文件: qtctis.py 项目: xyt556/argos
    def __init__(self, nodeName, defaultFamily='Helvetica'):
        """ Constructor.

            :param defaultFamily: A string representing the defaultValue.
            :editable: True if the underlying QFontComboBox is editable. The default is False as
                it does not work well with the FontCti.

            For the (other) parameters see the AbstractCti constructor documentation.

        # Get a list of of configValues by reading them from a temporary QFontComboBox.
        tempFontComboBox = QtWidgets.QFontComboBox()
        configValues = []
        defaultData = 0
        for idx in range(tempFontComboBox.count()):
            fontFamily = tempFontComboBox.itemText(idx)
            if fontFamily.lower() == defaultFamily.lower():
                defaultData = idx

        # Set after self._displayValues are defined. The parent constructor calls _enforceDataType
        super(FontChoiceCti, self).__init__(nodeName,
文件: qtctis.py 项目: whigg/argos
    def __init__(self, cti, delegate, parent=None):
        """ See the AbstractCtiEditor for more info on the parameters
        super(FontChoiceCtiEditor, self).__init__(cti, delegate, parent=parent)

        comboBox = QtWidgets.QFontComboBox()
        # The QFontCombobox is not editable. because an non-existing value resulted in a QFont()
        # without parameter whose font family was probably some style sheet value. This didn't
        # work well with the extra options of the automatic configValue generation and with the
        # a possible parent FontCti: a non-exisiting family yields a QFont() with a non-existing
        # family, proably a style-sheet name, which I don't know how to handle.

        # The current font family is not properly selected when the combobox is created (at least
        # on OS-X). Setting the setMaxVisibleItems didn't help.
        # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11252299/pyqt-qcombobox-setting-number-of-visible-items-in-dropdown
        # comboBox.setMaxVisibleItems(15)
        # comboBox.setStyleSheet("QComboBox { combobox-popup: 0; }");

        self.comboBox = self.addSubEditor(comboBox, isFocusProxy=True)