        E_0 = ge.plasma_cold_non_relativisct_wave_breaking_field(n_p * 1e-6)

        self.E_z = E_z * E_0
        self.W_x = W_r * E_0
        self.K_x = K_r * E_0 / s_d / ct.c
        self.E_z_p = E_z_p * E_0 / s_d
        self.xi_fld = z_arr * s_d
        self.r_fld = r * s_d
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from laser_profiles import GaussianLaser
import aptools.plasma_accel.general_equations as ge
from envelope_solver import *
import scipy.constants as ct
import time
from spotsize_evolution import pulse_width, spotsize

# plasma parameters
n_p = 1e18  # cm^-3
s_d = ge.plasma_skin_depth(n_p)
k_p = 1 / s_d
w_p = ge.plasma_frequency(n_p)
r_0 = 10e-6

# laser parameters in SI units
tau = 25e-15  # s
w_0 = 20e-6  # m
l_0 = 0.8e-6  # m
z_c = 0.  # m
a_0 = 1.
k_0 = 2 * np.pi / l_0
k0p = k_0 / k_p
zR = ge.laser_rayleigh_length(w_0, l_0)
zR_norm = zR / s_d
print('Normalized Rayleigh length = {}'.format(zR_norm))

# create laser pulse
laser_fb = GaussianLaser(a_0, w_0, tau, z_c, zf=0., lambda0=l_0)

# grid