    def update(self, delta_time):
        """ Update the sprites """

        # Keep track of how long this function takes.
        start_time = timeit.default_timer()

        # If we have force to apply to the player (from hitting the arrow
        # keys), apply it.
        self.player.body.apply_force_at_local_point(self.force, (0, 0))

        # check_collision(self.player)

        # See if the player is standing on an item.
        # If she is, apply opposite force to the item below her.
        # So if she moves left, the box below her will have
        # a force to move to the right.
        grounding = check_grounding(self.player)
        if self.force[0] and grounding and grounding['body']:
            grounding['body'].apply_force_at_world_point((-self.force[0], 0),

        # Check for sprites that fall off the screen.
        # If so, get rid of them.
        for sprite in self.dynamic_sprite_list:
            if sprite.shape.body.position.y < 0:
                # Remove sprites from physics space
                self.space.remove(sprite.shape, sprite.shape.body)
                # Remove sprites from physics list

        # Update physics
        # Use a constant time step, don't use delta_time
        # See "Game loop / moving time forward"
        # http://www.pymunk.org/en/latest/overview.html#game-loop-moving-time-forward
        self.space.step(1 / 60.0)

        # If we are dragging an object, make sure it stays with the mouse. Otherwise
        # gravity will drag it down.
        if self.shape_being_dragged is not None:
            self.shape_being_dragged.shape.body.position = self.last_mouse_position
            self.shape_being_dragged.shape.body.velocity = 0, 0

        # Resync the sprites to the physics objects that shadow them

        # Scroll the viewport if needed

        # Save the time it took to do this.
        self.processing_time = timeit.default_timer() - start_time
 def on_key_press(self, symbol: int, modifiers: int):
     """ Handle keyboard presses. """
     if symbol == arcade.key.RIGHT:
         # Add force to the player, and set the player friction to zero
         self.force = (PLAYER_MOVE_FORCE, 0)
         self.player.shape.friction = 0
     elif symbol == arcade.key.LEFT:
         # Add force to the player, and set the player friction to zero
         self.force = (-PLAYER_MOVE_FORCE, 0)
         self.player.shape.friction = 0
     elif symbol == arcade.key.UP:
         # find out if player is standing on ground
         grounding = check_grounding(self.player)
         if grounding['body'] != None and abs(grounding['normal'].x / grounding['normal'].y) < self.player.shape.friction:
             # She is! Go ahead and jump
             self.player.body.apply_impulse_at_local_point((0, PLAYER_JUMP_IMPULSE))
     elif symbol == arcade.key.SPACE:
     elif symbol == arcade.key.G: