def test_empty_JSONList(self): json_list = JsonList([]) try: json_list.assert_not_empty(msg = "Should not be empty") except AssertionError as ae: pass else: raise AssertionError("Assert non empty Json List is not working as expected")
def test_JSONList_min_size_03(self): exp_list = [1]*10 json_list = JsonList(exp_list) try: json_list.assert_min_size(len(exp_list)+5, msg = "Should match with expected min size") except AssertionError as ae: pass else: raise AssertionError("assert_min_size Json List is not working as expected")
def test_JSONList_size_06(self): exp_list = [1,2,34] json_list = JsonList(exp_list) try: json_list.assert_size(None, msg = "Should match with expected size") except AssertionError as ae: pass else: raise AssertionError("assert_size Json List is not working as expected")
def test_JSONList_max_size_04(self): exp_list = [1]*10 json_list = JsonList(exp_list) try: json_list.assert_max_size("2", msg = "Should match with expected max size") except TypeError as ae: pass else: raise AssertionError("assert_max_size Json List is not working as expected")
def test_empty_JSONList_construct01(self): try : json_list = JsonList() except TypeError as te: pass else : raise AssertionError("JsonList shouldn't allow with default construct")
def test_JSONList_min_size_02(self): exp_list = [1]*10 json_list = JsonList(exp_list) json_list.assert_min_size(len(exp_list)-5, msg = "Should match with expected min size")
def test_JSONList_size_01(self): exp_list = [1,2,34] json_list = JsonList(exp_list) json_list.assert_size(len(exp_list), msg = "Should match with expected size")
def test_non_empty_JSONList(self): json_list = JsonList([1]) json_list.assert_not_empty(msg = "Should not be empty")
def test_JSONList_size_range_01(self): exp_list = [1]*10 json_list = JsonList(exp_list) json_list.assert_size_range(len(exp_list)-5, len(exp_list), msg = "Should be within the range")
def test_empty_JSONList_construct02(self): json_list = JsonList([]) json_list.assert_empty(msg = "Should be empty")
def test_JSONList_max_size_05(self): exp_list = [1]*10 json_list = JsonList(exp_list) json_list.assert_max_size(10.5, msg = "Should match with expected max size")
def test_JSONList_max_size_03(self): exp_list = [] json_list = JsonList(exp_list) json_list.assert_max_size(0, msg = "Should match with expected max size")