def test_vertical_ascii(): numpy.random.seed(123) sample = numpy.random.normal(size=1000) counts, bin_edges = numpy.histogram(sample, bins=40) fig = apl.figure() fig.hist(counts, bin_edges, force_ascii=True) # string = fig.get_string() assert ( string == """\ ** **** ****** ******** * * *********** *************** ****************** ********************** ************************ * *********************************** *\ """ ) return
def isLogged(self): # TODO: Check for something else , This is just for the # time beign. try: WebDriverWait(self._mDriver, WEBDRIVER_SETTINGS['TimeToWait']).until( EC.presence_of_element_located((By.ID, "page"))) el = self._mDriver.find_element_by_id("page") except: return False try: soup = BeautifulSoup( self._mDriver.find_element_by_id("resulttable").get_attribute( "outerHTML"), 'html.parser') data = [[[ td.string.strip() for td in tr.find_all('td') if td.string ] for tr in table.find_all('tr')[1:]] for table in soup.find_all('table')] LogINFO("showing student information... ") fig = apl.figure() fig.table(data) except: return False return True
def test_vertical(): numpy.random.seed(123) sample = numpy.random.normal(size=1000) counts, bin_edges = numpy.histogram(sample, bins=40) fig = apl.figure() fig.hist(counts, bin_edges) string = fig.get_string() assert ( string == """\ ▆█ ▄▄██ ▃█████ ▁██████▃ ▅ ▂ ████████▇▅█ ▂█▅████████████ ▂███████████████▃▂ ▂▃██████████████████▃▁ ▁▂██████████████████████ ▂ ▃▂▄▄█████████████████████████▅▃▁▂▁▁ ▁\ """ ) return
def test_horizontal(): numpy.random.seed(123) sample = numpy.random.normal(size=1000) counts, bin_edges = numpy.histogram(sample) fig = apl.figure() fig.hist(counts, bin_edges, orientation="horizontal") # string = fig.get_string() assert ( string == """\ -3.23e+00 - -2.55e+00 [ 7] █ -2.55e+00 - -1.87e+00 [ 27] ███▊ -1.87e+00 - -1.19e+00 [ 95] █████████████▎ -1.19e+00 - -5.10e-01 [183] █████████████████████████▋ -5.10e-01 - +1.70e-01 [286] ████████████████████████████████████████ +1.70e-01 - +8.51e-01 [202] ████████████████████████████▎ +8.51e-01 - +1.53e+00 [142] ███████████████████▉ +1.53e+00 - +2.21e+00 [ 49] ██████▉ +2.21e+00 - +2.89e+00 [ 7] █ +2.89e+00 - +3.57e+00 [ 2] ▎\ """ ) return
def iap(self): ''' Inject and plot to terminal with ascii This is useful for debugging new backends, in bash big/fast command line orientated optimization routines. ''' model = self.dtc_to_model() #new_tests['RheobaseTest'] if type(self.tests) is type({'1':1}): if 'RheobaseTest' in self.tests.keys(): uset_t = self.tests['RheobaseTest'] else: uset_t = self.tests['RheobaseTestP'] elif type(self.tests) is type(list): for t in self.tests: if in str('RheobaseTest'): uset_t = t break pms = uset_t.params pms['injected_square_current']['amplitude'] = self.rheobase model.inject_square_current(pms['injected_square_current']) nspike = model.get_spike_train() vm = model.get_membrane_potential() t = [float(f) for f in vm.times] v = [float(f) for f in vm.magnitude] try: fig = apl.figure() fig.plot(t, v, label=str('observation waveform from inside dtc: ')+str(nspike), width=100, height=20) except: import warnings print('ascii plot not installed') return vm
def main(): cols, rows = shutil.get_terminal_size((80, 20)) y = [float(l) for l in sys.stdin.readlines()] x = list((range(1, len(y) + 1))) fig = apl.figure() fig.plot(x, y, width=cols, height=rows)
def test_plot_lim(): x = numpy.linspace(0, 2 * numpy.pi, 10) y = numpy.sin(x) fig = apl.figure() fig.plot( x, y, label="data", width=50, height=15, xlim=[-1, 1], ylim=[-1, 1], xlabel="x vals", title="header", ) string = fig.get_string() ref = """ header 1 +---------------------------------------+ | ********| 0.5 | ************ | | **** | 0 | *** | | | -0.5 | | | | -1 +---------------------------------------+ -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 x vals""" assert string == ref return
def test_padding_2(): fig = apl.figure(padding=(1, 2)) fig.aprint("abc") string = fig.get_string() assert (string == """ abc """) return
def preview_plot(self): x = [] y = [] for count, event in enumerate(self.last_values): x.append(float(count)) y.append(float(event[1][0])) fig = apl.figure() fig.plot(x, y, label="ch0", width=25, height=6)
def test_padding_4(): fig = apl.figure(padding=(1, 2, 3, 4)) fig.aprint("abc") string = fig.get_string() assert (string == """ abc """) return
def plot_obs(self,ow): ''' assuming a waveform exists (observed waved-form) plot to terminal with ascii This is useful for debugging new backends, in bash big/fast command line orientated optimization routines. ''' t = [float(f) for f in ow.times] v = [float(f) for f in ow.magnitude] fig = apl.figure() fig.plot(t, v, label=str('observation waveform from inside dtc: '), width=100, height=20)
def createPlot(topW, numberWords): labels = [] numbers = [] for l, n in topW: labels.append(l) numbers.append(n) print('\n[TOP ' + str(numberWords) + ' WORDS IN BILL]\n') fig = apl.figure() fig.barh(numbers, labels, force_ascii=True)
def plot_to_notebook(time_sec, in_signal, n_samples, out_signal=None): fig = apl.figure() fig.plot(time_sec[:n_samples] * 1e6, in_signal[:n_samples], label='Input signal', width=150, height=45) if out_signal is not None: fig.plot(time_sec[:n_samples] * 1e6, out_signal[:n_samples], label='FIR output', width=150, height=45)
def hbar(h1, width=80, show_values=False): if ENABLE_ASCIIPLOTLIB: data = h1.frequencies edges = h1.numpy_bins fig = asciiplotlib.figure() fig.hist(data, edges, orientation="horizontal") else: data = (h1.normalize().frequencies * width).round().astype(int) for i in range(h1.bin_count): if show_values: print("#" * data[i], h1.frequencies[i]) else: print("#" * data[i])
def test_noborder(): numpy.random.seed(0) data = [ [["a", "bb", "ccc"]], [[1, 2, 3], [613.23236243236, 613.23236243236, 613.23236243236]], ] fig = apl.figure() fig.table(data, border_style=None, padding=0) string = fig.get_string() assert (string == """a bb ccc 1 2 3 613.23236243236613.23236243236613.23236243236""") return
def test_table_alignment(): numpy.random.seed(0) data = [[1, 2, 3], [613.23236243236, 613.23236243236, 613.23236243236]] fig = apl.figure() fig.table(data, force_ascii=True, alignment="lcr") string = fig.get_string() assert ( string == """+-----------------+-----------------+-----------------+ | 1 | 2 | 3 | +-----------------+-----------------+-----------------+ | 613.23236243236 | 613.23236243236 | 613.23236243236 | +-----------------+-----------------+-----------------+""") return
def test_table_mixed(): numpy.random.seed(0) data = [[0, 0.123], [1, 2.13], [2, 613.2323]] fig = apl.figure() fig.table(data, border_style="thin", force_ascii=True) string = fig.get_string() assert (string == """+---+----------+ | 0 | 0.123 | +---+----------+ | 1 | 2.13 | +---+----------+ | 2 | 613.2323 | +---+----------+""") return
def test_barh_ascii(): fig = apl.figure() fig.barh([3, 10, 5, 2], ["Cats", "Dogs", "Cows", "Geese"], force_ascii=True) # string = fig.get_string() assert ( string == """\ Cats [ 3] ************ Dogs [10] **************************************** Cows [ 5] ******************** Geese [ 2] ********\ """ ) return
def plot_entropy(binary_file_path: str): entropy_per_buffer, buffer_chunk_size = binary_entropy(binary_file_path) average_entropy = sum(entropy_per_buffer) / len(entropy_per_buffer) if average_entropy >= 0.8: average_entropy = f_red(average_entropy) else: average_entropy = f_green(average_entropy) print('Average entropy: {}'.format(average_entropy)) fig = apl.figure() x = np.linspace(0, len(entropy_per_buffer) * buffer_chunk_size, len(entropy_per_buffer)) fig.plot(x, entropy_per_buffer, label="Entropy(E)", width=200, height=30)
def test_barh(): fig = apl.figure() fig.barh([3, 10, 5, 2], ["Cats", "Dogs", "Cows", "Geese"]) # string = fig.get_string() assert ( string == """\ Cats [ 3] ████████████ Dogs [10] ████████████████████████████████████████ Cows [ 5] ████████████████████ Geese [ 2] ████████\ """ ) return
def test_header(): data = [ [["a", "bb", "ccc"]], [[1, 2, 3], [613.23236243236, 613.23236243236, 613.23236243236]], ] fig = apl.figure() fig.table(data, alignment="lcr") string = fig.get_string() assert ( string == """┌─────────────────┬─────────────────┬─────────────────┐ │ a │ bb │ ccc │ ╞═════════════════╪═════════════════╪═════════════════╡ │ 1 │ 2 │ 3 │ ├─────────────────┼─────────────────┼─────────────────┤ │ 613.23236243236 │ 613.23236243236 │ 613.23236243236 │ └─────────────────┴─────────────────┴─────────────────┘""") return
def test_table_double(): numpy.random.seed(0) data = numpy.random.rand(5, 2) fig = apl.figure() fig.table(data, border_style="double") string = fig.get_string() assert (string == """╔════════════════════╦════════════════════╗ ║ 0.5488135039273248 ║ 0.7151893663724195 ║ ╠════════════════════╬════════════════════╣ ║ 0.6027633760716439 ║ 0.5448831829968969 ║ ╠════════════════════╬════════════════════╣ ║ 0.4236547993389047 ║ 0.6458941130666561 ║ ╠════════════════════╬════════════════════╣ ║ 0.4375872112626925 ║ 0.8917730007820798 ║ ╠════════════════════╬════════════════════╣ ║ 0.9636627605010293 ║ 0.3834415188257777 ║ ╚════════════════════╩════════════════════╝""") return
def test_table(): numpy.random.seed(0) data = numpy.random.rand(5, 2) fig = apl.figure() fig.table(data) string = fig.get_string() assert (string == """┌────────────────────┬────────────────────┐ │ 0.5488135039273248 │ 0.7151893663724195 │ ├────────────────────┼────────────────────┤ │ 0.6027633760716439 │ 0.5448831829968969 │ ├────────────────────┼────────────────────┤ │ 0.4236547993389047 │ 0.6458941130666561 │ ├────────────────────┼────────────────────┤ │ 0.4375872112626925 │ 0.8917730007820798 │ ├────────────────────┼────────────────────┤ │ 0.9636627605010293 │ 0.3834415188257777 │ └────────────────────┴────────────────────┘""") return
def test_header_ascii(): numpy.random.seed(0) data = [ [["a", "bb", "ccc"]], [[1, 2, 3], [613.23236243236, 613.23236243236, 613.23236243236]], ] fig = apl.figure() fig.table(data, force_ascii=True, alignment="lcr") string = fig.get_string() assert ( string == """+-----------------+-----------------+-----------------+ | a | bb | ccc | +=================+=================+=================+ | 1 | 2 | 3 | +-----------------+-----------------+-----------------+ | 613.23236243236 | 613.23236243236 | 613.23236243236 | +-----------------+-----------------+-----------------+""") return
def test_header_thick(): numpy.random.seed(0) data = [ [["a", "bb", "ccc"]], [[1, 2, 3], [613.23236243236, 613.23236243236, 613.23236243236]], ] fig = apl.figure() fig.table(data, border_style=("thin", "thick"), alignment="lcr") string = fig.get_string() assert ( string == """┌─────────────────┬─────────────────┬─────────────────┐ │ a │ bb │ ccc │ ┝━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┿━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┿━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┥ │ 1 │ 2 │ 3 │ ├─────────────────┼─────────────────┼─────────────────┤ │ 613.23236243236 │ 613.23236243236 │ 613.23236243236 │ └─────────────────┴─────────────────┴─────────────────┘""") return
def test_table_ascii(): numpy.random.seed(0) data = numpy.random.rand(5, 2) fig = apl.figure() fig.table(data, border_style="thin", force_ascii=True) string = fig.get_string() assert (string == """+--------------------+--------------------+ | 0.5488135039273248 | 0.7151893663724195 | +--------------------+--------------------+ | 0.6027633760716439 | 0.5448831829968969 | +--------------------+--------------------+ | 0.4236547993389047 | 0.6458941130666561 | +--------------------+--------------------+ | 0.4375872112626925 | 0.8917730007820798 | +--------------------+--------------------+ | 0.9636627605010293 | 0.3834415188257777 | +--------------------+--------------------+""") return
def test_horizontal_ascii(): numpy.random.seed(123) sample = numpy.random.normal(size=1000) counts, bin_edges = numpy.histogram(sample) fig = apl.figure() fig.hist(counts, bin_edges, orientation="horizontal", force_ascii=True) string = fig.get_string() assert (string == """\ -3.23e+00 - -2.55e+00 [ 7] * -2.55e+00 - -1.87e+00 [ 27] **** -1.87e+00 - -1.19e+00 [ 95] ************** -1.19e+00 - -5.10e-01 [183] ************************** -5.10e-01 - +1.70e-01 [286] **************************************** +1.70e-01 - +8.51e-01 [202] ***************************** +8.51e-01 - +1.53e+00 [142] ******************** +1.53e+00 - +2.21e+00 [ 49] ******* +2.21e+00 - +2.89e+00 [ 7] * +2.89e+00 - +3.57e+00 [ 2] *\ """) return
def test_vertical_strip(): numpy.random.seed(20) sample = numpy.random.normal(size=10000) counts, bin_edges = numpy.histogram(sample) fig = apl.figure() fig.hist(counts, bin_edges, grid=[5, 8], strip=True) string = fig.get_string() assert (string == """\ ▉▆ ▉█ ▉█ ▁▉█ █▉█ █▉██ █▉██ ▁█▉██ ██▉██▃ ▃██▉██▉▂\ """) return
def callback(stream_id, msg_line): fh.write(msg_line + '\n') if display == 'log': print(msg_line) outputlines_list.append(msg_line) try: msg = json.loads(msg_line) except: return results_kernel_dict = results_dict[kernel][threads] if msg['log'] == 'BEST_TIME': if bodies not in results_kernel_dict.keys(): results_kernel_dict[bodies] = msg['value'] elif results_kernel_dict[bodies] != msg['value']: results_kernel_dict[bodies] = msg['value'] else: return else: return if display != 'plot': return x = sorted(list(results_kernel_dict.keys())) y = [results_kernel_dict[n] for n in x] t = shutil.get_terminal_size((80, 20)) fig = apl.figure() fig.plot(x, y, label='{kernel}@{threads}'.format(kernel=kernel, threads=threads), width=t.columns, height=t.lines, extra_gnuplot_arguments=[ 'set logscale x 2', 'set format y "10^{%L}"', 'set logscale y 10', ])
def print_project_status(details: Dict) -> None: formatters = { 'HEADER': '\033[95m', 'GREEN': '\033[92m', 'BOLD': '\033[1m', 'END': '\033[0m', } output = """ {BOLD}{HEADER}Status{END} - {GREEN}phrases{END}: {phrases} - {GREEN}words{END}: {words} """\ .format( phrases=details['phrases'], words=details['words'], **formatters) language_list = list( map( lambda language: [ language['code'], "{value} ({progress}%)".format( value=language['translated']['phrases'], progress=language['translated']['progress']), "{value} ({progress}%)".format( value=language['approved']['phrases'], progress=language['approved']['progress']) ], details['languages'])) data = [[['languages', 'translated', 'approved']], language_list] fig = apl.figure() fig.table(data, border_style="thin", padding=(0, 1)) print(output)