def plot_fit(x, data, slope, intercept, pair): plot = Plot() plot.scatter(x, log(c)) plot.plot(x, x * slope + intercept, mark=None) plot.set_ylimits(min=0) plot.set_label(r'%.1e \si{\hertz}' % rate) plot.save_as_pdf('intervals/intervals_%d_%d_r' % pair)
def plot_coincidence_v_interval_rate(data): """Plot results :param distances: dictionary with occuring distances for different combinations of number of detectors. :param coincidence_rates: dictionary of occuring coincidence rates for different combinations of number of detectors. :param rate_errors: errors on the coincidence rates. """ (distances, coincidence_rates, interval_rates, distance_errors, rate_errors, pairs) = data markers = {4: 'o', 6: 'triangle', 8: 'square'} colors = {4: 'red', 6: 'black!50!green', 8: 'black!20!blue'} plot = Plot('loglog') plot.plot([1e-7, 1e-1], [1e-7, 1e-1], mark=None) for n in distances.keys(): plot.scatter(interval_rates[n], coincidence_rates[n], yerr=rate_errors[n], mark=markers[n], markstyle='%s, thin, mark size=.75pt' % colors[n]) plot.set_xlabel(r'Rate based on coincidence intervals [\si{\hertz}]') plot.set_ylabel(r'Rate based on coincidences and exposure [\si{\hertz}]') plot.set_axis_options('log origin y=infty') plot.set_xlimits(min=1e-7, max=1e-1) plot.set_ylimits(min=1e-7, max=1e-1) plot.save_as_pdf('interval_v_coincidence_rate')
def plot_coincidence_rate_distance(data, sim_data): """Plot results :param distances: dictionary with occuring distances for different combinations of number of detectors. :param coincidence_rates: dictionary of occuring coincidence rates for different combinations of number of detectors. :param rate_errors: errors on the coincidence rates. """ (distances, coincidence_rates, interval_rates, distance_errors, rate_errors, pairs) = data sim_distances, sim_energies, sim_areas = sim_data markers = {4: 'o', 6: 'triangle', 8: 'square'} colors = {4: 'red', 6: 'black!50!green', 8: 'black!20!blue'} coincidence_window = 10e-6 # seconds freq_2 = 0.3 freq_4 = 0.6 background = { 4: 2 * freq_2 * freq_2 * coincidence_window, 6: 2 * freq_2 * freq_4 * coincidence_window, 8: 2 * freq_4 * freq_4 * coincidence_window } for rates, name in [(coincidence_rates, 'coincidence'), (interval_rates, 'interval')]: plot = Plot('loglog') for n in distances.keys(): plot.draw_horizontal_line(background[n], 'dashed,' + colors[n]) # for n in distances.keys(): for n in [4, 8]: expected_rates = expected_rate(distances[n], rates[n], background[n], sim_distances, sim_energies, sim_areas[n], n=n) plot.plot(sim_distances, expected_rates, linestyle=colors[n], mark=None, markstyle='mark size=0.5pt') for n in distances.keys(): plot.scatter(distances[n], rates[n], xerr=distance_errors[n], yerr=rate_errors[n], mark=markers[n], markstyle='%s, mark size=.75pt' % colors[n]) plot.set_xlabel(r'Distance between stations [\si{\meter}]') plot.set_ylabel(r'%s rate [\si{\hertz}]' % name.title()) plot.set_axis_options('log origin y=infty') plot.set_xlimits(min=1, max=20e3) plot.set_ylimits(min=1e-7, max=5e-1) plot.save_as_pdf('distance_v_%s_rate' % name)
def compare_ttrigger(): with tables.open_file(DATA_PATH, 'r') as data: processed = data.get_node(GROUP, 'events_processed') filtered = data.get_node(GROUP, 'events_filtered') assert all( processed.col('ext_timestamp') == filtered.col('ext_timestamp')) trig_proc = processed.col('t_trigger') trig_filt = filtered.col('t_trigger') dt_trigger = trig_filt - trig_proc density = (processed.col('n1') + processed.col('n2') + processed.col('n3') + processed.col('n4')) / 2 print 'Density range:', density.min(), density.max() print 'dt trigger range:', dt_trigger.min(), dt_trigger.max() if len(trig_proc) > 4000: plot = Plot() bins = [linspace(0, 30, 100), arange(-11.25, 75, 2.5)] c, x, y = histogram2d(density, dt_trigger, bins=bins) # plot.histogram2d(c, x, y, bitmap=True, type='color', colormap='viridis') plot.histogram2d(log10(c + 0.01), x, y, type='area') plot.set_xlabel('Particle density') plot.set_ylabel('Difference in trigger time') plot.save_as_pdf('hist2d') else: plot = Plot() plot.scatter( density, dt_trigger, mark='o', markstyle='mark size=0.6pt, very thin, semitransparent') plot.set_xlabel('Particle density') plot.set_ylabel('Difference in trigger time') plot.save_as_pdf('scatter') plot = Plot() c, bins = histogram(dt_trigger, arange(-10, 200, 2.5)) c = where(c < 100, c, 100) plot.histogram(c, bins) plot.set_ylimits(0, 100) plot.set_ylabel('Counts') plot.set_xlabel('Difference in trigger time') plot.save_as_pdf('histogram') plot = Plot() c, bins = histogram(trig_proc, arange(-10, 200, 2.5)) plot.histogram(c, bins) c, bins = histogram(trig_filt, arange(-10, 200, 2.5)) plot.histogram(c, bins, linestyle='red') plot.set_ylimits(0) plot.set_ylabel('Counts') plot.set_xlabel('Trigger time') plot.save_as_pdf('histogram_t')
def plot_zenith_density_small(): with tables.open_file(RESULT_DATA_SMALL, 'r') as data: e = density = (e['n1'] + e['n2'] + e['n3'] + e['n4']) / 2. zenith = data.root.cluster_simulations.station_501.reconstructions.col('zenith') plot = Plot('semilogx') plot.scatter(density, degrees(zenith), markstyle='thin, mark size=.75pt') plot.set_xlabel(r'Particle density [\si{\per\meter\squared}]') plot.set_ylabel(r'Reconstructed zenith [\si{\degree}]') plot.set_xlimits(1, 1e4) plot.set_ylimits(-5, 95) plot.save_as_pdf('plots/zenith_density_e14_5_z0')
def analyse(): """Plot results from reconstructions compared to the simulated input""" with tables.open_file(DATAPATH, 'r') as data: coincidences = data.get_node('/coincidences/coincidences') reconstructions = data.get_node(STATION_PATH) assert coincidences.nrows == reconstructions.nrows zenith_in = coincidences.col('zenith') azimuth_in = coincidences.col('azimuth') zenith_re = reconstructions.col('zenith') azimuth_re = reconstructions.col('azimuth') d_angle = angle_between(zenith_in, azimuth_in, zenith_re, azimuth_re) print sum(isnan(d_angle)) plot = Plot() counts, bins = histogram(d_angle[invert(isnan(d_angle))], bins=50) plot.histogram(counts, bins) plot.set_ylimits(min=0) plot.set_xlabel(r'Angle between \si{\radian}') plot.set_ylabel('Counts') plot.save_as_pdf('angle_between') plot = Plot() counts, bins = histogram(zenith_in, bins=50) plot.histogram(counts, bins, linestyle='red') counts, bins = histogram(zenith_re, bins=bins) plot.histogram(counts, bins) plot.set_ylimits(min=0) plot.set_xlimits(min=0) plot.set_xlabel(r'Zenith \si{\radian}') plot.set_ylabel('Counts') plot.save_as_pdf('zenith') plot = Plot() counts, bins = histogram(azimuth_in, bins=50) plot.histogram(counts, bins, linestyle='red') counts, bins = histogram(azimuth_re, bins=bins) plot.histogram(counts, bins) plot.set_ylimits(min=0) plot.set_xlabel(r'Azimuth \si{\radian}') plot.set_ylabel('Counts') plot.save_as_pdf('azimuth') unique_coordinates = list({(z, a) for z, a in zip(zenith_re, azimuth_re)}) zenith_uni, azimuth_uni = zip(*unique_coordinates) plot = PolarPlot(use_radians=True) plot.scatter(array(azimuth_uni), array(zenith_uni), markstyle='mark size=.75pt') plot.set_xlabel(r'Azimuth \si{\radian}') plot.set_ylabel(r'Zenith \si{\radian}') plot.save_as_pdf('polar')
def plot_zenith_core_distance(): with tables.open_file(RESULT_DATA, 'r') as data: sim = data.root.coincidences.coincidences.read_where('N == 1') core_distance = sqrt(sim['x'] ** 2 + sim['y'] ** 2) zenith = data.root.cluster_simulations.station_501.reconstructions.col('zenith') plot = Plot('semilogx') plot.scatter(core_distance, degrees(zenith), markstyle='thin, mark size=.75pt') plot.set_xlabel(r'Core distance [\si{\meter}]') plot.set_ylabel(r'Reconstructed zenith [\si{\degree}]') plot.set_xlimits(1, 1e3) plot.set_ylimits(-5, 95) plot.save_as_pdf('plots/zenith_distance_e17_z0')
def make_map(station=None, label='map', detectors=False): get_locations = (get_detector_locations if detectors else get_station_locations) latitudes, longitudes = get_locations(station) bounds = (min(latitudes), min(longitudes), max(latitudes), max(longitudes)) map = Map(bounds, margin=0, z=18) image = map.to_pil() map_w, map_h = image.size xmin, ymin = map.to_pixels([:2]) xmax, ymax = map.to_pixels([2:]) aspect = abs(xmax - xmin) / abs(ymax - ymin) width = 0.67 height = width / aspect plot = Plot(width=r'%.2f\linewidth' % width, height=r'%.2f\linewidth' % height) plot.draw_image(image, 0, 0, map_w, map_h) plot.set_axis_equal() plot.set_xlimits(xmin, xmax) plot.set_ylimits(map_h - ymin, map_h - ymax) x, y = map.to_pixels(array(latitudes), array(longitudes)) marks = cycle(['o'] * 4 + ['triangle'] * 4 + ['*'] * 4) colors = cycle(['black', 'red', 'green', 'blue']) if detectors: for xi, yi in zip(x, y): plot.scatter([xi], [map_h - yi], markstyle="%s, thick" %, else: plot.scatter(x, map_h - y, markstyle="black!50!green") plot.set_xlabel('Longitude [$^\circ$]') plot.set_xticks([xmin, xmax]) plot.set_xtick_labels(['%.4f' % x for x in ([1],[3])]) plot.set_ylabel('Latitude [$^\circ$]') plot.set_yticks([map_h - ymin, map_h - ymax]) plot.set_ytick_labels(['%.4f' % x for x in ([0],[2])]) # plot.set_title(label) # save plot to file plot.save_as_pdf(label.replace(' ', '-'))
def plot_front_shapes(): r = [20, 29, 41, 58, 84, 120, 171, 245, 350, 501] fit_r = arange(0, 510, 5) for particle in ['gamma', 'proton', 'iron']: for energy in ['15.0', '15.5', '16.0', '16.5', '17.0']: files = glob(PATH + '%s_E_%s*' % (particle, energy)) if not len(files): continue t = zeros((len(r), len(files))) for i, file in enumerate(files): detected_t = loadtxt(file, usecols=(1, )) t[:, i][:len(detected_t)] = detected_t t_src = t.copy() for j in range(1, len(t)): t[j] -= t[0] t[0] -= t[0] mean_t = t.mean(axis=1) try: min_limit = 3 min_efficiency = 0.9 limit = min_limit + next( i for i, ti in enumerate(t_src[min_limit:]) if not count_nonzero(ti) > min_efficiency * len(files)) except: limit = len(r) plot = Plot() plot.scatter(r[:limit], mean_t[:limit], yerr=t.std(axis=1)[:limit], xerr=[10] * limit) plot.scatter(r[:limit], median(t, axis=1)[:limit], mark='x') popt, pcov = curve_fit(front_shape, r[:limit], mean_t[:limit]) plot.plot(fit_r, front_shape(fit_r, *popt), linestyle='gray', mark=None) print particle, energy, popt plot.set_ylimits(-10, 130) plot.set_xlimits(-10, 510) plot.set_ylabel(r'Delay [\si{\ns}]') plot.set_xlabel(r'Core distance [\si{\meter}]') plot.save_as_pdf('plots/front_shape/%s_%s.pdf' % (particle, energy))
def plot_fit_residuals_station(self): plot = Plot() res = fit_function(self.slice_bins_c, * - self.med_k plot.scatter(self.slice_bins_c, res, xerr=(self.slice_bins[1:] - self.slice_bins[:-1]) / 2., yerr=self.std_k, markstyle='red, mark size=1pt') plot.draw_horizontal_line(0, linestyle='gray') plot.set_ylimits(min=-30, max=30) plot.set_xlimits(min=0, max=max(self.slice_bins)) plot.set_xlabel(r'HiSPARC detected density [\si{\per\meter\squared}]') plot.set_ylabel( r'Residuals (Predicted - Fit) [\si{\per\meter\squared}]') plot.save_as_pdf('plots/fit_residuals_station')
def plot_compared(): popt, perr = fit_curve(senstech_m_ph, senstech_e_ph) fit = FIT % (popt[0], P1, popt[1]) plot = Plot(width=r'.67\linewidth', height=r'.67\linewidth') plot.set_label(fit, location='upper left') plot.scatter(senstech_e_ph, senstech_m_ph, mark='*') plot.scatter(nikhef_e_ph, nikhef_m_ph, mark='o') inputs = linspace(min(senstech_m_ph), max(senstech_m_ph), 500) plot.plot(ice_cube_pmt_p1(inputs, *popt), inputs, mark=None) plot.plot([0, 6], [0, 6], mark=None, linestyle='gray') plot.set_xlimits(0, 6) plot.set_ylimits(0, 6) plot.set_axis_equal() plot.set_xlabel(r'Sum individual LED pulseheights [\si{\volt}]') plot.set_ylabel(r'Multiple-LED pulseheight [\si{\volt}]') plot.save_as_pdf('plots/linearity_compared')
def main(): plot = Plot() size = 20 x = np.linspace(1, 20, size) y = np.linspace(10, 50, size) y_random = y + np.random.uniform(-3, 1, size) err_l = np.random.uniform(0, 2, size) err_h = np.random.uniform(1, 5, size) err_x = [0.4] * size plot.plot(x, y, mark=None) plot.scatter(x, y_random, xerr=err_x, yerr=list(zip(err_l, err_h))) plot.set_xlabel("Value with symmetric error") plot.set_ylabel("Other value with asymmetric errors")"error_bars")
def possible_zeniths(): d = 10 c = 3e8 tmax = d / c ts = 2.5e-9 n = floor(tmax / ts) k = arange(-n, n + 1) theta = arcsin(k * ts / tmax) plot = Plot() plot.scatter(k * ts * 1e9, degrees(theta)) plot.set_xlabel(r'Time difference [\si{\ns}]') plot.set_ylabel(r'Zenith angle [\si{\degree}]') plot.set_ylimits(-90, 90) plot.save_as_pdf('possible_zeniths')
def plot_ranges(): k = arange(26) p_low = [percentile_low_density_for_n(ki) for ki in k] p_median = [median_density_for_n(ki) for ki in k] p_mean = [mean_density_for_n(ki) for ki in k] # p_mpv = [most_probable_density_for_n(ki) for ki in k] p_high = [percentile_high_density_for_n(ki) for ki in k] plot = Plot(height=r'\defaultwidth') plot.plot([0, 1.5 * max(k)], [0, 1.5 * max(k)], mark=None, linestyle='dashed') plot.scatter(k, p_median) # plot.plot(k, p_mean, mark=None, linestyle='green') # plot.plot(k, p_mpv, mark=None, linestyle='red') plot.shade_region(k, p_low, p_high) plot.set_xlimits(min(k) - 0.05 * max(k), 1.05 * max(k)) plot.set_ylimits(min(k) - 0.05 * max(k), 1.05 * max(k)) plot.set_axis_equal() plot.set_xlabel('Detected number of particles') plot.set_ylabel('Expected actual number of particles') plot.save_as_pdf('plots/poisson_ranges')
def plot_detectors(cluster): station = cluster.stations[0] detectors = station.detectors timestamps = set(station.timestamps).union(detectors[0].timestamps) plot = Plot() for timestamp in sorted(timestamps): cluster.set_timestamp(timestamp) for i in range(4): x, y = detectors[i].get_xy_coordinates() plot.scatter([x], [y], mark='*', markstyle=COLORS[i]) x, y = station.get_xy_coordinates() plot.scatter([x], [y], markstyle='purple') # print timestamp, gps_to_datetime(timestamp), x, y plot.set_xlabel(r'Easting [\si{\meter}]') plot.set_ylabel(r'Northing [\si{\meter}]') plot.set_axis_equal() plot.save_as_pdf('locations_%d' % station.number)
def main(): locations = np.genfromtxt( 'data/SP-DIR-plot_sciencepark_cluster-detectors.txt', names=['x', 'y']) stations = np.genfromtxt( 'data/SP-DIR-plot_sciencepark_cluster-stations.txt', names=['id', 'x', 'y']) graph = Plot() graph.scatter(locations['x'], locations['y']) graph.set_axis_equal() locations = ['right'] * len(stations) locations[0] = 'left' locations[5] = 'above right' locations = iter(locations) for num, x, y in stations: graph.add_pin_at_xy(x, y, int(num), location=next(locations), use_arrow=False, style='gray,label distance=1ex') x = [stations['x'][u] for u in [0, 2, 5]] y = [stations['y'][u] for u in [0, 2, 5]] x.append(x[0]) y.append(y[0]) graph.plot(x, y, mark=None, linestyle='dashed') graph.add_pin_at_xy([x[0], x[1]], [y[0], y[1]], r'\SI{128}{\meter}', relative_position=.4, location='below right', use_arrow=False) graph.add_pin_at_xy([x[0], x[2]], [y[0], y[2]], r'\SI{151}{\meter}', relative_position=.5, location='left', use_arrow=False) graph.add_pin_at_xy([x[2], x[1]], [y[2], y[1]], r'\SI{122}{\meter}', relative_position=.5, location='above right', use_arrow=False) graph.set_xlabel(r"Distance [\si{\meter}]") graph.set_ylabel(r"Distance [\si{\meter}]")'sciencepark')
def plot_fit_pulseheight(ph_in, ph_out): popt, perr = fit_curve(ph_out, ph_in) fit = FIT % (popt[0], P1, popt[1]) outputs = linspace(0, max(ph_out) + 0.2, 500) plot = Plot(width=r'.67\linewidth', height=r'.67\linewidth') plot.scatter(ph_in, ph_out, mark='o') plot.plot(ice_cube_pmt_p1(outputs, *popt), outputs, mark=None) plot.plot([0, 6], [0, 6], mark=None, linestyle='gray') plot.set_xlimits(0, 6) plot.set_ylimits(0, 6) plot.set_axis_equal() plot.set_xlabel(r'Sum individual LED pulseheights [\si{\volt}]') plot.set_ylabel(r'Multiple-LED pulseheight [\si{\volt}]') return plot
def plot_box(ids, **kwargs): """Box Plot like results""" if type(ids) is int: ids = [ids] x = range(len(ids)) # Begin Figure plot = Plot() data = [ determine_stats([i for i in get(id)[1] if abs(i) < 100]) for id in ids ] low, high, avg, std = zip(*data) plot.plot(x, avg, yerr=std, mark='o', markstyle="mark size=1pt", linestyle=None) plot.scatter(x, low, mark='x', markstyle="mark size=.5pt") plot.scatter(x, high, mark='x', markstyle="mark size=.5pt") # if kwargs.keys(): # plot.set_title('Tijdtest offsets ' + kwargs[kwargs.keys()[0]]) plot.set_xlabel(r'ids') plot.set_ylabel(r'$\Delta$ t (swap - reference) [\si{\nano\second}]') plot.set_ylimits(-80, 80) # Save Figure if len(ids) == 1: name = 'box/tt_offset_%03d' % ids[0] elif kwargs.keys(): name = 'box/tt_offset_' + kwargs[kwargs.keys()[0]] plot.save_as_pdf(PLOT_PATH + name) print 'tt_analyse: Plotted offsets'
def plot_zenith(angle_centers, mean_counts, std_counts): fit_functions = [rossi, iyono, mod_ciampa, mod_ciampa_conv] rangle_centers = radians(angle_centers) sangle_centers = convert_angles(angle_centers) angles = arange(0.1, 85, 0.1) rangles = radians(angles) for fit_function in fit_functions: popt, pcov = curve_fit(fit_function, angle_centers, mean_counts) # , sigma=std_counts) print popt plot = Plot() plot.scatter(angle_centers, mean_counts, yerr=std_counts, markstyle='red') plot.plot(angles, fit_function(angles, *popt), mark=None) plot.set_ylabel('Counts') plot.set_xlabel(r'Zenith [\si{\degree}]') plot.save_as_pdf('zenith_distribution_%s' % fit_function.func_name) plot = Plot('semilogy') plot.scatter(sangle_centers, mean_counts / sin(rangle_centers), yerr=std_counts) fitted_counts = fit_function(angles, *popt) plot.plot(convert_angles(angles), fitted_counts / sin(rangles), mark=None) plot.plot(convert_angles(angles), fitted_counts, linestyle='gray', mark=None) plot.set_ylabel('Counts') plot.set_xlimits(0, 1) plot.set_xlabel(r'Zenith angle [$\sec \theta - 1$]') plot.save_as_pdf('zenith_distribution_sec_%s' % fit_function.func_name)
def main(): stations = np.genfromtxt("data/cluster-utrecht-stations.txt", names=["x", "y"]) image ="data/cluster-utrecht-background.png") graph = Plot(width=r".75\linewidth", height=r".5\linewidth") graph.scatter(stations["x"], stations["y"]) graph.draw_image(image) graph.set_axis_equal() nw = ["%.4f" % i for i in (52.10650519075632, 5.053710938)] se = ["%.4f" % i for i in (52.05249047600099, 5.185546875)] graph.set_xlabel("Longitude [$^\circ$]") graph.set_xticks([0, image.size[0]]) graph.set_xtick_labels([nw[1], se[1]]) graph.set_ylabel("Latitude [$^\circ$]") graph.set_yticks([0, image.size[1]]) graph.set_ytick_labels([se[0], nw[0]])"utrecht")
def plot_distance_width(): distances = [] widths = [] with tables.open_file(PATH, 'r') as data: cluster = data.root.coincidences._v_attrs.cluster station_groups = [(id, data.get_node(sidx, 'events')) for id, sidx in enumerate(data.root.coincidences.s_index)] bins = arange(-2000, 2000, 20) for ref, other in itertools.combinations(station_groups, 2): ref_id, ref_events = ref id, events = other distances.append(cluster.calc_rphiz_for_stations(ref_id, id)[0]) dt = (ref_events.col('ext_timestamp').astype(int) - events.col('ext_timestamp').astype(int)) pre_width = std(dt) counts, bins = histogram(dt, bins=linspace(-1.8 * pre_width, 1.8 * pre_width, 100), density=True) x = (bins[:-1] + bins[1:]) / 2 popt, pcov = curve_fit(norm.pdf, x, counts, p0=(0., distances[-1])) widths.append(popt[1]) print std(dt), popt[1] popt, pcov = curve_fit(lin, distances, widths, p0=(1.1, 1)) print popt, pcov plot = Plot() plot.scatter(distances, widths) plot.plot([0, 600], [0, 600 / 0.3], mark=None, linestyle='gray') plot.plot([0, 600], [lin(0, *popt), lin(600, *popt)], mark=None) plot.set_xlimits(min=0, max=600) plot.set_ylimits(min=0, max=700) plot.set_xlabel(r'Distance [\si{\meter}]') plot.set_ylabel(r'Width of dt distribution [\si{\ns}]') plot.save_as_pdf('plots/distance_v_width_pr')
def display_coincidences(cluster, coincidence_events, coincidence, reconstruction, map): offsets = { s.number: [d.offset + s.gps_offset for d in s.detectors] for s in cluster.stations } ts0 = coincidence_events[0][1]['ext_timestamp'] latitudes = [] longitudes = [] t = [] p = [] for station_number, event in coincidence_events: station = cluster.get_station(station_number) for detector in station.detectors: latitude, longitude, _ = detector.get_lla_coordinates() latitudes.append(latitude) longitudes.append(longitude) t.extend( event_utils.relative_detector_arrival_times( event, ts0, DETECTOR_IDS, offsets=offsets[station_number])) p.extend(event_utils.detector_densities(event, DETECTOR_IDS)) image = map.to_pil() map_w, map_h = image.size aspect = float(map_w) / float(map_h) width = 0.67 height = width / aspect plot = Plot(width=r'%.2f\linewidth' % width, height=r'%.2f\linewidth' % height) plot.draw_image(image, 0, 0, map_w, map_h) x, y = map.to_pixels(np.array(latitudes), np.array(longitudes)) mint = np.nanmin(t) xx = [] yy = [] tt = [] pp = [] for xv, yv, tv, pv in zip(x, y, t, p): if np.isnan(tv) or np.isnan(pv): plot.scatter([xv], [map_h - yv], mark='diamond') else: xx.append(xv) yy.append(map_h - yv) tt.append(tv - mint) pp.append(pv) plot.scatter_table(xx, yy, tt, pp) transform = geographic.FromWGS84ToENUTransformation(cluster.lla) # Plot reconstructed core dx = np.cos(reconstruction['azimuth']) dy = np.sin(reconstruction['azimuth']) direction_length = reconstruction['zenith'] * 300 core_x = reconstruction['x'] core_y = reconstruction['y'] core_lat, core_lon, _ = transform.enu_to_lla((core_x, core_y, 0)) core_x, core_y = map.to_pixels(core_lat, core_lon) plot.scatter([core_x], [image.size[1] - core_y], mark='10-pointed star', markstyle='red') plot.plot([core_x, core_x + direction_length * dx], [ image.size[1] - core_y, image.size[1] - (core_y - direction_length * dy) ], mark=None) # Plot simulated core dx = np.cos(reconstruction['reference_azimuth']) dy = np.sin(reconstruction['reference_azimuth']) direction_length = reconstruction['reference_zenith'] * 300 core_x = reconstruction['reference_x'] core_y = reconstruction['reference_y'] core_lat, core_lon, _ = transform.enu_to_lla((core_x, core_y, 0)) core_x, core_y = map.to_pixels(core_lat, core_lon) plot.scatter([core_x], [image.size[1] - core_y], mark='asterisk', markstyle='orange') plot.plot([core_x, core_x + direction_length * dx], [ image.size[1] - core_y, image.size[1] - (core_y - direction_length * dy) ], mark=None) plot.set_scalebar(location="lower left") plot.set_slimits(min=1, max=30) plot.set_colorbar('$\Delta$t [\si{n\second}]') plot.set_axis_equal() plot.set_colormap('viridis') nw = num2deg(map.xmin, map.ymin, map.z) se = num2deg(map.xmin + map_w / TILE_SIZE, map.ymin + map_h / TILE_SIZE, map.z) x0, y0, _ = transform.lla_to_enu((nw[0], nw[1], 0)) x1, y1, _ = transform.lla_to_enu((se[0], se[1], 0)) plot.set_xlabel('x [\si{\meter}]') plot.set_xticks([0, map_w]) plot.set_xtick_labels([int(x0), int(x1)]) plot.set_ylabel('y [\si{\meter}]') plot.set_yticks([0, map_h]) plot.set_ytick_labels([int(y1), int(y0)]) plot.save_as_pdf('map/event_display_%d' % coincidence['id'])
def make_map(country=None, cluster=None, subcluster=None, station=None, stations=None, label='map', detectors=False, weather=False, knmi=False): get_locations = (get_detector_locations if detectors else get_station_locations) if (country is None and cluster is None and subcluster is None and station is None and stations is None): latitudes, longitudes = ([], []) else: latitudes, longitudes = get_locations(country, cluster, subcluster, station, stations) if weather: weather_latitudes, weather_longitudes = get_weather_locations() else: weather_latitudes, weather_longitudes = ([], []) if knmi: knmi_latitudes, knmi_longitudes = get_knmi_locations() else: knmi_latitudes, knmi_longitudes = ([], []) bounds = (min(latitudes + weather_latitudes + knmi_latitudes), min(longitudes + weather_longitudes + knmi_longitudes), max(latitudes + weather_latitudes + knmi_latitudes), max(longitudes + weather_longitudes + knmi_longitudes)) map = Map(bounds, margin=.1) # map.save_png('map-tiles-background.png') image = map.to_pil() map_w, map_h = image.size xmin, ymin = map.to_pixels([:2]) xmax, ymax = map.to_pixels([2:]) aspect = abs(xmax - xmin) / abs(ymax - ymin) width = 0.67 height = width / aspect plot = Plot(width=r'%.2f\linewidth' % width, height=r'%.2f\linewidth' % height) plot.draw_image(image, 0, 0, map_w, map_h) plot.set_axis_equal() plot.set_xlimits(xmin, xmax) plot.set_ylimits(map_h - ymin, map_h - ymax) if knmi: x, y = map.to_pixels(array(knmi_latitudes), array(knmi_longitudes)) plot.scatter( x, map_h - y, mark='square', markstyle="mark size=0.5pt, black!50!blue, thick, opacity=0.6") x, y = map.to_pixels(array(latitudes), array(longitudes)) if detectors: mark_size = 1.5 else: mark_size = 3 plot.scatter(x, map_h - y, markstyle="mark size=%fpt, black!50!green, " "thick, opacity=0.9" % mark_size) if weather: x, y = map.to_pixels(array(weather_latitudes), array(weather_longitudes)) plot.scatter( x, map_h - y, markstyle="mark size=1.5pt, black!30!red, thick, opacity=0.9") plot.set_xlabel('Longitude [$^\circ$]') plot.set_xticks([xmin, xmax]) plot.set_xtick_labels(['%.4f' % x for x in ([1],[3])]) plot.set_ylabel('Latitude [$^\circ$]') plot.set_yticks([map_h - ymin, map_h - ymax]) plot.set_ytick_labels(['%.4f' % x for x in ([0],[2])]) # plot.set_title(label) # save plot to file plot.save_as_pdf(label.replace(' ', '-'))
def display_coincidences(coincidence_events, c_id, map): cluster = CLUSTER ts0 = coincidence_events[0][1]['ext_timestamp'] latitudes = [] longitudes = [] t = [] p = [] for station_number, event in coincidence_events: station = cluster.get_station(station_number) for detector in station.detectors: latitude, longitude, _ = detector.get_lla_coordinates() latitudes.append(latitude) longitudes.append(longitude) t.extend( event_utils.relative_detector_arrival_times( event, ts0, DETECTOR_IDS)) p.extend(event_utils.detector_densities(event, DETECTOR_IDS)) image = map.to_pil() map_w, map_h = image.size aspect = float(map_w) / float(map_h) width = 0.67 height = width / aspect plot = Plot(width=r'%.2f\linewidth' % width, height=r'%.2f\linewidth' % height) plot.draw_image(image, 0, 0, map_w, map_h) x, y = map.to_pixels(array(latitudes), array(longitudes)) mint = nanmin(t) xx = [] yy = [] tt = [] pp = [] for xv, yv, tv, pv in zip(x, y, t, p): if isnan(tv) or isnan(pv): plot.scatter([xv], [map_h - yv], mark='diamond') else: xx.append(xv) yy.append(map_h - yv) tt.append(tv - mint) pp.append(pv) plot.scatter_table(xx, yy, tt, pp) transform = geographic.FromWGS84ToENUTransformation(cluster.lla) plot.set_scalebar(location="lower left") plot.set_slimits(min=1, max=60) plot.set_colorbar('$\Delta$t [\si{n\second}]') plot.set_axis_equal() nw = num2deg(map.xmin, map.ymin, map.z) se = num2deg(map.xmin + map_w / TILE_SIZE, map.ymin + map_h / TILE_SIZE, map.z) x0, y0, _ = transform.lla_to_enu((nw[0], nw[1], 0)) x1, y1, _ = transform.lla_to_enu((se[0], se[1], 0)) plot.set_xlabel('x [\si{\meter}]') plot.set_xticks([0, map_w]) plot.set_xtick_labels([int(x0), int(x1)]) plot.set_ylabel('y [\si{\meter}]') plot.set_yticks([0, map_h]) plot.set_ytick_labels([int(y1), int(y0)]) # plot.set_xlimits(min=-250, max=350) # plot.set_ylimits(min=-250, max=250) # plot.set_xlabel('x [\si{\meter}]') # plot.set_ylabel('y [\si{\meter}]') plot.save_as_pdf('coincidences/event_display_%d_%d' % (c_id, ts0))
def main(): """Event display for an event of station 503 Date Time Timestamp Nanoseconds 2012-03-29 10:51:36 1333018296 870008589 Number of MIPs 35.0 51.9 35.8 78.9 Arrival time 15.0 17.5 20.0 27.5 """ # Detector positions in ENU relative to the station GPS x = [-6.34, -2.23, -3.6, 3.46] y = [6.34, 2.23, -3.6, 3.46] # Scale mips to fit the graph n = [35.0, 51.9, 35.8, 78.9] # Make times relative to first detection t = [15., 17.5, 20., 27.5] dt = [ti - min(t) for ti in t] plot = Plot() plot.scatter([0], [0], mark='triangle') plot.add_pin_at_xy(0, 0, 'Station 503', use_arrow=False, location='below') plot.scatter_table(x, y, dt, n) plot.set_scalebar(location="lower right") plot.set_colorbar('$\Delta$t [ns]') plot.set_axis_equal() plot.set_mlimits(max=16.) plot.set_slimits(min=10., max=100.) plot.set_xlabel('x [m]') plot.set_ylabel('y [m]')'event_display') # Add event by Station 508 # Detector positions in ENU relative to the station GPS x508 = [6.12, 0.00, -3.54, 3.54] y508 = [-6.12, -13.23, -3.54, 3.54] # Event GPS timestamp: 1371498167.016412100 # MIPS n508 = [5.6, 16.7, 36.6, 9.0] # Arrival Times t508 = [15., 22.5, 22.5, 30.] dt508 = [ti - min(t508) for ti in t508] plot = MultiPlot(1, 2, width=r'.33\linewidth') plot.set_xlimits_for_all(min=-10, max=15) plot.set_ylimits_for_all(min=-15, max=10) plot.set_mlimits_for_all(min=0., max=16.) plot.set_colorbar('$\Delta$t [ns]', False) plot.set_colormap('blackwhite') plot.set_scalebar_for_all(location="upper right") p = plot.get_subplot_at(0, 0) p.scatter([0], [0], mark='triangle') p.add_pin_at_xy(0, 0, 'Station 503', use_arrow=False, location='below') p.scatter_table(x, y, dt, n) p.set_axis_equal() p = plot.get_subplot_at(0, 1) p.scatter([0], [0], mark='triangle') p.add_pin_at_xy(0, 0, 'Station 508', use_arrow=False, location='below') p.scatter_table(x508, y508, dt508, n508) p.set_axis_equal() plot.show_yticklabels_for_all([(0, 0)]) plot.show_xticklabels_for_all([(0, 0), (0, 1)]) plot.set_xlabel('x [m]') plot.set_ylabel('y [m]')'multi_event_display')
cq.events_from_stations([coincidence], STATIONS)) reconstruction = cq._get_reconstruction(coincidence) core_x = reconstruction['x'] core_y = reconstruction['y'] plot = Plot() ref_extts = coincidence_events[0][1]['ext_timestamp'] distances = arange(1, 370, 1) times = (2.43 * (1 + distances / 30.)**1.55) + 20 plot.plot(distances, times, mark=None) for station_number, event in coincidence_events: station = CLUSTER.get_station(station_number) offsets = OFFSETS[station_number] t = relative_detector_arrival_times(event, ref_extts, offsets=offsets) core_distances = [] for d in station.detectors: x, y = d.get_xy_coordinates() core_distances.append(distance_between(core_x, core_y, x, y)) plot.scatter(core_distances, t, mark='*', markstyle=COLORS[station_number]) plot.set_ylabel('Relative arrival time [ns]') plot.set_xlabel('Distance from core [m]') plot.save_as_pdf('relative_arrival_times')
def plot_size_energy(): cq = CorsikaQuery(OVERVIEW) p = 'proton' plot = Plot(axis='semilogy') for z in cq.available_parameters('zenith', particle=p): zen_plot = Plot(axis='semilogy') shade = 'black!%f' % (100 - z) energies = sorted(cq.available_parameters('energy', particle=p, zenith=z)) sizes_m = [] sizes_e = [] sizes_l = [] energies_m = [] energies_e = [] energies_l = [] for e in energies: selection = cq.simulations(zenith=z, energy=e, particle=p) if median(selection['n_muon']): sizes_m.append(median(selection['n_muon'])) energies_m.append(e) if median(selection['n_electron']): sizes_e.append(median(selection['n_electron'])) energies_e.append(e) if median(selection['n_muon'] + selection['n_electron']): sizes_l.append(median(selection['n_muon'] + selection['n_electron'])) energies_l.append(e) # Plot data points zen_plot.scatter(energies_m, sizes_m, mark='+') zen_plot.scatter(energies_e, sizes_e, mark='x') zen_plot.scatter(energies_l, sizes_l, mark='square') plot.scatter(energies_l, sizes_l, mark='square', markstyle=shade) # Fit initial = (10.2, 1.) popt_m, pcov_m = curve_fit(f, energies_m, log10(sizes_m), p0=initial) popt_e, pcov_e = curve_fit(f, energies_e, log10(sizes_e), p0=initial) popt, pcov = curve_fit(f, energies_l, log10(sizes_l), p0=initial) # Plot fits fit_energies = arange(10, 20, 0.25) sizes = [10 ** f(e, *popt_m) for e in fit_energies] zen_plot.plot(fit_energies, sizes, mark=None, linestyle='red') sizes = [10 ** f(e, *popt_e) for e in fit_energies] zen_plot.plot(fit_energies, sizes, mark=None, linestyle='blue') sizes = [10 ** f(e, *popt) for e in fit_energies] zen_plot.plot(fit_energies, sizes, mark=None) plot.plot(fit_energies, sizes, mark=None, linestyle=shade) zen_plot.set_ylimits(1, 1e9) zen_plot.set_xlimits(10.5, 18.5) zen_plot.set_ylabel(r'Shower size [number of leptons]') zen_plot.set_xlabel(r'Shower energy [log10(E/eV)]') zen_plot.save_as_pdf('shower_size_v_energy_%.1f.pdf' % z) plot.set_ylimits(1, 1e9) plot.set_xlimits(10.5, 18.5) plot.set_ylabel(r'Shower size [number of leptons]') plot.set_xlabel(r'Shower energy [log10(E/eV)]') plot.save_as_pdf('shower_size_v_energy') cq.finish()