def networkPreProcessing(bikeNetwork, footNetwork): arcpy.Delete_management( "C:/Users/Simon/Documents/GitHub/Enrichment/networkPr_update.shp", "") bikeNetworkFL = arcpy.CopyFeatures_management( bikeNetwork, "C:/Users/Simon/Documents/GitHub/Enrichment/bikeNetworkUpdate") arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management(bikeNetworkFL, "bikeNetworkPr_update") expressionBike = """("navigatie" = 'onderdeel van rotonde' OR "navigatie" = 'onderdeel van kruispunt' OR "wegtype" = 'bromfietspad (langs weg)' OR "wegtype" = 'fietspad (langs weg)' OR "wegtype" = 'fietsstraat' OR "wegtype" = 'solitair bromfietspad' OR "wegtype" = 'solitair fietspad' OR "wegtype" = 'voetgangersdoorsteekje' OR "wegtype" = 'voetgangersgebied' OR "wegtype" = 'weg met fiets(suggestie)strook' ) AND "verlichtin" = ' ' OR "verlichtin" = 'beperkt verlicht (bijvoorbeeld alleen bij kruispunten)' OR "verlichtin" = 'goed verlicht' OR "verlichtin" = 'niet verlicht' OR "verlichtin" = 'ONBEKEND'""" arcpy.SelectLayerByAttribute_management("bikeNetworkPr_update", "NEW_SELECTION", expressionBike) if int(arcpy.GetCount_management("bikeNetworkPr_update").getOutput(0)) < 0: arcpy.DeleteRows_management("bikeNetworkPr_update") footNetworkFL = arcpy.CopyFeatures_management( footNetwork, "C:/Users/Simon/Documents/GitHub/Enrichment/footNetworkUpdate") arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management(footNetworkFL, "footNetworkPr_update") expressionFoot = """VERHARDINGSBREEDTEKLASSE = '< 2 meter' OR VERHARDINGSBREEDTEKLASSE = '2 - 4 meter' AND (TYPEWEG_1 = 'overig' AND (HOOFDVERKEERSGEBRUIK_1 = 'gemengd verkeer' OR HOOFDVERKEERSGEBRUIK_1 = 'voetgangers') AND (VERHARDINGSTYPE = 'half verhard' OR VERHARDINGSTYPE = 'onbekend' OR VERHARDINGSTYPE = 'onverhard'))""" arcpy.SelectLayerByAttribute_management("footNetworkPr_update", "NEW_SELECTION", expressionFoot) if int(arcpy.GetCount_management("footNetworkPr_update").getOutput(0)) < 0: arcpy.DeleteRows_management("footNetworkPr_update") updatedNetworkBike = arcpy.FeatureClassToShapefile_conversion( "bikeNetworkPr_update", "C:/Users/Simon/Documents/GitHub/Enrichment/") updatedNetworkFoot = arcpy.FeatureClassToShapefile_conversion( "footNetworkPr_update", "C:/Users/Simon/Documents/GitHub/Enrichment/") arcpy.Delete_management( "C:/Users/Simon/Documents/GitHub/Enrichment/networkUpdate.shp", "C:/Users/Simon/Documents/GitHub/Enrichment/footNetworkUpdate.shp") return updatedNetwork
def limit_cores(pair_tbl, stats_tbl): """Limit core pairs based upon climate threshold""" pair_vw = "dist_tbvw" stats_vw = "stats_tbvw" core_id = cc_env.core_fld.upper() lm_util.gprint("\nLIMITING CORE PAIRS BASED UPON CLIMATE " "THRESHOLD") arcpy.MakeTableView_management(pair_tbl, pair_vw) arcpy.MakeTableView_management(stats_tbl, stats_vw) # Add basic stats to distance table lm_util.gprint("Joining zonal statistics to pairings table") add_stats(stats_vw, core_id, "fr", pair_vw, TO_COL) add_stats(stats_vw, core_id, "to", pair_vw, FR_COL) # Calculate difference of 2 std lm_util.gprint("Calculating difference of 2 std") diffu_2std = "diffu_2std" arcpy.AddField_management(pair_vw, diffu_2std, "Float", "", "", "", "", "NULLABLE") arcpy.CalculateField_management(pair_vw, diffu_2std, "abs(!frumin2std! - !toumin2std!)", "PYTHON_9.3") # Filter distance table based on inputed threshold and delete rows lm_util.gprint("Filtering table based on threshold") diffu2std_fld = arcpy.AddFieldDelimiters(pair_vw, diffu_2std) expression = diffu2std_fld + " <= " + str(cc_env.climate_threshold) arcpy.SelectLayerByAttribute_management(pair_vw, "NEW_SELECTION", expression) rows_del = int(arcpy.GetCount_management(pair_vw).getOutput(0)) if rows_del > 0: arcpy.DeleteRows_management(pair_vw) lm_util.gprint(str(rows_del) + " rows deleted")
def FC_Exist(FCname, DatasetPath, Template): FCpath = os.path.join(DatasetPath, FCname) FCtype = arcpy.Describe(Template).shapeType if arcpy.Exists(FCpath): if Compare_Fields(FCpath, Template): arcpy.AddMessage( "Feature class, {}, already exists. Clearing records.......". format(FCname)) try: arcpy.TruncateTable_management(FCpath) except: arcpy.DeleteRows_management(FCpath) else: arcpy.AddMessage( "Additional fields have been added since the Feature class, {}, was created. Recreating Feature class......." .format(FCname)) arcpy.Delete_management(FCpath) return arcpy.CreateFeatureclass_management(DatasetPath, FCname, FCtype, Template, "SAME_AS_TEMPLATE", "SAME_AS_TEMPLATE", Template) else: arcpy.AddMessage( "Feature class, {}, does not exist. Creating now.......".format( FCname)) return arcpy.CreateFeatureclass_management(DatasetPath, FCname, FCtype, Template, "SAME_AS_TEMPLATE", "SAME_AS_TEMPLATE", Template)
def update_incidents(mlayer): arcpy.DeleteRows_management('Closest Facility\Incidents') arcpy.AddLocations_na(network, 'Incidents', mlayer, 'Name {} #'.format(_HYBASID), _TOLERANCE, '#', 'tracks SHAPE;tracks_ND_Junctions NONE', 'MATCH_TO_CLOSEST', 'APPEND', 'NO_SNAP', '5 Meters', 'INCLUDE', 'tracks #;tracks_ND_Junctions #')
def model_catalog_test_data_cleanup(self): if self.config.test_flag == "TEST": feature_class_list = [ self.config.model_tracking_sde_path, self.config.model_alt_bc_sde_path, self.config.model_alt_hydraulic_sde_path, self.config.model_alt_hydrologic_sde_path, self.config.project_type_sde_path, self.config.simulation_sde_path, self.config.geometry_nodes_sde_path, self.config.geometry_areas_sde_path, self.config.geometry_links_sde_path, self.config.results_area_sde_path, self.config.results_link_sde_path, self.config.results_node_sde_path, self.config.results_node_flooding_sde_path, self.config.storage_sde_path, self.config.director_sde_path ] for feature_class in feature_class_list: try: arcpy.TruncateTable_management(feature_class) except: print("unable to truncate, using Delete Rows") arcpy.DeleteRows_management(feature_class) else: print("Config set to other than TEST, data will not be deleted")
def run(self): area, i = self.parent_tbx.get_selected_area() toolbox = self.parent_tbx source_x = toolbox.x source_y = toolbox.y shape = arcpy.Point(source_x, source_y) id = area['id_teilflaeche'] toolbox.update_table('Anbindungspunkte', {'Shape': shape}, where='id_teilflaeche={}'.format(id), workspace='FGDB_Verkehr.gdb') arcpy.AddMessage(u"initialisiertes Verkehrsaufkommen wird gelöscht") self.remove_output() # delete pickle file pickle_path = self.folders.get_otp_pickle_filename(check=False) if os.path.exists(pickle_path): os.remove(pickle_path) # empty gdb tables tn_path = toolbox.folders.get_table('Zielpunkte', workspace=self._workspace) links_path = toolbox.folders.get_table('links', workspace=self._workspace) nodes_path = toolbox.folders.get_table('nodes', workspace=self._workspace) routes_path = toolbox.folders.get_table('Routes', workspace=self._workspace) tables_to_clear = [tn_path, links_path, nodes_path, routes_path] for path in tables_to_clear: arcpy.DeleteRows_management(path)
def parcelFlag(reviewName, reviewType, sourceFC, fieldCalculation, whereClause, outputFC, workspace, parcels, parcelDict): reviewLayer = reviewType + '_' + reviewName reviewField = 'CODE' if reviewType == zonB else 'OVERLAY_NAME' if reviewType == zonO else reviewName + 'ReviewReason' print reviewField if '_Buffer' in reviewName: print('Buffering') arcpy.Buffer_analysis(sourceFC, reviewLayer, '500 Feet') else: print('Creating Local FC for ' + reviewName) arcpy.FeatureClassToFeatureClass_conversion( sourceFC, workspace, reviewLayer, whereClause) # All FCs except for Zoning are copied to LIGISDB if outputFC: print('Copying FC to GISLNI') arcpy.AddField_management(reviewLayer, reviewField, 'TEXT') arcpy.CalculateField_management(reviewLayer, reviewField, fieldCalculation) arcpy.AddField_management(reviewLayer, 'REVIEW_TYPE', 'TEXT', field_length=2000) arcpy.CalculateField_management(reviewLayer, 'REVIEW_TYPE', '"' + reviewName + '"') arcpy.DeleteRows_management(outputFC) arcpy.Append_management(reviewLayer, outputFC, 'NO_TEST') arcpy.Delete_management(reviewLayer) return parcelDict
def loadORACLE(): now = arcpy.AddMessage('--- Przetwarzanie zasilania Oracle [' + now.strftime("%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S") + '] ---') #inputs = [baza4Connector+r"\\sde.SDE.ZLOZA_GRANICE", baza4Connector+"\\sde.SDE.ZLOZA_OBSZARY", baza4Connector+"\\sde.SDE.ZLOZA_TERENY", baza4Connector+"\\sde.SDE.OTWORY", baza4Connector+"\\sde.SDE.JASKINIE"] inputs = [ myPath + "\\cbdg_midas_kontury_" + today_ + "\\cbdg_midas_kontury_" + today_ + ".shp", myPath + "\\cbdg_midas_obszary_" + today_ + "\\cbdg_midas_obszary_" + today_ + ".shp", myPath + "\\cbdg_midas_tereny_" + today_ + "\\cbdg_midas_tereny_" + today_ + ".shp", myPath + "\\cbdg_otwory\\cbdg_otwory.shp", myPath + "midas.gdb\\jaskinieTemp" ] #temps = [myPath+"oracle2oracle.gdb\\ZLOZA_GRANICE", myPath+"oracle2oracle.gdb\\ZLOZA_OBSZARY", myPath+"oracle2oracle.gdb\\ZLOZA_TERENY", myPath+"oracle2oracle.gdb\\OTWORY", myPath+"oracle2oracle.gdb\\JASKINIE"] targets = [ oracleGISPIG2Connector + "\\GIS_PIG2.ZLOZA_GRANICE", oracleGISPIG2Connector + "\\GIS_PIG2.ZLOZA_OBSZARY", oracleGISPIG2Connector + "\\GIS_PIG2.ZLOZA_TERENY", oracleGISPIG2Connector + "\\GIS_PIG2.OTWORY", oracleGISPIG2Connector + "\\GIS_PIG2.JASKINIE" ] i = 0 for n in inputs: arcpy.AddMessage(' --> Usuwanie danych z ' + targets[i]) arcpy.DeleteRows_management(targets[i]) #arcpy.Select_analysis(inputs[i],temps[i],"") arcpy.AddMessage(' --> Wybrano obiektow: ' + str(arcpy.GetCount_management(inputs[i]))) arcpy.AddMessage(' --> Zasilanie danych do ' + targets[i]) arcpy.Append_management(inputs[i], targets[i], "NO_TEST", "", "") i = i + 1
def oracleXY2oracle(sourceLyr, tempName, targetLyr, X, Y): now = arcpy.AddMessage('--- Przetwarzanie zasilania Oracle [' + now.strftime("%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S") + '] ---') inputs = [oracle_hydro_sdo + "\\" + sourceLyr] temps = [myPath + "tempGDB.gdb\\" + tempName] #targets = [baza4Connector + "\\" + targetLyr] targets = [oracle_hydro_sdo + "\\" + targetLyr] fieldX = [X] fieldY = [Y] events = ["tempLyr"] i = 0 for n in inputs: arcpy.AddMessage(' --> Kopiowanie tabeli tempTable' + tempName) arcpy.TableToTable_conversion(n, myPath + "tempGDB.gdb", "tempTable" + tempName) arcpy.AddMessage(' --> Tworzenie warstwy przestrzennej ' + temps[i]) arcpy.MakeXYEventLayer_management( myPath + "tempGDB.gdb\\tempTable" + tempName, fieldX[i], fieldY[i], events[i], spatialRef, "") arcpy.FeatureClassToFeatureClass_conversion(events[i], myPath + "tempGDB.gdb\\", tempName) arcpy.AddMessage(' --> Usuwanie danych z ' + targets[i]) arcpy.DeleteRows_management(targets[i]) arcpy.AddMessage(' --> Zasilanie danych do ' + targets[i]) arcpy.Append_management(temps[i], targets[i], "NO_TEST", "", "") i = i + 1
def loadGIS_SDO(): now = arcpy.AddMessage('--- Przetwarzanie zasilania Oracle [' + now.strftime("%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S") + '] ---') inputs = [ oracleGISPIG2Connector + "\\GIS_PIG2.ZLOZA_TERENY", oracleGISPIG2Connector + "\\GIS_PIG2.ZLOZA_OBSZARY", oracleGISPIG2Connector + "\\GIS_PIG2.ZLOZA_GRANICE" ] targets = [ oracle_gis_sdo + "\\GIS_SDO.ZLOZA_TERENY", oracle_gis_sdo + "\\GIS_SDO.ZLOZA_OBSZARY", oracle_gis_sdo + "\\GIS_SDO.ZLOZA_GRANICE" ] i = 0 for n in inputs: #arcpy.AddMessage(' --> Kopiowanie danych z '+inputs[i]) #arcpy.CopyFeatures_management(n,temps[i],"","","","") arcpy.AddMessage(' --> Usuwanie danych z ' + targets[i]) arcpy.DeleteRows_management(targets[i]) arcpy.AddMessage(' --> Zasilanie danych do ' + targets[i]) arcpy.Append_management(n, targets[i], "NO_TEST", "", "") arcpy.AddMessage(' --> OK') i = i + 1
def deleteRows(workspace, fClassName, expr): # delete rows in feature class arcpy.env.workspace = workspace # keep setting the workspace to force load activities tableName = workspace + os.sep + fClassName if debug: addMessageLocal(tableName) retcode = False if arcpy.Exists(tableName): viewName = fClassName + "_View" if arcpy.Exists(viewName): arcpy.Delete_management(viewName) # delete view if it exists arcpy.MakeTableView_management(tableName, viewName, expr) arcpy.DeleteRows_management(viewName) addMessageLocal("Existing " + fClassName + " rows deleted ") try: arcpy.Delete_management(viewName) # delete view if it exists except: addMessageLocal("Could not delete view, continuing...") retcode = True else: addMessageLocal("Feature class " + fClassName + " does not exist, skipping " + fClassName) retcode = False return retcode
def filterRecords(surveyGDB, now, lastSync): '''Filter the records to those that need to be updated''' #Note - This excludes new entries that are *after* the timestamp # Depending on how active the survey is, there may have been new submissions # after the start of the script # We put in a max time to ensure consistency in operation from run to run and # table to table arcpy.AddMessage('\t-Filtering records to new set') arcpy.env.workspace = surveyGDB nowText = createTimestampText(now) tableList = getSurveyTables(surveyGDB) dateField = arcpy.AddFieldDelimiters(surveyGDB, "CreationDate") excludeStatement = "CreationDate > date '{1}'".format(dateField, nowText) if lastSync != None: lastSyncText = createTimestampText(lastSync) excludeStatement = excludeStatement + " OR CreationDate <= date '{0}'".format(lastSyncText) arcpy.AddMessage('\t\t-{0}'.format(excludeStatement)) i = 0 for table in tableList: i = i + 1 thisName = 'filterView{0}'.format(str(i)) dsc = arcpy.Describe(table) if dsc.datatype == u'FeatureClass' or dsc.datatype == u'FeatureLayer': arcpy.AddMessage('\t\t{0}'.format('featureclass')) arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management(table, thisName, excludeStatement) arcpy.DeleteFeatures_management(thisName) else: arcpy.MakeTableView_management(table, thisName, excludeStatement) arcpy.DeleteRows_management(thisName) arcpy.Delete_management(thisName)
def filter_source_dataset(self, input_wc): """ If the config table specifies a where_clause to apply as a filter to the source dataset, copy the source locally and then delete these rows. This copied dataset becomes the new source :param input_wc: :return: """ if input_wc: 'Starting vector_layer.filter_source_dataset for {0} with wc {1}' .format(, input_wc)) # If we are going to filter the source feature class, copy to a new location before deleting records # from it out_filename = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(self.source))[0] output_fc = os.path.join(self.scratch_workspace, out_filename).replace('.', '_') + '.shp' arcpy.CopyFeatures_management(self.source, output_fc) # Delete records from this copied FC based on the input where clause arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management(output_fc, "input_fl", input_wc) arcpy.DeleteRows_management("input_fl") arcpy.Delete_management("input_fl") # Set the source to this new fc self.source = output_fc else: pass
def DME_master_hybrid_data_cleanup(self): feature_class_list = [self.config.DME_master_hybrid_sde_path] for feature_class in feature_class_list: try: arcpy.TruncateTable_management(feature_class) except: print(" unable to truncate, using Delete Rows") arcpy.DeleteRows_management(feature_class)
def deleteSurveyLines(self, FCName, clipLayerName, linePrefix): arcpy.AddMessage( "Clearing out existing lines from layer: %s with prefix %s" % (clipLayerName, linePrefix)) whereclause = "LINE_PREFIX LIKE '%" + linePrefix + "%'" arcpy.SelectLayerByAttribute_management(FCName, "NEW_SELECTION", whereclause) arcpy.DeleteRows_management(FCName)
def delete_append(): print "deleting old data" arcpy.env.workspace = r"C:\Users\astrong\AppData\Roaming\ESRI\Desktop10.3\ArcCatalog\gfw (gfw@localhost).sde" fc = 'gfw.gfw.gran_chaco_deforestation' arcpy.DeleteRows_management(fc) print "appending new data" file = r"D:\GIS Data\GFW\temp\gran_chaco_deforestation\gran_chaco_deforestation.shp" arcpy.Append_management(file, fc, "TEST", "", "") print "new data appended to FC"
def deleteExistingRows(datasets): for dataset in datasets: name = dataset.getAttributeNode("targetName").nodeValue table = os.path.join(gzSupport.workspace, name) if arcpy.Exists(table): arcpy.DeleteRows_management(table) gzSupport.addMessage("Rows deleted from: " + name) else: gzSupport.addMessage(table + " does not exist")
def deleteExistingRows(datasets): # delete existing rows in a dataset for dataset in datasets: name = dataset.getAttributeNode("targetName").nodeValue table = os.path.join(workspace, name) if arcpy.Exists(table): arcpy.DeleteRows_management(table) addMessageLocal("Rows deleted from: " + name) else: addMessageLocal(table + " does not exist")
def networkPreProcessing(objects): arcpy.Delete_management("C:/Users/Simon/Documents/GitHub/Enrichment/networkPr_update.shp") networkFL = arcpy.CopyFeatures_management(objects, "C:/Users/Simon/Documents/GitHub/Enrichment/networkUpdate") arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management(networkFL, "networkPr_update") expression = """("navigatie" = 'onderdeel van rotonde' OR "navigatie" = 'onderdeel van kruispunt' OR "wegtype" = 'bromfietspad (langs weg)' OR "wegtype" = 'fietspad (langs weg)' OR "wegtype" = 'fietsstraat' OR "wegtype" = 'solitair bromfietspad' OR "wegtype" = 'solitair fietspad' OR "wegtype" = 'voetgangersdoorsteekje' OR "wegtype" = 'voetgangersgebied' OR "wegtype" = 'weg met fiets(suggestie)strook' ) AND "verlichtin" = ' ' OR "verlichtin" = 'beperkt verlicht (bijvoorbeeld alleen bij kruispunten)' OR "verlichtin" = 'goed verlicht' OR "verlichtin" = 'niet verlicht' OR "verlichtin" = 'ONBEKEND'""" arcpy.SelectLayerByAttribute_management("networkPr_update", "NEW_SELECTION", expression) if int(arcpy.GetCount_management("networkPr_update").getOutput(0)) < 0: arcpy.DeleteRows_management("networkPr_update") updatedNetwork = arcpy.FeatureClassToShapefile_conversion("networkPr_update", "C:/Users/Simon/Documents/GitHub/Enrichment/") return updatedNetwork
def doTruncate(target): # perform the append from a source table to a target table success = False if arcpy.Exists(target): gzSupport.addMessage("Deleting rows in " + target) arcpy.DeleteRows_management(target) success = True if debug: gzSupport.addMessage("Deleted") else: gzSupport.addMessage("Target: " + target + " does not exist") return success
def ProcessReplica(conn): #Get the Extracted Geodatabase Name for file in os.listdir(wksp + "\\Temp\\"): if file.endswith(".gdb"): extracted_gdb = wksp + "\\Temp\\" + file arcpy.env.workspace = extracted_gdb surveytable = arcpy.ListTables() surveyfc = arcpy.ListFeatureClasses() #Trim All Field & Tables Here for fc in surveyfc: TrimFields(fc) for table in surveytable: TrimFields(table) arcpy.env.workspace = conn sde_tables = arcpy.ListTables() sde_fcs = arcpy.ListFeatureClasses() for fc in surveyfc: if not arcpy.Exists(conn + "\\" + fc): print "Feature class does not exists" arcpy.env.workspace = extracted_gdb arcpy.DeleteRows_management(extracted_gdb + "\\" + fc) for table in surveytable: if not arcpy.Exists(conn + "\\" + table): arcpy.DeleteRows_management(fc) else: print "Table already exists in database" arcpy.AddMessage("Table already exists in database") #handle table here arcpy.Copy_management(fc, conn + "\\" + fc) else: print "Survey already exists in database" arcpy.AddMessage("Survey already exists in database") return
def InsertarRegistros(self): arcpy.env.workspace = "Database Connections/PruebaSegmentacion.sde" arcpy.env.outputCoordinateSystem = arcpy.SpatialReference(4326) if arcpy.Exists("GEODATABASE.sde") == False: arcpy.CreateDatabaseConnection_management( "Database Connections", "GEODATABASE.sde", "SQL_SERVER", self.server, "DATABASE_AUTH", "sde", "$deDEs4Rr0lLo", "#", "GEODB_CPV_SEGM", "#", "#", "#", "#") arcpy.env.workspace = "Database Connections/GEODATABASE.sde" path_conexion2 = "Database Connections/GEODATABASE.sde" segm_ruta_prueba = path_conexion2 + "/GEODB_CPV_SEGM.SDE.SEGM_RUTA_PRUEBA" segm_aeu_prueba = path_conexion2 + "/GEODB_CPV_SEGM.SDE.SEGM_AEU_PRUEBA" list_capas = [[self.tb_rutas, segm_ruta_prueba], [self.tb_aeus, segm_aeu_prueba]] i = 0 data = [] for x in arcpy.da.SearchCursor(self.tb_zonas, ["UBIGEO", "ZONA", "ID_ESTRATO"]): if int(x[2]) == 1: data.append([ x[0], x[1], self.cant_viv_techo_gra_ciud, self.techo_segunda_pasada_gra_ciud, self.uso_falso_cod ]) else: data.append([ x[0], x[1], self.cant_viv_techo_peq_ciud, self.techo_segunda_pasada_peq_ciud, self.uso_falso_cod ]) where_final = expresiones_consulta_arcpy.Expresion_2( data, [['UBIGEO', 'TEXT'], ['ZONA', 'TEXT'], ['TECHO', 'SHORT'], ['TECHO_S_P', 'SHORT'], ['FALSO_COD', 'SHORT']]) print where_final for el in list_capas: i = i + 1 #a = arcpy.MakeTableView_management(el[1], "a{}".format(i), "({}) and TECHO={}".format(self.where_expression,self.cant_viv_techo_gra_ciud)) a = arcpy.MakeTableView_management(el[1], "a{}".format(i), where_final) #print int(arcpy.GetCount_management(a).getOutput(0)) if (int(arcpy.GetCount_management(a).getOutput(0)) > 0): arcpy.DeleteRows_management(a) #b = arcpy.MakeTableView_management(el[0], "b{}".format(i), "({}) and TECHO={}".format(self.where_expression,self.cant_viv_techo_gra_ciud) ) b = arcpy.MakeTableView_management(el[0], "b{}".format(i), where_final) arcpy.Append_management(b, el[1], "NO_TEST")
def DeleteEmptyGrids(self, gridName): arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management(gridName, "grid_layer") expression = "" for field in arcpy.ListFields(gridName): if "_num" in expression += + " < 1 AND " expression = expression[:-5] print expression arcpy.SelectLayerByAttribute_management("grid_layer", "NEW_SELECTION", expression) print("Deleting {0} rows in {1}".format( arcpy.GetCount_management("grid_layer").getOutput(0), gridName)) if int(arcpy.GetCount_management("grid_layer").getOutput(0)) > 0: arcpy.DeleteRows_management("grid_layer")
def truncateTable(table_path): rowCount = int(arcpy.GetCount_management(table_path).getOutput(0)) arcpy.AddMessage("Existing Rows..." + str(rowCount)) print("Existing Rows..." + str(rowCount)) if rowCount > 0: arcpy.AddMessage("Truncate Populated Table... ") print "Truncate Populated Table..." arcpy.DeleteRows_management(table_path) else: arcpy.AddMessage("Count Is Good, Proceed...") print "Count Is Good, Proceed..." pass
def doInlineAppend(source, target): # perform the append from a source table to a target table success = False if arcpy.Exists(target): gzSupport.addMessage("Deleting rows from " + target) arcpy.DeleteRows_management(target) gzSupport.addMessage("Appending " + source + " TO " + target) arcpy.Append_management(source, target, "NO_TEST") success = True if debug: gzSupport.addMessage("completed") else: gzSupport.addMessage("Target: " + target + " does not exist") success = False return success
def onClick(self): layer, data_frame = utils.get_layer_by_name(settings.LAYER_NAME) if layer: arcpy.DeleteRows_management(settings.LAYER_NAME) intersected_layer, data_frame = utils.get_layer_by_name( settings.INTERSECTED_LAYER_NAME) if intersected_layer: arcpy.mapping.RemoveLayer(data_frame, intersected_layer) message = 'LA CAPA "%s" HA SIDO LIMPIADA' % settings.LAYER_NAME utils.hide_or_show_layers( [settings.LAYER_NAME, settings.BASE_LAYER], visible=True) return pythonaddins.MessageBox(message, 'RESULTADO', 0)
def delete_and_append(self):'Starting delete and append for {0}'.format( arcpy.DeleteRows_management(self.esri_service_output) arcpy.Append_management(self.source, self.esri_service_output)'restarting service for {0}'.format( service_dict = {'gran_chaco_deforestation': 'forest_change'} service_name = service_dict[] service = service_name for i in range(0, 2): arcgis_server.set_service_status(service, 'stop') arcgis_server.set_service_status(service, 'start')
def deleteLogRows(mode, tableName): table = os.path.join(workspace, tableName) if mode.upper() == "ARCHIVE": try: arcpy.CalculateField_management(table, "ACTIVEFLAG", "N") msg = "Existing rows flagged as inactive: " except: msg = "Error: Unable to flag rows as inactive: " else: try: arcpy.DeleteRows_management(table) msg = "Existing rows deleted: " except: msg = "Error: Unable to delete existing rows: " addMessage(msg + tableName)
def execute_analyst(hybasid): response_tmp = dict() response_tmp[_HYBASID] = hybasid try: print('NA: {}'.format(hybasid)) query = "{} = '{}'".format(_HYBASID, hybasid) name = 'analystnetworkmfl' flayer = arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management(_INCIDENTS, name, query) update_incidents(flayer) na.Solve(network) buff = arcpy.Buffer_analysis('Closest Facility\Routes', 'in_memory\\a{}'.format(name), _BUUFER_DISTANCE) clip = arcpy.Clip_analysis(_TRACK_SHP, buff, 'in_memory\\b{}'.format(name)) with arcpy.da.UpdateCursor(clip, [_HYBASID]) as cursor: for row in cursor: row[0] = hybasid cursor.updateRow(row) del cursor with arcpy.da.UpdateCursor(_TARGET_SHP, [_HYBASID], query) as cursor: for row in cursor: cursor.deleteRow() del cursor case = ';'.join([_SUPVIA, _HIERARCHY, _HYBASID]) diss = arcpy.Dissolve_management(clip, 'in_memory\d{}'.format(name), case, '#', 'MULTI_PART', 'DISSOLVE_LINES') arcpy.Append_management(diss, _TARGET_SHP, 'NO_TEST') arcpy.DeleteRows_management('Closest Facility\Routes') response_tmp['state'] = 1 response_tmp['msg'] = 'success' except Exception as e: print(e.message.__str__()) response_tmp['state'] = 0 msg = traceback.format_exc().__str__() msg = msg.replace(',', ' ') msg = msg.replace('\n', ' ') response_tmp['msg'] = msg return response_tmp
def compilarTablaSCR(gdb): listaTablas = arcpy.ListTables() list = [] pattern = r"SCR_" for i in listaTablas: if re.match(pattern, i): list.append(i) else: pass for i in list: campos = arcpy.ListFields(i) if "IDSCR" in [ for x in campos]: pass else: arcpy.AddField_management(i, "IDSCR", "TEXT", '#', '#', "20", '#', 'NULLABLE', 'NON_REQUIRED', '#') with arcpy.da.UpdateCursor(i, ["IDSCR"]) as cursor: for x in cursor: x[0] = str(i)[4:] cursor.updateRow(x) if "FEC_CARGA" not in [ for x in campos]: arcpy.AddField_management(i, "FEC_CARGA", "TEXT", '#', '#', "30", '#', 'NULLABLE', 'NON_REQUIRED', '#') with arcpy.da.UpdateCursor(i, ["FEC_CARGA"]) as cursor: for x in cursor: x[0] = startTime cursor.updateRow(x) if "FLAG_NUEVO" not in [ for x in campos]: arcpy.AddField_management(i, "FLAG_NUEVO", "SHORT", '1', '#', "#", '#', 'NULLABLE', 'NON_REQUIRED', '#') with arcpy.da.UpdateCursor(i, ["FLAG_NUEVO"]) as cursor: for x in cursor: x[0] = 1 cursor.updateRow(x) TabSCR = arcpy.Copy_management(os.path.join(str(gdb), list[0]), "TabSCR_{}".format(nomubigeo)) arcpy.DeleteRows_management(TabSCR) arcpy.Append_management(list, TabSCR, "NO_TEST") arcpy.AddField_management(TabSCR, "UBIGEO", "TEXT", '#', '#', "6", '#', 'NULLABLE', 'NON_REQUIRED', '#') arcpy.CalculateField_management(TabSCR, "UBIGEO", "'{}'".format(nomubigeo), "PYTHON_9.3") return TabSCR