def gen_sweep_rand(n_frames, n_frames_fade, n_frames_rand, colors):
    Fades all pixels from one color to the next one following a linear curve
    :param n_frames: Duration between two consecutive colors
    :param n_frames_fade: Duration of initial fade
    :param n_frames_rand: Random seed for this pixel, extra duration added to n_frames to get the total duration
    :param colors: list of colors to sweep
    h0, s0, v0 = colors[0]
    num_cols = len(colors)
    n_frames = n_frames + n_frames_rand

    # This loop fades up and is also the random seed
    for f in xrange(n_frames_fade):
        yield hsv_to_rgb(h0, s0, v0*(float(f)/n_frames_fade))

    while True:
        # Selection of the next couple of colors (col_1, col_2)
        for col_1 in range(num_cols):
            col_2 = (col_1 + 1) % num_cols
            h1, s1, v1 = colors[col_1]
            h2, s2, v2 = colors[col_2]
            # Linearly fading col_1 to col_2
            for f in xrange(n_frames):
                factor_2 = float(f)/n_frames
                factor_1 = 1 - factor_2
                yield hsv_to_rgb(h1*factor_1 + h2*factor_2,
                                 s1*factor_1 + s2*factor_2,
                                 v1*factor_1 + v2*factor_2)
def gen_sweep_rand(n_frames, n_frames_fade, n_frames_rand, colors):
    Fades all pixels from one color to the next one following a linear curve
    :param n_frames: Duration between two consecutive colors
    :param n_frames_fade: Duration of initial fade
    :param n_frames_rand: Random seed for this pixel, extra duration added to n_frames to get the total duration
    :param colors: list of colors to sweep
    h0, s0, v0 = colors[0]
    num_cols = len(colors)
    n_frames = n_frames + n_frames_rand

    # This loop fades up and is also the random seed
    for f in xrange(n_frames_fade):
        yield hsv_to_rgb(h0, s0, v0 * (float(f) / n_frames_fade))

    while True:
        # Selection of the next couple of colors (col_1, col_2)
        for col_1 in range(num_cols):
            col_2 = (col_1 + 1) % num_cols
            h1, s1, v1 = colors[col_1]
            h2, s2, v2 = colors[col_2]
            # Linearly fading col_1 to col_2
            for f in xrange(n_frames):
                factor_2 = float(f) / n_frames
                factor_1 = 1 - factor_2
                yield hsv_to_rgb(h1 * factor_1 + h2 * factor_2,
                                 s1 * factor_1 + s2 * factor_2,
                                 v1 * factor_1 + v2 * factor_2)
def gen_random_flashing(n_frames, n_frames_fade, n_frames_rand, colors):
    Fades all pixels to white (saturation = 0) following an exponential curve
    :param n_frames: Duration of two consecutive colors
    :param n_frames_fade: Duration of initial fade
    :param n_frames_rand: Random seed for this pixel, extra duration added to n_frames to get the total duration
    :param colors: At least 2 HSV elements to fade
    h0, s0, v0 = colors[0]
    n_frames = n_frames + n_frames_rand

    # This loop fades up
    for f in xrange(n_frames_fade):
        yield hsv_to_rgb(h0, s0, v0 * (float(f) / n_frames_fade))

    base = 1.1  # Exponential base. Higher the base is, lower the duration of fade will be

    def yield_exp(step):
        e = 1 - base**(step - n_frames / 2 + 1)  # e = 1..0
        return hsv_to_rgb(h0, e * s0, v0)

    while True:
        # Exponential rise
        for f in xrange(n_frames / 2):
            yield yield_exp(f)
        # Exponential fall
        for f in xrange(n_frames / 2, -1, -1):
            yield yield_exp(f)
def gen_random_flashing(n_frames, n_frames_fade, n_frames_rand, colors):
    Fades all pixels to white (saturation = 0) following an exponential curve
    :param n_frames: Duration of two consecutive colors
    :param n_frames_fade: Duration of initial fade
    :param n_frames_rand: Random seed for this pixel, extra duration added to n_frames to get the total duration
    :param colors: At least 2 HSV elements to fade
    h0, s0, v0 = colors[0]
    n_frames = n_frames + n_frames_rand

    # This loop fades up
    for f in xrange(n_frames_fade):
        yield hsv_to_rgb(h0, s0, v0*(float(f)/n_frames_fade))

    base = 1.1  # Exponential base. Higher the base is, lower the duration of fade will be

    def yield_exp(step):
        e = 1 - base**(step - n_frames/2 +1)  # e = 1..0
        return hsv_to_rgb(h0, e*s0, v0)

    while True:
        # Exponential rise
        for f in xrange(n_frames/2):
            yield yield_exp(f)
        # Exponential fall
        for f in xrange(n_frames/2, -1, -1):
            yield yield_exp(f)
def gen_sweep_async(n_frames, n_frames_fade, n_frames_rand, colors):
    Browse the full color wheel (hue component)
    :param n_frames: Duration between two consecutive colors
    :param n_frames_fade: Unused
    :param n_frames_rand: Duration of fade + random seed
    :param colors: 1-element list containing the first color of the wheel
    h0, s0, v0 = colors[0]

    # This loop fades up and is also the random seed
    for f in xrange(n_frames_rand):
        yield hsv_to_rgb(h0, s0, v0 * (float(f) / n_frames_rand))

    # Infinite loop on color sequence
    while True:
        for f in xrange(n_frames):
            yield hsv_to_rgb((h0 - float(f) / n_frames) % 1., s0, v0)
def gen_sweep_async(n_frames, n_frames_fade, n_frames_rand, colors):
    Browse the full color wheel (hue component)
    :param n_frames: Duration between two consecutive colors
    :param n_frames_fade: Unused
    :param n_frames_rand: Duration of fade + random seed
    :param colors: 1-element list containing the first color of the wheel
    h0, s0, v0 = colors[0]

    # This loop fades up and is also the random seed
    for f in xrange(n_frames_rand):
        yield hsv_to_rgb(h0, s0, v0*(float(f)/n_frames_rand))

    # Infinite loop on color sequence
    while True:
        for f in xrange(n_frames):
            yield hsv_to_rgb((h0-float(f)/n_frames) % 1., s0, v0)
    def __init__(self, model, height, width, num_bins, num_bands, vertical=True):
        self.model = model
        self.height = height
        self.width = width
        self.num_bands = num_bands
        self.num_bins = num_bins
        self.vertical = vertical
        self.colors = [hsv_to_rgb((float(c)/self.num_bands, 1., 1.)) for c in range(self.num_bands)]

        # A window stores the last len_window samples to scale the height of the spectrum
        self.max = 150  # Empiric value of an average sum to start with
        self.window = deque()
        self.len_window = 50
 def yield_exp(step):
     e = 1 - base**(step - n_frames / 2 + 1)  # e = 1..0
     return hsv_to_rgb(h0, e * s0, v0)
    def event(self):
        action = False
        if self.args.autostart and self.state == 'init':
            action = True
        events = self.arbalet.events.get()
        button_event = len([e for e in events if e.type == pygame.JOYBUTTONDOWN]) != 0
        hat_events = [e.value for e in events if e.type == pygame.JOYHATMOTION]

        for e in hat_events:
            if e[1] == 1:
                self.joy_dir = 'up'
            elif e[1] == -1:
                self.joy_dir = 'down'
            elif e[0] == 1:
                self.joy_dir = 'right'
            elif e[0] == -1:
                self.joy_dir = 'left'
            elif e == (0, 0):
                self.joy_dir = ''       
        keys = pygame.key.get_pressed()
            dir_list = ['up', 'down', 'left', 'right']
            direction = dir_list[random.randint(0,len(dir_list)-1)]
            steps = 1 #random.randint(0,10)
            direction =''
            steps = 1
        for it in range(steps):
            #print direction, it, steps
            if keys[K_UP] or self.joy_dir == 'up' or direction == 'up':
                self.offset_y = (self.offset_y - 1) % size[1]
                self.vector = 'up'
                action = True
            elif keys[K_DOWN] or self.joy_dir == 'down'  or direction == 'down':
                self.offset_y = (self.offset_y + 1) % size[1]
                self.vector = 'down'
                action = True
            elif keys[K_RIGHT] or self.joy_dir == 'right'  or direction == 'right':
                self.offset_x = (self.offset_x + 1) % size[0]
                self.vector = 'right'
                action = True
            elif keys[K_LEFT] or self.joy_dir == 'left' or direction == 'left':
                self.offset_x = (self.offset_x - 1) % size[0]
                self.vector = 'left'
                action = True
            elif keys[K_SPACE] or button_event:
                if self.state == 'init':
                    action = True
            if keys[K_ESCAPE]:
                self.state = 'end'
            if not action:
                self.speed = max(self.speed/1.2, MIN_SPEED)
                self.fade = max(self.fade/1.2, 1)
                if self.speed!=MIN_SPEED:
                    if self.vector=='up':
                        self.offset_y = (self.offset_y - 1) % size[1]
                    elif self.vector=='down':
                        self.offset_y = (self.offset_y + 1) % size[1]
                    elif self.vector=='left':
                        self.offset_x = (self.offset_x - 1) % size[0]
                    elif self.vector=='right':
                        self.offset_x = (self.offset_x + 1) % size[0]
                    action = True
            if self.state == 'init':
            elif self.state == 'running' and action:
                with self.model:
                    # Changing color
                    brightness = max(rgb_to_hsv(self.color)[1] - 1./self.fade, 0)
                    self.color = hsv_to_rgb(rgb_to_hsv(self.color)[0], brightness, rgb_to_hsv(self.color)[2])
                    collide_spawn = None
                    # if we are on a spot
                    x = (self.offset_x + self.x)%size[0]
                    y = (self.offset_y + self.y)%size[1]
                    for spawn in self.spawns:
                        if (x, y) == (spawn.x, spawn.y):
                            collide_spawn = spawn
                    if collide_spawn is not None:
                        spawn = collide_spawn
                        self.last_spawn_color = spawn.color
                        #print self.last_spawn_color
                        self.base_color = spawn.color
                        r = int(round(spawn.color[0] * 255))
                        g = int(round(spawn.color[1] * 255))
                        b = int(round(spawn.color[2] * 255))
                        self.image.putpixel(((self.offset_x + self.x) % size[0], (self.offset_y + self.y) % size[1]),
                                            (r, g, b))
                        self.color = self.base_color

                        # play sound
                        sound = spawn.get_sound(self.color_level[spawn.color_id])

                        # draw spawn
                        points = spawn.get_points(self.color_level[spawn.color_id], size)
                        for point in points:
                            self.image.putpixel((point[0], point[1]),(r, g, b))

                        # generate two new spawns
                            random.randint(floor(self.y-self.height/2)+1,floor(self.y + self.height/2)-1)],parent=spawn)
                        self.spawn_source([random.randint(0, size[0]-1), random.randint(0, size[1]-1)])
                        # delete two old spawns if too many spawns
                        #print len(self.spawns), MAX_SPAWNS
                        if len(self.spawns)>=MAX_SPAWNS:
                            spawns_to_remove = 2
                            indices_to_remove = []
                            iterations = 0
                            while(len(indices_to_remove) <2 and iterations<MAX_SPAWNS):
                                tmp_index = random.randint(0,floor(MAX_SPAWNS/2))
                                iterations += 1
                                tmp_spawn = self.spawns[tmp_index]
                                if (tmp_spawn.x<=(self.x-self.width/2) or tmp_spawn.x>=(self.x +
                                    self.width/2) or tmp_spawn.y <= (self.y - self.height/2) or
                                    tmp_spawn.y >= (self.y + self.height/2)):
                                    if not tmp_index in indices_to_remove :
                                    spawns_to_remove -=1
                                #print indices_to_remove
                            for index in indices_to_remove:
                            indices_to_remove = []
                            #print len(self.spawns)
                        # get information about speed and fading
                        self.speed = spawn.get_speed(self.color_level[spawn.color_id])
                        self.fade = spawn.get_fading(self.color_level[spawn.color_id])

                        self.color_level[spawn.color_id] = min(self.color_level[spawn.color_id]+1, 3)

                    # else we tranform the current color
                        # transforming player color to PIL RGB
                        r = int(round(self.color[0] * 255))
                        g = int(round(self.color[1] * 255))
                        b = int(round(self.color[2] * 255))

                        # we only print on the image if we still have color
                        if not (rgb_to_hsv(self.color)[0] == 0.):
                            actual_color = self.image.getpixel(
                                ((self.offset_x + self.x) % size[0], (self.offset_y + self.y) % size[1]))
                            if actual_color != (255, 255, 255):
                                r, g, b = self.mix_color((r, g, b), (actual_color[0], actual_color[1], actual_color[2]))
                            self.image.putpixel(((self.offset_x + self.x) % size[0], (self.offset_y + self.y) % size[1]),
                                            (r, g, b))
                        # random diffusion on the sides with bluuuueee !   
                            if self.last_spawn_color == [0.047058823529411764,
                                    0.14901960784313725,0.7019607843137254] and self.color_level[2]==3:
                                # blue is hard-coded
                                #print "fuuuuuusioooon"
                                tmp_brightness = max(rgb_to_hsv(self.color)[1] -random.randint(1.,8.)/self.fade, 0)
                                tmp_color = hsv_to_rgb(rgb_to_hsv(self.color)[0], tmp_brightness, rgb_to_hsv(self.color)[2])
                                r = int(round(tmp_color[0] * 255))
                                g = int(round(tmp_color[1] * 255))
                                b = int(round(tmp_color[2] * 255))

                                # uncomment to smoothen the sides of the blue track    
                                #r, g, b = self.mix_color((r, g, b), (actual_color[0], actual_color[1], actual_color[2]))

                                if self.vector ==  'up':
                                    self.image.putpixel(((self.offset_x + self.x+1) % size[0],
                                    (self.offset_y + self.y+1) % size[1]),
                                            (r, g, b))
                                    self.image.putpixel(((self.offset_x + self.x-1) % size[0],
                                    (self.offset_y + self.y+1) % size[1]),
                                            (r, g, b))
                                elif self.vector == 'down':
                                    self.image.putpixel(((self.offset_x + self.x+1) % size[0],
                                    (self.offset_y + self.y-1) % size[1]),
                                            (r, g, b))
                                    self.image.putpixel(((self.offset_x + self.x-1) % size[0],
                                    (self.offset_y + self.y-1) % size[1]),
                                            (r, g, b))
                                elif self.vector == 'left':
                                    self.image.putpixel(((self.offset_x + self.x+1) % size[0],
                                    (self.offset_y + self.y+1) % size[1]),
                                            (r, g, b))
                                    self.image.putpixel(((self.offset_x + self.x+1) % size[0],
                                    (self.offset_y + self.y-1) % size[1]),
                                            (r, g, b))
                                elif self.vector == 'right':
                                    self.image.putpixel(((self.offset_x + self.x-1) % size[0],
                                        (self.offset_y + self.y+1) % size[1]),
                                            (r, g, b))
                                    self.image.putpixel(((self.offset_x + self.x-1) % size[0],
                                    (self.offset_y + self.y-1) % size[1]),
                                            (r, g, b))
                                if self.last_spawn_color == [0.06666666666666667, 0.6470588235294118,
                             0.2784313725490196] and self.color_level[1]==1:
                                    tmp_brightness = max(rgb_to_hsv(self.color)[1] -1./self.fade, 0)
                                    tmp_color = hsv_to_rgb(rgb_to_hsv(self.color)[0], tmp_brightness, rgb_to_hsv(self.color)[2])

                                    r = int(round(tmp_color[0] * 255))
                                    g = int(round(tmp_color[1] * 255))
                                    b = int(round(tmp_color[2] * 255))

                                if self.vector ==  'up':
                                    if ((self.y + self.offset_y)%2 == 0):
                                        self.image.putpixel(((self.offset_x + self.x+1) % size[0],
                                    (self.offset_y + self.y+1) % size[1]),
                                            (r, g, b))
                                        self.image.putpixel(((self.offset_x + self.x-1) % size[0],
                                    (self.offset_y + self.y+1) % size[1]),
                                            (r, g, b))
                                elif self.vector == 'down':
                                    if ((self.y + self.offset_y)%2 == 0):
                                        self.image.putpixel(((self.offset_x + self.x+1) % size[0],
                                    (self.offset_y + self.y-1) % size[1]),
                                            (r, g, b))
                                    else :
                                        self.image.putpixel(((self.offset_x + self.x-1) % size[0],
                                    (self.offset_y + self.y-1) % size[1]),
                                            (r, g, b))
                                elif self.vector == 'left':
                                    if ((self.x + self.offset_x)%2 == 0):
                                        self.image.putpixel(((self.offset_x + self.x+1) % size[0],
                                    (self.offset_y + self.y+1) % size[1]),
                                            (r, g, b))
                                    else :
                                        self.image.putpixel(((self.offset_x + self.x+1) % size[0],
                                    (self.offset_y + self.y-1) % size[1]),
                                            (r, g, b))
                                elif self.vector == 'right':
                                    if ((self.x + self.offset_x)%2 ==0):
                                        self.image.putpixel(((self.offset_x + self.x-1) % size[0],
                                    (self.offset_y + self.y+1) % size[1]),
                                            (r, g, b))
                                    else :
                                        self.image.putpixel(((self.offset_x + self.x-1) % size[0],
                                        (self.offset_y + self.y-1) % size[1]),
                                            (r, g, b))

                            self.color=(1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
                            for i in range(len(self.color_level)):
                                self.color_level[i] = 0
                            self.speed = max(self.speed / 1.2, MIN_SPEED)

            # finaly, we draw the grid
 def yield_exp(step):
     e = 1 - base**(step - n_frames/2 +1)  # e = 1..0
     return hsv_to_rgb(h0, e*s0, v0)