def __init__(self, ds, device, *args, nz=5, nv=5, reduced_decoder_input_dim=2, decoder_opts=None, inverse_decoder_opts=None, **kwargs): self.reduced_decoder_input_dim = reduced_decoder_input_dim self.x_extractor = torch.nn.Linear(ds.config.nx, self.reduced_decoder_input_dim).to(device=device, dtype=torch.double) opts = {'h_units': (16, 32)} if decoder_opts: opts.update(decoder_opts) config = load_data.DataConfig() config.nx = self.reduced_decoder_input_dim config.ny = nv * ds.config.nx # h_\rho self.extracted_linear_decoder = model.DeterministicUser( make.make_sequential_network(config, **opts).to(device=device)) opts = {'h_units': (16, 32)} if inverse_decoder_opts: opts.update(inverse_decoder_opts) config = load_data.DataConfig() config.nx = self.reduced_decoder_input_dim config.ny = nv * ds.config.nx # outputs a linear transformation from v to dx (linear in v), that is dependent on state # v C(x) = dx --> v = C(x)^{-1} dx allows both ways # h_\eta self.extracted_inverse_linear_decoder_producer = model.DeterministicUser( make.make_sequential_network(config, **opts).to(device=device)) super().__init__(ds, device, *args, nz=nz, nv=nv, **kwargs)
def __init__(self, ds, device, model_opts=None, nz=5, nv=5, **kwargs): if model_opts is None: model_opts = {} # default values for the input model_opts to replace opts = {'h_units': (16, 32)} opts.update(model_opts) # v is dx, dy, dyaw in body frame and d_along # input is x, output is yaw self.yaw_selector = torch.nn.Linear(ds.config.nx, 1, bias=False).to(device=device, dtype=torch.double) self.true_yaw_param = torch.zeros(ds.config.nx, device=device, dtype=torch.double) self.true_yaw_param[2] = 1 self.true_yaw_param = self.true_yaw_param.view(1, -1) # to be consistent with weights # try starting at the true parameters # = self.true_yaw_param + torch.randn_like(self.true_yaw_param) # self.yaw_selector.weight.requires_grad = False # input to local model is z, output is v config = load_data.DataConfig() config.nx = nz config.ny = nv * nz # matrix output self.linear_model_producer = model.DeterministicUser( make.make_sequential_network(config, **opts).to(device=device)) name = kwargs.pop('name', '') LearnLinearDynamicsTransform.__init__(self, ds, nz, nv, name='{}_{}'.format(self._name_prefix(), name), **kwargs)
def __init__(self, ds, device, nz=5, nv=5, mse_weight=0, reconstruction_weight=1, match_weight=1, encoder_opts=None, decoder_opts=None, dynamics_opts=None, **kwargs): self.mse_weight = mse_weight self.reconstruction_weight = reconstruction_weight self.match_weight = match_weight # TODO try penalizing mutual information between xu and z, and v and dx? # create encoder xu -> z opts = {'h_units': (16, 32)} if encoder_opts: opts.update(encoder_opts) config = load_data.DataConfig() config.nx = ds.config.nx + config.ny = nz self.encoder = model.DeterministicUser( make.make_sequential_network(config, **opts).to(device=device)) # TODO try extracting from x # create v,x -> dx opts = {'h_units': (16, 32)} if decoder_opts: opts.update(decoder_opts) config = load_data.DataConfig() config.nx = ds.config.nx config.ny = nv * ds.config.nx # matrix output (original nx, ignore sincos) # outputs a linear transformation from v to dx (linear in v), that is dependent on state # v C(x) = dx --> v = C(x)^{-1} dx allows both ways self.linear_decoder_producer = model.DeterministicUser( make.make_sequential_network(config, **opts).to(device=device)) # create dynamics (shouldn't have high capacity since we should have simple dynamics in trasnformed space) # z -> v opts = {'h_units': (16, 16)} if dynamics_opts: opts.update(dynamics_opts) config = load_data.DataConfig() config.nx = nz config.ny = nv self.dynamics = model.DeterministicUser( make.make_sequential_network(config, **opts).to(device=device)) name = kwargs.pop('name', '') super().__init__(ds, nz=nz, nv=nv, name='{}_{}'.format(self._name_prefix(), name), **kwargs)
def ds(env, data_dir, **kwargs): d = get_device() config = load_data.DataConfig(predict_difference=True, predict_all_dims=True, expanded_input=False) ds = peg_in_hole_real.PegRealDataSource(env, data_dir=data_dir, config=config, device=d, **kwargs) return ds
def ds(env, data_dir, **kwargs): d = get_device() config = load_data.DataConfig(predict_difference=True, predict_all_dims=True, expanded_input=False) ds = gridworld.GridDataSource(env, data_dir=data_dir, config=config, device=d, **kwargs) return ds
def __init__(self, ds, device, use_sincos_angle=False, nv=5, **kwargs): # replace angle with their sin and cos self.use_sincos_angle = use_sincos_angle # input to producer is x, output is matrix to multiply v to get dx by config = load_data.DataConfig() config.nx = ds.config.nx + (1 if use_sincos_angle else 0) config.ny = nv * ds.config.nx # matrix output (original nx, ignore sincos) # outputs a linear transformation from v to dx (linear in v), that is dependent on state self.linear_decoder_producer = model.DeterministicUser( make.make_sequential_network(config, h_units=(16, 32)).to(device=device)) super().__init__(ds, device, nv=nv, **kwargs)
def __init__(self, ds, device, *args, nz=5, nv=5, reduced_decoder_input_dim=2, **kwargs): self.reduced_decoder_input_dim = reduced_decoder_input_dim self.x_extractor = torch.nn.Linear(ds.config.nx, self.reduced_decoder_input_dim).to(device=device, dtype=torch.double) config = load_data.DataConfig() config.nx = self.reduced_decoder_input_dim config.ny = nv * ds.config.nx self.partial_decoder = model.DeterministicUser( make.make_sequential_network(config, h_units=(16, 32)).to(device=device)) super().__init__(ds, device, *args, nz=nz, nv=nv, **kwargs)
def __init__(self, ds, device, nv=5, inverse_decoder_opts=None, **kwargs): # create v,x -> dx opts = {'h_units': (16, 32)} if inverse_decoder_opts: opts.update(inverse_decoder_opts) config = load_data.DataConfig() config.nx = ds.config.nx config.ny = nv * ds.config.nx # outputs a linear transformation from v to dx (linear in v), that is dependent on state # v C(x) = dx --> v = C(x)^{-1} dx allows both ways self.inverse_linear_decoder_producer = model.DeterministicUser( make.make_sequential_network(config, **opts).to(device=device)) super().__init__(ds, device, nv=nv, **kwargs)
def __init__(self, ds, device, dynamics_opts=None, **kwargs): # z = (x,u), v = dx opts = {'h_units': (32, 32)} if dynamics_opts: opts.update(dynamics_opts) config = load_data.DataConfig() nz = ds.config.input_dim() nv = ds.config.ny config.nx = nz config.ny = nv self.dynamics = model.DeterministicUser(make.make_sequential_network(config, **opts).to(device=device)) name = kwargs.pop('name', '') super().__init__(ds, nz=nz, nv=nv, name='{}_{}'.format(self._name_prefix(), name), **kwargs)
seed = 6"random seed %d", rand.seed(seed)) save_dir = os.path.join(cfg.DATA_DIR, ENV_NAME) save_to = os.path.join(save_dir, "{}.mat".format(seed)) # new hyperparmaeters for approximate dynamics TRAIN_EPOCH = 150 # need more epochs if we're freezing prior (~800) BOOT_STRAP_ITER = 100 nx = 2 nu = 1 Q = torch.tensor([[1, 0], [0, 0.1]], dtype=dtype, device=d) R = 0.001 config = load_data.DataConfig(predict_difference=True, predict_all_dims=True) # preprocessor = None ds = PendulumDataset(None, config=config) def fill_dataset(new_data): global ds # not normalized inside the simulator new_data[:, 0] = math_utils.angle_normalize(new_data[:, 0]) if not torch.is_tensor(new_data): new_data = torch.from_numpy(new_data) # clamp actions new_data[:, -1] = torch.clamp(new_data[:, -1], ACTION_LOW, ACTION_HIGH) new_data = # append data to whole dataset if is None:
covar_x = self.covar_module(x) return gpytorch.distributions.MultivariateNormal(mean_x, covar_x) relearn_dynamics = False rand.seed(0) # training data for nominal model N = 200 x = torch.rand(N) * 10 x, _ = torch.sort(x) u = torch.zeros(x.shape[0], 0) e = torch.randn(N) * 0.1 y = torch.sin(x) + e config = load_data.DataConfig(predict_difference=False, predict_all_dims=True, y_in_x_space=False) ds = PregeneratedDataset(x.view(-1, 1), u, y.view(-1, 1), config=config) mw = model.NetworkModelWrapper(model.DeterministicUser( make.make_sequential_network( ds.config, h_units=(16, 16), activation_factory=torch.nn.Tanh).to(dtype=x.dtype)), ds, name="mix_nominal") pm = prior.NNPrior.from_data( mw, checkpoint=None if relearn_dynamics else mw.get_last_checkpoint(), train_epochs=3000) # make nominal predictions