def plot_comparison(stats, field_name): plot = MultiPlot(len(STATIONS), len(STATIONS), width=r'.06\textwidth', height=r'.06\textwidth') bins = arange(0, 1.2, .03) for i, ref_station in enumerate(STATIONS): ref_stat = stats[ref_station][field_name][0] ref_filter = ref_stat > 0 for j, station in enumerate(STATIONS): if i == j: plot.set_empty(i, j) plot.set_label(r'%d' % station, location='center') continue splot = plot.get_subplot_at(i, j) stat = stats[station][field_name][0] tmp_stat = stat.compress(ref_filter & (stat > 0)) tmp_ref_stat = ref_stat.compress(ref_filter & (stat > 0)) counts, xbin, ybin = histogram2d(tmp_stat, tmp_ref_stat, bins=bins) splot.histogram2d(counts, xbin, ybin, type='reverse_bw', bitmap=True) splot.plot([0, 1.2], [0, 1.2], mark=None, linestyle='red, very thin') # plot.set_xlimits_for_all(None, min=bins[0], max=bins[-1]) # plot.set_ylimits_for_all(None, min=bins[0], max=bins[-1]) # plot.subplots[-1].set_xtick_labels(YEARS_LABELS) # plot.subplots[-1].show_xticklabels() # # plot.show_yticklabels_for_all(None) # for row in range(0, len(plot.subplots), 2): # plot.set_yticklabels_position(row, 0, 'left') # for row in range(1, len(plot.subplots), 2): # plot.set_yticklabels_position(row, 0, 'right') # plot.set_ylimits_for_all(None, -1e-4) if field_name == 'event_rate': label = r'Event rate [\si{\hertz}]' elif field_name == 'mpv': label = r'MPV [ADC.ns]' else: label = (r'Fraction of bad %s data [\si{\percent}]' % field_name.replace('_', ' ')) plot.set_ylabel(label) plot.set_xlabel(label) if field_name in ['event_rate', 'mpv']: plot.save_as_pdf('plots/compare_%s' % field_name) else: plot.save_as_pdf('plots/compare_bad_fraction_%s' % field_name)
def plot_coinc_window(windows, counts, group_name='', n_events=0, n_stations=0, counts = numpy.array(counts) plot = MultiPlot(2, 1) splot = plot.get_subplot_at(0, 0) splot.set_axis_options(r'ymode=log, xmode=log') splot.scatter(windows, counts) plot_background_v_window(splot, windows, n_stations) plot_chosen_coincidence_window(splot) splot = plot.get_subplot_at(1, 0) # dy # splot.scatter(windows[:-1], counts[1:] - counts[:-1]) # dy/dx # splot.scatter(windows[:-1], # (counts[1:] - counts[:-1]) / # (windows[1:] - windows[:-1])) # dy/dlogx # splot.scatter(windows[:-1], # (counts[1:] - counts[:-1]) / # (numpy.log10(windows[1:]) - numpy.log10(windows[:-1]))) # dlogy/dlogx splot.scatter(windows[:-1], (numpy.log10(counts[1:]) - numpy.log10(counts[:-1])) / (numpy.log10(windows[1:]) - numpy.log10(windows[:-1]))) splot.set_axis_options(r'height=0.2\textwidth, xmode=log, ymode=normal') # splot.set_axis_options(r'height=0.2\textwidth, xmode=log, ymode=log') text = ('%s\nDate: %s\nTotal n events: %d' % (group_name, date.isoformat(), n_events)) plot.set_label(0, 0, text, 'upper left') plot.set_xlimits_for_all(min=0.5, max=1e14) plot.set_ylimits(0, 0, min=1, max=1e8) plot.set_ylabel('Found coincidences') plot.set_xlabel(r'Coincidence window [\si{\ns}]') plot.show_xticklabels(1, 0) plot.show_yticklabels_for_all(None) plot.set_yticklabels_position(1, 0, 'right') plot.save_as_pdf('plots/coincidences_%s' % group_name)
def boxplot_core_distances_for_mips(table): THETA = deg2rad(22.5) DTHETA = deg2rad(1.) DN = .5 ENERGY = 1e15 DENERGY = 2e14 MAX_R = 80 r25_list = [] r50_list = [] r75_list = [] x = [] for N in range(1, 5): sel = table.read_where('(abs(min_n134 - N) <= DN) & (abs(reference_theta - THETA) <= DTHETA) & (abs(k_energy - ENERGY) <= DENERGY) & (r <= MAX_R)') r = sel[:]['r'] r25_list.append(scoreatpercentile(r, 25)) r50_list.append(scoreatpercentile(r, 50)) r75_list.append(scoreatpercentile(r, 75)) x.append(N) print(len(r)) sx, sr25, sr50, sr75 = loadtxt(os.path.join(DATADIR, 'DIR-save_for_kascade_boxplot_core_distances_for_mips.txt')) fig = figure() ax1 = subplot(131) fill_between(sx, sr25, sr75, color='0.75') plot(sx, sr50, 'o-', color='black', markerfacecolor='none') ax2 = subplot(132, sharex=ax1, sharey=ax1) fill_between(x, r25_list, r75_list, color='0.75') plot(x, r50_list, 'o-', color='black') ax3 = subplot(133, sharex=ax1, sharey=ax1) plot(x, sr50, 'o-', color='black', markerfacecolor='none') plot(x, r50_list, 'o-', color='black') ax2.xaxis.set_label_text("Minimum number of particles $\pm %.1f$" % DN) ax1.yaxis.set_label_text("Core distance [m]") fig.suptitle(r"$\theta = 22.5^\circ \pm %d^\circ, \quad %.1f \leq \log(E) \leq %.1f$" % (rad2deg(DTHETA), log10(ENERGY - DENERGY), log10(ENERGY + DENERGY))) ax1.xaxis.set_ticks([1, 2, 3, 4]) fig.subplots_adjust(left=.1, right=.95) ylim(ymin=0) xlim(.8, 4.2) fig.set_size_inches(5, 2.67) utils.saveplot() graph = MultiPlot(1, 3, width=r'.3\linewidth', height=r'.4\linewidth') graph.shade_region(0, 0, sx, sr25, sr75) graph.plot(0, 0, sx, sr50, linestyle=None) graph.plot(0, 2, sx, sr50) graph.set_label(0, 0, 'simulation') graph.shade_region(0, 1, x, r25_list, r75_list) graph.plot(0, 1, x, r50_list, linestyle=None, mark='*') graph.plot(0, 2, x, r50_list, mark='*') graph.set_label(0, 1, 'experiment') graph.set_label(0, 2, 'sim + exp') graph.set_ylimits(0, 50) graph.set_xlabel("Minimum number of particles $\pm %.1f$" % DN) graph.set_ylabel("Core distance [\si{\meter}]") graph.show_xticklabels_for_all([(0, 0), (0, 1), (0, 2)]) graph.show_yticklabels(0, 0) artist.utils.save_graph(graph, dirname='plots')
def boxplot_arrival_times(table, N): THETA = deg2rad(0) DTHETA = deg2rad(10.) LOGENERGY = 15 DLOGENERGY = .5 bin_edges = linspace(0, 80, 5) x = [] t25, t50, t75 = [], [], [] for low, high in zip(bin_edges[:-1], bin_edges[1:]): query = '(min_n134 >= N) & (low <= r) & (r < high) & (abs(reference_theta - THETA) <= DTHETA) & (abs(log10(k_energy) - LOGENERGY) <= DLOGENERGY)' sel = table.read_where(query) t2 = sel[:]['t2'] t1 = sel[:]['t1'] ct1 = t1.compress((t1 > -999) & (t2 > -999)) ct2 = t2.compress((t1 > -999) & (t2 > -999)) print(len(t1), len(t2), len(ct1), len(ct2)) t25.append(scoreatpercentile(abs(ct2 - ct1), 25)) t50.append(scoreatpercentile(abs(ct2 - ct1), 50)) t75.append(scoreatpercentile(abs(ct2 - ct1), 75)) x.append((low + high) / 2) sx, st25, st50, st75 = loadtxt(os.path.join(DATADIR, 'DIR-boxplot_arrival_times-1.txt')) fig = figure() ax1 = subplot(131) fill_between(sx, st25, st75, color='0.75') plot(sx, st50, 'o-', color='black', markerfacecolor='none') ax2 = subplot(132, sharex=ax1, sharey=ax1) fill_between(x, t25, t75, color='0.75') plot(x, t50, 'o-', color='black') ax3 = subplot(133, sharex=ax1, sharey=ax1) plot(sx, st50, 'o-', color='black', markerfacecolor='none') plot(x, t50, 'o-', color='black') ax2.xaxis.set_label_text("Core distance [m]") ax1.yaxis.set_label_text("Arrival time difference $|t_2 - t_1|$ [ns]") fig.suptitle(r"$N_{MIP} \geq %d, \quad \theta = 0^\circ \pm %d^\circ, \quad %.1f \leq \log(E) \leq %.1f$" % (N, rad2deg(DTHETA), LOGENERGY - DLOGENERGY, LOGENERGY + DLOGENERGY)) ylim(ymax=15) xlim(xmax=80) locator_params(tight=True, nbins=4) fig.subplots_adjust(left=.1, right=.95) fig.set_size_inches(5, 2.67) utils.saveplot(N) sx = sx.compress(sx < 80) st25 = st25[:len(sx)] st50 = st50[:len(sx)] st75 = st75[:len(sx)] graph = MultiPlot(1, 3, width=r'.3\linewidth', height=r'.4\linewidth') graph.shade_region(0, 0, sx, st25, st75) graph.plot(0, 0, sx, st50, linestyle=None) graph.plot(0, 2, sx, st50) graph.set_label(0, 0, 'simulation', 'upper left') graph.shade_region(0, 1, x, t25, t75) graph.plot(0, 1, x, t50, linestyle=None, mark='*') graph.plot(0, 2, x, t50, mark='*') graph.set_label(0, 1, 'experiment', 'upper left') graph.set_label(0, 2, 'sim + exp', 'upper left') graph.set_ylimits(0, 15) graph.set_xlimits(0, 80) graph.set_xlabel("Core distance [\si{\meter}]") graph.set_ylabel(r"Arrival time difference $|t_2 - t_1|$ [\si{\nano\second}]") graph.show_xticklabels_for_all([(0, 0), (0, 1), (0, 2)]) graph.set_xticklabels_position(0, 1, 'right') graph.show_yticklabels(0, 0) artist.utils.save_graph(graph, suffix=N, dirname='plots')
def boxplot_core_distances_for_mips(table): THETA = deg2rad(22.5) DTHETA = deg2rad(1.) DN = .5 ENERGY = 1e15 DENERGY = 2e14 MAX_R = 80 r25_list = [] r50_list = [] r75_list = [] x = [] for N in range(1, 5): sel = table.readWhere( '(abs(min_n134 - N) <= DN) & (abs(reference_theta - THETA) <= DTHETA) & (abs(k_energy - ENERGY) <= DENERGY) & (r <= MAX_R)' ) r = sel[:]['r'] r25_list.append(scoreatpercentile(r, 25)) r50_list.append(scoreatpercentile(r, 50)) r75_list.append(scoreatpercentile(r, 75)) x.append(N) print len(r) sx, sr25, sr50, sr75 = loadtxt( os.path.join( DATADIR, 'DIR-save_for_kascade_boxplot_core_distances_for_mips.txt')) fig = figure() ax1 = subplot(131) fill_between(sx, sr25, sr75, color='0.75') plot(sx, sr50, 'o-', color='black', markerfacecolor='none') ax2 = subplot(132, sharex=ax1, sharey=ax1) fill_between(x, r25_list, r75_list, color='0.75') plot(x, r50_list, 'o-', color='black') ax3 = subplot(133, sharex=ax1, sharey=ax1) plot(x, sr50, 'o-', color='black', markerfacecolor='none') plot(x, r50_list, 'o-', color='black') ax2.xaxis.set_label_text("Minimum number of particles $\pm %.1f$" % DN) ax1.yaxis.set_label_text("Core distance [m]") fig.suptitle( r"$\theta = 22.5^\circ \pm %d^\circ, \quad %.1f \leq \log(E) \leq %.1f$" % (rad2deg(DTHETA), log10(ENERGY - DENERGY), log10(ENERGY + DENERGY))) ax1.xaxis.set_ticks([1, 2, 3, 4]) fig.subplots_adjust(left=.1, right=.95) ylim(ymin=0) xlim(.8, 4.2) fig.set_size_inches(5, 2.67) utils.saveplot() graph = MultiPlot(1, 3, width=r'.3\linewidth', height=r'.4\linewidth') graph.shade_region(0, 0, sx, sr25, sr75) graph.plot(0, 0, sx, sr50, linestyle=None) graph.plot(0, 2, sx, sr50) graph.set_label(0, 0, 'simulation') graph.shade_region(0, 1, x, r25_list, r75_list) graph.plot(0, 1, x, r50_list, linestyle=None, mark='*') graph.plot(0, 2, x, r50_list, mark='*') graph.set_label(0, 1, 'experiment') graph.set_label(0, 2, 'sim + exp') graph.set_ylimits(0, 50) graph.set_xlabel("Minimum number of particles $\pm %.1f$" % DN) graph.set_ylabel("Core distance [\si{\meter}]") graph.show_xticklabels_for_all([(0, 0), (0, 1), (0, 2)]) graph.show_yticklabels(0, 0) artist.utils.save_graph(graph, dirname='plots')
def boxplot_arrival_times(table, N): THETA = deg2rad(0) DTHETA = deg2rad(10.) LOGENERGY = 15 DLOGENERGY = .5 bin_edges = linspace(0, 80, 5) x = [] t25, t50, t75 = [], [], [] for low, high in zip(bin_edges[:-1], bin_edges[1:]): query = '(min_n134 >= N) & (low <= r) & (r < high) & (abs(reference_theta - THETA) <= DTHETA) & (abs(log10(k_energy) - LOGENERGY) <= DLOGENERGY)' sel = table.readWhere(query) t2 = sel[:]['t2'] t1 = sel[:]['t1'] ct1 = t1.compress((t1 > -999) & (t2 > -999)) ct2 = t2.compress((t1 > -999) & (t2 > -999)) print len(t1), len(t2), len(ct1), len(ct2) t25.append(scoreatpercentile(abs(ct2 - ct1), 25)) t50.append(scoreatpercentile(abs(ct2 - ct1), 50)) t75.append(scoreatpercentile(abs(ct2 - ct1), 75)) x.append((low + high) / 2) sx, st25, st50, st75 = loadtxt( os.path.join(DATADIR, 'DIR-boxplot_arrival_times-1.txt')) fig = figure() ax1 = subplot(131) fill_between(sx, st25, st75, color='0.75') plot(sx, st50, 'o-', color='black', markerfacecolor='none') ax2 = subplot(132, sharex=ax1, sharey=ax1) fill_between(x, t25, t75, color='0.75') plot(x, t50, 'o-', color='black') ax3 = subplot(133, sharex=ax1, sharey=ax1) plot(sx, st50, 'o-', color='black', markerfacecolor='none') plot(x, t50, 'o-', color='black') ax2.xaxis.set_label_text("Core distance [m]") ax1.yaxis.set_label_text("Arrival time difference $|t_2 - t_1|$ [ns]") fig.suptitle( r"$N_{MIP} \geq %d, \quad \theta = 0^\circ \pm %d^\circ, \quad %.1f \leq \log(E) \leq %.1f$" % (N, rad2deg(DTHETA), LOGENERGY - DLOGENERGY, LOGENERGY + DLOGENERGY)) ylim(ymax=15) xlim(xmax=80) locator_params(tight=True, nbins=4) fig.subplots_adjust(left=.1, right=.95) fig.set_size_inches(5, 2.67) utils.saveplot(N) sx = sx.compress(sx < 80) st25 = st25[:len(sx)] st50 = st50[:len(sx)] st75 = st75[:len(sx)] graph = MultiPlot(1, 3, width=r'.3\linewidth', height=r'.4\linewidth') graph.shade_region(0, 0, sx, st25, st75) graph.plot(0, 0, sx, st50, linestyle=None) graph.plot(0, 2, sx, st50) graph.set_label(0, 0, 'simulation', 'upper left') graph.shade_region(0, 1, x, t25, t75) graph.plot(0, 1, x, t50, linestyle=None, mark='*') graph.plot(0, 2, x, t50, mark='*') graph.set_label(0, 1, 'experiment', 'upper left') graph.set_label(0, 2, 'sim + exp', 'upper left') graph.set_ylimits(0, 15) graph.set_xlimits(0, 80) graph.set_xlabel("Core distance [\si{\meter}]") graph.set_ylabel( r"Arrival time difference $|t_2 - t_1|$ [\si{\nano\second}]") graph.show_xticklabels_for_all([(0, 0), (0, 1), (0, 2)]) graph.set_xticklabels_position(0, 1, 'right') graph.show_yticklabels(0, 0) artist.utils.save_graph(graph, suffix=N, dirname='plots')