def write_posp(f):
    belre = re.compile(r"R(\d+)C(\d+)_(SLICE|IOB)(\w)")
    namere = re.compile(r"\W+")
    for name, cell in ctx.cells:
        row, col, typ, idx = belre.match(cell.bel).groups()
        row = int(row)
        col = int(col)
        name = namere.sub('_', name)
        if typ == 'SLICE':
            idx = int(idx)
            cls = idx // 2
            side = ['A', 'B'][idx % 2]
            lutname = name + "_LUT"
            f.write(f"{lutname} PLACE_R{row}C{col}[{cls}][{side}]\n")

            lut = codegen.Primitive("LUT4", lutname)
            #lut.params["INIT"] = f"16'b{val:016b}"
            lut.portmap['F'] = f"R{row}C{col}_F{idx}"
            lut.portmap['I0'] = f"R{row}C{col}_A{idx}"
            lut.portmap['I1'] = f"R{row}C{col}_B{idx}"
            lut.portmap['I2'] = f"R{row}C{col}_C{idx}"
            lut.portmap['I3'] = f"R{row}C{col}_D{idx}"
            mod.primitives[lutname] = lut

            if int(cell.params['FF_USED'], 2):
                dffname = name + "_DFF"
                f.write(f"{dffname} PLACE_R{row}C{col}[{cls}][{side}]\n")

                lut = codegen.Primitive("DFF", dffname)
                lut.portmap['D'] = f"R{row}C{col}_F{idx}"
                lut.portmap['Q'] = f"R{row}C{col}_Q{idx}"
                lut.portmap['CLK'] = f"R{row}C{col}_CLK{idx}"
                mod.primitives[dffname] = lut
        elif typ == 'IOB':
            if row == 1:
                edge = 'T'
                num = col
            elif col == 1:
                edge = 'L'
                num = row
            elif col == 47:  #TODO parameterize
                edge = 'R'
                num = row
                edge = 'B'
                num = col
            f.write(f"{name} PLACE_IO{edge}{num}[{idx}]\n")

            iob = codegen.Primitive("IOBUF", name)
            iob.portmap['I'] = f"R{row}C{col}_I{idx}"
            iob.portmap['O'] = f"R{row}C{col}_O{idx}"
            iob.portmap['IO'] = f"R{row}C{col}_IO{idx}"
            iob.portmap['OEN'] = f"R{row}C{col}_OEN{idx}"
            mod.primitives[name] = iob
def dff(locations):
    for ttyp in range(12, 18):  # for each tile type
        mod = codegen.Module()
        cst = codegen.Constraints()
            # get all tiles of this type
            # iter causes the loop to not repeat the same locs per cls
            locs = iter(locations[ttyp])
        except KeyError:

        for cls in range(3):  # for each cls
            for side in ["A", "B"]:
                for typ, port in dffmap.items():  # for each bel type
                        loc = next(locs)  # get the next unused tile
                    except StopIteration:
                        yield ttyp, mod, cst, {}
                        locs = iter(locations[ttyp])
                        loc = next(locs)
                        mod = codegen.Module()
                        cst = codegen.Constraints()

                    lutname = make_name("DUMMY", "LUT4")
                    lut = codegen.Primitive("LUT4", lutname)
                    lut.params["INIT"] = "16'hffff"
                    lut.portmap['F'] = lutname + "_F"
                    lut.portmap['I0'] = lutname + "_I0"
                    lut.portmap['I1'] = lutname + "_I1"
                    lut.portmap['I2'] = lutname + "_I2"
                    lut.portmap['I3'] = lutname + "_I3"

                    mod.primitives[lutname] = lut
                    name = make_name("DFF", typ)
                    dff = codegen.Primitive(typ, name)
                    dff.portmap['CLK'] = name + "_CLK"
                    dff.portmap['D'] = lutname + "_F"
                    dff.portmap['Q'] = name + "_Q"
                    if port:
                        dff.portmap[port] = name + "_" + port
                    mod.primitives[name] = dff

                    row = loc[0] + 1
                    col = loc[1] + 1
                    cst.cells[lutname] = f"R{row}C{col}[{cls}][{side}]"
                    cst.cells[name] = f"R{row}C{col}[{cls}][{side}]"
        yield ttyp, mod, cst, {}
def make_muxes(row, col, idx, db, mod):
    name = f"R{row}C{col}_MUX2_LUT50"
    if name in mod.primitives.keys():

    # one MUX8
    if col < db.cols :
        name = f"R{row}C{col}_MUX2_LUT80"
        mux2 = codegen.Primitive("MUX2", name)
        mux2.portmap['I0'] = f"R{row}C{col + 1}_OF3"
        mux2.portmap['I1'] = f"R{row}C{col}_OF3"
        mux2.portmap['O']  = f"R{row}C{col}_OF7"
        mux2.portmap['S0'] = f"R{row}C{col}_SEL7"
        mod.primitives[name] = mux2

    # one MUX7
    name = f"R{row}C{col}_MUX2_LUT70"
    mux2 = codegen.Primitive("MUX2", name)
    mux2.portmap['I0'] = f"R{row}C{col}_OF5"
    mux2.portmap['I1'] = f"R{row}C{col}_OF1"
    mux2.portmap['O']  = f"R{row}C{col}_OF3"
    mux2.portmap['S0'] = f"R{row}C{col}_SEL3"
    mod.primitives[name] = mux2

    # two MUX6
    for i in range(2):
        name = f"R{row}C{col}_MUX2_LUT6{i}"
        mux2 = codegen.Primitive("MUX2", name)
        mux2.portmap['I0'] = f"R{row}C{col}_OF{i * 4 + 2}"
        mux2.portmap['I1'] = f"R{row}C{col}_OF{i * 4}"
        mux2.portmap['O']  = f"R{row}C{col}_OF{i * 4 + 1}"
        mux2.portmap['S0'] = f"R{row}C{col}_SEL{i * 4 + 1}"
        mod.primitives[name] = mux2

    # four MUX5
    for i in range(4):
        name = f"R{row}C{col}_MUX2_LUT5{i}"
        mux2 = codegen.Primitive("MUX2", name)
        mux2.portmap['I0'] = f"R{row}C{col}_F{i * 2}"
        mux2.portmap['I1'] = f"R{row}C{col}_F{i * 2  + 1}"
        mux2.portmap['O']  = f"R{row}C{col}_OF{i * 2}"
        mux2.portmap['S0'] = f"R{row}C{col}_SEL{i * 2}"
        mod.primitives[name] = mux2
def iob(locations):
    for iostd in iostandards:
        for ttyp, tiles in locations.items():  # for each tile of this type
            locs = tiles.copy()
            mod = codegen.Module()
            cst = codegen.Constraints()
            # get bels in this ttyp
            bels = {name[-1] for loc in tiles.values() for name in loc}
            for pin in bels:  # [A, B, C, D, ...]
                for attr, attr_values in iobattrs.items(
                ):  # each IOB attribute
                    # XXX remove
                    if iostd == "PCI33" and attr == "SINGLE_RESISTOR":
                    attr_vals = attr_values.values
                    if attr_vals == None:
                        attr_vals = attr_values.table[iostd]
                    for attr_val in attr_vals:  # each value of the attribute
                        for typ, conn in iobmap.items():
                            # skip illegal atributesa for mode
                            if typ not in attr_values.allowed_modes:
                            # find the next location that has pin
                            # or make a new module
                            loc = find_next_loc(pin, locs)
                            if (loc == None):
                                yield Fuzzer(ttyp, mod, cst, {}, iostd)
                                locs = tiles.copy()
                                mod = codegen.Module()
                                cst = codegen.Constraints()
                                loc = find_next_loc(pin, locs)

                            # special pins
                            if is_illegal(iostd, loc, attr):
                            name = make_name("IOB", typ)
                            iob = codegen.Primitive(typ, name)
                            for port in chain.from_iterable(conn.values()):
                                iob.portmap[port] = name + "_" + port

                            for direction, wires in conn.items():
                                wnames = [name + "_" + w for w in wires]
                                getattr(mod, direction).update(wnames)
                            mod.primitives[name] = iob
                            cst.ports[name] = loc
                            # complex iob. connect OEN and O
                            if typ == "IOBUF":
                                iob.portmap["OEN"] = name + "_O"
                            if attr_val:
                                # port attribute value
                                cst.attrs[name] = {attr: attr_val}
                            if iostd:
                                cst.attrs.setdefault(name, {}).update(
                                    {"IO_TYPE": iostd})
            yield Fuzzer(ttyp, mod, cst, {}, iostd)
def dff(mod, cst, row, col, clk=None):
    "make a dff with optional clock"
    name = tiled_fuzzer.make_name("DFF", "DFF")
    dff = codegen.Primitive("DFF", name)
    dff.portmap['CLK'] = clk if clk else name + "_CLK"
    dff.portmap['D'] = name + "_D"
    dff.portmap['Q'] = name + "_Q"
    mod.primitives[name] = dff
    cst.cells[name] = (row, col, 0, 'A')  # f"R{row}C{col}"
    return dff.portmap['CLK']
def ibuf(mod, cst, loc, clk=None):
    "make an ibuf with optional clock"
    name = tiled_fuzzer.make_name("IOB", "IBUF")
    iob = codegen.Primitive("IBUF", name)
    iob.portmap["I"] = name + "_I"
    iob.portmap["O"] = clk if clk else name + "_O"

    mod.primitives[name] = iob
    cst.ports[name] = loc
    return iob.portmap["O"]
def iob(locations, corners):
    cnt = Counter()  # keep track of how many runs are needed
    for ttyp, tiles in locations.items():  # for each tile of this type
        mod = codegen.Module()
        cst = codegen.Constraints()
        # get bels in this ttyp
        bels = {name[-1] for loc in tiles.values() for name in loc}
        locs = tiles.copy()
        for pin in bels:  # [A, B, C, D, ...]
            for typ, conn in iobmap.items():
                # find the next location that has pin
                # or make a new module
                for tile, names in locs.items():
                    name = tile + pin
                    if name in names:
                        del locs[tile]
                        loc = name
                else:  # no usable tiles
                    yield ttyp, mod, cst, {}
                    cnt[ttyp] += 1
                    locs = tiles.copy()
                    mod = codegen.Module()
                    cst = codegen.Constraints()
                    for tile, names in locs.items():
                        name = tile + pin
                        if name in names:
                            del locs[tile]
                            loc = name

                name = make_name("IOB", typ)
                iob = codegen.Primitive(typ, name)
                for port in chain.from_iterable(conn.values()):
                    iob.portmap[port] = name + "_" + port

                for direction, wires in conn.items():
                    wnames = [name + "_" + w for w in wires]
                    getattr(mod, direction).update(wnames)
                mod.primitives[name] = iob
                cst.ports[name] = loc

            yield ttyp, mod, cst, {}
            cnt[ttyp] += 1
    # insert dummie in the corners to detect the bank enable bits
    runs = cnt.most_common(1)[0][1]
    for _ in range(runs):
        for ttyp in corners:
            mod = codegen.Module()
            cst = codegen.Constraints()
            cfg = {}
            yield ttyp, mod, cst, cfg
def tile2verilog(dbrow, dbcol, bels, pips, clock_pips, mod, db):
    # db is 0-based, floorplanner is 1-based
    row = dbrow + 1
    col = dbcol + 1
    aliases = db.grid[dbrow][dbcol].aliases
    for dest, src in chain(pips.items(), aliases.items(), clock_pips.items()):
        srcg = chipdb.wire2global(row, col, db, src)
        destg = chipdb.wire2global(row, col, db, dest)
        mod.wires.update({srcg, destg})
        mod.assigns.append((destg, srcg))

    belre = re.compile(r"(IOB|LUT|DFF|BANK|CFG)(\w*)")
    for bel, flags in bels.items():
        typ, idx = belre.match(bel).groups()

        if typ == "LUT":
            val = sum(1 << f for f in flags)
            name = f"R{row}C{col}_LUT4_{idx}"
            lut = codegen.Primitive("LUT4", name)
            lut.params["INIT"] = f"16'b{val:016b}"
            lut.portmap['F'] = f"R{row}C{col}_F{idx}"
            lut.portmap['I0'] = f"R{row}C{col}_A{idx}"
            lut.portmap['I1'] = f"R{row}C{col}_B{idx}"
            lut.portmap['I2'] = f"R{row}C{col}_C{idx}"
            lut.portmap['I3'] = f"R{row}C{col}_D{idx}"
            mod.primitives[name] = lut
        elif typ == "DFF":
            kind, = flags  # DFF only have one flag
            idx = int(idx)
            port = dffmap[kind]
            name = f"R{row}C{col}_{typ}E_{idx}"
            dff = codegen.Primitive(kind + "E", name)
            dff.portmap['CLK'] = f"R{row}C{col}_CLK{idx//2}"
            dff.portmap['D'] = f"R{row}C{col}_F{idx}"
            dff.portmap['Q'] = f"R{row}C{col}_Q{idx}"
            dff.portmap['CE'] = f"R{row}C{col}_CE{idx//2}"
            if port:
                dff.portmap[port] = f"R{row}C{col}_LSR{idx//2}"
            mod.primitives[name] = dff

        elif typ == "IOB":
                kind, = flags.intersection(iobmap.keys())
            except ValueError:
            portmap = db.grid[dbrow][dbcol].bels[bel].portmap
            name = f"R{row}C{col}_{kind}_{idx}"
            wires = set(iobmap[kind]['wires'])
            ports = set(chain.from_iterable(iobmap[kind].values())) - wires

            iob = codegen.Primitive(kind, name)

            for port in wires:
                wname = portmap[port]
                iob.portmap[port] = f"R{row}C{col}_{wname}"

            for port in ports:
                iob.portmap[port] = f"R{row}C{col}_{port}{idx}"

            for wires in iobmap[kind]['wires']:
                wnames = [f"R{row}C{col}_{portmap[w]}" for w in wires]
            for direction in ['inputs', 'outputs', 'inouts']:
                for wires in iobmap[kind].get(direction, []):
                    wnames = [f"R{row}C{col}_{w}{idx}" for w in wires]
                    getattr(mod, direction).update(wnames)

            mod.primitives[name] = iob

    # gnd = codegen.Primitive("GND", "mygnd")
    # gnd.portmap["G"] = "VSS"
    # mod.primitives["mygnd"] = gnd
    # vcc = codegen.Primitive("VCC", "myvcc")
    # vcc.portmap["V"] = "VCC"
    # mod.primitives["myvcc"] = vcc
    mod.assigns.append(("VCC", "1"))
    mod.assigns.append(("GND", "0"))
def tile2verilog(dbrow, dbcol, bels, pips, clock_pips, mod, cfg, cst, db):
    # db is 0-based, floorplanner is 1-based
    row = dbrow+1
    col = dbcol+1
    aliases = db.grid[dbrow][dbcol].aliases
    for dest, src in chain(pips.items(), aliases.items(), clock_pips.items()):
        srcg = chipdb.wire2global(row, col, db, src)
        destg = chipdb.wire2global(row, col, db, dest)
        mod.wires.update({srcg, destg})
        mod.assigns.append((destg, srcg))

    belre = re.compile(r"(IOB|LUT|DFF|BANK|CFG|ALU|RAM16)(\w*)")
    for bel, flags in bels.items():
        typ, idx = belre.match(bel).groups()

        if typ == "LUT":
            val = 0xffff - sum(1<<f for f in flags)
            if val == 0:
                mod.assigns.append((f"R{row}C{col}_F{idx}", "VSS"))
                name = f"R{row}C{col}_LUT4_{idx}"
                lut = codegen.Primitive("LUT4", name)
                lut.params["INIT"] = f"16'b{val:016b}"
                lut.portmap['F'] = f"R{row}C{col}_F{idx}"
                lut.portmap['I0'] = f"R{row}C{col}_A{idx}"
                lut.portmap['I1'] = f"R{row}C{col}_B{idx}"
                lut.portmap['I2'] = f"R{row}C{col}_C{idx}"
                lut.portmap['I3'] = f"R{row}C{col}_D{idx}"
                mod.primitives[name] = lut
                cst.cells[name] = (row, col, int(idx) // 2, _sides[int(idx) % 2])
            make_muxes(row, col, idx, db, mod)
        elif typ == "ALU":
            kind, = flags # ALU only have one flag
            idx = int(idx)
            name = f"R{row}C{col}_ALU_{idx}"
            if kind in "012346789": # main ALU
                alu = codegen.Primitive("ALU", name)
                alu.params["ALU_MODE"] = kind
                alu.portmap['SUM'] = f"R{row}C{col}_F{idx}"
                alu.portmap['CIN'] = f"R{row}C{col}_CIN{idx}"
                if idx != 5:
                    alu.portmap['COUT'] = f"R{row}C{col}_CIN{idx+1}"
                    alu.portmap['COUT'] = f"R{row}C{col + 1}_CIN{0}"
                if kind in "2346789":
                    alu.portmap['I0'] = f"R{row}C{col}_A{idx}"
                    alu.portmap['I1'] = f"R{row}C{col}_B{idx}"
                    if kind in "28":
                        alu.portmap['I3'] = f"R{row}C{col}_D{idx}"
                elif kind == "0":
                    alu.portmap['I0'] = f"R{row}C{col}_B{idx}"
                    alu.portmap['I1'] = f"R{row}C{col}_D{idx}"
                    alu.portmap['I0'] = f"R{row}C{col}_A{idx}"
                    alu.portmap['I1'] = f"R{row}C{col}_D{idx}"
                mod.primitives[name] = alu
        elif typ == "RAM16":
            val0 = sum(1<<x for x in range(0,16) if not x in flags)
            val1 = sum(1<<(x-16) for x in range(16,32) if not x in flags)
            val2 = sum(1<<(x-32) for x in range(32,48) if not x in flags)
            val3 = sum(1<<(x-48) for x in range(48,64) if not x in flags)
            name = f"R{row}C{col}_RAM16"
            ram16 = codegen.Primitive("RAM16SDP4", name)
            ram16.params["INIT_0"] = f"16'b{val0:016b}"
            ram16.params["INIT_1"] = f"16'b{val1:016b}"
            ram16.params["INIT_2"] = f"16'b{val2:016b}"
            ram16.params["INIT_3"] = f"16'b{val3:016b}"
            ram16.portmap['DI'] = [f"R{row}C{col}_{x}5" for x in "ABCD"]
            ram16.portmap['CLK'] = f"R{row}C{col}_CLK2"
            ram16.portmap['WRE'] = f"R{row}C{col}_LSR2"
            ram16.portmap['WAD'] = [f"R{row}C{col}_{x}4" for x in "ABCD"]
            ram16.portmap['RAD'] = [f"R{row}C{col}_{x}0" for x in "ABCD"]
            ram16.portmap['DO'] = [f"R{row}C{col}_F{x}" for x in range(4)]
            mod.wires.update(chain.from_iterable([x if isinstance(x, list) else [x] for x in ram16.portmap.values()]))
            mod.primitives[name] = ram16                                       

        elif typ == "DFF":
            kind, = flags # DFF only have one flag
            idx = int(idx)
            port = dffmap[kind]
            name = f"R{row}C{col}_{typ}E_{idx}"
            dff = codegen.Primitive(kind+"E", name)
            dff.portmap['CLK'] = f"R{row}C{col}_CLK{idx//2}"
            dff.portmap['D'] = f"R{row}C{col}_F{idx}"
            dff.portmap['Q'] = f"R{row}C{col}_Q{idx}"
            dff.portmap['CE'] = f"R{row}C{col}_CE{idx//2}"
            if port:
                dff.portmap[port] = f"R{row}C{col}_LSR{idx//2}"
            mod.primitives[name] = dff
            cst.cells[name] = (row, col, int(idx) // 2, _sides[int(idx) % 2])
        elif typ == "IOB":
                kind, = flags.intersection(iobmap.keys())
            except ValueError:
            portmap = db.grid[dbrow][dbcol].bels[bel].portmap
            name = f"R{row}C{col}_{kind}_{idx}"
            wires = set(iobmap[kind]['wires'])
            ports = set(chain.from_iterable(iobmap[kind].values())) - wires

            iob = codegen.Primitive(kind, name)

            for port in wires:
                wname = portmap[port]
                iob.portmap[portname(port)] = f"R{row}C{col}_{wname}"

            for port in ports:
                iob.portmap[port] = f"R{row}C{col}_{port}{idx}"

            wnames = [f"R{row}C{col}_{portmap[w]}" for w in iobmap[kind]['wires']]
            for direction in ['inputs', 'outputs', 'inouts']:
                wnames = [f"R{row}C{col}_{w}{idx}" for w in iobmap[kind].get(direction, [])]
                getattr(mod, direction).update(wnames)
            mod.primitives[name] = iob
            # constraints
            pos = chipdb.loc2pin_name(db, dbrow, dbcol)
            bank = chipdb.loc2bank(db, dbrow, dbcol)
            cst.ports[name] = f"{pos}{idx}"
            iostd = _banks.get(bank)
            if iostd:
                cst.attrs.setdefault(name, {}).update({"IO_TYPE" : iostd})
            for flg in flags:
                name_val = flg.split('=')
                cst.attrs.setdefault(name, {}).update({name_val[0] : name_val[1]})

        elif typ == "CFG":
            for flag in flags:
                for name in cfg.settings.keys():
                    if name.startswith(flag):
                        cfg.settings[name] = 'true'

    # gnd = codegen.Primitive("GND", "mygnd")
    # gnd.portmap["G"] = "VSS"
    # mod.primitives["mygnd"] = gnd
    # vcc = codegen.Primitive("VCC", "myvcc")
    # vcc.portmap["V"] = "VCC"
    # mod.primitives["myvcc"] = vcc
    mod.assigns.append(("VCC", "1"))
    mod.assigns.append(("VSS", "0"))