writeval = float(
                "%.2g" % thisval
            )  #round(thisval,1)#'{0}'.format(float('%.3g' % thisval))
            #writeval = Decimal(thisval)
            h.Fill(m, g, writeval)

    TwoDPlotMaterials["hist"] = h
    TwoDPlotMaterials["xAxisName"] = "M_{Z'} [GeV]"
    TwoDPlotMaterials["yAxisName"] = "g_{q}"
    TwoDPlotMaterials["zAxisName"] = "#sigma_{limit}/#sigma_{theory}"
    TwoDPlotMaterials["signalLabel"] = "Z'"

    # Do the 2D Z' plot
    outputName = folderextension + "ZPrime_2D"
    myPainter.draw2DLimit(h, outputName, "M_{Z'} [TeV]", 1.25, 3.75, "g_{q}",
                          0.0, 0.50, "#sigma_{limit}/#sigma_{theory}",
                          luminosity, Ecm)

# Do the new big quadranty plot for Tom
if doQuadrants:
    outputName = folderextension + "threePlusOnePlotQuadrant"
        AllPlotMaterials["QStar"], AllPlotMaterials["WPrime"],
        AllPlotMaterials["BlackMax"], TwoDPlotMaterials, outputName,
        "Mass [TeV]", "#sigma #times #it{A} [pb]", luminosity, Ecm, 2.0, 9.0,
        1.2, 6.5, 2E-3, 10, 1E-3, 13)

    outputName = folderextension + "fourPlotQuadrant"
        AllPlotMaterials["BlackMax"], AllPlotMaterials["ZPrime0p30"],
        AllPlotMaterials["QStar"], AllPlotMaterials["WPrime"], outputName,
                )  #round(thisval,1)#'{0}'.format(float('%.3g' % thisval))
                #writeval = Decimal(thisval)
                print writeval
                h.Fill(m, g, writeval)

        TwoDPlotMaterials["hist"] = h
        TwoDPlotMaterials["xAxisName"] = "M_{Z'} [GeV]"
        TwoDPlotMaterials["yAxisName"] = "g_{q}"
        TwoDPlotMaterials["zAxisName"] = "#sigma_{limit}/#sigma_{theory}"
        TwoDPlotMaterials["signalLabel"] = "Z'"

        # Do the 2D Z' plot
        outputName = folderextension + "ZPrime_2D"
        #myPainter.draw2DLimit(h,outputName,"M_{Z'} [TeV]",0.3,0.6,"g_{q}",0.0,0.50,"#sigma_{limit}/#sigma_{theory}",luminosity,Ecm)
        myPainter.draw2DLimit(h, outputName, "M_{Z'} [GeV]", 300., 600.,
                              "g_{q}", 0.0, 0.8,
                              "#sigma_{limit}/#sigma_{theory}", luminosity,

# Make figure 1 with MC comparison in ratio

if (doMCComparison
    ):  # FIXME temporary solution to chop plot at 8 TeV, where JES bands end

    mixedExtLastBin = 130

    mcfile = ROOT.TFile(
    mchist = mcfile.Get(