def __str__(self): """ Return the svg container """ self.processData() categories = AresHtmlRadio.Radio( self.aresObj, [key for key, _, _ in self.chartKeys], cssAttr={'display': 'None'} if len(self.chartKeys) == 2 else {}, internalRef='key_%s' % self.htmlId) self.dynKeySelection = categories.val # The javascript representation of the radio values = AresHtmlRadio.Radio( self.aresObj, [val for val, _, _ in self.chartVals], cssAttr={'display': 'None'} if len(self.chartVals) == 1 else {}, internalRef='val_%s' % self.htmlId) self.dynValSelection = values.val # The javascript representation of the radio[self])[self]) self.htmlContent.append(str(categories)) self.htmlContent.append(str(values)) self.htmlContent.append('<div %s></div>' % self.strAttr()) return str( AresHtmlContainer.AresBox(self.htmlId, "\n".join(self.htmlContent), self.headerBox, properties=self.references))
def __str__(self): """ Return the svg container """ self.processData() self.categories = AresHtmlRadio.Radio( self.aresObj, [key for key, _, _ in self.chartKeys], cssAttr={'display': 'None'} if len(self.chartKeys) == 1 else {}, checked=self.selectedChartKey) self.values = AresHtmlRadio.Radio( self.aresObj, [val for val, _, _ in self.chartVals], cssAttr={'display': 'None'} if len(self.chartVals) == 1 else {}, checked=self.selectedChartVal)[self])[self]) self.htmlContent.append(str(self.categories)) self.htmlContent.append(str(self.values)) self.htmlContent.append( '<div %s style="height:%spx;"><svg style="width:100%%;height:%spx;"></svg></div>' % (self.strAttr(), self.height, self.height)) if self.headerBox: return str( AresHtmlContainer.AresBox(self.htmlId, "\n".join(self.htmlContent), self.headerBox, properties=self.references)) return "\n".join(self.htmlContent)
def __str__(self): item = AresItem.Item(None, self.incIndent) item.add(0, '<div %s></div>' % self.strAttr()) if self.headerBox is not None: item = AresHtmlContainer.AresBox(self.htmlId, item, self.headerBox, properties=self.references) return str(item)
def __str__(self): """ Return a header HTML Tag """ items = AresItem.Item('<H%s>' % self.dim) items.add(1, '<a class="anchorjs-link" %s style="color:inherit">%s</a>' % (self.strAttr(), self.vals)) items.add(0, '</H%s>' % self.dim) if self.aresObj.withContainer: return str(AresHtmlContainer.TextContainer(self.aresObj, str(items))) return str(items)
def __str__(self): """ Return the String representation of a Code HTML tag """ item = AresItem.Item(None) if self.htmlComp is not None: self.vals = self.vals.format(*self.htmlComp) for val in self.vals.split("\n"): item.add(1, "<p class='text-justify'>%s</p>" % val.strip()) if self.aresObj.withContainer: return str(AresHtmlContainer.TextContainer(self.aresObj, str(item))) return str(item)
def __str__(self): """ Return the svg container """ for seriesGrp in self.seriesGrps: for filter in seriesGrp.filters: for chart in seriesGrp.xFilter.charts: # Update all the charts linked to a given recordSet filter.change(chart.jsUpdate()) items = [] if self.chartDesc is not None: self.chartDesc.attr.setdefault('css', {}).update( {'margin-bottom': '10px'}) items.append(str(self.chartDesc)) if not self.multiSeries and len(self.seriesGrps) > 1: # The type of chart cannot handle multiple series so the different other groups will be display in a # list with all the group names items.append( '<div class="list-group" style="float:left;height:%spx;width:25%%;margin-top:5px">' % self.height) for i, seriesGrp in enumerate(self.seriesGrps): if i == 0: items.append( '<button type="button" class="list-group-item list-group-item-action list-group-item-success">%s</button>' % seriesGrp.jsVar['grpName']) else: items.append( '<button type="button" class="list-group-item list-group-item-action">%s</button>' % seriesGrp.jsVar['grpName']) items.append('</div>') self.attr.setdefault('css', {}).update({ 'float': 'right', 'width': '74%' }) items.append( '<div %s><svg style="width:100%%;height:%spx;"></svg></div>' % (self.strAttr(), self.height)) if self.headerBox: return str( AresHtmlContainer.AresBox(self.htmlId, "\n".join(items), self.headerBox, properties=self.references)) return "\n".join(items)
def __str__(self): """ Return the svg container """ self.processData() self.categories = AresHtmlRadio.Radio(self.aresObj, [key for key, _, _ in self.chartKeys], cssAttr={'display': 'None'}, internalRef='key_%s' % self.htmlId, checked=self.selectedChartKey) self.values = AresHtmlRadio.Radio(self.aresObj, [val for val, _, _ in self.chartVals], cssAttr={'display': 'None'}, internalRef='val_%s' % self.htmlId, checked=self.selectedChartVal)[self])[self]) self.htmlContent.append(str(self.categories)) self.htmlContent.append(str(self.values)) self.htmlContent.append('<div %s></div>' % self.strAttr()) if self.headerBox: return str(AresHtmlContainer.AresBox(self.htmlId, "\n".join(self.htmlContent), self.headerBox, properties=self.references)) return "\n".join(self.htmlContent)
def __str__(self): """ Returns the string representation of a HTML Table """ self.mouveHover('#BFFCA6', 'black') trAttr = [] if 'css' in self.__rows_attr['ALL']: trAttr.append('style="%s"' % ";".join([ "%s:%s" % (key, val) for key, val in self.__rows_attr['ALL']["css"].items() ])) for attrCod in ['onmouseover', 'onMouseOut', 'class']: if attrCod in self.__rows_attr['ALL']: trAttr.append( '%s="%s"' % (attrCod, " ".join(self.__rows_attr['ALL'][attrCod]))) for attrCod in ['name', 'id', 'data-index']: if attrCod in self.__rows_attr['ALL']: trAttr.append('%s="%s"' % (attrCod, self.__rows_attr['ALL'][attrCod])) strTrAttr = " ".join(trAttr) self.aresObj.jsFnc.add( '$("#%s > thead > tr > th").tooltip(); $("#%s > tbody > tr > td").tooltip() ;' % (self.htmlId, self.htmlId)) # Special extra part of some line in the table trSpecialAttr = {} for row in self.__rows_attr['rows']: attr = self.__rows_attr['rows'][row] trRes = [] if 'css' in attr: trRes.append('style="%s"' % ";".join( ["%s:%s" % (key, val) for key, val in attr["css"].items()])) for attrCod in ['onmouseover', 'onMouseOut', 'class']: # Here we consider those properties as ones that could be propagated to the extra defintiion # This will allow in the case of the pivot table to keep the onmouseover event for example if attrCod in self.__rows_attr: if attrCod in attr: attr[attrCod].extend(self.__rows_attr[attrCod]) else: attr[attrCod] = self.__rows_attr[attrCod] if attrCod in attr: trRes.append('%s="%s"' % (attrCod, " ".join(set(attr[attrCod])))) for attrCod in ['data-index', 'name', 'id', 'title']: if attrCod in attr: if attrCod == 'data-index': trRes.append('%s=%s' % (attrCod, attr[attrCod])) else: trRes.append('%s="%s"' % (attrCod, attr[attrCod])) trSpecialAttr[row] = " ".join(trRes) # Build the table htmlButtons = [] if self.buttons: for button in self.buttons: htmlButtons.append(button) html = ["<thead>"] for i in range(self.hdrLines): if i == (self.hdrLines - 1): html.append( "<tr class='thead-inverse' %s>%s</tr>" % (strTrAttr, "".join([str(th) for th in self.__data[i]]))) else: html.append( "<tr %s>%s</tr>" % (strTrAttr, "".join([str(th) for th in self.__data[i]]))) html.append("</thead>") html.append(self.tbody) for i, row in enumerate(self.__data[self.hdrLines:]): cells = [] for j, td in enumerate(row): if self.header[-1][j].get( 'aresType') == 'input' and td.vals != '': styleVals = "style='%s'" % self.header[-1][j].get( 'aresCssAttr') if self.header[-1][j].get( 'aresCssAttr') is not None else '' td.vals = "<input class='form-control' value='%s' %s>" % ( td.vals, styleVals) elif self.header[-1][j].get( 'aresType') == 'internalLink' and td.vals != '': styleVals = "style='%s'" % self.header[-1][j].get( 'aresCssAttr') if self.header[-1][j].get( 'aresCssAttr') is not None else '' url = render_template_string( '''{{ url_for(\'ares.run_report\', report_name=\'%s\', script_name=\'%s\') }}''' % (self.aresObj.reportName, self.header[-1][j]['script_name'])) url = "%s?%s=%s" % (url, self.recKey( self.header[-1][j]), td.vals) td.vals = "<a href='%s' %s target='_blank'>%s</a>" % ( url, styleVals, td.vals) cells.append(str(td)) if i in trSpecialAttr: html.append("<tr %s %s>%s</tr>" % (strTrAttr, trSpecialAttr[i], "".join(cells))) else: html.append("<tr %s>%s</tr>" % (strTrAttr, "".join(cells))) html.append("</tbody>") item = "%s<table %s>%s</table>" % ("".join(htmlButtons), self.strAttr(), "".join(html)) if self.headerBox is not None: height = int( self.attr.get('css', { 'height': '300px' }).get('height', '300px').replace("px", "")) container = AresHtmlContainer.AresBox(self.htmlId, item, self.headerBox, properties=self.references) container.cssAttr['height'] = "%spx" % (height + 100) return str(container) return item
def __str__(self): """ Returns the string representation of a HTML Table """ trAttr, trSpecialAttr = [], {} if 'css' in self.__rows_attr: trAttr.append('style="%s"' % ";".join([ "%s:%s" % (key, val) for key, val in self.__rows_attr["css"].items() ])) for attrCod in ['onmouseover', 'onMouseOut', 'class']: if attrCod in self.__rows_attr: trAttr.append('%s="%s"' % (attrCod, " ".join(self.__rows_attr[attrCod]))) for attrCod in ['name', 'id', 'data-index']: if attrCod in self.__rows_attr: trAttr.append('%s="%s"' % (attrCod, self.__rows_attr[attrCod])) strTrAttr = " ".join(trAttr) # Special extra part of some line in the table for row in self.__rows_attr['rows']: attr = self.__rows_attr['rows'][row] trRes = [] if 'css' in attr: trRes.append('style="%s"' % ";".join( ["%s:%s" % (key, val) for key, val in attr["css"].items()])) for attrCod in ['onmouseover', 'onMouseOut', 'class']: # Here we consider those properties as ones that could be propagated to the extra defintiion # This will allow in the case of the pivot table to keep the onmouseover event for example if attrCod in self.__rows_attr: if attrCod in attr: attr[attrCod].extend(self.__rows_attr[attrCod]) else: attr[attrCod] = self.__rows_attr[attrCod] if attrCod in attr: trRes.append('%s="%s"' % (attrCod, " ".join(set(attr[attrCod])))) for attrCod in ['data-index', 'name', 'id']: if attrCod in attr: if attrCod == 'data-index': trRes.append('%s=%s' % (attrCod, attr[attrCod])) else: trRes.append('%s="%s"' % (attrCod, attr[attrCod])) trSpecialAttr[row] = " ".join(trRes) # Build the table html = ["<thead>"] html.append("<tr %s>%s</tr>" % (trSpecialAttr[0] if 0 in trSpecialAttr else strTrAttr, "".join([str(td) for td in self.__data[0]]))) html.append("</thead>") html.append("<tbody>") for i, row in enumerate(self.__data[1:]): html.append( "<tr %s>%s</tr>" % (trSpecialAttr[i + 1] if i + 1 in trSpecialAttr else strTrAttr, "".join([str(td) for td in row]))) html.append("</tbody>") item = "<table %s>%s</table>" % (self.strAttr(), "".join(html)) if self.headerBox is not None: return str( AresHtmlContainer.AresBox(self.htmlId, item, self.headerBox, properties=self.references)) return item