文件: parser.py 项目: pramodk/nmodl
    def parse_child_rule(self, child):
        """parse child specification and return argument as properties

        Child specification has additional option like list, optional,
        getName method etc.
        # there is only one key and it has one value
        varname, properties = next(iter(child.items()))

        args = Argument()
        args.varname = varname

        # type i.e. class of the variable
        args.class_name = properties['type']

        if self.debug:
            print('Child {}, {}'.format(args.varname, args.class_name))

        # if there is add method for member in the class
        if 'add' in properties:
            args.add_method = properties['add']

        # if variable is an optional member
        if 'optional' in properties:
            args.is_optional = properties['optional']

        # if variable is vector, the separator to use while
        # printing back to nmodl
        if 'separator' in properties:
            args.separator = properties['separator']

        # if variable is public member
        if 'public' in properties:
            args.is_public = properties['public']

        # if variable if of vector type
        if 'vector' in properties:
            args.is_vector = properties['vector']

        # if get_node_name method required
        if 'node_name' in properties:
            args.get_node_name = properties['node_name']

        # brief description of member variable
        if 'brief' in properties:
            args.brief = properties['brief']

        # description of member variable
        if 'description' in properties:
            args.description = properties['description']

        # if getter method required
        if 'getter' in properties:
            if 'name' in properties['getter']:
                args.getter_method = properties['getter']['name']
            if 'override' in properties['getter']:
                args.getter_override = properties['getter']['override']

        # if there is nmodl name
        if 'nmodl' in properties:
            args.nmodl_name = properties['nmodl']

        # prefix while printing back to NMODL
        if 'prefix' in properties:
            args.prefix = properties['prefix']['value']

            # if prefix is compulsory to print in NMODL then make suffix empty
            if 'force' in properties['prefix']:
                if properties['prefix']['force']:
                    args.force_prefix = args.prefix
                    args.prefix = ""

        # suffix while printing back to NMODL
        if 'suffix' in properties:
            args.suffix = properties['suffix']['value']

            # if suffix is compulsory to print in NMODL then make suffix empty
            if 'force' in properties['suffix']:
                if properties['suffix']['force']:
                    args.force_suffix = args.suffix
                    args.suffix = ""

        return args
文件: parser.py 项目: pramodk/nmodl
    def parse_yaml_rules(self, nodelist, base_class=None):
        abstract_nodes = []
        nodes = []

        for node in nodelist:
            # name of the ast class and it's properties as dictionary
            class_name, properties = next(iter(node.items()))

            # no need to process empty nodes
            if properties is None:

            args = Argument()
            args.url = properties.get('url', None)
            args.class_name = class_name
            args.brief = properties.get('brief', '')
            args.description = properties.get('description', '')

            # yaml file has abstract classes and their subclasses with children as a property
            if 'children' in properties:
                # recursively parse all sub-classes of current abstract class
                child_abstract_nodes, child_nodes = self.parse_yaml_rules(
                    properties['children'], class_name)

                # append all parsed subclasses

                # classes like Ast which don't have base class
                # are not added (we print Ast class separately)
                if base_class is not None:
                    args.base_class = base_class
                    node = Node(args)
                    nodes.insert(0, node)
                    if self.debug:
                        print('Abstract {}'.format(node))
                args.base_class = base_class if base_class else 'Ast'

                # check if we need token for the node
                # todo : we will have token for every node
                args.has_token = LanguageParser.is_token(class_name)

                # name of the node while printing back to NMODL
                args.nmodl_name = properties[
                    'nmodl'] if 'nmodl' in properties else None

                # create tree node and add to the list
                node = Node(args)

                if self.debug:
                    print('Class {}'.format(node))

                # now process all children specification
                if 'members' in properties:
                    for child in properties['members']:
                        args = self.parse_child_rule(child)

        # update the abstract nodes
        for absnode in abstract_nodes:
            for node in nodes:
                if absnode.class_name == node.class_name:
                    node.is_abstract = True

        return abstract_nodes, nodes