def derive_from_dem(dem): """derive slope and flow direction from a DEM. Results are returned in a dictionary that contains references to ArcPy Raster objects stored in the "in_memory" (temporary) workspace """ # set the snap raster for subsequent operations env.snapRaster = dem # calculate flow direction for the whole DEM flowdir = FlowDirection(in_surface_raster=dem, force_flow="NORMAL") flow_direction_raster = so("flowdir", "random", "in_memory") # calculate slope for the whole DEM slope = Slope(in_raster=dem, output_measurement="PERCENT_RISE", method="PLANAR") slope_raster = so("slope", "random", "in_memory") return { "flow_direction_raster": Raster(flow_direction_raster), "slope_raster": Raster(slope_raster), }
def calc_catchment_flowlength_max( catchment_area_raster, zone_value, flow_direction_raster, length_conv_factor #??? ): """ Derives flow length for a *single catchment area using a provided zone value (the "Value" column of the catchment_area_raster's attr table). Inputs: catchment_area: *raster* representing the catchment area(s) zone_value: an integer from the "Value" column of the catchment_area_raster's attr table. flow_direction_raster: flow direction raster for the broader outputs: returns the """ # use watershed raster to clip flow_direction, slope rasters # make a raster object with the catchment_area_raster raster if not isinstance(catchment_area_raster, Raster): c = Raster(catchment_area_raster) else: c = catchment_area_raster # clip the flow direction raster to the catchment area (zone value) fd = SetNull(c != zone_value, flow_direction_raster) # calculate flow length fl = FlowLength(fd, "UPSTREAM") # determine maximum flow length fl_max = fl.maximum #TODO: convert length to ? using length_conv_factor (detected from the flow direction raster) fl_max = fl_max * length_conv_factor return fl_max
def __init__(self, fileIn): self.fileIn = Raster(fileIn) self.width = self.fileIn.width self.height = self.fileIn.height self.noData = self.fileIn.noDataValue arcpy.env.outputCoordinateSystem = self.fileIn arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True
def rasterfile_info(fname, prn=False): """Obtain raster stack information from the filename of an image : """ # frmt = """ File path - {} Name - {} Spatial Ref - {} Raster type - {} Integer? - {} NoData - {} Min - {} Max - {} Mean - {} Std dev - {} Bands - {} Cell - h {} w {} Lower Left - X {} Y {} Upper Left - X {} Y {} Extent - h {} w {} """ desc = Describe(fname) r_data_type = desc.datasetType # 'RasterDataset' args = [] if r_data_type == 'RasterDataset': r = Raster(fname) r.catalogPath # full path name and file name pth = r.path # path only name = # file name SR = r.spatialReference r_type = r.format # 'TIFF' # is_int = r.isInteger nodata = r.noDataValue r_max = r.maximum r_min = r.minimum r_mean = "N/A" r_std = "N/A" if not is_int: r_mean = r.mean r_std = r.standardDeviation bands = r.bandCount cell_hght = r.meanCellHeight cell_wdth = r.meanCellWidth extent = desc.Extent LL = extent.lowerLeft # Point (X, Y, #, #) hght = r.height wdth = r.width UL = r.extent.upperLeft args = [ pth, name,, r_type, is_int, nodata, r_min, r_max, r_mean, r_std, bands, cell_hght, cell_wdth, LL.X, LL.Y, UL.X, UL.Y, hght, wdth ] if prn: tweet(dedent(frmt).format(*args)) else: return args
def prep_cn_raster( dem, curve_number_raster, out_cn_raster=None, out_coor_system="PROJCS['NAD_1983_StatePlane_Pennsylvania_South_FIPS_3702_Feet',GEOGCS['GCS_North_American_1983',DATUM['D_North_American_1983',SPHEROID['GRS_1980',6378137.0,298.257222101]],PRIMEM['Greenwich',0.0],UNIT['Degree',0.0174532925199433]],PROJECTION['Lambert_Conformal_Conic'],PARAMETER['False_Easting',1968500.0],PARAMETER['False_Northing',0.0],PARAMETER['Central_Meridian',-77.75],PARAMETER['Standard_Parallel_1',39.93333333333333],PARAMETER['Standard_Parallel_2',40.96666666666667],PARAMETER['Latitude_Of_Origin',39.33333333333334],UNIT['Foot_US',0.3048006096012192]]" ): """ Clip, reproject, and resample the curve number raster to match the DEM. Ensure everything utilizes the DEM as the snap raster. The result is returned in a dictionary referencing an ArcPy Raster object for the file gdb location of the processed curve number raster. For any given study area, this will only need to be run once. """ # make the DEM an ArcPy Raster object, so we can get the raster properties if not isinstance(dem, Raster): dem = Raster(dem) msg("Clipping...") # clip the curve number raster, since it is likely for a broader study area clipped_cn = so("cn_clipped") Clip_management(in_raster=curve_number_raster, out_raster=clipped_cn, in_template_dataset=dem, clipping_geometry="NONE", maintain_clipping_extent="NO_MAINTAIN_EXTENT") # set the snap raster for subsequent operations env.snapRaster = dem # reproject and resample he curve number raster to match the dem if not out_cn_raster: prepped_cn = so("cn_prepped") else: prepped_cn = out_cn_raster msg("Projecting and Resampling...") ProjectRaster_management(in_raster=clipped_cn, out_raster=prepped_cn, out_coor_system=out_coor_system, resampling_type="NEAREST", cell_size=dem.meanCellWidth) return {"curve_number_raster": Raster(prepped_cn)}
def _try_get_raster_data(self, image, bands) -> RasterData: from arcpy import Raster, RasterToNumPyArray raster = Raster(image) img_data = RasterToNumPyArray(raster) if len(img_data.shape) == 3: img_data = img_data.transpose((1, 2, 0)).squeeze() if bands: img_data = img_data[:, :, bands].squeeze() extent = self._get_extent(raster) return RasterData(img_data=img_data, extent=extent, id_=str(hash(raster.extent.JSON +
def testLZWCompression(self): with TempDir() as d: arcpy.ImportToolbox(config.pyt_file) arcpy.multiplescales_btm(self.in_raster, self.nbh_sizes, self.metrics, d) rast_names = [ 'bathy5m_clip_mean_003.tif', 'bathy5m_clip_sdev_003.tif', 'bathy5m_clip_var_003.tif', 'bathy5m_clip_vrm_003.tif', 'bathy5m_clip_mean_013.tif', 'bathy5m_clip_sdev_013.tif', 'bathy5m_clip_var_013.tif', 'bathy5m_clip_vrm_013.tif', 'bathy5m_clip_iqr_003.tif', 'bathy5m_clip_kurt_003.tif', 'bathy5m_clip_iqr_013.tif', 'bathy5m_clip_kurt_013.tif' ] for each in rast_names: file_name = os.path.join(d, each) self.assertEqual(str(Raster(file_name).compressionType), 'LZW')
'float_kind': '{: 0.3f}'.format} np.set_printoptions(edgeitems=5, linewidth=80, precision=2, suppress=True, threshold=100, formatter=ft)'-') # change to a single - script = sys.argv[0] # print this should you need to locate the script env.overwriteOutput = True # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # .... final code section producing the featureclass and extendtable if len(sys.argv) == 1: testing = True pth = script.split("/")[:-2] pth0 = "/".join(pth) + "/Data/r00.tif" r = Raster(pth0) out_arr = "/".join(pth) + "/Data/r01.npy" frmt = "Result...\n{}" # print(frmt.format(a)) else: testing = False pth = sys.argv[1] out_arr = sys.argv[2] r = Raster(pth) # parameters here LL = r.extent.lowerLeft cols = int(r.extent.width/r.meanCellWidth) rows = int(r.extent.height/r.meanCellWidth) a = RasterToNumPyArray(r, lower_left_corner=Point(LL.X, LL.Y), ncols=cols,
def derive_data_from_catchments(catchment_areas, flow_direction_raster, slope_raster, curve_number_raster, area_conv_factor=0.00000009290304, length_conv_factor=1, out_catchment_polygons=None): """ For tools that handle multiple inputs quickly, we execute here (e.g., zonal stats). For those we need to run on individual catchments, this parses the catchments raster and passes individual catchments, along with other required data, to the calc_catchment_flowlength_max function. area_conversion_factor: for converting the area of the catchments to Sq. Km, which is expected by the core business logic. By default, the factor converts from square feet out_catchment_polygons: will optionally return a catchment polygon feature class. Output: an array of records containing info about each inlet's catchment, e.g.: [ { "id": <ID value from pour_point_field (spec'd in catchment_delineation func)> "area_sqkm": <area of inlet's catchment in square km> "avg_slope": <average slope of DEM in catchment> "avg_cn": <average curve number in the catchment> "max_fl": <maximum flow length in the catchment> }, {...}, ... ] """ raster_field = "Value" # store the results, keyed by a catchment ID (int) that comes from the # catchments layer gridcode results = {} # make a raster object with the catchment raster if not isinstance(catchment_areas, Raster): c = Raster(catchment_areas) else: c = catchment_areas # if the catchment raster does not have an attribute table, build one if not c.hasRAT: BuildRasterAttributeTable_management(c, "Overwrite") # make a table view of the catchment raster catchment_table = 'catchment_table' MakeTableView_management( c, catchment_table) #, {where_clause}, {workspace}, {field_info}) # calculate flow length for each zone. Zones must be isolated as individual # rasters for this to work. We handle that with calc_catchment_flowlength_max() # using the table to get the zone values... catchment_count = int(GetCount_management(catchment_table).getOutput(0)) with SearchCursor(catchment_table, [raster_field]) as catchments: # TODO: implement multi-processing for this loop. ResetProgressor() SetProgressor('step', "Mapping flow length for catchments", 0, catchment_count, 1) # msg("Mapping flow length for catchments") for idx, each in enumerate(catchments): this_id = each[0] # msg("{0}".format(this_id)) # calculate flow length for each "zone" in the raster fl_max = calc_catchment_flowlength_max(catchment_areas, this_id, flow_direction_raster, length_conv_factor) if this_id in results.keys(): results[this_id]["max_fl"] = clean(fl_max) else: results[this_id] = {"max_fl": clean(fl_max)} SetProgressorPosition() ResetProgressor() # calculate average curve number within each catchment for all catchments table_cns = so("cn_zs_table", "timestamp", "fgdb") msg("CN Table: {0}".format(table_cns)) ZonalStatisticsAsTable(catchment_areas, raster_field, curve_number_raster, table_cns, "DATA", "MEAN") # push table into results object with SearchCursor(table_cns, [raster_field, "MEAN"]) as c: for r in c: this_id = r[0] this_area = r[1] if this_id in results.keys(): results[this_id]["avg_cn"] = clean(this_area) else: results[this_id] = {"avg_cn": clean(this_area)} # calculate average slope within each catchment for all catchments table_slopes = so("slopes_zs_table", "timestamp", "fgdb") msg("Slopes Table: {0}".format(table_slopes)) ZonalStatisticsAsTable(catchment_areas, raster_field, slope_raster, table_slopes, "DATA", "MEAN") # push table into results object with SearchCursor(table_slopes, [raster_field, "MEAN"]) as c: for r in c: this_id = r[0] this_area = r[1] if this_id in results.keys(): results[this_id]["avg_slope"] = clean(this_area) else: results[this_id] = {"avg_slope": clean(this_area)} # calculate area of each catchment #ZonalGeometryAsTable(catchment_areas,"Value","output_table") # crashes like an mfer cp = so("catchmentpolygons", "timestamp", "in_memory") #RasterToPolygon copies our ids from raster_field into "gridcode" RasterToPolygon_conversion(catchment_areas, cp, "NO_SIMPLIFY", raster_field) # Dissolve the converted polygons, since some of the raster zones may have corner-corner links if not out_catchment_polygons: cpd = so("catchmentpolygonsdissolved", "timestamp", "in_memory") else: cpd = out_catchment_polygons Dissolve_management(in_features=cp, out_feature_class=cpd, dissolve_field="gridcode", multi_part="MULTI_PART") # get the area for each record, and push into results object with SearchCursor(cpd, ["gridcode", "SHAPE@AREA"]) as c: for r in c: this_id = r[0] this_area = r[1] * area_conv_factor if this_id in results.keys(): results[this_id]["area_up"] = clean(this_area) else: results[this_id] = {"area_up": clean(this_area)} # flip results object into a records-style array of dictionaries # (this makes conversion to table later on simpler) # msg(results,"warning") records = [] for k in results.keys(): record = { "area_up": 0, "avg_slope": 0, "max_fl": 0, "avg_cn": 0, "tc_hr": 0 } for each_result in record.keys(): if each_result in results[k].keys(): record[each_result] = results[k][each_result] record["id"] = k records.append(record) if out_catchment_polygons: return records, cpd else: return records, None
def build_cn_raster(landcover_raster, lookup_csv, soils_polygon, soils_hydrogroup_field="SOIL_HYDRO", reference_raster=None, out_cn_raster=None): """Build a curve number raster from landcover raster, soils polygon, and a crosswalk between landcover classes, soil hydro groups, and curve numbers. :param lookup_csv: [description] :type lookup_csv: [type] :param landcover_raster: [description] :type landcover_raster: [type] :param soils_polygon: polygon containing soils with a hydro classification. :type soils_polygon: [type] :param soils_hydrogroup_field: [description], defaults to "SOIL_HYDRO" (from the NCRS soils dataset) :type soils_hydrogroup_field: str, optional :param out_cn_raster: [description] :type out_cn_raster: [type] """ # GP Environment ---------------------------- msg("Setting up GP Environment...") # if reference_raster is provided, we use it to set the GP environment for # subsequent raster operations if reference_raster: if not isinstance(reference_raster, Raster): # read in the reference raster as a Raster object. reference_raster = Raster(reference_raster) else: reference_raster = Raster(landcover_raster) # set the snap raster, cell size, and extent, and coordinate system for subsequent operations env.snapRaster = reference_raster env.cellSize = reference_raster.meanCellWidth env.extent = reference_raster env.outputCoordinateSystem = reference_raster cs = env.outputCoordinateSystem.exportToString() # SOILS ------------------------------------- msg("Processing Soils...") # read the soils polygon into a raster, get list(set()) of all cell values from the landcover raster soils_raster_path = so("soils_raster") PolygonToRaster_conversion(soils_polygon, soils_hydrogroup_field, soils_raster_path, "CELL_CENTER") soils_raster = Raster(soils_raster_path) # use the raster attribute table to build a lookup of raster values to soil hydro codes # from the polygon (that were stored in the raster attribute table after conversion) if not soils_raster.hasRAT: msg("Soils raster does not have an attribute table. Building...", "warning") BuildRasterAttributeTable_management(soils_raster, "Overwrite") # build a 2D array from the RAT fields = ["Value", soils_hydrogroup_field] rows = [fields] # soils_raster_table = MakeTableView_management(soils_raster_path) with SearchCursor(soils_raster_path, fields) as sc: for row in sc: rows.append([row[0], row[1]]) # turn that into a dictionary, where the key==soil hydro text and value==the raster cell value lookup_from_soils = {v: k for k, v in etl.records(rows)} # also capture a list of just the values, used to iterate conditionals later soil_values = [v['Value'] for v in etl.records(rows)] # LANDCOVER --------------------------------- msg("Processing Landcover...") if not isinstance(landcover_raster, Raster): # read in the reference raster as a Raster object. landcover_raster_obj = Raster(landcover_raster) landcover_values = [] with SearchCursor(landcover_raster, ["Value"]) as sc: for row in sc: landcover_values.append(row[0]) # LOOKUP TABLE ------------------------------ msg("Processing Lookup Table...") # read the lookup csv, clean it up, and use the lookups from above to limit it to just # those values in the rasters t = etl\ .fromcsv(lookup_csv)\ .convert('utc', int)\ .convert('cn', int)\ .select('soil', lambda v: v in lookup_from_soils.keys())\ .convert('soil', lookup_from_soils)\ .select('utc', lambda v: v in landcover_values) # This gets us a table where we the landcover class (as a number) corresponding to the # correct value in the converted soil raster, with the corresponding curve number. # DETERMINE CURVE NUMBERS ------------------- msg("Assigning Curve Numbers...") # Use that to reassign cell values using conditional map algebra operations cn_rasters = [] for rec in etl.records(t): cn_raster_component = Con( (landcover_raster_obj == rec.utc) & (soils_raster == rec.soil),, 0) cn_rasters.append(cn_raster_component) cn_raster = CellStatistics(cn_rasters, "MAXIMUM") # REPROJECT THE RESULTS ------------------- msg("Reprojecting and saving the results....") if not out_cn_raster: out_cn_raster = so("cn_raster", "random", "in_memory") ProjectRaster_management(in_raster=cn_raster, out_raster=out_cn_raster, out_coor_system=cs, resampling_type="NEAREST", cell_size=env.cellSize) # return out_cn_raster
} def size_in_mem(size, type, unit='MB'): if isinstance(type, np.dtype): type = str(type) units = {'kB': 1000, 'MB': 1000000, 'GB': 1000000000} return (size * PIXELTYPE[type] / units[unit]) inraster = r"C:\Data\Staging\Output\MLVMI_puusto\ositteet\PUULAJI_1_OSITE_1_lpm.img" ws = os.path.dirname(inraster) raster = Raster(inraster) raster_size = raster.width * raster.height print('Raster shape: %s x %s' % (raster.height, raster.width)) print('Raster size: %s' % (raster_size)) print('Raster pixel type: %s' % raster.pixelType) # In reality uncrompessed size is smaller (as seen from ArcCatalog) -> maybe # NoData doesn't take that much space? print('Raster uncompressed size: %s MB' % (size_in_mem(raster_size, raster.pixelType))) print('float64 will consume: %s MB' % (size_in_mem(raster_size, 'F64'))) array = RasterToNumPyArray(inraster) print('Array shape: %s x %s' % (array.shape[0], array.shape[1])) print('Array size: %s' % array.size) print('Array dtype: %s' % array.dtype)
def main(in_raster=None, areaOfInterest=None, saveTINs=False, out_workspace=None): if isinstance(saveTINs, str) and saveTINs.lower() == 'false': saveTINs = False if isinstance(saveTINs, str) and saveTINs.lower() == 'true': saveTINs = True rastName = os.path.splitext(os.path.split(in_raster)[1])[0] bathyRaster = Raster(in_raster) cellSize = bathyRaster.meanCellHeight with TempDir() as d: # Check if multipart polygon and convert to singlepart if true with arcpy.da.SearchCursor(areaOfInterest, ["SHAPE@"]) as cursor: for row in cursor: geometry = row[0] if geometry.isMultipart is True: utils.msg("Converting multipart geometry to single parts...") singlepart = os.path.join(d, 'singlepart.shp') arcpy.MultipartToSinglepart_management(areaOfInterest, singlepart) arcpy.CopyFeatures_management(singlepart, areaOfInterest) # Name temporary files elevationTIN = os.path.join(d, 'elevationTIN') boundaryBuffer = os.path.join(d, 'bnd_buf.shp') boundaryRaster = os.path.join(d, 'bnd_rast.tif') boundaryPoints = os.path.join(d, 'bnd_pts.shp') pobfRaster = os.path.join(d, 'pobf_rast.tif') # Create elevation TIN utils.msg("Creating elevation TIN...") # just compute statitics utils.raster_properties(bathyRaster, attribute=None) zTolerance = abs((bathyRaster.maximum - bathyRaster.minimum)/10) arcpy.RasterTin_3d(bathyRaster, elevationTIN, str(zTolerance)) arcpy.EditTin_3d(elevationTIN, ["#", "<None>", "<None>", "hardclip", "false"]) # If more than one polygon in areaOfInterest, # split into separate files to process splitFiles = [areaOfInterest] multiple = False aoi_count = int(arcpy.GetCount_management(areaOfInterest).getOutput(0)) if aoi_count > 1: multiple = True arcpy.AddField_management(areaOfInterest, "Name", "TEXT") splitFiles = [] with arcpy.da.UpdateCursor(areaOfInterest, "Name") as cursor: for (i, row) in enumerate(cursor): row[0] = "poly_{}".format(i) splitFiles.append("in_memory\poly_{}".format(i)) cursor.updateRow(row) arcpy.Split_analysis(areaOfInterest, areaOfInterest, 'Name', 'in_memory') # grab an output directory, we may need it if TINs are being saved if out_workspace is None or not os.path.exists(out_workspace): # get full path for aoi aoi_path = arcpy.Describe(areaOfInterest).catalogPath out_dir = os.path.split(aoi_path)[0] else: out_dir = out_workspace # Calculate ACR for each polygon pobfs = [] num_polys = len(splitFiles) for (i, each) in enumerate(splitFiles, start=1): if num_polys == 1: acr_msg = "Calculating ACR Rugosity..." else: acr_msg = ("Calculating ACR Rugosity for Area " "{} of {}...".format(i, num_polys)) utils.msg(acr_msg) # Create POBF TIN arcpy.Buffer_analysis(each, boundaryBuffer, cellSize, "OUTSIDE_ONLY") arcpy.Clip_management(in_raster, '#', boundaryRaster, boundaryBuffer, '#', 'ClippingGeometry', 'NO_MAINTAIN_EXTENT') arcpy.RasterToPoint_conversion(boundaryRaster, boundaryPoints, 'Value') arcpy.GlobalPolynomialInterpolation_ga(boundaryPoints, "grid_code", "#", pobfRaster, cellSize) arcpy.CalculateStatistics_management(pobfRaster) if len(splitFiles) == 1: basename = '{}_planarTIN'.format(rastName) else: basename = '{}_planarTIN_{}'.format(rastName, i) pobf_temp = os.path.join(d, basename) pobf_perm = os.path.join(out_dir, basename) pobfs.append((pobf_temp, pobf_perm)) zTolerance = abs((int(Raster(pobfRaster).maximum) - int(Raster(pobfRaster).minimum))/10) arcpy.RasterTin_3d(pobfRaster, pobf_temp, str(zTolerance)) arcpy.EditTin_3d(pobf_temp, ["#", "<None>", "<None>", "hardclip", "false"]) # Calculate Rugosity arcpy.PolygonVolume_3d(elevationTIN, each, "<None>", "BELOW", "Volume1", "Surf_Area") arcpy.PolygonVolume_3d(pobf_temp, each, "<None>", "BELOW", "Volume2", "Plan_Area") arcpy.AddField_management(each, "Rugosity", "DOUBLE") arcpy.CalculateField_management(each, "Rugosity", "!Surf_Area! / !Plan_Area!", "PYTHON_9.3") arcpy.DeleteField_management(each, "Volume2;Volume1;Name") # Calculate Slope and Aspect arcpy.AddField_management(each, "Slope", "DOUBLE") arcpy.AddField_management(each, "Aspect", "DOUBLE") pobfXSize = Raster(pobfRaster).meanCellWidth pobfYSize = Raster(pobfRaster).meanCellHeight pobfArray = arcpy.RasterToNumPyArray(pobfRaster, None, 3, 3) dz_dx = ((pobfArray[0, 2] + 2 * pobfArray[1, 2] + pobfArray[2, 2]) - (pobfArray[0, 0] + 2 * pobfArray[1, 0] + pobfArray[2, 0])) / (8.0 * pobfXSize) dz_dy = ((pobfArray[2, 0] + 2 * pobfArray[2, 1] + pobfArray[2, 2]) - (pobfArray[0, 0] + 2 * pobfArray[0, 1] + pobfArray[0, 2])) / (8.0 * pobfYSize) raw_aspect = (180 / np.pi) * np.arctan2(dz_dy, -dz_dx) if np.equal(dz_dy, dz_dx) and np.equal(dz_dy, 0): aspect = -1 else: if np.equal(raw_aspect, 0): aspect = 90 elif np.equal(raw_aspect, 90): aspect = 0 elif raw_aspect > 90: aspect = 360.0 - raw_aspect + 90 else: aspect = 90.0 - raw_aspect with arcpy.da.UpdateCursor(each, ["Slope", "Aspect"]) as cursor: for rows in cursor: rows[0] = np.arctan(np.sqrt(dz_dx**2 + dz_dy**2))*(180/np.pi) rows[1] = aspect cursor.updateRow(rows) # Merge split files and save to input file location if multiple: arcpy.Merge_management(splitFiles, areaOfInterest) # Save TINs if requested if saveTINs: utils.msg("Saving elevation and planar TINs to " "{}...".format(out_dir)) arcpy.CopyTin_3d(elevationTIN, os.path.join(out_dir, '{}_elevationTIN'.format(rastName))) for (pobf_temp, pobf_perm) in pobfs: arcpy.CopyTin_3d(pobf_temp, pobf_perm)
def main( inlets, flow_dir_raster, slope_raster, cn_raster, precip_table_noaa, output, output_catchments=None, pour_point_field=None, input_watershed_raster=None, area_conv_factor=0.00000009290304, length_conv_factor=1, output_fields=OUTPUT_FIELDS, convert_to_imperial=True ): """Main controller for running the drainage/peak-flow calculator with geospatial data Arguments: inlets {point feature layer} -- point features representing inlets/catchbasins (i.e., point at which peak flow is being assessed) flow_dir_raster {raster layer} -- flow direction raster, derived from a user-corrected DEM for an entire study area slope_raster {raster layer} -- a slope raster, derived from an *un-corrected* DEM for an entire study area cn_raster {raster layer} -- Curve Number raster, derived using prep_cn_raster() tool precip_table_noaa {path to csv} -- preciptation table from NOAA (csv) output {path for new point feature class} -- output point features; this is a copy of the original inlets, with peak flow calculations appended Keyword Arguments: pour_point_field {field name} -- <optional> name of field containing unique IDs for the inlets feature class. Uses the OID/FID/GUID field (default: {None}) input_watershed_raster {raster layer} -- <optional> , pre-calculated watershed raster for the study area. If used, the values in each catchment must correspond to values in the *pour_point_field* for the *inlets* (default: {None}) area_conv_factor {float} -- <optional> (default: 0.00000009290304) output_catchments {path for new polygon feature class} -- <optional> output polygon features; this is a vectorized version of the delineated watershed(s), with peak flow calculations appended (default: {None}) Returns: a tuple of two paths (strings): [0] = path to the output points and, if specified, [1] = path to the output_catchments """ # ----------------------------------------------------- # SET ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES msg('Setting environment parameters...', set_progressor_label=True) env_raster = Raster(flow_dir_raster) env.snapRaster = env_raster env.cellSize = (env_raster.meanCellHeight + env_raster.meanCellWidth) / 2.0 env.extent = env_raster.extent # for i in ListEnvironments(): # msg("\t%-31s: %s" % (i, env[i])) # ----------------------------------------------------- # DETERMINE UNITS OF INPUT DATASETS msg('Determing units of reference raster dataset...', set_progressor_label=True) # get the name of the linear unit from env_raster unit_name = env_raster.spatialReference.linearUnitName acf, lcf = None, None # attempt to auto-dectect unit names for use with the Pint package if unit_name: if 'foot'.upper() in unit_name.upper(): acf = 1 * units.square_foot lcf = 1 * units.foot msg(" 'feet' from the source data") elif 'meter'.upper() in unit_name.upper(): acf = 1 * (units.meter ** 2) lcf = 1 * units.meter msg(" 'meters' from the source data") else: msg("Could not determine conversion factor for '{0}'".format(unit_name)) else: msg("Reference raster dataset has no spatial reference information.") if acf and lcf: # get correct conversion factor for casting units to that required by equations in area_conv_factor = ** 2).magnitude #square kilometers length_conv_factor = #meters msg("Area conversion factor: {0}".format(area_conv_factor)) msg("Length conversion factor: {0}".format(length_conv_factor)) # ----------------------------------------------------- # READ IN THE PRECIP TABLE msg('Loading precipitation table...', set_progressor_label=True) precip_tab = precip_table_etl_noaa(precip_table=precip_table_noaa) precip_tab_1d = precip_tab[0] # ----------------------------------------------------- # PREPARE THE INPUTS/POUR POINTS msg('Prepping inlets...', set_progressor_label=True) if isinstance(inlets, FeatureSet): msg("(reading from interactive selection)", set_progressor_label=True) print(inlets) inlets_fs = so("inlets_featurset") inlets = inlets_fs CopyFeatures_management( in_features=inlets, out_feature_class=output ) inlets_copy = output if not pour_point_field: i = Describe(inlets) if i.hasOID: pour_point_field = i.OIDFieldName # AddGlobalIDs_management(in_datasets="Inlet_Move10") # ----------------------------------------------------- # DELINEATE WATERSHEDS if not input_watershed_raster: msg('Delineating catchments from inlets...', set_progressor_label=True) catchment_results = catchment_delineation( inlets=inlets_copy, flow_direction_raster=flow_dir_raster, pour_point_field=pour_point_field ) catchment_areas = catchment_results['catchments'] msg("Analyzing Peak Flow for {0} inlet(s)".format(catchment_results['count']), set_progressor_label=True) else: catchment_areas = input_watershed_raster # ----------------------------------------------------- # DERIVE CHARACTERISTICS FROM EACH CATCHMENT NEEDED TO CALCULATE PEAK FLOW # area, maximum flow length, average slope, average curve number msg('Deriving calculation parameters for catchments...', set_progressor_label=True) catchment_data, catchment_geom = derive_data_from_catchments( catchment_areas=catchment_areas, flow_direction_raster=flow_dir_raster, slope_raster=slope_raster, curve_number_raster=cn_raster, area_conv_factor=area_conv_factor, length_conv_factor=length_conv_factor, out_catchment_polygons=output_catchments ) all_results = [] # ----------------------------------------------------- # CALCULATE PEAK FLOW FOR EACH CATCHMENT SetProgressor('step', 'Analyzing catchments', 0, len(catchment_data),1) for idx, each_catchment in enumerate(catchment_data): msg("\n-----\nAnalyzing {0}".format(each_catchment["id"])) for i in each_catchment.items(): msg("\t%-12s: %s" % (i[0], i[1])) # ----------------------------------------------------- # CALCULATE TIME OF CONCENTRATION (Tc) # calculate the t of c parameter for this catchment time_of_concentration = calculate_tc( max_flow_length=each_catchment['max_fl'], mean_slope=each_catchment['avg_slope'], ) # ----------------------------------------------------- # CALCULATE PEAK FLOW FOR ALL PRECIP PERIODS # generate peak flow estimates for the catchment for all storm frequencies in QP_HEADER peak_flow_ests = calculate_peak_flow( catchment_area_sqkm=each_catchment['area_up'], tc_hr=time_of_concentration, avg_cn=each_catchment['avg_cn'], precip_table=precip_tab_1d, qp_header=QP_HEADER ) # ----------------------------------------------------- # BUILD A RESULT OBJECT #extend the peak_flow_ests dict with the catchment params dict peak_flow_ests.update(each_catchment) # update with other metric(s) we've generated peak_flow_ests['tc_hr'] = time_of_concentration # add in the pour point ID field and value peak_flow_ests[pour_point_field] = each_catchment['id'] # append that to the all_results list all_results.append(peak_flow_ests) SetProgressorPosition() ResetProgressor() # convert our sequence of Python dicts into a table results_table = etl.fromdicts(all_results) # ----------------------------------------------------- # CONVERT OUTPUT UNITS TO IMPERIAL (by default) # run unit conversions from metric to imperial if convert_to_imperial if convert_to_imperial: results_table = etl\ .convert(results_table, 'max_fl', lambda v: (v * units.meter).to(units.feet).magnitude)\ .convert('area_up', lambda v: (v * (units.kilometer ** 2)).to(units.acre).magnitude)\ .convert({i: lambda v: (v * units.meter ** 3 / units.second).to(units.feet ** 3 / units.second).magnitude for i in QP_HEADER}) # that last .convert() handles conversion of all the peak flow per storm frequency values from cubic meters/second to cubic feet/second in one go :) # ----------------------------------------------------- # SAVE TO DISK # save to a csv temp_csv = "{0}.csv".format(so("qp_results", "timestamp", "folder")) etl.tocsv(results_table, temp_csv) msg("Results csv saved: {0}".format(temp_csv)) # load into a temporary table results_table = load_csv(temp_csv) # ----------------------------------------------------- # JOIN RESULTS TO THE GEODATA # join that to a copy of the inlets msg("Saving results to pour points layer", set_progressor_label=True) esri_output_fields = ";".join(output_fields) JoinField_management( in_data=inlets_copy, in_field=pour_point_field, join_table=results_table, join_field=pour_point_field, fields=esri_output_fields ) msg("Output inlets (points) saved\n\t{0}".format(inlets_copy)) if catchment_geom: msg("Saving results to catchment layer", set_progressor_label=True) JoinField_management( in_data=catchment_geom, in_field='gridcode', join_table=inlets_copy, join_field=pour_point_field, fields=esri_output_fields ) msg("Output catchments (polygons) saved\n\t{0}".format(catchment_geom)) ResetProgressor() return inlets_copy, catchment_geom
def channel_head_find(por_file_path, map_file_path, text_file_path, flow_acc_raster, flow_dir_raster, curve_Raster, dem_raster, number_of_uni_point, number_contour, method, flage_plot): por_point, number_of_por = read_por_point(text_file_path) env.workspace = por_file_path flow_acc = '%s' % map_file_path + '/' + '%s' % flow_acc_raster flow_dir = '%s' % map_file_path + '/' + '%s' % flow_dir_raster curve_Raster = '%s' % map_file_path + '/' + '%s' % curve_Raster raster = '%s' % map_file_path + '/' + '%s' % dem_raster curve_Array = arcpy.RasterToNumPyArray(curve_Raster) dsc = arcpy.Describe(curve_Raster) X_min = dsc.EXTENT.XMin Y_min = dsc.EXTENT.YMin X_max = dsc.EXTENT.XMax Y_max = dsc.EXTENT.YMax dy = dsc.meanCellHeight dx = dsc.meanCellWidth out_path = por_file_path geometry_type = "POINT" has_m = "DISABLED" has_z = "DISABLED" print 'Total number of heads', number_of_por Ele_Thresh = np.zeros((number_of_por, 1)) for p in range(0, number_of_por): sys.stdout.write("\r%d-" % p) num_curve = 0 x_data = np.zeros((1, number_of_uni_point)) y_data = np.zeros((1, number_of_uni_point)) c_data = np.zeros((1, number_of_uni_point)) por_data = np.zeros((1, 1)) org_x_data = np.zeros((1, number_of_uni_point)) org_y_data = np.zeros((1, number_of_uni_point)) sorg_x_data = np.zeros((1, number_of_uni_point)) sorg_y_data = np.zeros((1, number_of_uni_point)) if flage_plot == 1: fig = pl.figure(0) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ## pl.plot(por_point[p][0],por_point[p][1],'yo') ## ax.annotate(int(p) , xy=(por_point[p][0], por_point[p][1])) # making contour lines arcpy.env.extent = raster out_name = 'por_' + str(p) + '.shp' arcpy.CreateFeatureclass_management(out_path, out_name, geometry_type, "", has_m, has_z, dsc.SpatialReference) cursor = arcpy.da.InsertCursor(out_name, ["SHAPE@"]) cursor.insertRow( [arcpy.Point(float(por_point[p][0]), float(por_point[p][1]))]) del cursor tolerance = 0 outSnapPour = SnapPourPoint(out_name, flow_acc, tolerance) samll_basin = Watershed(flow_dir, outSnapPour) basin_Array = arcpy.RasterToNumPyArray(samll_basin) poly_bond = '%s' % por_file_path + '/' + 'bond' + str(p) + '.shp' buff_poly_bond = '%s' % por_file_path + '/' + 'bond_buffer' + str( p) + '.shp' arcpy.RasterToPolygon_conversion(samll_basin, poly_bond) arcpy.Buffer_analysis(poly_bond, buff_poly_bond, "3 Meters") subbasin_B = '%s' % por_file_path + '/subDEM_B_' + str(p) + '.tif' arcpy.Clip_management(raster, "", subbasin_B, buff_poly_bond, "", "ClippingGeometry") subbasin = Con( Raster(subbasin_B) <= por_point[p][2], Raster(subbasin_B))'%s' % por_file_path + '/subDEM_' + str(p) + '.tif') contour_interval = round( (por_point[p][2] - por_point[p][3]) / number_contour, 2) arcpy.env.extent = buff_poly_bond if contour_interval >= 0.01: make_contour(subbasin, 'basin_' + str(p), por_file_path, contour_interval) number_of_ID, ID_elevation = read_point_data( 'basin_' + str(p) + '_point', por_file_path, por_file_path) else: number_of_ID = 0 outSnapPour = None subbasin = None samll_basin = None if number_of_ID <= 5: print p, ' Small initial of final contour' else: x_0 = 0 y_0 = 0 temp_x = np.zeros((number_of_ID, number_of_uni_point)) temp_y = np.zeros((number_of_ID, number_of_uni_point)) sorted_x = np.zeros((number_of_ID, number_of_uni_point)) sorted_y = np.zeros((number_of_ID, number_of_uni_point)) for ID in range(0, number_of_ID): temp_kapa_1, x_0, y_0, x_p, y_p, x, y = poly_fit( ID, 'basin_' + str(p) + '_point', por_file_path, por_file_path, number_of_uni_point, 0, x_0, y_0) for i in range(0, number_of_uni_point): temp_x[ID, i] = x[i] temp_y[ID, i] = y[i] sorted_ID_elevation = sorted(ID_elevation, key=lambda temp_x: temp_x[1], reverse=True) for ID in range(0, number_of_ID): org_ID = sorted_ID_elevation[ID][0] sorted_x[ID, :] = temp_x[org_ID, :] sorted_y[ID, :] = temp_y[org_ID, :] org_x, org_y, ID_elevation, number_of_ID = contour_delete( sorted_x, sorted_y, sorted_ID_elevation, number_of_ID, number_of_uni_point, contour_interval, por_point[p][2], por_point[p][3]) org_x, org_y = contour_direction_fix(org_x, org_y, ID_elevation, number_of_ID, number_of_uni_point) for ID in range(0, number_of_ID): org_x_data = np.copy( np.append(org_x_data, org_x[ID, :].reshape(1, number_of_uni_point), axis=0)) org_y_data = np.copy( np.append(org_y_data, org_y[ID, :].reshape(1, number_of_uni_point), axis=0)) c = contour_curve(org_x, org_y, curve_Array, number_of_uni_point, number_of_ID, X_min, Y_max, dx, dy) for ID in range(0, number_of_ID): x_data = np.copy( np.append(x_data, org_x[ID, :].reshape(1, number_of_uni_point), axis=0)) y_data = np.copy( np.append(y_data, org_y[ID, :].reshape(1, number_of_uni_point), axis=0)) c_data = np.copy( np.append(c_data, c[ID, :].reshape(1, number_of_uni_point), axis=0)) por_data = np.copy( np.append(por_data, p * np.ones((1, 1)), axis=0)) num_curve = num_curve + 1 for the_file in os.listdir(por_file_path): file_path = os.path.join(por_file_path, the_file) try: if os.path.isfile(file_path): os.unlink(file_path) except Exception, e: print e x_data = np.delete(x_data, 0, 0) y_data = np.delete(y_data, 0, 0) c_data = np.delete(c_data, 0, 0) por_data = np.delete(por_data, 0, 0) org_x_data = np.delete(org_x_data, 0, 0) org_y_data = np.delete(org_y_data, 0, 0) sorg_x_data = np.delete(sorg_x_data, 0, 0) sorg_y_data = np.delete(sorg_y_data, 0, 0) number_of_k = 2 number_of_ID = x_data.shape[0] min_contour = max(int(number_of_ID * 0.1), 2) #print ' Total number of contours = ' , num_curve if num_curve <= 5: print ' Small number of final contour' else: if flage_plot == 1: for ID in range(0, num_curve - 1): pl.plot(org_x_data[ID, :], org_y_data[ID, :], 'g', linewidth=2) ax.annotate(round(ID_elevation[ID, 1]), xy=(org_x_data[ID, 0] - 5, org_y_data[ID, 0] - 5)) ele_error = np.zeros((number_of_ID, 2)) for initial_tresh in range(0, number_of_ID): initial_cluster_code = np.zeros((1, number_of_ID)) for ID in range(0, number_of_ID): if ID > initial_tresh: initial_cluster_code[0][ID] = 1 if method == 'contour_cluster': x_ave, y_ave = cluster_average(initial_cluster_code, x_data, y_data, number_of_k, number_of_ID, number_of_uni_point) err = cluster_performance(x_data, y_data, initial_cluster_code, x_ave, y_ave, number_of_k, number_of_ID, number_of_uni_point) ele_error[initial_tresh, :] = [ ID_elevation[initial_tresh, 1], err ] if flage_plot == 1: fig = pl.figure(1) pl.plot(ele_error[:, 0], ele_error[:, 1], 'ro-') for i in range(0, ele_error.shape[0]): print ele_error[i, 0], ele_error[i, 1] lenght_error = find_local_min(ele_error) ele_tresh = 0 count = 0 for i in range(0, number_of_ID): if lenght_error[i, 0] > number_of_ID * 0.1: ## ele_tresh = ele_tresh + ID_elevation[i , 1] * (lenght_error[i , 0] / lenght_error[i , 1]) ** 2 ## count = count + (lenght_error[i , 0] / lenght_error[i , 1]) ** 2 ele_tresh = ele_tresh + ID_elevation[i, 1] * lenght_error[ i, 0] count = count + lenght_error[i, 0] if count == 0: print p, 'not dominant cluster found' else: ele_tresh = ele_tresh / count ## print p , ele_tresh , count Ele_Thresh[por_data[ID, 0], 0] = ele_tresh