def get(self, request): link = request.GET.get("link", None) AES = AESCipher(settings.SECRET_KEY) userinfo = JSONDeserializer().deserialize(AES.decrypt(link)) form = ArchesUserCreationForm(userinfo) if datetime.fromtimestamp(userinfo["ts"]) + timedelta(days=1) >= datetime.fromtimestamp(int(time.time())): if form.is_valid(): user = crowdsource_editor_group = Group.objects.get(name=settings.USER_SIGNUP_GROUP) user.groups.add(crowdsource_editor_group) return redirect("auth") else: try: for error in form.errors.as_data()["username"]: if error.code == "unique": return redirect("auth") except: pass else: form.errors["ts"] = [_("The signup link has expired, please try signing up again. Thanks!")] return render( request, "signup.htm", {"form": form, "showform": True, "postdata": userinfo, "validation_help": validation.password_validators_help_texts()}, )
def get(self, request): link = request.GET.get('link', None) AES = AESCipher(settings.SECRET_KEY) userinfo = JSONDeserializer().deserialize(AES.decrypt(link)) form = ArchesUserCreationForm(userinfo) if datetime.fromtimestamp(userinfo['ts']) + timedelta( days=1) >= datetime.fromtimestamp(int(time.time())): if form.is_valid(): user = crowdsource_editor_group = Group.objects.get( name=settings.USER_SIGNUP_GROUP) user.groups.add(crowdsource_editor_group) return redirect('auth') else: try: for error in form.errors.as_data()['username']: if error.code == 'unique': return redirect('auth') except: pass else: form.errors['ts'] = [ _('The signup link has expired, please try signing up again. Thanks!' ) ] return render( request, 'signup.htm', { 'form': form, 'showform': True, 'postdata': userinfo, 'validation_help': validation.password_validators_help_texts() })
def get(self, request): link = request.GET.get('link', None) AES = AESCipher(settings.SECRET_KEY) userinfo = JSONDeserializer().deserialize(AES.decrypt(link)) form = ArchesUserCreationForm(userinfo) if datetime.fromtimestamp(userinfo['ts']) + timedelta(days=1) >= datetime.fromtimestamp(int(time.time())): if form.is_valid(): user = crowdsource_editor_group = Group.objects.get(name=settings.USER_SIGNUP_GROUP) user.groups.add(crowdsource_editor_group) return redirect('auth') else: try: for error in form.errors.as_data()['username']: if error.code == 'unique': return redirect('auth') except: pass else: form.errors['ts'] = [_('The signup link has expired, please try signing up again. Thanks!')] return render(request, 'signup.htm', { 'form': form, 'showform': True, 'postdata': userinfo, 'validation_help': validation.password_validators_help_texts() })
def post(self, request): showform = True confirmation_message = '' postdata = request.POST.copy() postdata['ts'] = int(time.time()) form = ArchesUserCreationForm(postdata, enable_captcha=settings.ENABLE_CAPTCHA) if form.is_valid(): AES = AESCipher(settings.SECRET_KEY) userinfo = JSONSerializer().serialize(form.cleaned_data) encrypted_userinfo = AES.encrypt(userinfo) url_encrypted_userinfo = urlencode({'link': encrypted_userinfo}) admin_email = settings.ADMINS[0][1] if settings.ADMINS else '' email_context = { 'button_text': _('Signup for Arches'), 'link': request.build_absolute_uri( reverse('confirm_signup') + '?' + url_encrypted_userinfo, ), 'greeting': _('Thanks for your interest in Arches. Click on link below to confirm your email address! Use your email address to login.' ), 'closing': _('This link expires in 24 hours. If you can\'t get to it before then, don\'t worry, you can always try again with the same email address.' ), } html_content = render_to_string('email/general_notification.htm', email_context) # ... text_content = strip_tags( html_content ) # this strips the html, so people will have the text as well. # create the email, and attach the HTML version as well. msg = EmailMultiAlternatives(_('Welcome to Arches!'), text_content, admin_email, [form.cleaned_data['email']]) msg.attach_alternative(html_content, "text/html") msg.send() confirmation_message = _( 'An email has been sent to <br><strong>%s</strong><br> with a link to activate your account' % form.cleaned_data['email']) showform = False return render( request, 'signup.htm', { 'enable_captcha': settings.ENABLE_CAPTCHA, 'form': form, 'postdata': postdata, 'showform': showform, 'confirmation_message': confirmation_message, 'validation_help': validation.password_validators_help_texts() })
def post(self, request): showform = True confirmation_message = "" postdata = request.POST.copy() postdata["ts"] = int(time.time()) form = ArchesUserCreationForm(postdata, enable_captcha=settings.ENABLE_CAPTCHA) if form.is_valid(): AES = AESCipher(settings.SECRET_KEY) userinfo = JSONSerializer().serialize(form.cleaned_data) encrypted_userinfo = AES.encrypt(userinfo) url_encrypted_userinfo = urlencode({"link": encrypted_userinfo}) admin_email = settings.ADMINS[0][1] if settings.ADMINS else "" email_context = { "button_text": _("Signup for Arches"), "link": request.build_absolute_uri(reverse("confirm_signup") + "?" + url_encrypted_userinfo), "greeting": _( "Thanks for your interest in Arches. Click on link below \ to confirm your email address! Use your email address to login." ), "closing": _( "This link expires in 24 hours. If you can't get to it before then, \ don't worry, you can always try again with the same email address." ), } html_content = render_to_string("email/general_notification.htm", email_context) # ... text_content = strip_tags(html_content) # this strips the html, so people will have the text as well. # create the email, and attach the HTML version as well. msg = EmailMultiAlternatives(_("Welcome to Arches!"), text_content, admin_email, [form.cleaned_data["email"]]) msg.attach_alternative(html_content, "text/html") msg.send() confirmation_message = _( "An email has been sent to <br><strong>%s</strong><br> with a link to activate your account" % form.cleaned_data["email"] ) showform = False return render( request, "signup.htm", { "enable_captcha": settings.ENABLE_CAPTCHA, "form": form, "postdata": postdata, "showform": showform, "confirmation_message": confirmation_message, "validation_help": validation.password_validators_help_texts(), }, )
def post(self, request): showform = True confirmation_message = '' postdata = request.POST.copy() postdata['ts'] = int(time.time()) form = ArchesUserCreationForm(postdata, enable_captcha=settings.ENABLE_CAPTCHA) if form.is_valid(): AES = AESCipher(settings.SECRET_KEY) userinfo = JSONSerializer().serialize(form.cleaned_data) encrypted_userinfo = AES.encrypt(userinfo) url_encrypted_userinfo = urlencode({'link':encrypted_userinfo}) admin_email = settings.ADMINS[0][1] if settings.ADMINS else '' email_context = { 'button_text': _('Signup for Arches'), 'link':request.build_absolute_uri(reverse('confirm_signup') + '?' + url_encrypted_userinfo,), 'greeting': _('Thanks for your interest in Arches. Click on link below to confirm your email address! Use your email address to login.'), 'closing': _('This link expires in 24 hours. If you can\'t get to it before then, don\'t worry, you can always try again with the same email address.'), } html_content = render_to_string('email/general_notification.htm', email_context) # ... text_content = strip_tags(html_content) # this strips the html, so people will have the text as well. # create the email, and attach the HTML version as well. msg = EmailMultiAlternatives(_('Welcome to Arches!'), text_content, admin_email, [form.cleaned_data['email']]) msg.attach_alternative(html_content, "text/html") msg.send() confirmation_message = _('An email has been sent to <br><strong>%s</strong><br> with a link to activate your account' % form.cleaned_data['email']) showform = False return render(request, 'signup.htm', { 'enable_captcha': settings.ENABLE_CAPTCHA, 'form': form, 'postdata': postdata, 'showform': showform, 'confirmation_message': confirmation_message, 'validation_help': validation.password_validators_help_texts() })