def assess_prediction_functions(test_pairs, functions, costs, print_results=False, prediction_minibatches = None):

    :param test_pairs: A list<pair_name, (x, y)>, where x, y are equal-length vectors representing the samples in a dataset.
        Eg. [('training', (x_train, y_train)), ('test', (x_test, y_test))]
    :param functions: A list<function_name, function> of functions for computing the forward pass.
    :param costs: A list<(cost_name, cost_function)> or dict<cost_name: cost_function> of cost functions, where cost_function has the form:
        cost = cost_fcn(guess, y), where cost is a scalar, and guess is the output of the prediction function given one
            of the inputs (x) in test_pairs.
    :param prediction_minibatches: Size of minibatches to predict in.
    :return: A ModelTestScore object
    if isinstance(test_pairs, DataSet):
        test_pairs = _dataset_to_test_pair(test_pairs)
    assert isinstance(test_pairs, list)
    assert all(len(_)==2 for _ in test_pairs)
    assert all(len(pair)==2 for name, pair in test_pairs)
    if isinstance(functions, dict):
        functions = functions.items()
    if callable(functions):
        functions = [(functions.__name__ if hasattr(functions, '__name__') else None, functions)]
        assert all(callable(f) for name, f in functions)
    if callable(costs):
        costs = [(costs.__name__, costs)]
    elif isinstance(costs, string_types):
        costs = [(costs, get_evaluation_function(costs))]
    elif isinstance(costs, dict):
        costs = costs.items()
        costs = [(cost, get_evaluation_function(cost)) if isinstance(cost, string_types) else (cost.__name__, cost) if callable(cost) else cost for cost in costs]
    assert all(callable(cost) for name, cost in costs)

    results = ModelTestScore()
    for test_pair_name, (x, y) in test_pairs:
        for function_name, function in functions:
            if prediction_minibatches is None:
                predictions = function(x)
                predictions = minibatch_process(function, minibatch_size=prediction_minibatches, mb_args=(x, ))
            for cost_name, cost_function in costs:
                results[test_pair_name, function_name, cost_name] = cost_function(predictions, y)

    if print_results:

    return results
def assess_prediction_functions(test_pairs,

    :param test_pairs: A list<pair_name, (x, y)>, where x, y are equal-length vectors representing the samples in a dataset.
        Eg. [('training', (x_train, y_train)), ('test', (x_test, y_test))]
    :param functions: A list<function_name, function> of functions for computing the forward pass.
    :param costs: A list<(cost_name, cost_function)> or dict<cost_name: cost_function> of cost functions, where cost_function has the form:
        cost = cost_fcn(guess, y), where cost is a scalar, and guess is the output of the prediction function given one
            of the inputs (x) in test_pairs.
    :param prediction_minibatches: Size of minibatches to predict in.
    :return: A ModelTestScore object
    if isinstance(test_pairs, DataSet):
        test_pairs = _dataset_to_test_pair(test_pairs)
    assert isinstance(test_pairs, list)
    assert all(len(_) == 2 for _ in test_pairs)
    assert all(len(pair) == 2 for name, pair in test_pairs)
    if isinstance(functions, dict):
        functions = functions.items()
    if callable(functions):
        functions = [
            (functions.__name__ if hasattr(functions, '__name__') else None,
        assert all(callable(f) for name, f in functions)
    if callable(costs):
        costs = [(costs.__name__, costs)]
    elif isinstance(costs, string_types):
        costs = [(costs, get_evaluation_function(costs))]
    elif isinstance(costs, dict):
        costs = costs.items()
        costs = [(cost, get_evaluation_function(cost)) if isinstance(
            cost, string_types) else
                 (cost.__name__, cost) if callable(cost) else cost
                 for cost in costs]
    assert all(callable(cost) for name, cost in costs)

    results = ModelTestScore()
    for test_pair_name, (x, y) in test_pairs:
        for function_name, function in functions:
            if prediction_minibatches is None:
                predictions = function(x)
                predictions = minibatch_process(
                    mb_args=(x, ))
            for cost_name, cost_function in costs:
                results[test_pair_name, function_name,
                        cost_name] = cost_function(predictions, y)

    if print_results:

    return results
def evaluate_predictor(predictor, test_set, evaluation_function):
    if isinstance(evaluation_function, str):
        evaluation_function = get_evaluation_function(evaluation_function)
    output = predictor.predict(test_set.input)
    score = evaluation_function(actual=output, target=test_set.target)
    return score
def assess_online_predictor(predictor, dataset, evaluation_function, test_epochs, minibatch_size, test_on = 'training+test',
        accumulator = None, report_test_scores=True, test_batch_size = None, test_callback = None):
    DEPRECATED: use assess_prediction_functions_on_generator in train_and_test_old.py

    Train an online predictor and return the LearningCurveData.

    :param predictor:  An IPredictor object
    :param dataset: A DataSet object
    :param evaluation_function: A function of the form: score=fcn(actual_values, target_values)
    :param test_epochs: List of epochs to test at.  Eg. [0.5, 1, 2, 4]
    :param minibatch_size: Number of samples per minibatch, or:
        'full' to do full-batch.
        'stretch': to stretch the size of each batch so that we make just one call to "train" between each test.  Use
            this, for instance, if your predictor trains on one sample at a time in sequence anyway.
    :param report_test_scores: Print out the test scores as they're computed (T/F)
    :param test_callback: A callback which takes the predictor, and is called every time a test
        is done.  This can be useful for plotting/debugging the state.
    :return: LearningCurveData containing the score on the test sets

    # TODO: Remove this class, as it is deprecated

    record = LearningCurveData()

    testing_sets = dataset_to_testing_sets(dataset, test_on)
    if accumulator is None:
        prediction_functions = {k: predictor.predict for k in testing_sets}
        accum_constructor = {'avg': RunningAverage}[accumulator] \
            if isinstance(accumulator, str) else accumulator
        accumulators = {k: accum_constructor() for k in testing_sets}
        prediction_functions = {k: lambda inp, kp=k: accumulators[kp](predictor.predict(inp)) for k in testing_sets}
        # Bewate the in-loop lambda - but I think we're ok here.

    if isinstance(evaluation_function, str):
        evaluation_function = get_evaluation_function(evaluation_function)

    def do_test(current_epoch):
        scores = [(k, evaluation_function(process_in_batches(prediction_functions[k], x, test_batch_size), y)) for k, (x, y) in testing_sets.items()]
        if report_test_scores:
            print('Scores at Epoch %s: %s, after %.2fs' % (current_epoch, ', '.join('%s: %.3f' % (set_name, score) for set_name, score in scores), time.time()-start_time))
        record.add(current_epoch, scores)
        if test_callback is not None:
            record.add(current_epoch, ('callback', test_callback(predictor)))

    start_time = time.time()
    if minibatch_size == 'stretch':
        test_samples = (np.array(test_epochs) * dataset.training_set.n_samples).astype(int)
        if test_samples[0] == 0:
            i += 1
        for indices in checkpoint_minibatch_index_generator(n_samples=dataset.training_set.n_samples, checkpoints=test_samples, slice_when_possible=True):
            predictor.train(dataset.training_set.input[indices], dataset.training_set.target[indices])
            i += 1
        checker = CheckPointCounter(test_epochs)
        last_n_samples_seen = 0
        for (n_samples_seen, input_minibatch, target_minibatch) in \
                dataset.training_set.minibatch_iterator(minibatch_size = minibatch_size, epochs = float('inf'), single_channel = True):
            current_epoch = (float(last_n_samples_seen))/dataset.training_set.n_samples
            last_n_samples_seen = n_samples_seen
            time_for_a_test, done = checker.check(current_epoch)
            if time_for_a_test:
            if done:
            predictor.train(input_minibatch, target_minibatch)

    return record
def compare_predictors(dataset, online_predictors={}, offline_predictors={}, minibatch_size = 'full',
        evaluation_function = 'mse', test_epochs = sqrtspace(0, 1, 10), report_test_scores = True,
        test_on = 'training+test', test_batch_size = None, accumulators = None, online_test_callbacks = {}):
    DEPRECATED: use train_and_test_online_predictor instead.

    Compare a set of predictors by running them on a dataset, and return the learning curves for each predictor.

    :param dataset: A DataSet object
    :param online_predictors: A dict<str:IPredictor> of online predictors.  An online predictor is
        sequentially fed minibatches of data and updates its parameters with each minibatch.
    :param offline_predictors: A dict<str:object> of offline predictors.  Offline predictors obey sklearn's
        Estimator/Predictor interfaces - ie they methods
            estimator = object.fit(data, targets) and
            prediction = object.predict(data)
    :param minibatch_size: Size of the minibatches to use for online predictors.  Can be:
        An int, in which case it represents the minibatch size for all classifiers.
        A dict<str: int>, in which case you can set the minibatch size per-classifier.
        In place of the int, you can put 'all' if you want to train on the whole dataset in each iteration.
    :param test_epochs: Test points to use for online predictors.  Can be:
        A list of integers - in which case the classifier is after seeing this many samples.
        A list of floats - in which case the classifier is tested after seeing this many epochs.
        'always' - In which case a test is performed after every training step
        The final test point determines the end of training.
    :param evaluation_function: Function used to evaluate output of predictors
    :param report_test_scores: Boolean indicating whether you'd like to report results online.
    :param test_on: 'training', 'test', 'training+test'
    :param test_batch_size: When the test set is too large to process in one step, use this to break it
        up into chunks.
    :param accumulators: A dict<str: accum_fcn>, where accum_fcn is a stateful-function of the form:
        accmulated_output = accum_fcn(this_output)
        Special case: accum_fcn can be 'avg' to make a running average.
    :param online_test_callbacks: A dict<str: fcn> where fcn is a callback that takes an online
        predictor as an argument.  Useful for logging/plotting/debugging progress during training.
    :return: An OrderedDict<LearningCurveData>

    all_keys = online_predictors.keys()+offline_predictors.keys()
    assert len(all_keys) > 0, 'You have to give at least one predictor.  Is that too much to ask?'
    assert len(all_keys) == len(np.unique(all_keys)), "You have multiple predictors using the same names. Change that."
    type_constructor_dict = OrderedDict(
        [(k, ('offline', offline_predictors[k])) for k in sorted(offline_predictors.keys())] +
        [(k, ('online', online_predictors[k])) for k in sorted(online_predictors.keys())]

    minibatch_size = _pack_into_dict(minibatch_size, expected_keys=online_predictors.keys())
    accumulators = _pack_into_dict(accumulators, expected_keys=online_predictors.keys())
    online_test_callbacks = _pack_into_dict(online_test_callbacks, expected_keys=online_predictors.keys(), allow_subset=True)
    test_epochs = np.array(test_epochs)
    if isinstance(evaluation_function, str):
        evaluation_function = get_evaluation_function(evaluation_function)

    records = OrderedDict()

    # Run the offline predictors
    for predictor_name, (predictor_type, predictor) in type_constructor_dict.items():
        print('%s\nRunning predictor %s\n%s' % ('='*20, predictor_name, '-'*20))
        records[predictor_name] = \
                dataset = dataset,
                evaluation_function = evaluation_function,
                report_test_scores = report_test_scores,
                test_on = test_on,
                test_batch_size = test_batch_size
                ) if predictor_type == 'offline' else \
                dataset = dataset,
                evaluation_function = evaluation_function,
                test_epochs = test_epochs,
                accumulator = accumulators[predictor_name],
                minibatch_size = minibatch_size[predictor_name],
                report_test_scores = report_test_scores,
                test_on = test_on,
                test_batch_size = test_batch_size,
                test_callback=online_test_callbacks[predictor_name] if predictor_name in online_test_callbacks else None
                ) if predictor_type == 'online' else \


    return records
def assess_online_predictor(predictor,
    DEPRECATED: use assess_prediction_functions_on_generator in train_and_test_old.py

    Train an online predictor and return the LearningCurveData.

    :param predictor:  An IPredictor object
    :param dataset: A DataSet object
    :param evaluation_function: A function of the form: score=fcn(actual_values, target_values)
    :param test_epochs: List of epochs to test at.  Eg. [0.5, 1, 2, 4]
    :param minibatch_size: Number of samples per minibatch, or:
        'full' to do full-batch.
        'stretch': to stretch the size of each batch so that we make just one call to "train" between each test.  Use
            this, for instance, if your predictor trains on one sample at a time in sequence anyway.
    :param report_test_scores: Print out the test scores as they're computed (T/F)
    :param test_callback: A callback which takes the predictor, and is called every time a test
        is done.  This can be useful for plotting/debugging the state.
    :return: LearningCurveData containing the score on the test sets

    # TODO: Remove this class, as it is deprecated

    record = LearningCurveData()

    testing_sets = dataset_to_testing_sets(dataset, test_on)
    if accumulator is None:
        prediction_functions = {k: predictor.predict for k in testing_sets}
        accum_constructor = {'avg': RunningAverage}[accumulator] \
            if isinstance(accumulator, str) else accumulator
        accumulators = {k: accum_constructor() for k in testing_sets}
        prediction_functions = {
            k: lambda inp, kp=k: accumulators[kp](predictor.predict(inp))
            for k in testing_sets
        # Bewate the in-loop lambda - but I think we're ok here.

    if isinstance(evaluation_function, str):
        evaluation_function = get_evaluation_function(evaluation_function)

    def do_test(current_epoch):
        scores = [(k,
                       process_in_batches(prediction_functions[k], x,
                                          test_batch_size), y))
                  for k, (x, y) in testing_sets.items()]
        if report_test_scores:
            print('Scores at Epoch %s: %s, after %.2fs' %
                  (current_epoch, ', '.join('%s: %.3f' % (set_name, score)
                                            for set_name, score in scores),
                   time.time() - start_time))
        record.add(current_epoch, scores)
        if test_callback is not None:
            record.add(current_epoch, ('callback', test_callback(predictor)))

    start_time = time.time()
    if minibatch_size == 'stretch':
        test_samples = (np.array(test_epochs) *
        i = 0
        if test_samples[0] == 0:
            i += 1
        for indices in checkpoint_minibatch_index_generator(
            i += 1
        checker = CheckPointCounter(test_epochs)
        last_n_samples_seen = 0
        for (n_samples_seen, input_minibatch, target_minibatch) in \
                dataset.training_set.minibatch_iterator(minibatch_size = minibatch_size, epochs = float('inf'), single_channel = True):
            current_epoch = (
                float(last_n_samples_seen)) / dataset.training_set.n_samples
            last_n_samples_seen = n_samples_seen
            time_for_a_test, done = checker.check(current_epoch)
            if time_for_a_test:
            if done:
            predictor.train(input_minibatch, target_minibatch)

    return record
def compare_predictors(dataset,
                       test_epochs=sqrtspace(0, 1, 10),
    DEPRECATED: use train_and_test_online_predictor instead.

    Compare a set of predictors by running them on a dataset, and return the learning curves for each predictor.

    :param dataset: A DataSet object
    :param online_predictors: A dict<str:IPredictor> of online predictors.  An online predictor is
        sequentially fed minibatches of data and updates its parameters with each minibatch.
    :param offline_predictors: A dict<str:object> of offline predictors.  Offline predictors obey sklearn's
        Estimator/Predictor interfaces - ie they methods
            estimator = object.fit(data, targets) and
            prediction = object.predict(data)
    :param minibatch_size: Size of the minibatches to use for online predictors.  Can be:
        An int, in which case it represents the minibatch size for all classifiers.
        A dict<str: int>, in which case you can set the minibatch size per-classifier.
        In place of the int, you can put 'all' if you want to train on the whole dataset in each iteration.
    :param test_epochs: Test points to use for online predictors.  Can be:
        A list of integers - in which case the classifier is after seeing this many samples.
        A list of floats - in which case the classifier is tested after seeing this many epochs.
        'always' - In which case a test is performed after every training step
        The final test point determines the end of training.
    :param evaluation_function: Function used to evaluate output of predictors
    :param report_test_scores: Boolean indicating whether you'd like to report results online.
    :param test_on: 'training', 'test', 'training+test'
    :param test_batch_size: When the test set is too large to process in one step, use this to break it
        up into chunks.
    :param accumulators: A dict<str: accum_fcn>, where accum_fcn is a stateful-function of the form:
        accmulated_output = accum_fcn(this_output)
        Special case: accum_fcn can be 'avg' to make a running average.
    :param online_test_callbacks: A dict<str: fcn> where fcn is a callback that takes an online
        predictor as an argument.  Useful for logging/plotting/debugging progress during training.
    :return: An OrderedDict<LearningCurveData>

    all_keys = online_predictors.keys() + offline_predictors.keys()
    assert len(
    ) > 0, 'You have to give at least one predictor.  Is that too much to ask?'
    assert len(all_keys) == len(
    ), "You have multiple predictors using the same names. Change that."
    type_constructor_dict = OrderedDict(
        [(k, ('offline', offline_predictors[k]))
         for k in sorted(offline_predictors.keys())] +
        [(k, ('online', online_predictors[k]))
         for k in sorted(online_predictors.keys())])

    minibatch_size = _pack_into_dict(minibatch_size,
    accumulators = _pack_into_dict(accumulators,
    online_test_callbacks = _pack_into_dict(
    test_epochs = np.array(test_epochs)
    if isinstance(evaluation_function, str):
        evaluation_function = get_evaluation_function(evaluation_function)

    records = OrderedDict()

    # Run the offline predictors
    for predictor_name, (predictor_type,
                         predictor) in type_constructor_dict.items():
        print('%s\nRunning predictor %s\n%s' %
              ('=' * 20, predictor_name, '-' * 20))
        records[predictor_name] = \
                dataset = dataset,
                evaluation_function = evaluation_function,
                report_test_scores = report_test_scores,
                test_on = test_on,
                test_batch_size = test_batch_size
                ) if predictor_type == 'offline' else \
                dataset = dataset,
                evaluation_function = evaluation_function,
                test_epochs = test_epochs,
                accumulator = accumulators[predictor_name],
                minibatch_size = minibatch_size[predictor_name],
                report_test_scores = report_test_scores,
                test_on = test_on,
                test_batch_size = test_batch_size,
                test_callback=online_test_callbacks[predictor_name] if predictor_name in online_test_callbacks else None
                ) if predictor_type == 'online' else \


    return records
def evaluate_predictor(predictor, test_set, evaluation_function):
    if isinstance(evaluation_function, str):
        evaluation_function = get_evaluation_function(evaluation_function)
    output = predictor.predict(test_set.input)
    score = evaluation_function(actual = output, target = test_set.target)
    return score