def _getVoteList(param): # get account votes voted = rest.GET.api.accounts.delegates(address=DATA.getCurrentAddress()).get("delegates", []) # if usernames is/are given if param["<delegates>"]: # try to load it from file if a valid path is given if os.path.exists(param["<delegates>"]): with["<delegates>"]) as in_: usernames = [str(e) for e in if e != ""] else: usernames = param["<delegates>"].split(",") voted = [d["username"] for d in voted] if param["--down"]: verb = "Down-vote" fmt = "-%s" to_vote = [username for username in usernames if username in voted] else: verb = "Up-vote" fmt = "+%s" to_vote = [username for username in usernames if username not in voted] return [fmt % pk for pk in getDelegatesPublicKeys(*to_vote)], verb, to_vote elif len(voted): prettyPrint(dict([d["username"], "%s%%" % d["approval"]] for d in voted)) return [], "", []
def wsend(param): if DATA.account: amount = floatAmount(param["<amount>"]) weighting = loadJson(param["<weighting>"]) try: checksum = sum(weighting.values()) if checksum != 1.0: sys.stdout.write(" Bad weighting : checksum=%f (should be 1.0)\n" % checksum) return except: sys.stdout.write(" Not a valid weighting file\n") return prettyPrint(weighting) if amount and askYesOrNo("Send %(amount).8f %(token)s to %(recipientId)s addresses ?" % \ {"token": cfg.token, "amount": amount, "recipientId": len(weighting)}) \ and checkSecondKeys(): for address, weight in weighting.items(): share = weight * amount if share * 100000000 > cfg.fees["send"]: _send(arky.core.bakeTransaction( amount=share * 100000000 - cfg.fees["send"], recipientId=address, vendorField=param["<message>"], publicKey=DATA.firstkeys["publicKey"], privateKey=DATA.firstkeys["privateKey"], secondPrivateKey=DATA.secondkeys.get("privateKey", None) )) DATA.daemon = checkRegisteredTx("%s.registry" % (DATA.account["address"]), os.path.join(HOME, ".registry",, quiet=True)
def _send(payload): _address = DATA.getCurrentAddress() if DATA.escrowed: folder = os.path.join(HOME, ".escrow", if not os.path.exists(folder): os.makedirs(folder) sys.stdout.write(" Writing transaction...\n") registry_file = "%s.escrow" % (_address if _address else "thirdparty") registry = loadJson(registry_file, folder) if registry == {}: registry["secondPublicKey"] = DATA.getCurrent2ndPKey() registry["transactions"] = [] payload.pop("id", None) registry["transactions"].extend([payload]) dumpJson(registry, registry_file, folder) else: folder = os.path.join(HOME, ".registry", if not os.path.exists(folder): os.makedirs(folder) registry_file = "%s.registry" % (_address if _address else "thirdparty") registry = loadJson(registry_file, folder) typ_ = payload["type"] sys.stdout.write((" Broadcasting transaction of %.8f %s to %s\n" % (payload["amount"] / 100000000, cfg.token, payload["recipientId"])) if typ_ == 0 else \ " Broadcasting vote...\n" if typ_ == 3 else \ " Broadcasting transaction...\n") resp = arky.core.sendPayload(payload) prettyPrint(resp) if resp["success"]: registry[payload["id"]] = payload dumpJson(registry, registry_file, folder) DATA.daemon = checkRegisteredTx(registry_file, folder, quiet=True)
def _checkRegisteredTx(registry): registered = loadJson(registry, folder) if not len(registered): if not quiet: sys.stdout.write("\nNo transaction remaining\n") LOCK.set() else: if not quiet: sys.stdout.write("\n---\nTransaction registry check...\n") for tx_id, payload in list(registered.items()): if rest.GET.api.transactions.get(id=tx_id).get( "success", False): registered.pop(tx_id) else: if not quiet: sys.stdout.write("Broadcasting transaction #%s\n" % tx_id) result = arky.core.sendPayload(payload) if not quiet: prettyPrint(result, log=False) dumpJson(registered, registry, folder) remaining = len(registered) if not remaining: if not quiet: sys.stdout.write( "\nCheck finished, all transactions applied\n") LOCK.set() elif not quiet: sys.stdout.write( "\n%d transaction%s not applied in blockchain\nWaiting two blocks (%ds) before another broadcast...\n" % (remaining, "s" if remaining > 1 else "", 2 * cfg.blocktime))
def forged(param): if DATA.delegate: resp = rest.GET.api.delegates.forging.getForgedByAccount( generatorPublicKey=DATA.account["publicKey"]) if resp.pop("success"): prettyPrint( dict([k, float(v) / 100000000] for k, v in resp.items()))
def test_prettyPrint(self): # we use OrderedDict to always guarantee the same order as a result so we can assert it data = OrderedDict() data["testing"] = True data["transactions"] = "many" with patch('sys.stdout', new=io.StringIO()) as stdout: prettyPrint(data, log=False) assert stdout.getvalue( ) == '\t testing: True\n\ttransactions: many\n'
def voters(param): if DATA.delegate: accounts = rest.GET.api.delegates.voters( publicKey=DATA.delegate["publicKey"]).get("accounts", []) sum_ = 0. log = collections.OrderedDict() for addr, vote in sorted( [[c["address"], float(c["balance"]) / 100000000] for c in accounts], key=lambda e: e[-1]): log[addr] = "%.3f" % vote sum_ += vote log["%d voters" % len(accounts)] = "%.3f" % sum_ prettyPrint(log)
def status(param): if DATA.account: prettyPrint(rest.GET.api.accounts(address=DATA.account["address"], returnKey="account"))
def status(param): if DATA.ledger: data = rest.GET.api.accounts(address=DATA.ledger["address"], returnKey="account") data["derivationPath"] = DATA.ledger["path"] prettyPrint(data)
def status(param): if DATA.delegate: account = rest.GET.api.accounts(address=DATA.account["address"], returnKey="account") prettyPrint(dict(account, **DATA.delegate))