    def createPMPfc():

            "\nCreating feature class: 'PMP_Points' in Scratch.gdb...")
            home + "\\Input\Non_Storm_Data.gdb\Vector_Grid",
            "vgLayer")  # make a feature layer of vector grid cells
            "vgLayer", "INTERSECT", aoiBasin
        )  # select the vector grid cells that intersect the aoiBasin polygon
        dm.MakeFeatureLayer(home + "\\Input\Non_Storm_Data.gdb\Grid_Points",
                            "gpLayer")  # make a feature layer of grid points
            "gpLayer", "HAVE_THEIR_CENTER_IN", "vgLayer"
        )  # select the grid points within the vector grid selection
            "gpLayer", env.scratchGDB,
            "PMP_Points")  # save feature layer as "PMP_Points" feature class
        arcpy.AddMessage("(" + str(dm.GetCount("gpLayer")) +
                         " grid points will be analyzed)\n")

        # Add PMP Fields
        for dur in durList:
            arcpy.AddMessage("\t...adding field: PMP_" + str(dur))
            dm.AddField(env.scratchGDB + "\\PMP_Points", "PMP_" + dur,

        # Add STORM Fields (this string values identifies the driving storm by SPAS ID number)
        for dur in durList:
            arcpy.AddMessage("\t...adding field: STORM_" + str(dur))
            dm.AddField(env.scratchGDB + "\\PMP_Points", "STORM_" + dur,
                        "TEXT", "", "", 16)

def get_path_residence_times (in_file, cost_rast, out_raster, t_diff_fld_name, workspace):
    if len (out_raster) == 0:
        arcpy.AddError ("Missing argument: out_rast")
        raise Exception
    if len (t_diff_fld_name) == 0:
        t_diff_fld_name = "T_DIFF_HRS"

    arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True  #  This is underhanded.  It should be an argument.

    if arcpy.env.outputCoordinateSystem is None:
        arcpy.env.outputCoordinateSystem = cost_rast
    arcpy.AddMessage ("coordinate system is %s" % arcpy.env.outputCoordinateSystem.name)

    if len(workspace):
        arcpy.env.workspace = workspace
    if arcpy.env.workspace is None or len(arcpy.env.workspace) == 0:
        arcpy.env.workspace = os.getcwd()

    if '.gdb' in arcpy.env.workspace:
        arcpy.AddError (
            "Worskpace is a geodatabase.  " +
            "This brings too much pain for this script to work.\n" +
            "%s" % arcpy.env.workspace
        raise WorkspaceIsGeodatabase

    r = Raster(cost_rast)
    if r.maximum == 0 and r.minimum == 0:
        arcpy.AddMessage ('Cost raster has only zero value.  Cannot calculate cost distances.')
        raise CostRasterIsZero

    size = r.height * r.width * 4
    if size > 2 * 1028 ** 3:
        import struct
        struct_size = struct.calcsize("P") * 8
        if struct_size == 32:
            size_in_gb = float (size) / (1028 ** 3)
            arcpy.AddMessage (
                'Cost raster exceeds 2 GiB in size (%s GiB).  This is too large for a 32 bit NumPy.' % size_in_gb
            raise NumPyArrayExceedsSizeLimits

    if not check_points_are_in_cost_raster(in_file, cost_rast):
        arcpy.AddError ('One or more input points do not intersect the cost raster')
        raise PointNotOnRaster

    arcpy.env.snapRaster = cost_rast
    suffix = None
    wk = arcpy.env.workspace
    if not '.gdb' in wk:
        suffix = '.shp'

    ext = arcpy.env.extent
    if ext is None:
        arcpy.env.extent = r.extent

    arcpy.AddMessage ("Extent is %s" % arcpy.env.extent)

    arcpy.env.cellSize = r.meanCellWidth
    arcpy.AddMessage ("Cell size is %s" % arcpy.env.cellSize)
    cellsize_used = float (arcpy.env.cellSize)
    extent = arcpy.env.extent
    lower_left_coord = extent.lowerLeft
    arcpy.AddMessage ('Currently in directory: %s\n' % os.getcwd())
    arcpy.AddMessage ('Workspace is: %s' % arcpy.env.workspace)
    arcpy.AddMessage ("lower left is %s" % lower_left_coord)

    if arcpy.env.mask is None:
        arcpy.AddMessage ("Setting mask to %s" % cost_rast)
        arcpy.env.mask = cost_rast

    #  accumulated transits
    transit_array_accum = arcpy.RasterToNumPyArray (Raster(cost_rast) * 0)

    feat_layer = "feat_layer"
    arcmgt.MakeFeatureLayer(in_file, feat_layer)
    desc = arcpy.Describe (feat_layer)
    oid_fd_name = desc.OIDFieldName
    arcpy.AddMessage("oid_fd_name = %s" % oid_fd_name)

    #  variable name is redundant now??? - should all calls be to oid_fd_name?
    target_fld = oid_fd_name

    proc_layer = "process_layer"
    arcmgt.MakeFeatureLayer(in_file, proc_layer)
    rows = arcpy.SearchCursor(proc_layer)
    last_target = None

    for row_cur in rows:
        transit_time = row_cur.getValue (t_diff_fld_name)

        if last_target is None or transit_time == 0:
            message = 'Skipping %s = %s' % (oid_fd_name, row_cur.getValue(oid_fd_name))
            if transit_time == 0:
                message = message + "  Transit time is zero"
            last_target = row_cur.getValue(target_fld)
            last_oid    = row_cur.getValue(oid_fd_name)

        arcpy.AddMessage ("Processing %s %i" % (oid_fd_name, row_cur.getValue(oid_fd_name)))

            '%s = %s' % (target_fld, last_target)
        backlink_rast  = arcpy.CreateScratchName("backlink")
        path_dist_rast = PathDistance(feat_layer, cost_rast, out_backlink_raster = backlink_rast)

        #  extract the distance from the last point
        shp = row_cur.shape
        centroid = shp.centroid
        (x, y) = (centroid.X, centroid.Y)
        result = arcmgt.GetCellValue(path_dist_rast, "%s %s" % (x, y), "1")
        res_val = result.getOutput(0)
        if res_val == "NoData":
            this_oid = row_cur.getValue(oid_fd_name)
            arcpy.AddMessage ("Got nodata for coordinate (%s, %s)" % (x, y))
            arcpy.AddMessage ("Is the path between features %s and %s wholly contained by the cost raster?" % (last_oid, this_oid))
            pras_name = "pth_%s_%s.tif" % (last_oid, this_oid)
            arcpy.AddMessage ("Attempting to save path raster as %s" % pras_name)
            except Exception as e:
                arcpy.AddMessage (e)
            raise PathDistanceIsNoData
            path_distance = float (res_val)
            #  kludge around locale/radix issues 
            if res_val.find(","):
                res_val = res_val.replace(",", ".")
                path_distance = float (res_val)
        arcpy.AddMessage("Path distance is %s\nTransit time is %s" % (path_distance, transit_time))

        #  get a raster of the path from origin to destination
        condition = '%s in (%i, %i)' % (oid_fd_name, last_oid, row_cur.getValue(oid_fd_name))
        dest_layer = "dest_layer" + str (last_oid)
        arcmgt.MakeFeatureLayer(in_file, dest_layer, where_clause = condition)

        count = arcmgt.GetCount(dest_layer)
        count = int (count.getOutput(0))
        if count == 0:
            raise NoFeatures("No features selected.  Possible coordinate system issues.\n" + condition)

            path_cost_rast = CostPath(dest_layer, path_dist_rast, backlink_rast)
            #path_dist_rast.save("xx_pr" + str (last_oid))
        except Exception as e:

            pcr_mask       = 1 - IsNull (path_cost_rast)
            #pcr_mask.save ("xx_pcr_mask" + str (last_oid))
            dist_masked    = path_dist_rast * pcr_mask
            path_array     = arcpy.RasterToNumPyArray(dist_masked, nodata_to_value = -9999)
            path_array_idx = numpy.where(path_array > 0)
            transit_array  = numpy.zeros_like(path_array)  #  past experience suggests we might need to use a different approach to guarantee we get zeroes

        path_sum = None
        arcpy.AddMessage ("processing %i cells of path raster" % (len(path_array_idx[0])))

        if path_distance == 0 or not len(path_array_idx[0]):
            path_sum = 1 #  stayed in the same cell
            mask_array = arcpy.RasterToNumPyArray(pcr_mask, nodata_to_value = -9999)
            mask_array_idx = numpy.where(mask_array == 1)
            i = mask_array_idx[0][0]
            j = mask_array_idx[1][0]
            transit_array[i][j] = path_sum
            row_count = len (path_array) 
            col_count = len (path_array[0])

            for idx in range (len(path_array_idx[0])):
                i = path_array_idx[0][idx]
                j = path_array_idx[1][idx]
                val = path_array[i][j]
                nbrs = []
                for k in (i-1, i, i+1):
                    if k < 0 or k >= row_count:
                    checkrow = path_array[k]
                    for l in (j-1, j, j+1):
                        if l < 0 or l >= col_count:
                        if k == i and j == l:
                            continue  #  don't check self
                        checkval = checkrow[l]
                        #  negs are nodata, and this way we
                        #  don't need to care what that value is
                        if checkval >= 0:
                            diff = val - checkval
                            if diff > 0:
                                #arcpy.AddMessage ("Check and diff vals are %s %s" % (checkval, diff))
                diff = min (nbrs)
                #arcpy.AddMessage ("Diff  val is %s" % diff)
                transit_array[i][j] = diff

            path_sum = path_array.max()  #  could use path_distance?
            #arcpy.AddMessage ("path_array.max is %s" % path_sum)

        #  sometimes we get a zero path_sum even when the path_distance is non-zero
        if path_sum == 0:
            path_sum = 1

        #  Increment the cumulative transit array by the fraction of the
        #  transit time spent in each cell.
        #  Use path_sum because it corrects for cases where we stayed in the same cell.
        transit_array_accum = transit_array_accum + ((transit_array / path_sum) * transit_time)

        #xx = arcpy.NumPyArrayToRaster (transit_array, lower_left_coord, cellsize_used, cellsize_used, 0)
        #tmpname = "xx_t_arr_" + str (last_oid)
        #print "Saving transit array to %s" % tmpname
        #xx.save (tmpname)

        except Exception as e:
            arcpy.AddMessage (e)

        #  getting off-by-one errors when using the environment, so use this directly
        ext = path_cost_rast.extent
        lower_left_coord = ext.lowerLeft

        last_target = row_cur.getValue(target_fld)
        last_oid    = row_cur.getValue(oid_fd_name)

    #  need to use env settings to get it to be the correct size
        arcpy.AddMessage ("lower left is %s" % lower_left_coord)
        xx = arcpy.NumPyArrayToRaster (transit_array_accum, lower_left_coord, cellsize_used, cellsize_used, 0)
        print "Saving to %s" % out_raster
        xx.save (out_raster)

    print "Completed"

    return ()
            raise e

        feat = cur.newRow()
        feat.shape = poly_pnt

        #arcpy.AddMessage ("t_diff_fld_name = %s, t_diff_in_hours = %s" % (t_diff_fld_name, t_diff_in_hours))

        for fld in fields:
            name = name_dict[fld.name]
            val = row.getValue(fld.name)
            #arcpy.AddMessage ("name = %s, val = %s" % (name, val))
            feat.setValue(name, val)
        feat.ID = row_count

        feat.setValue(t_diff_fld_name, t_diff_in_hours)


        prev_time = this_time

    count = arcmgt.GetCount(out_fc_name)
    count = int(count.getOutput(0))
    if count == 0:
        arcpy.AddError("No features created - is there a file lock issue?")

    arcpy.DefineProjection_management(out_fc_name, coord_sys)

    print arcpy.GetMessages()

    print "Completed"
def snap_points_to_mask_raster (in_file, mask, out_file, distance, workspace):
    if distance is None or len (distance) == 0:
        distance = "100 METERS"
    if arcpy.env.outputCoordinateSystem is None:
        arcpy.env.outputCoordinateSystem = mask
    print arcpy.env.outputCoordinateSystem.name

    if len(workspace):
        arcpy.env.workspace = workspace
    if arcpy.env.workspace is None or len(arcpy.env.workspace) == 0:
        arcpy.env.workspace = os.getcwd()

    arcpy.AddMessage ("workspace is %s" % arcpy.env.workspace)

        suffix = None
        wk = arcpy.env.workspace
        if not '.gdb' in wk:
            suffix = '.shp'
        poly_file = arcpy.CreateScratchName(None, suffix, 'POLYGON')
        arcpy.RasterToPolygon_conversion (mask, poly_file, 'NO_SIMPLIFY')

    arcpy.AddMessage ("poly_file is %s" % poly_file)

    #  handle layers and datasets
    desc = arcpy.Describe(in_file)
    in_file = desc.catalogPath

    #  add .shp extension if needed - clunky, but otherwise system fails below
    re_gdb = re.compile ('\.gdb$')
    re_shp = re.compile ('\.shp$')
    path = os.path.dirname(out_file)
    if len (path) == 0:
        path = arcpy.env.workspace
    if not re_gdb.search (path) and not re_shp.search (out_file):
        out_file += '.shp'

    arcpy.AddMessage ("Input point file is %s" % in_file)
    arcpy.AddMessage ("Output point file is %s" % out_file)

    arcmgt.CopyFeatures (in_file, out_file)

        snap_layer_name = 'get_layer_for_snapping'
        arcmgt.MakeFeatureLayer (out_file, snap_layer_name)
        arcmgt.SelectLayerByLocation (snap_layer_name, 'intersect', poly_file, '#', 'NEW_SELECTION')
        arcmgt.SelectLayerByAttribute(snap_layer_name, 'SWITCH_SELECTION')
        if arcmgt.GetCount(snap_layer_name) > 0:
            arcpy.Snap_edit (snap_layer_name, [[poly_file, "EDGE", distance]])
            arcpy.AddMessage ('No features selected, no snapping applied')
    except Exception as e:
        print arcpy.GetMessages()
        raise e

    arcmgt.Delete (snap_layer_name)
    arcmgt.Delete (poly_file)

    print arcpy.GetMessages()
    print "Completed"

 polyZoLyr = "polyZoLayer"
 # join the table from the raster to the poly zone layer
 man.MakeFeatureLayer(polyZo, polyZoLyr)
 man.AddJoin(polyZoLyr, "OBJECTID", curZo, "OBJECTID", "KEEP_ALL")
 # find any polys with Richness below zone level
 # each dict entry is [zone: min richness]
 dictMinRich = {1: 1, 2: 2, 3: 5}
 targMinRich = dictMinRich[int(classLevel)]
 expr = "Richness >= " + str(targMinRich)
 man.SelectLayerByAttribute(polyZoLyr, "NEW_SELECTION", expr)
 # write out the selected set
 outFeat = wrk + "/zon_Joined_C" + classLevel
 man.CopyFeatures(polyZoLyr, outFeat)
 # if rows were dropped AND we are above level 1, then need
 # to add dropped polys to one level down.
 numRowsSelSet = int(man.GetCount(polyZoLyr).getOutput(0))
 numRowsLyr = int(man.GetCount(polyZo).getOutput(0))
 if numRowsSelSet < numRowsLyr & int(classLevel) > 1:
     expr = "Richness < " + str(targMinRich)
     man.SelectLayerByAttribute(polyZoLyr, "NEW_SELECTION", expr)
     destinedLevel = int(classLevel) - 1
     # write out the selected set
     outFeat = wrk + "/zon_AddThesePolysTo_C" + str(destinedLevel)
     man.CopyFeatures(polyZoLyr, outFeat)
 # if the prev if statement was acted on, then grab
 # those data in the next loop
 feats = arcpy.ListFeatureClasses()
 primFeat = wrk + "/zon_Joined_C" + classLevel
 outFeat = wrk + "/zon_Joined_final_C" + classLevel
 targFeat = "zon_AddThesePolysTo_C" + classLevel
 if targFeat in feats:
def classify_lakes(nhd,
    if debug_mode:
        arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True
        temp_gdb = cu.create_temp_GDB('classify_lake_connectivity')
        arcpy.env.workspace = temp_gdb
        arcpy.AddMessage('Debugging workspace located at {}'.format(temp_gdb))

        arcpy.env.workspace = 'in_memory'

    if arcpy.Exists("temp_fc"):
        print("There is a problem here.")
        raise Exception

    # Tool temporary feature classes
    temp_fc = "temp_fc"
    csiwaterbody_10ha = "csiwaterbody_10ha"
    nhdflowline_filtered = "nhdflowline_filtered"
    dangles = "dangles"
    start = "start"
    end = "end"
    startdangles = "startdangles"
    enddangles = "enddangles"
    non_artificial_end = "non_artificial_end"
    flags_10ha_lake_junctions = "flags_10ha_lake_junctions"
    midvertices = "midvertices"
    non10vertices = "non10vertices"
    non10junctions = "non10junctions"
    all_non_flag_points = "all_non_flag_points"
    barriers = "barriers"
    trace1_junctions = "trace1_junctions"
    trace1_flowline = "trace1_flowline"
    trace2_junctions = "trace2junctions"
    trace2_flowline = "trace2_flowline"

    # Clean up workspace in case of bad exit from prior run in same session.
    this_tool_layers = [
        "dangles_lyr", "nhdflowline_lyr", "junction_lyr", "midvertices_lyr",
        "all_non_flag_points_lyr", "non10vertices_lyr", "out_fc_lyr", "trace1",
    this_tool_temp = [
        temp_fc, csiwaterbody_10ha, nhdflowline_filtered, dangles, start, end,
        startdangles, enddangles, non_artificial_end,
        flags_10ha_lake_junctions, midvertices, non10vertices, non10junctions,
        all_non_flag_points, barriers, trace1_junctions, trace1_flowline,
        trace2_junctions, trace2_flowline
    for item in this_tool_layers + this_tool_temp:

    # Local variables:
    nhdflowline = os.path.join(nhd, "Hydrography", "NHDFLowline")
    nhdjunction = os.path.join(nhd, "Hydrography", "HYDRO_NET_Junctions")
    nhdwaterbody = os.path.join(nhd, "Hydrography", "NHDWaterbody")
    network = os.path.join(nhd, "Hydrography", "HYDRO_NET")

    # Get lakes, ponds and reservoirs over a hectare.
    #csi_population_filter = '''"AreaSqKm" >=0.01 AND\
    #"FCode" IN (39000,39004,39009,39010,39011,39012,43600,43613,43615,43617,43618,43619,43621)'''
    all_lakes_reservoirs_filter = '''"FType" IN (390, 436)'''

    # Can't see why we shouldn't just attribute all lakes and reservoirs
    # arcpy.Select_analysis(nhdwaterbody, "csiwaterbody", lake_population_filter)
    arcpy.AddMessage("Initializing output.")
    if exclude_intermit_flowlines:
        DM.CopyFeatures(out_feature_class, temp_fc)
        arcpy.Select_analysis(nhdwaterbody, temp_fc,

    # Get lakes, ponds and reservoirs over 10 hectares.
    lakes_10ha_filter = '''"AreaSqKm" >= 0.1 AND "FType" IN (390, 436)'''
    arcpy.Select_analysis(nhdwaterbody, csiwaterbody_10ha, lakes_10ha_filter)

    # Exclude intermittent flowlines, if requested
    if exclude_intermit_flowlines:
        flowline_where_clause = '''"FCode" NOT IN (46003,46007)'''
        nhdflowline = arcpy.Select_analysis(nhdflowline, nhdflowline_filtered,

    # Make dangle points at end of nhdflowline
    DM.FeatureVerticesToPoints(nhdflowline, dangles, "DANGLE")
    DM.MakeFeatureLayer(dangles, "dangles_lyr")

    # Isolate start dangles from end dangles.
    DM.FeatureVerticesToPoints(nhdflowline, start, "START")
    DM.FeatureVerticesToPoints(nhdflowline, end, "END")

    DM.SelectLayerByLocation("dangles_lyr", "ARE_IDENTICAL_TO", start)
    DM.CopyFeatures("dangles_lyr", startdangles)
    DM.SelectLayerByLocation("dangles_lyr", "ARE_IDENTICAL_TO", end)
    DM.CopyFeatures("dangles_lyr", enddangles)

    # Special handling for lakes that have some intermittent flow in and some permanent
    if exclude_intermit_flowlines:
        DM.MakeFeatureLayer(nhdflowline, "nhdflowline_lyr")
        DM.SelectLayerByAttribute("nhdflowline_lyr", "NEW_SELECTION",
                                  '''"WBArea_Permanent_Identifier" is null''')
        DM.FeatureVerticesToPoints("nhdflowline_lyr", non_artificial_end,
        DM.SelectLayerByAttribute("nhdflowline_lyr", "CLEAR_SELECTION")

    arcpy.AddMessage("Found source area nodes.")

    # Get junctions from lakes >= 10 hectares.
    DM.MakeFeatureLayer(nhdjunction, "junction_lyr")
    DM.SelectLayerByLocation("junction_lyr", "INTERSECT", csiwaterbody_10ha,
                             XY_TOLERANCE, "NEW_SELECTION")

    DM.CopyFeatures("junction_lyr", flags_10ha_lake_junctions)
    arcpy.AddMessage("Found lakes >= 10 ha.")

    # Make points shapefile and layer at flowline vertices to act as potential flags and/or barriers.
    DM.FeatureVerticesToPoints(nhdflowline, midvertices, "MID")
    DM.MakeFeatureLayer(midvertices, "midvertices_lyr")

    # Get vertices that are not coincident with 10 hectare lake junctions.
    DM.SelectLayerByLocation("midvertices_lyr", "INTERSECT",
                             flags_10ha_lake_junctions, "", "NEW_SELECTION")
    DM.SelectLayerByLocation("midvertices_lyr", "INTERSECT",
                             flags_10ha_lake_junctions, "", "SWITCH_SELECTION")
    DM.CopyFeatures("midvertices_lyr", non10vertices)

    # Get junctions that are not coincident with 10 hectare lake junctions.
    DM.SelectLayerByLocation("junction_lyr", "INTERSECT",
                             flags_10ha_lake_junctions, "", "NEW_SELECTION")
    DM.SelectLayerByLocation("junction_lyr", "INTERSECT",
                             flags_10ha_lake_junctions, "", "SWITCH_SELECTION")
    DM.CopyFeatures("junction_lyr", non10junctions)

    # Merge non10vertices with non10junctions
    DM.Merge([non10junctions, non10vertices],
             all_non_flag_points)  # inputs both point fc in_memory
    DM.MakeFeatureLayer(all_non_flag_points, "all_non_flag_points_lyr")

    # Tests the counts...for some reason I'm not getting stable behavior from the merge.
    mid_n = int(DM.GetCount(non10vertices).getOutput(0))
    jxn_n = int(DM.GetCount(non10junctions).getOutput(0))
    merge_n = int(DM.GetCount(all_non_flag_points).getOutput(0))
    if merge_n < mid_n + jxn_n:
            "The total number of flags ({0}) is less than the sum of the input junctions ({1}) "
            "and input midpoints ({2})".format(merge_n, jxn_n, mid_n))

    # For tracing barriers, select all_non_flag_points points that intersect a 10 ha lake.
    DM.SelectLayerByLocation("all_non_flag_points_lyr", "INTERSECT",
                             csiwaterbody_10ha, XY_TOLERANCE, "NEW_SELECTION")
    DM.CopyFeatures("all_non_flag_points_lyr", barriers)

    # Trace1-Trace downstream to first barrier (junctions+midvertices in 10 ha lake) starting from flags_10ha_lake_junctions flag points.
    DM.TraceGeometricNetwork(network, "trace1", flags_10ha_lake_junctions,
                             "TRACE_DOWNSTREAM", barriers)

    # Save trace1 flowlines and junctions to layers on disk.
                    trace1_junctions)  # extra for debugging
    DM.CopyFeatures("trace1\NHDFlowline", trace1_flowline)

    # Select vertice midpoints that intersect trace1 flowlines selection for new flags for trace2.
    DM.MakeFeatureLayer(non10vertices, "non10vertices_lyr")
    DM.SelectLayerByLocation("non10vertices_lyr", "INTERSECT", trace1_flowline,
                             "", "NEW_SELECTION")

    # Trace2-Trace downstream from midpoints of flowlines that intersect the selected flowlines from trace1.
    DM.TraceGeometricNetwork(network, "trace2", "non10vertices_lyr",

    # Save trace1 flowlines and junctions to layers and then shapes on disk.
    DM.CopyFeatures("trace2\HYDRO_NET_Junctions", trace2_junctions)
                    trace2_flowline)  # extra for debugging
    arcpy.AddMessage("Done tracing.")

    # Make shapefile for seepage lakes. (Ones that don't intersect flowlines)
    if exclude_intermit_flowlines:
        class_field_name = "Lake_Connectivity_Permanent"
        class_field_name = "Lake_Connectivity_Class"
    DM.AddField(temp_fc, class_field_name, "TEXT", field_length=13)
    DM.MakeFeatureLayer(temp_fc, "out_fc_lyr")
    DM.SelectLayerByLocation("out_fc_lyr", "INTERSECT", nhdflowline,
                             XY_TOLERANCE, "NEW_SELECTION")
    DM.SelectLayerByLocation("out_fc_lyr", "INTERSECT", nhdflowline, "",
    DM.CalculateField("out_fc_lyr", class_field_name, """'Isolated'""",

    # New type of "Isolated" classification, mostly for "permanent" but there were some oddballs in "maximum" too
    DM.SelectLayerByLocation("out_fc_lyr", "INTERSECT", startdangles,
                             XY_TOLERANCE, "NEW_SELECTION")
    DM.SelectLayerByLocation("out_fc_lyr", "INTERSECT", enddangles,
                             XY_TOLERANCE, "SUBSET_SELECTION")
    DM.CalculateField("out_fc_lyr", class_field_name, """'Isolated'""",

    # Get headwater lakes.
    DM.SelectLayerByLocation("out_fc_lyr", "INTERSECT", startdangles,
                             XY_TOLERANCE, "NEW_SELECTION")
        "out_fc_lyr", "REMOVE_FROM_SELECTION",
        '''"{}" = 'Isolated' '''.format(class_field_name))
    DM.CalculateField("out_fc_lyr", class_field_name, """'Headwater'""",

    # Select csiwaterbody that intersect trace2junctions
    arcpy.AddMessage("Beginning connectivity attribution...")
    DM.SelectLayerByLocation("out_fc_lyr", "INTERSECT", trace2_junctions,
                             XY_TOLERANCE, "NEW_SELECTION")
    DM.CalculateField("out_fc_lyr", class_field_name, """'DrainageLk'""",

    # Get stream drainage lakes. Either unassigned so far or convert "Headwater" if a permanent stream flows into it,
    # which is detected with "non_artificial_end"
    DM.SelectLayerByAttribute("out_fc_lyr", "NEW_SELECTION",
                              '''"{}" IS NULL'''.format(class_field_name))
    DM.CalculateField("out_fc_lyr", class_field_name, """'Drainage'""",
    if exclude_intermit_flowlines:
            "out_fc_lyr", "NEW_SELECTION",
            '''"{}" = 'Headwater' '''.format(class_field_name))
        DM.SelectLayerByLocation("out_fc_lyr", "INTERSECT", non_artificial_end,
                                 XY_TOLERANCE, "SUBSET_SELECTION")
        DM.CalculateField("out_fc_lyr", class_field_name, """'Drainage'""",

        # Prevent 'upgrades' due to very odd flow situations and artifacts of bad digitization. The effects of these
        # are varied--to avoid confusion, just keep the class  assigned with all flowlines

        # 1--Purely hypothetical, not seen in testing
            "out_fc_lyr", "NEW_SELECTION",
            '''"Lake_Connectivity_Class" = 'Isolated' AND "Lake_Connectivity_Permanent" <> 'Isolated' '''
        DM.CalculateField("out_fc_lyr", class_field_name, """'Isolated'""",

        # 2--Headwater to Drainage upgrade seen in testing with odd multi-inlet flow situation
            "out_fc_lyr", "NEW_SELECTION",
            '''"Lake_Connectivity_Class" = 'Headwater' AND "Lake_Connectivity_Permanent" IN ('Drainage', 'DrainageLk') '''
        DM.CalculateField("out_fc_lyr", class_field_name, """'Headwater'""",

        # 3--Drainage to DrainageLk upgrade seen in testing when intermittent stream segments were used
        # erroneously instead of artificial paths
            "out_fc_lyr", "NEW_SELECTION",
            '''"Lake_Connectivity_Class" = 'Drainage' AND "Lake_Connectivity_Permanent" = 'DrainageLk' '''
        DM.CalculateField("out_fc_lyr", class_field_name, """'Drainage'""",
        DM.SelectLayerByAttribute("out_fc_lyr", "CLEAR_SELECTION")

        # Add change flag for users
        flag_codeblock = """def flag_calculate(arg1, arg2):
            if arg1 == arg2:
                return 'N'
                return 'Y'"""
        expression = 'flag_calculate(!Lake_Connectivity_Class!, !Lake_Connectivity_Permanent!)'
        DM.CalculateField(temp_fc, "Lake_Connectivity_Fluctuates", expression,
                          "PYTHON", flag_codeblock)

    # Project output once done with both. Switching CRS earlier causes trace problems.
    if not exclude_intermit_flowlines:
        DM.CopyFeatures(temp_fc, out_feature_class)
        DM.Project(temp_fc, out_feature_class, arcpy.SpatialReference(102039))

    # Clean up
    if not debug_mode:
        for item in this_tool_layers + this_tool_temp:
            if arcpy.Exists(item):

    if not debug_mode:
    arcpy.AddMessage("{} classification is complete.".format(class_field_name))