def reduce_mask(mask, bcount, *, bsize, boffset, bstride, tol=0.5, avgpool=False): """Reduce the mask to namedtuple `(bin_counts, active_block_indices)`, indices. :param mask: :param block_count: :param bsize: :param boffset: :param bstride: :param tol: :param avgpool: :returns: :rtype: """ logger.debug(f"mask: {mask.shape}") mask = _pad_inputs(mask, bcount, bsize, boffset, bstride) logger.debug(f"padded mask: {mask.shape}") mask = tf.nn.pool(mask, window_shape=bsize, pooling_type='AVG' if avgpool else 'MAX', padding='SAME', strides=bstride) mask = tf.squeeze(mask, axis=3) active_block_indices = tf.where(mask > tf.constant(tol, mask.dtype)) active_block_indices = tf.cast(active_block_indices, tf.int32) bin_counts = tf.shape(active_block_indices)[0] Indices = namedtuple('Indices', ['active_block_indices', 'bin_counts']) return Indices(active_block_indices, bin_counts)
def predict(self): """Run prediction on the unlabeled set.""" unlabeled_set = self._load_unlabeled() model = self._load_model() start_time = time() predictions = list( model.predict(unlabeled_set, multiscale=self.multiscale))"ran prediction in {time() - start_time}s.") logger.debug(f"prediction:\n{predictions}") fname = join(self.model_root, 'predictions.npy'), predictions)"saved {len(predictions)} predictions to {fname}.")
def _upsample_block_indices(active_block_indices, bsize, boffset, bstride): """Upsamples the indices to have all indices in a rectangle. :param active_block_indices: [M,3] Tensor. Corresponds to top left coordinate after offset and scaling. :param bsize: block size :param boffset: :param bstride: :returns: [M, bsize[0], bsize[1], 3] locations of all pixels in the blocks. :rtype: """ ops = [] logger.debug(f"bsize: {bsize}") logger.debug(f"bstride: {bstride}") # ops.append(tf.print(active_block_indices, summarize=-1)) offset = tf.constant([0, boffset[0], boffset[1]], dtype=tf.int32) scale = tf.constant([1, bstride[0], bstride[1]], dtype=tf.int32) indices = tf.cast(active_block_indices, tf.int32) + offset indices *= scale # [M, 3] indices = tf.expand_dims(indices, 1) indices = tf.expand_dims(indices, 2) # [M, 1, 1, 3] upsample_offsets = _compute_upsample_offsets( bsize) # [1, bsize[0], bsize[1], 3] logger.debug(f"indices: {indices.shape}") logger.debug(f"upsample_offsets: {upsample_offsets.shape}") # ops.append(tf.print(indices, summarize=-1)) # ops.append(tf.print(upsample_offsets, summarize=-1)) with tf.control_dependencies(ops): indices += upsample_offsets # [M, bsize[0], bsize[1], 3] return indices
def plot_hists_from_dir(model_root, columns=10, scale=20): """Plot all the histories in `model_dir`. For each named property, creates a plot with all the model histories that had that named property (loss or metric) :returns: fig, axes """ history_fnames = glob(join(model_root, '*history.json')) logger.debug(f"history_fnames: {history_fnames}") if not history_fnames: logger.warning(f"no history saved at {model_root}") return None, None hist_data = {} # {property_name -> {model_name -> [values]}} for fname in history_fnames: hist = utils.json_load(fname) model_name = pascalcase(basename(fname).replace('_history.json', '')) for prop_name, values in hist.items(): if not isinstance(values, list): continue if hist_data.get(prop_name) is None: hist_data[prop_name] = {} hist_data[prop_name][model_name] = values columns = min(columns, len(hist_data)) rows = max(1, len(hist_data) // columns) fig, axes = plt.subplots(rows, columns, squeeze=False, figsize=(scale, scale * rows / columns)) for i, (prop_name, prop_data) in enumerate(hist_data.items()): ax = axes[i // columns, i % columns] for model_name, values in prop_data.items(): ax.plot(values, '-', label=model_name) ax.set_title(titlecase(prop_name)) ax.set_xlabel('Epoch') ax.set_ylabel('Loss') fig.suptitle("Training") plt.legend() return fig, axes
def gather(inputs, bin_counts, active_block_indices, *, bsize, boffset, bstride): """FIXME! briefly describe function :param inputs: :param bin_counts: number of blocks? :param active_block_indices: :param bsize: :param boffset: :param bstride: :returns: :rtype: """ logger.debug(f"inputs: {inputs.shape}") size = inputs.shape[1:3] bcount = _compute_bcount(size, bstride) inputs = _pad_inputs(inputs, bcount, bsize, boffset, bstride) logger.debug(f"padded inputs: {inputs.shape}") indices = _upsample_block_indices(active_block_indices, bsize, boffset, bstride) ops = [] # ops.append(tf.print(indices, summarize=-1)) logger.debug(f"gather indices: {indices.shape}") with tf.control_dependencies(ops): blocks = tf.gather_nd(inputs, indices) # todo: fix index error blocks = tf.reshape(blocks, [bin_counts, bsize[0], bsize[1], tf.shape(inputs)[3]]) return blocks