def parse_xyz_from_file(path):
    Parse xyz coordinated from:
    .xyz - XYZ file
    .gjf - Gaussian input file
    .out or .log - ESS output file (Gaussian, QChem, Molpro)
    other - Molpro or QChem input file
    lines = _get_lines_from_file(path)
    file_extension = os.path.splitext(path)[1]

    xyz = None
    relevant_lines = list()

    if file_extension == '.xyz':
        relevant_lines = lines[2:]
    elif file_extension == '.gjf':
        start_parsing = False
        for line in lines:
            if start_parsing and line and line != '\n' and line != '\r\n':
            elif start_parsing:
                splits = line.split()
                if len(splits) == 2 and all([s.isdigit() for s in splits]):
                    start_parsing = True
    elif 'out' in file_extension or 'log' in file_extension:
        log = determine_qm_software(fullpath=path)
        coords, number, _ = log.loadGeometry()
        xyz = get_xyz_string(coords=coords, numbers=number)
        record = False
        for line in lines:
            if '$end' in line or '}' in line:
            if record and len(line.split()) == 4:
            elif '$molecule' in line:
                record = True
            elif 'geometry={' in line:
                record = True
        if not relevant_lines:
            raise ParserError(
                'Could not parse xyz coordinates from file {0}'.format(path))
    if xyz is None and relevant_lines:
        xyz = ''.join([line for line in relevant_lines if line])
    return standardize_xyz_string(xyz)
    def test_standardize_xyz_string(self):
        """Test the standardize_xyz_string function"""
        xyz = """
 C                 -0.67567701    1.18507660    0.04672449
 H                 -0.25592948    1.62415961    0.92757746
 H                 -2.26870864    1.38030564    0.05865317
 O                 -0.36671999   -0.21081064    0.01630374
 H                 -0.73553821   -0.63718986    0.79332805
 C                 -0.08400571    1.86907236   -1.19973252
 H                 -0.50375517    1.42998100   -2.08057962
 H                 -0.31518819    2.91354759   -1.17697025
 H                  0.97802159    1.73893214   -1.20769117
 O                 -3.69788377    1.55609096    0.07050345
 O                 -4.28667752    0.37487691    0.04916102
 H                 -4.01978712   -0.12970163    0.82103635
        expected_xyz = """ C                 -0.67567701    1.18507660    0.04672449
 H                 -0.25592948    1.62415961    0.92757746
 H                 -2.26870864    1.38030564    0.05865317
 O                 -0.36671999   -0.21081064    0.01630374
 H                 -0.73553821   -0.63718986    0.79332805
 C                 -0.08400571    1.86907236   -1.19973252
 H                 -0.50375517    1.42998100   -2.08057962
 H                 -0.31518819    2.91354759   -1.17697025
 H                  0.97802159    1.73893214   -1.20769117
 O                 -3.69788377    1.55609096    0.07050345
 O                 -4.28667752    0.37487691    0.04916102
 H                 -4.01978712   -0.12970163    0.82103635"""
        new_xyz = converter.standardize_xyz_string(xyz)
        self.assertEqual(new_xyz, expected_xyz)

        gaussian_format = """
      1          8           0        3.132319    0.769111   -0.080869
      2          8           0        3.387436   -2.116759   -0.038585
      3          6           0       -2.369193   -0.546956    0.566827
      4          6           0       -3.153606    0.171059    1.663074
      5          6           0       -2.728027   -2.026445    0.459268
      6          6           0        2.331560   -1.734235   -0.921481
      7          6           0        3.650113    2.049169    0.275835
      8          6           0       -0.931216   -0.186900    0.428193
      9          6           0        1.352858   -0.755151   -0.308464
     10          6           0        1.794338    0.522302    0.098410
     11          6           0        0.011593   -1.079560   -0.135497
     12          6           0       -0.448289    1.082102    0.804298
     13          6           0        0.893169    1.436443    0.649904
     14          1           0       -2.891135   -0.053945   -0.499139
     15          1           0        2.748799   -1.311472   -1.847528
     16          1           0        1.809915   -2.658319   -1.182148
     17          1           0       -3.112208    1.258826    1.567630
     18          1           0       -4.207732   -0.116551    1.619167
     19          1           0       -2.768847   -0.097847    2.656934
     20          1           0       -2.294986   -2.598417    1.292175
     21          1           0       -3.813897   -2.151504    0.498488
     22          1           0       -2.382172   -2.478656   -0.474306
     23          1           0        3.525166    2.241957    1.347801
     24          1           0        4.712607    2.018400    0.032537
     25          1           0        3.166236    2.845374   -0.301663
     26          1           0       -0.305960   -2.070003   -0.442894
     27          1           0       -1.122381    1.816000    1.229392
     28          1           0        1.217512    2.421293    0.964523
     29          1           0        3.889221   -1.315416    0.166971
     30          8           0       -3.433048    0.461721   -1.530756
     31          8           0       -2.894879    1.761778   -1.591557
     32          1           0       -2.124573    1.652495   -2.176005

        expected_xyz = """O 3.132319 0.769111 -0.080869
O 3.387436 -2.116759 -0.038585
C -2.369193 -0.546956 0.566827
C -3.153606 0.171059 1.663074
C -2.728027 -2.026445 0.459268
C 2.331560 -1.734235 -0.921481
C 3.650113 2.049169 0.275835
C -0.931216 -0.186900 0.428193
C 1.352858 -0.755151 -0.308464
C 1.794338 0.522302 0.098410
C 0.011593 -1.079560 -0.135497
C -0.448289 1.082102 0.804298
C 0.893169 1.436443 0.649904
H -2.891135 -0.053945 -0.499139
H 2.748799 -1.311472 -1.847528
H 1.809915 -2.658319 -1.182148
H -3.112208 1.258826 1.567630
H -4.207732 -0.116551 1.619167
H -2.768847 -0.097847 2.656934
H -2.294986 -2.598417 1.292175
H -3.813897 -2.151504 0.498488
H -2.382172 -2.478656 -0.474306
H 3.525166 2.241957 1.347801
H 4.712607 2.018400 0.032537
H 3.166236 2.845374 -0.301663
H -0.305960 -2.070003 -0.442894
H -1.122381 1.816000 1.229392
H 1.217512 2.421293 0.964523
H 3.889221 -1.315416 0.166971
O -3.433048 0.461721 -1.530756
O -2.894879 1.761778 -1.591557
H -2.124573 1.652495 -2.176005"""
        new_xyz = converter.standardize_xyz_string(gaussian_format)
        self.assertEqual(new_xyz, expected_xyz)