def get_image_paths(in_mosaic): temp_image_table = path.join("in_memory", "temp_image_table") ExportMosaicDatasetPaths(in_mosaic, temp_image_table, '', "ALL", "RASTER;ITEM_CACHE") images = set([row[0] for row in da.SearchCursor(temp_image_table, "Path")]) Delete(temp_image_table) return images
def _tri_tool(): """Triangulation for tool """ in_fc = sys.argv[1] tri_type = sys.argv[2] out_fc = sys.argv[3] xtent = sys.argv[4] desc = Describe(in_fc) SR = desc['spatialReference'] flds = ['SHAPE@X', 'SHAPE@Y'] allpnts = False z = FeatureClassToNumPyArray(in_fc, flds, "", SR, allpnts) a = np.zeros((z.shape[0], 2), dtype='<f8') a[:, 0] = z['SHAPE@X'] a[:, 1] = z['SHAPE@Y'] # if tri_type == 'Delaunay': tweet("Delaunay... clip extent {}".format(xtent)) t = tri_pnts(a, True) # must be a list of list of points polys = poly(t, SR) if Exists(out_fc): Delete(out_fc) CopyFeatures(polys, "in_memory/temp") MakeFeatureLayer("in_memory/temp", "temp") if xtent not in ("", None): Clip("temp", xtent, out_fc, None) else: CopyFeatures("temp", out_fc) else: tweet("Voronoi... clip extent {}".format(xtent)) c = infinity_circle(a, fac=10) aa = np.vstack((a, c)) v = vor_pnts(aa, testing=False) polys = poly([v], SR) if Exists(out_fc): Delete(out_fc) CopyFeatures(polys, "in_memory/temp") MakeFeatureLayer("in_memory/temp", "temp") if xtent not in ( "", None, ): Clip("temp", xtent, out_fc, None) else: CopyFeatures("temp", out_fc)
def las_tile_to_numpy_pandas(lidar_tile, sr, returns, class_codes, format_for_library): temp_lasd = "{0}_temp.lasd".format(splitext(lidar_tile)[0]) if Exists(temp_lasd): Delete(temp_lasd) arcpy.CreateLasDataset_management(lidar_tile, temp_lasd, spatial_reference=sr) point_spacing = arcpy.Describe(temp_lasd).pointSpacing Delete(temp_lasd) temp_pts_multi = join("in_memory", "temp_pts_multi") if Exists(temp_pts_multi): Delete(temp_pts_multi) LASToMultipoint(input=lidar_tile, out_feature_class=temp_pts_multi, average_point_spacing=point_spacing, class_code=class_codes, _return=returns, input_coordinate_system=sr) if format_for_library == "numpy": lidar_points = da.FeatureClassToNumPyArray( in_table=temp_pts_multi, # field_names=["OID@", "SHAPE@X", "SHAPE@Y", "SHAPE@Z"], field_names=["SHAPE@X", "SHAPE@Y", "SHAPE@Z"], # field_names=["SHAPE@XYZ"], spatial_reference=sr, explode_to_points=True) Delete(temp_pts_multi) # Numpy Processing Operation Goes Here! numpy_operation_here(lidar_points) elif format_for_library == "pandas": lidar_points = pd.DataFrame.spatial.from_featureclass( location=temp_pts_multi) #fields=["SHAPE@X", "SHAPE@Y", "SHAPE@Z"]) Delete(temp_pts_multi) # Numpy Processing Operation Goes Here! pandas_operation_here(lidar_points) del lidar_points
def execute_ChannelCorrection(demras, boundary, riverbed, rivernet, breachedmnt, messages): arcpy.env.outputCoordinateSystem = demras.spatialReference env.snapRaster = demras ends = CreateScratchName("loob", data_type="FeatureClass", workspace="in_memory") CopyFeatures(boundary, ends) AddField(ends, "dummy", "LONG", field_alias="dummy", field_is_nullable="NULLABLE") CalculateField(ends, "dummy", "1", "PYTHON") endsras = CreateScratchName("loras", data_type="RasterDataset", workspace=env.scratchWorkspace) PolylineToRaster(ends, "dummy", endsras, "MAXIMUM_LENGTH", cellsize=demras) statpts = FocalStatistics(endsras, NbrRectangle(3, 3, "CELL"), "MAXIMUM", "DATA") env.extent = demras rasterbed = CreateScratchName("loras", data_type="RasterDataset", workspace=env.scratchWorkspace) PolygonToRaster(riverbed, arcpy.Describe(riverbed).OIDFieldName, rasterbed, "CELL_CENTER", cellsize=demras) rasterline = CreateScratchName("loras", data_type="RasterDataset", workspace=env.scratchWorkspace) PolylineToRaster(rivernet, arcpy.Describe(rivernet).OIDFieldName, rasterline, cellsize=demras) streambed = Con(IsNull(rasterline), Con(IsNull(rasterbed) == 0, 1), 1) bedwalls = FocalStatistics(streambed, NbrRectangle(3, 3, "CELL"), "MAXIMUM", "DATA") env.extent = bedwalls chanelev = Con(streambed, demras) chanmax = chanelev.maximum chanwalls = chanelev.minimum - 100 switchtemp = CreateScratchName("loras", data_type="RasterDataset", workspace=env.scratchWorkspace) switchelev = -1 * (Con(IsNull(streambed), Con(bedwalls, Con(IsNull(statpts), chanwalls)), chanelev) - chanmax) Delete(statpts) Delete(chanelev) switchfilled = Fill(switchtemp) Delete(switchtemp) env.extent = demras breachedtemp = Con(IsNull(streambed), demras, (-1*switchfilled) + chanmax) Delete(bedwalls) Delete(endsras) Delete(rasterline) Delete(rasterbed) Delete(switchfilled) return
def split_at_vertices(in_fc, out_fc): """Split at vertices. Unique segments retained.""" info = "split at vertices" g, oids, shp_kind, k, m, SR = _in_(in_fc, info) od = g.segment_polys(as_basic=False, shift_back=True, as_3d=False) tmp = "memory/tmp" if Exists(tmp): Delete(tmp) ags.da.NumPyArrayToTable(od, tmp) xyxy = list(od.dtype.names[:4]) args = [tmp, out_fc] + xyxy + ["GEODESIC", "Orig_id", SR] XYToLine(*args) return
def temp_fc(geo, name, kind, SR): """Similar to _out_ but creates a `memory` featureclass.""" polys = Geo_to_arc_shapes(geo, as_singlepart=True) wkspace = env.workspace = 'memory' # legacy is in_memory tmp_name = "{}\\{}".format(wkspace, name) # tmp = MultipartToSinglepart(in_fc, r"memory\in_fc_temp") if Exists(tmp_name): Delete(tmp_name) CreateFeatureclass(wkspace, name, kind, spatial_reference=SR) AddField(tmp_name, 'ID_arr', 'LONG') with ags.da.InsertCursor(name, ['SHAPE@', 'ID_arr']) as cur: for row in polys: cur.insertRow(row) return tmp_name
def process(): # Detect Unit of Measurement (Feet -vs- Meter) cell_factor = getCellFactor(in_mosaic_dataset) # Obatin List of Raster Files in Mosaic Dataset temp_table = join("memory", "temp_table") ExportMosaicDatasetPaths(in_mosaic_dataset, temp_table, "#", "ALL", "RASTER") rasters = set(row[0] for row in da.SearchCursor(temp_table, "Path")) Delete(temp_table) if not exists(out_directory): makedirs(out_directory) # Process each raster for in_raster in rasters: root_dir, file = split(in_raster) AddMessage("da filename is: {}".format(file)) out_raster = join(out_directory, file) desc = Describe(in_raster) cell_size_height = desc.children[0].meanCellHeight # Cell size in the Y axis and / or cell_size_width = desc.children[0].meanCellWidth # Cell size in the X axis cell_size = "{0} {1}".format(cell_size_height*cell_factor, cell_size_width*cell_factor) if unitsCalc(in_mosaic_dataset) == "Foot": outTimes = Times(in_raster, 0.3048) ProjectRaster(in_raster=outTimes, out_raster=out_raster, out_coor_system=out_spatial_reference, resampling_type=resampling_type, cell_size=cell_size, geographic_transform=geographic_transform, in_coor_system=input_spatial_reference) else: ProjectRaster(in_raster=in_raster, out_raster=out_raster, out_coor_system=out_spatial_reference, resampling_type=resampling_type, cell_size=cell_size, geographic_transform=geographic_transform, in_coor_system=input_spatial_reference) # Delete Intermediate Data del rasters if out_mosaic_dataset: root_dir, file = split(out_mosaic_dataset) # TODO: Automatically detect Pixel Type from input Mosaic Dataset Rasters and pass below createMosaics(root_dir, file, out_directory, out_spatial_reference, "32_BIT_UNSIGNED")
def texture_image(in_image, height, width, position, max_height, max_width, in_texture, in_polygon, out_raster, method, blur_distance): from create_mask import create_mask from fill_masked_image import mask_image from import BuildPyramids from pathlib import Path from PIL import Image # Convert the Modified polygon that now covers entire extent of Interest to Raster temp_mask_raster = path.join(path.dirname(out_raster), Path(out_raster).stem + "_mask.jpg") create_mask(in_image, in_polygon, temp_mask_raster) ################################# # Apply Texture Map to Image ############################### # Prep Texture for process... Align def get_clip_ext(position): if position == "bl": return max_width - width, max_height - height, width, height if position == "tl": return max_width - width, max_height - height, width, height if position == "tr": return 0, max_height - height, width, max_height if position is "br": return 0, max_height - height, width, height if position == "l": return max_width - width, 0, width, height if position == "t": return 0, max_height - height, width, max_height if position == "r": return 0, 0, width, height if position == "b": return 0, max_height - height, width, height if position == "i": return 0, 0, width, height texture =, max_height), Image.ANTIALIAS) texture_cropped = texture.crop(get_clip_ext(position)) mask_image(in_image, temp_mask_raster, texture_cropped, out_raster, method, blur_distance) BuildPyramids(out_raster, -1, "NONE", "NEAREST", "DEFAULT", 75, "OVERWRITE") Delete(temp_mask_raster) # Delete Intermediate Data
def subset_image_for_texture(in_image, in_polygon, area, out_raster): from os import path from arcpy import Describe, AddWarning from import Delete from math import sqrt temp_rast = path.join("in_memory", "temp_rast") ClipRaster(in_image, image_extent_2(in_polygon), temp_rast, "#", "#", "NONE") desc = Describe(temp_rast).children[0] height = desc.height width = desc.width cell_height = desc.meancell_height cell_width = desc.meancell_width r_length = height*cell_height r_width = width*cell_width if r_length > sqrt(area) and r_width > sqrt(area): subset_image(temp_rast, area, out_raster) else: AddWarning("Geometry Length and Width do not fit Area| Length = {0} | Width = {1}".format(r_length, r_width)) AddWarning("Draw a larger area where length and width fit within the area as a square") Delete(temp_rast)
def Geo_to_fc(geo, gdb=None, name=None, kind=None, SR=None): """Return a FeatureClass from a Geo array.""" SR = SR if kind in (None, 0, 1, 2): print("\n ``kind`` must be one of Polygon, Polyline or Point.") return None # # dx, dy = geo.LL # geo = geo.shift(dx, dy) polys = Geo_to_arc_shapes(geo, as_singlepart=True) out_name = gdb.replace("\\", "/") + "/" + name wkspace = env.workspace = 'memory' # legacy is in_memory tmp_name = "{}\\{}".format(wkspace, "tmp") if Exists(tmp_name): Delete(tmp_name) CreateFeatureclass(wkspace, "tmp", kind, spatial_reference=SR) AddField("tmp", 'ID_arr', 'LONG') with InsertCursor("tmp", ['SHAPE@', 'ID_arr']) as cur: for row in polys: cur.insertRow(row) CopyFeatures("tmp", out_name) return
def execute_ChannelCorrection2(demras, boundary, riverbed, rivernet, breachedmnt, messages): arcpy.env.outputCoordinateSystem = demras.spatialReference env.snapRaster = demras env.extent = demras rasterbed = CreateScratchName("loras", data_type="RasterDataset", workspace=env.scratchWorkspace) PolygonToRaster(riverbed, arcpy.Describe(riverbed).OIDFieldName, rasterbed, "CELL_CENTER", cellsize=demras) rasterline = CreateScratchName("loras", data_type="RasterDataset", workspace=env.scratchWorkspace) PolylineToRaster(rivernet, arcpy.Describe(rivernet).OIDFieldName, rasterline, cellsize=demras) streambed = Con(IsNull(rasterline), Con(IsNull(rasterbed) == 0, 1), 1) bedwalls = FocalStatistics(streambed, NbrRectangle(3, 3, "CELL"), "MAXIMUM", "DATA") env.extent = bedwalls chanelev = Con(streambed, demras) chanmax = chanelev.maximum chanwalls = chanelev.minimum - 100 switchtemp = CreateScratchName("loras", data_type="RasterDataset", workspace=env.scratchWorkspace) switchelev = -1 * (Con(IsNull(streambed), Con(bedwalls, Con(IsNull(boundary), chanwalls)), chanelev) - chanmax) Delete(chanelev) switchfilled = Fill(switchtemp) Delete(switchtemp) env.extent = demras breachedtemp = Con(IsNull(streambed), demras, (-1*switchfilled) + chanmax) Delete(bedwalls) Delete(rasterline) Delete(rasterbed) Delete(switchfilled) return
def pick_tool(tool, in_fc, out_fc, gdb, name): """Pick the tool and run the option.""" # -- # tweet(dedent(f0).format(script, tool, in_fc, out_fc)) # # ---- Attribute tools if tool == 'Attribute sort': # ---- (1) attribute sort sort_flds = str(sys.argv[4]) out_fld = str(sys.argv[5]) sort_flds = sort_flds.split(";") tweet(dedent(f1).format(in_fc, sort_flds, out_fld)) oid_fld = ags.da.Describe(in_fc)['OIDFieldName'] flds = [oid_fld] + sort_flds a = ags.da.TableToNumPyArray(in_fc, flds) out = attr_sort(a, oid_fld, sort_flds, out_fld) # run... attr_sort ags.da.ExtendTable(in_fc, oid_fld, out, oid_fld, append_only=False) elif tool == 'Frequency and Stats': # ---- (2) freq and stats cls_flds = sys.argv[4] stat_fld = sys.argv[5] cls_flds = cls_flds.split(";") # multiple to list, singleton a list if stat_fld in (None, 'NoneType', ""): stat_fld = None # use the whole array and skip nulls if stat_fld is not None: all_flds = cls_flds + [stat_fld] a = ags.da.TableToNumPyArray(in_fc, field_names=all_flds, skip_nulls=True) out = freq(a, cls_flds, stat_fld) # do freq analysis if Exists(out_fc) and env.overwriteOutput: Delete(out_fc) ags.da.NumPyArrayToTable(out, out_fc) # # ---- Containers elif tool in [ 'Bounding Circles', 'Convex Hulls', 'Extent Polys', 'Minimum area bounding rectangle' ]: out_kind = sys.argv[4].upper() if tool == 'Bounding Circles': # ---- (1) bounding circles circles(in_fc, gdb, name, out_kind) elif tool == 'Convex Hulls': # ---- (2) convex hulls convex_hull_polys(in_fc, gdb, name, out_kind) elif tool == 'Extent Polys': # ---- (3) extent_poly extent_poly(in_fc, gdb, name, out_kind) elif tool == 'Minimum area bounding rectangle': mabr(in_fc, gdb, name, out_kind) # # ---- Conversion elif tool in ['Features to Points', 'Vertices to Points']: if tool == 'Features to Points': # ---- (1) features to point out, SR = f2pnts(in_fc) elif tool == 'Vertices to Points': # ---- (2) feature to vertices out, SR = p_uni_pnts(in_fc) ags.da.NumPyArrayToFeatureClass(out, out_fc, ['Xs', 'Ys'], SR) elif tool == 'Polygons to Polylines': # ---- (3) polygon to polyline pgon_to_pline(in_fc, gdb, name) elif tool == 'Split at Vertices': # ---- (4) split at vertices split_at_vertices(in_fc, out_fc) # # ---- Sort geometry elif tool in ['Area Sort', 'Length Sort', 'Geometry Sort']: srt_type = tool.split(" ")[0].lower() tweet("...\n{} as {}".format(tool, 'input')) sort_geom(in_fc, gdb, name, srt_type) elif tool == 'Extent Sort': srt_type = int(sys.argv[4][0]) tweet("...\n{} as {}".format(tool, 'input')) sort_extent(in_fc, gdb, name, srt_type) # # ---- Alter geometry elif tool == 'Densify by Distance': # ---- (1) densify distance dist = float(sys.argv[4]) dens_dist(in_fc, gdb, name, dist) elif tool == 'Densify by Percent': # ---- (2) densify percent dist = float(sys.argv[4]) if dist < 1. or dist > 100.: # limit of 1 to 100% dist = np.abs(min(dist, 100.)) dens_dist(in_fc, gdb, name, dist) elif tool == 'Densify by Factor': # ---- (3) densify percent dist = float(sys.argv[4]) dens_fact(in_fc, gdb, name, dist) elif tool == 'Fill Holes': # ---- (4) fill holes fill_holes(in_fc, gdb, name) elif tool == 'Keep Holes': # ---- (5) keep holes keep_holes(in_fc, gdb, name) elif tool == 'Rotate Features': # ---- (6) rotate clockwise = False as_group = False rot_type = str(sys.argv[4]) # True: extent center. False: shape center angle = float(sys.argv[5]) clockwise = str(sys.argv[6]) if rot_type == "shape center": as_group = True if clockwise.lower() == "true": clockwise = True rotater(in_fc, gdb, name, as_group, angle, clockwise) elif tool == 'Shift Features': # ---- (7) shift dX = float(sys.argv[4]) dY = float(sys.argv[5]) shifter(in_fc, gdb, name, dX=dX, dY=dY) elif tool == 'Dissolve Boundaries': dissolve_boundaries(in_fc, gdb, name) # # ---- Triangulation elif tool == 'Delaunay': # ---- (1) Delaunay out_kind = sys.argv[4].upper() constrained = sys.argv[5] if constrained == "True": constrained = True else: constrained = False tri_poly(in_fc, gdb, name, out_kind, constrained) elif tool == 'Voronoi': # ---- (2) Voronoi out_kind = sys.argv[4].upper() vor_poly(in_fc, gdb, name, out_kind) else: tweet("Tool {} not found".format(tool)) return None
def create_mask(in_raster, in_polygon, out_raster): from os import path from arcpy import env, EnvManager, ResetEnvironments, AddError from arcpy.ia import Con, IsNull from import Delete, CopyRaster, GetCount, Clip as ClipRaster, GetRasterProperties from arcpy.conversion import PolygonToRaster from arcpy.analysis import Clip env.overwriteOutput = True # Clip raster and apply geometries at Bottom-left ant top-right corners to ensure Raster covers Ortho tile extent polygon_clipped = path.join("in_memory", "polygon_clipped") Clip(in_polygon, raster_extent_polygon(in_raster), polygon_clipped) generate_squares(polygon_clipped, in_raster) def is_masked(in_polygon): if int(GetCount(in_polygon)[0]) == 1: return True, int(GetCount(in_polygon)[0]) if int(GetCount(in_polygon)[0]) == 2: return False, int(GetCount(in_polygon)[0]) if int(GetCount(in_polygon)[0]) > 2: return True, int(GetCount(in_polygon)[0]) _is_masked = is_masked(polygon_clipped) # Set the Environment Extent to the extent of the Ortho-Image as well as other settings to align. EnvManager(cellSize=in_raster, extent=image_extent(in_raster), snapRaster=in_raster) # , mask=in_raster) file, extension = path.splitext(out_raster) # Convert the Modified polygon that now covers entire extent of Interest to Raster temp_raster = file + "Temp" + ".tif" PolygonToRaster(polygon_clipped, "OBJECTID", temp_raster, "CELL_CENTER", "", in_raster) Delete(polygon_clipped) # Clip the Polygon Raster temp_clip_rast = file + "TempClipped" + ".tif" ClipRaster(temp_raster, image_extent_2(in_raster), temp_clip_rast, in_raster, "-1", "NONE", "MAINTAIN_EXTENT") if _is_masked[0]: if _is_masked[1] < 4: mask_raster = Con(temp_clip_rast, 255, 0, "VALUE = 0") else: # Deal with Masks covering the entire image mask_raster = Con(IsNull(temp_clip_rast), 0, 255, "Value = 0") # Deal with Masks covering a corner of image if int( GetRasterProperties(mask_raster, "UNIQUEVALUECOUNT").getOutput(0)) < 2: Delete(mask_raster) mask_raster = Con(temp_clip_rast, 0, 255, "VALUE <= {0}".format(_is_masked[1] - 2)) else: mask_raster = Con(temp_clip_rast, 255, 255, "VALUE = 0") temp_mask_raster = file + "TempMask" + ".tif" ext = path.splitext(out_raster)[1] if "jpg" in ext.lower(): # Convert the raster to .jpg format # Combine the band 3x for final output as RGB CopyRaster(temp_mask_raster, out_raster, '', None, '', "NONE", "ColormapToRGB", "8_BIT_UNSIGNED", "NONE", "NONE", "JPEG", "NONE", "CURRENT_SLICE", "NO_TRANSPOSE") if "tif" in ext.lower(): # Convert the raster to .jpg format # Combine the band 3x for final output as RGB CopyRaster(temp_mask_raster, out_raster, '', None, '', "NONE", "ColormapToRGB", "8_BIT_UNSIGNED", "NONE", "NONE", "TIFF", "NONE", "CURRENT_SLICE", "NO_TRANSPOSE") if ext.lower() not in [".tif", ".jpg"]: AddError( "Process Failed. Currently ony supports .jpg and .tif as output formats" ) # Delete Intermediate Data Delete(temp_clip_rast) Delete(temp_mask_raster) Delete(temp_raster) # Reset geoprocessing environment settings ResetEnvironments()
fieldtype = "DOUBLE" elif typename == "str": fieldtype = "TEXT" elif typename == "bool": fieldtype = "SHORT" else: raise ValueError("Unsupported field type: %s" % typename) nullable = "NULLABLE" if fielddesc.null_ok else "NON_NULLABLE" AddField(temp_table,, fieldtype, fielddesc.precision, fielddesc.scale, fielddesc.internal_size, None, nullable) # Get field names for temp_table, which may differ from in_table fieldnames = [ for field in arcpy.Describe(temp_table).fields \ if field.type != "OID"] # Copy rows into temporary table with InsertCursor(temp_table, fieldnames) as out_cursor: for in_row in in_cursor: out_cursor.insertRow(in_row) # Convert temporary table to table in geodatabase TableToTable(in_rows=temp_table, out_path='E://QGIS//geocoding2018//geocoding.gdb', out_name='address') # Delete temporary table if arcpy.Exists(temp_table): Delete(temp_table)
def batch_create_tiled_ortho_mosaics(in_folder, image_format, num_bands, pixel_depth, product_definition, product_band_definitions, pixel_size, out_folder): from import CreateMosaicDataset, AddRastersToMosaicDataset, SplitRaster, CreateFileGDB, Delete from arcpy import Describe, env from arcpy import SetProgressor, SetProgressorLabel, SetProgressorPosition, ResetProgressor from os.path import join, exists from os import listdir, mkdir, makedirs env.overwriteOutput = True if not exists(out_folder): makedirs(out_folder) CreateFileGDB(out_folder, "scratch_mosaics.gdb") scratchGDB = join(out_folder, "scratch_mosaics.gdb") CreateFileGDB(out_folder, "ortho_mosaics.gdb") fileGDB = join(out_folder, "ortho_mosaics.gdb") count = 0 images = [ f for f in listdir(in_folder) if f.lower().endswith(image_format.lower()) ] num_images = len(images) SetProgressor("step", "Begin Processing Files...", 0, num_images, 1) for fileName in images: print("processing Image {0} of {1}".format(count, num_images)) file = join(in_folder, fileName) sr = Describe(file).spatialReference Name = "mosaic{}".format(count) SetProgressorLabel( "Creating Mosaic Dataset for {0}...".format(fileName)) CreateMosaicDataset(scratchGDB, Name, sr, num_bands, pixel_depth, product_definition, product_band_definitions) mosaic_dataset = join(scratchGDB, Name) SetProgressorLabel( "Adding Rasters to Mosaic Dataset for {0}...".format(fileName)) AddRastersToMosaicDataset( mosaic_dataset, "Raster Dataset", file, "UPDATE_CELL_SIZES", "UPDATE_BOUNDARY", "NO_OVERVIEWS", None, 0, 1500, None, '', "SUBFOLDERS", "ALLOW_DUPLICATES", "NO_PYRAMIDS", "NO_STATISTICS", "NO_THUMBNAILS", '', "NO_FORCE_SPATIAL_REFERENCE", "NO_STATISTICS", None, "NO_PIXEL_CACHE") out_tile_folder = join(out_folder, "tiles{}".format(count)) mkdir(out_tile_folder) SetProgressorLabel( "Splitting Rasters into Small Tiles for {0}...".format(fileName)) SplitRaster(mosaic_dataset, out_tile_folder, "tile", "SIZE_OF_TILE", "JPEG", "NEAREST", "1 1", "{0} {0}".format(pixel_size), 0, "PIXELS", None, None, None, "NONE", "DEFAULT", '') Delete(mosaic_dataset) mosaic_name = "tiles{}_".format(count) mosaic_dataset = join(fileGDB, mosaic_name) SetProgressorLabel( "Creating Mosaic Dataset for Tiles of {0}...".format(fileName)) CreateMosaicDataset(fileGDB, mosaic_name, sr, num_bands, pixel_depth, product_definition, product_band_definitions) SetProgressorLabel( "Adding of {0} to Mosaic Dataset...".format(fileName)) AddRastersToMosaicDataset( mosaic_dataset, "Raster Dataset", out_tile_folder, "UPDATE_CELL_SIZES", "UPDATE_BOUNDARY", "NO_OVERVIEWS", None, 0, 1500, None, '', "SUBFOLDERS", "ALLOW_DUPLICATES", "NO_PYRAMIDS", "NO_STATISTICS", "NO_THUMBNAILS", '', "NO_FORCE_SPATIAL_REFERENCE", "NO_STATISTICS", None, "NO_PIXEL_CACHE") SetProgressorPosition() count += 1 Delete(scratchGDB) ResetProgressor()
def execute_RiverPolygon(r_watsurf, maxwidth, minwidth, islands, surface, messages): sws = env.scratchWorkspace env.extent = r_watsurf cellsize = int(r_watsurf.meanCellHeight) bedpoly = CreateScratchName("gepo", data_type="FeatureClass", workspace=sws) RasterToPolygon(r_watsurf, bedpoly, "NO_SIMPLIFY", "VALUE", "MULTIPLE_OUTER_PART") islandup = CreateScratchName("gepo", data_type="FeatureClass", workspace="in_memory") GraphicBuffer(bedpoly, islandup, "{0} Meters".format(cellsize), "SQUARE", "MITER", 10, "0 Meters") Delete(bedpoly) smoothed = CreateScratchName("gepo", data_type="FeatureClass", workspace="in_memory") GraphicBuffer(islandup, smoothed, "{0} Meters".format(-cellsize), "SQUARE", "MITER", 10, "0 Meters") fillbed = CreateScratchName("gepo", data_type="FeatureClass", workspace="in_memory") EliminatePolygonPart(smoothed, fillbed, "PERCENT", "0 SquareMeters", 50, "CONTAINED_ONLY") multiland = CreateScratchName("gepo", data_type="FeatureClass", workspace="in_memory") Erase(fillbed, smoothed, multiland, None) MultipartToSinglepart(multiland, islands) mindist = max(cellsize, int(minwidth / (2 * cellsize)) * cellsize) maxdist = max(mindist, int(maxwidth / (2 * cellsize)) * cellsize) gblist = list(range(mindist, maxdist + cellsize, cellsize)) scalelist = ["" for ii in range(0, len(gblist), 1)] partlist = [] scaledn = CreateScratchName("gepo", data_type="FeatureClass", workspace="in_memory") GraphicBuffer(smoothed, scaledn, "{0} Meters".format(-cellsize / 2), "SQUARE", "MITER", 10, "0 Meters") trimmed = CreateScratchName("gepo", data_type="FeatureClass", workspace="in_memory") GraphicBuffer(scaledn, trimmed, "{0} Meters".format(cellsize / 2), "SQUARE", "MITER", 10, "0 Meters") thins = CreateScratchName("gepo", data_type="FeatureClass", workspace="in_memory") Erase(smoothed, trimmed, thins) inflated = CreateScratchName("gepo", data_type="FeatureClass", workspace="in_memory") GraphicBuffer(thins, inflated, "{0} Meters".format(cellsize / 2), "SQUARE", "MITER", 10, "0 Meters") partlist.append(inflated) scalelist[0] = CreateScratchName("gepo", data_type="FeatureClass", workspace="in_memory") if gblist[0] == cellsize: GraphicBuffer(trimmed, scalelist[0], "{0} Meters".format(-cellsize), "SQUARE", "MITER", 10, "0 Meters") partlist.append(trimmed) del gblist[0] fdist = 3*cellsize else: scalelist[0] = trimmed fdist = gblist[0] ii = 0 for gbdist in gblist: scaleup = CreateScratchName("gepo", data_type="FeatureClass", workspace="in_memory") GraphicBuffer(scalelist[ii], scaleup, "{0} Meters".format(fdist), "SQUARE", "MITER", 10, "0 Meters") fdist = (2 * gbdist) + cellsize smoothed = CreateScratchName("gepo", data_type="FeatureClass", workspace="in_memory") GraphicBuffer(scaleup, smoothed, "{0} Meters".format(-gbdist), "SQUARE", "MITER", 10, "0 Meters") if ii < len(gblist)-1: scalelist[ii+1] = CreateScratchName("gepo", data_type="FeatureClass", workspace="in_memory") GraphicBuffer(smoothed, scalelist[ii+1], "{0} Meters".format(-gbdist), "SQUARE", "MITER", 10, "0 Meters") partlist.append(smoothed) ii += 1 merged = CreateScratchName("gepo", data_type="FeatureClass", workspace="in_memory") Merge(partlist, merged) Dissolve(merged, surface, "ORIG_FID", "", "MULTI_PART", "DISSOLVE_LINES") return
def process(): def ensure_dir(file_path): directory = path.dirname(file_path) if not path.exists(directory): makedirs(directory) def zipper(in_list, out_file_path): out_file = '{0}.zip'.format(out_file_path) ensure_dir(out_file) with zipfile.ZipFile(out_file, 'w') as zipMe: for f in in_list: arcname = f.replace(path.dirname(out_file_path), "") zipMe.write(f, arcname=arcname, compress_type=zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED) def zipper_gdb(in_gdb, out_file_name): assert in_gdb.endswith('.gdb'), "Error: file extension {0} not detected in in_folder".format(".gdb") root_dir = path.dirname(in_gdb) gdb_name = path.basename(in_gdb) myzip = zipfile.ZipFile(path.join(root_dir, out_file_name), 'w', zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED) for folder, subfolder, file in walk(path.join(root_dir, gdb_name)): for each in subfolder + file: source = path.join(folder, each) if not source.endswith(".lock"): # remove the absolute path to compose arcname # also handles the remaining leading path separator with lstrip arcname = source[len(root_dir):].lstrip(sep) # write the file under a different name in the archive myzip.write(source, arcname=arcname) myzip.close() def zip_folder(in_folder, out_file_name): myzip = zipfile.ZipFile(path.join(in_folder, out_file_name), 'w', zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED) for folder, subfolder, file in walk(in_folder): for each in subfolder + file: source = path.join(folder, each) # remove the absolute path to compose arcname # also handles the remaining leading path separator with lstrip arcname = source[len(in_folder):].lstrip(sep) # write the file under a different name in the archive myzip.write(source, arcname=arcname) myzip.close() class LicenseError(Exception): pass try: if CheckExtension("3D") == "Available": CheckOutExtension("3D") else: # raise a custom exception raise LicenseError # Ensure output folder exists if not path.exists(out_folder): makedirs(out_folder) unique_values = set(row[0] for row in da.SearchCursor(in_buildings, tile_fid)) for v in unique_values: print(v) for val in unique_values: out_name = out_file_basename + "_{0}".format(val) if out_format == "Multipatch SHP": out_file = path.join(out_folder, out_name+'.shp') Select(in_buildings, out_file, "{0} = {1}".format(tile_fid, val)) if zip_files: stem = path.join(out_folder, out_name) in_list = [out_file, '{}.shp.xml'.format(stem), '{}.shx'.format(stem), '{}.sbx'.format(stem), '{}.sbn'.format(stem), '{}.prj'.format(stem), '{}.dbf'.format(stem), '{}.cpg'.format(stem)] zipper(in_list, stem) Delete(out_file) if out_format == "Multipatch GDB": gdb = path.join(out_folder, out_name + '.gdb') CreateFileGDB(out_folder, out_name + '.gdb') out_file = path.join(gdb, out_name) Select(in_buildings, out_file, "{0} = {1}".format(tile_fid, val)) if zip_files: out_zip = out_name + '.zip' zipper_gdb(gdb, out_zip) Delete(gdb) if out_format == "DAE": folder = path.join(out_folder, out_name) # Ensure output folder exists if not path.exists(folder): makedirs(folder) MakeFeatureLayer(in_buildings, "bldg_layer", "{0} = {1}".format(tile_fid, val), None) MultipatchToCollada("bldg_layer", folder, "PREPEND_NONE", "OBJECTID") Delete("bldg_layer") if zip_files: zip_folder(folder, folder + ".zip") Delete(folder) # Check back in 3D Analyst license CheckInExtension("3D") except LicenseError: AddError("3D Analyst license is unavailable") print("3D Analyst license is unavailable") except ExecuteError: print(GetMessages(2))
def process(): class LicenseError(Exception): pass try: if CheckExtension("3D") == "Available": CheckOutExtension("3D") else: # raise a custom exception raise LicenseError # Constants - DO NOT MODIFY split_area = "split_area" orig_area = "orig_area" def calc_area(in_fc, field_name): AddField(in_fc, field_name, "DOUBLE") with da.UpdateCursor(in_fc, [field_name, "SHAPE@AREA"]) as cursor1: for r1 in cursor1: r1[0] = r1[1] cursor1.updateRow(r1) def field_exists(in_fc, in_field): from arcpy import ListFields if in_field in [ for f in ListFields(in_fc)]: return True else: return False def delete_field_if_exists(in_fc, in_field): if field_exists(in_fc, in_field): DeleteField(in_fc, in_field) assert field_exists(in_buildings, building_fid), \ "no attribute named {} in feature class".format(building_fid) for field in [tile_fid, file_name]: delete_field_if_exists(in_buildings, field) temp_fp = join("in_memory", "mp_fp") ddd.MultiPatchFootprint(in_buildings, temp_fp, "bldg_fid") calc_area(in_fc=temp_fp, field_name=orig_area) temp_isect = join("in_memory", "temp_isect") Intersect(r"{0} #;{1} #".format(temp_fp, in_tiles), temp_isect, "ALL", None, "INPUT") # Delete Temporary Multipatch Footprint Delete(temp_fp) calc_area(in_fc=temp_isect, field_name=split_area) temp_isect_asc = join("in_memory", "temp_isect_asc") Sort(temp_isect, temp_isect_asc, [[building_fid, "ASCENDING"]]) # Delete Temporary Intersect Feature Class Delete(temp_isect) fields = [building_fid, tile_fid, file_name, orig_area, split_area] # Generate a list of duplicates bldg_list = [] with da.SearchCursor(temp_isect_asc, building_fid) as cursor2: for row in cursor2: bldg_list.append(row[0]) duplicates = [ item for item, count in Counter(bldg_list).items() if count > 1 ] duplicates_list = [] for i in duplicates: duplicates_list.append([i, bldg_list.count(i)]) # TODO: Resolve why tile_fid is not showing up below when BuildingFID and TileFID are OID fields. "In_memory" issue ''' # \\ Begin Debug print code from arcpy import AddMessage fds = [ for f in arcpy.ListFields(temp_isect_asc) if in fields] AddMessage(fds) nfds = [ for f in arcpy.ListFields(temp_isect_asc) if not in fields] AddMessage(nfds) # End Debug pring code // ''' final_list = [] with da.SearchCursor(temp_isect_asc, fields) as cursor3: prev_area = -1 prev_item_list = [] item_count = 0 fcound = 0 for row in cursor3: if row[0] not in duplicates: final_list.append([row[0], row[1], row[2]]) else: area = row[3] - row[4] index = duplicates.index(row[0]) total_items = duplicates_list[index][1] if row[0] == duplicates[ 0] and item_count == 0: # Deal with first item differently item_count += 1 prev_area = area prev_item_list = [row[0], row[1], row[2]] elif item_count + 1 == total_items: # Deal with last item in list if prev_area <= area: prev_area = area prev_item_list = [row[0], row[1], row[2]] final_list.append(prev_item_list) item_count = 0 prev_area = -1 prev_item_list = [] elif item_count + 1 != total_items: if prev_area <= area: prev_area = area prev_item_list = [row[0], row[1], row[2]] item_count += 1 # Append results back to Input Feature Class AddField(in_buildings, tile_fid, "LONG") AddField(in_buildings, file_name, "TEXT") with da.UpdateCursor(in_buildings, [building_fid, tile_fid, file_name]) as cursor: for r in cursor: for i in final_list: if r[0] == i[0]: r[1] = int(i[1]) r[2] = str(i[2]) cursor.updateRow(r) Delete(temp_isect) del bldg_list del duplicates_list del duplicates # Check back in 3D Analyst license CheckInExtension("3D") except LicenseError: AddError("3D Analyst license is unavailable") print("3D Analyst license is unavailable") except ExecuteError: AddError("3D Analyst license is unavailable") print(GetMessages(2))
def process(): class LicenseError(Exception): pass try: if CheckExtension("ImageAnalyst") == "Available": CheckOutExtension("ImageAnalyst") else: # raise a custom exception raise LicenseError # System Parameters tile_name = "FileName" # Begin Script temp_fc = join("in_memory", "temp_fc") CopyFeatures(in_fc, temp_fc) for f in file_names: AddField(temp_fc, f, "TEXT") df = pd.read_excel(in_xlsx, index_col=0) def attribute_tile(in_feature_class, in_tile_name, in_df, in_name, xlsx_row_name=xlsx_row_name): with da.UpdateCursor(in_feature_class, [in_tile_name, in_name]) as cursor: for fc_r in cursor: for df_i, df_r in in_df.iterrows(): url = df_r[xlsx_row_name] n = Path(url).stem t_name = fc_r[0] t_n = Path(t_name).stem if n.startswith(in_name) and t_n in n: fc_r[1] = url cursor.updateRow(fc_r) # Attribute the LiDAR Derivatives for n in file_names: attribute_tile(temp_fc, tile_name, df, n) def attribute_tile_lidar(in_feature_class, in_tile_name, in_df, in_name, xlsx_row_name=xlsx_row_name): with da.UpdateCursor(in_feature_class, [in_tile_name, in_name]) as cursor: for fc_r in cursor: for df_i, df_r in in_df.iterrows(): url = df_r[xlsx_row_name] n = split(url)[1] t_name = fc_r[0] if n == t_name: fc_r[1] = url cursor.updateRow(fc_r) # Attribute the LiDAR tile now AddField(temp_fc, in_lidar_format, "TEXT") attribute_tile_lidar(temp_fc, tile_name, df, in_lidar_format, xlsx_row_name=xlsx_row_name) ''' # Print Fields for debugging/assessing results of above operations file_names.append(in_lidar_format) print(file_names) with da.SearchCursor(temp_fc, file_names) as cursor: for fc_r in cursor: print(fc_r) ''' # Delete Pandas Dataframe from Memory del df # Copy in_memory temporary feature class to output location CopyFeatures(temp_fc, out_fc) # Delete Temporary Feature Class Delete(temp_fc) # Check back in Image Analyst license CheckInExtension("ImageAnalyst") except LicenseError: AddError("ImageAnalyst license is unavailable") print("ImageAnalyst license is unavailable") except ExecuteError: AddError(GetMessages(2)) print(GetMessages(2))