def convert_adsorbate(cls, adsorbate): """Converts the adsorbate to an Atoms object""" if isinstance(adsorbate, Atoms): ads = adsorbate elif isinstance(adsorbate, Atom): ads = Atoms([adsorbate]) else: # Hope it is a useful string or something like that if adsorbate == 'CO': # CO otherwise comes out as OC - very inconvenient ads = molecule(adsorbate, symbols=adsorbate) else: ads = molecule(adsorbate) ads.translate(-ads[0].position) return ads
def main(): if "ASE_CP2K_COMMAND" not in os.environ: raise NotAvailable('$ASE_CP2K_COMMAND not defined') # Basically, the entire CP2K input is passed in explicitly. # Disable ASE's input generation by setting everything to None. # ASE should only add the CELL and the COORD section. calc = CP2K(basis_set=None, basis_set_file=None, max_scf=None, cutoff=None, force_eval_method=None, potential_file=None, poisson_solver=None, pseudo_potential=None, stress_tensor=False, xc=None, label='test_H2_inp', inp=inp) h2 = molecule('H2', calculator=calc) energy = h2.get_potential_energy() energy_ref = -30.6989595886 diff = abs((energy - energy_ref) / energy_ref) assert diff < 1e-10 print('passed test "H2_None"')
def h2dft(name): Calculator = get_calculator(name) par = required.get(name, {}) calc = Calculator(label=name, xc='LDA', **par) h2 = molecule('H2', calculator=calc) e2 = h2.get_potential_energy() calc.set(xc='PBE') e2pbe = h2.get_potential_energy() h1 = h2.copy() del h1[1] h1.set_initial_magnetic_moments([1]) h1.calc = calc e1pbe = h1.get_potential_energy() calc.set(xc='LDA') e1 = h1.get_potential_energy() try: m1 = h1.get_magnetic_moment() except NotImplementedError: pass else: print(m1) print(2 * e1 - e2) print(2 * e1pbe - e2pbe) print(e1, e2, e1pbe, e2pbe) calc = Calculator(name) print(calc.parameters, calc.results, calc.atoms) assert not calc.calculation_required(h1, ['energy']) h1 = calc.get_atoms() print(h1.get_potential_energy()) label = 'dir/' + name + '-h1' calc = Calculator(label=label, atoms=h1, xc='LDA', **par) print(h1.get_potential_energy()) print(Calculator.read_atoms(label).get_potential_energy())
def main_gpaw(): from gpaw import GPAW from import molecule system = molecule('H2') system.pbc = 1 calc = GPAW(h=0.3, mode='lcao', txt=None) system.set_calculator(calc) system.get_potential_energy() check_interface(calc)
def main_octopus(): from octopus import Octopus from import molecule system = molecule('H2') system.pbc = 1 calc = Octopus() system.set_calculator(calc) system.get_potential_energy() check_interface(calc)
def build_molecule(args): try: # Known molecule or atom? atoms = molecule( except NotImplementedError: symbols = string2symbols( if len(symbols) == 1: Z = atomic_numbers[symbols[0]] magmom = ground_state_magnetic_moments[Z] atoms = Atoms(, magmoms=[magmom]) elif len(symbols) == 2: # Dimer if args.bond_length is None: b = (covalent_radii[atomic_numbers[symbols[0]]] + covalent_radii[atomic_numbers[symbols[1]]]) else: b = args.bond_length atoms = Atoms(, positions=[(0, 0, 0), (b, 0, 0)]) else: raise ValueError('Unknown molecule: ' + else: if len(atoms) == 2 and args.bond_length is not None: atoms.set_distance(0, 1, args.bond_length) if args.unit_cell is None: if args.vacuum: else:[0, 0, 0]) else: a = [float(x) for x in args.unit_cell.split(',')] if len(a) == 1: cell = [a[0], a[0], a[0]] elif len(a) == 3: cell = a else: a, b, c, alpha, beta, gamma = a degree = np.pi / 180.0 cosa = np.cos(alpha * degree) cosb = np.cos(beta * degree) sinb = np.sin(beta * degree) cosg = np.cos(gamma * degree) sing = np.sin(gamma * degree) cell = [[a, 0, 0], [b * cosg, b * sing, 0], [c * cosb, c * (cosa - cosb * cosg) / sing, c * np.sqrt( sinb**2 - ((cosa - cosb * cosg) / sing)**2)]] atoms.cell = cell atoms.pbc = args.periodic return atoms
def h2(name, par): h2 = molecule('H2', pbc=par.pop('pbc', False)) h2.calc = get_calculator(name)(**par) e = h2.get_potential_energy() f = h2.get_forces() assert not h2.calc.calculation_required(h2, ['energy', 'forces']) write('h2.traj', h2) h2 = read('h2.traj') assert abs(e - h2.get_potential_energy()) < 1e-12 assert abs(f - h2.get_forces()).max() < 1e-12
def main(): if "ASE_CP2K_COMMAND" not in os.environ: raise NotAvailable('$ASE_CP2K_COMMAND not defined') calc = CP2K() h2 = molecule('H2', calculator=calc) h2.get_potential_energy() calc.write('test_restart') # write a restart calc2 = CP2K(restart='test_restart') # load a restart assert not calc2.calculation_required(h2, ['energy']) print('passed test "restart"')
def main(): if "ASE_CP2K_COMMAND" not in os.environ: raise NotAvailable("$ASE_CP2K_COMMAND not defined") calc = CP2K(xc="XC_GGA_X_PBE XC_GGA_C_PBE", pseudo_potential="GTH-PBE", label="test_H2_libxc") h2 = molecule("H2", calculator=calc) energy = h2.get_potential_energy() energy_ref = -31.591716529642 diff = abs((energy - energy_ref) / energy_ref) assert diff < 1e-10 print('passed test "H2_libxc"')
def main(): if "ASE_CP2K_COMMAND" not in os.environ: raise NotAvailable('$ASE_CP2K_COMMAND not defined') calc = CP2K(xc='PBE', label='test_H2_PBE') h2 = molecule('H2', calculator=calc) energy = h2.get_potential_energy() energy_ref = -31.5917284949 diff = abs((energy - energy_ref) / energy_ref) assert diff < 1e-10 print('passed test "H2_PBE"')
def main(): if "ASE_CP2K_COMMAND" not in os.environ: raise NotAvailable('$ASE_CP2K_COMMAND not defined') calc = CP2K(label='test_O2', uks=True, cutoff=150 * units.Rydberg, basis_set="SZV-MOLOPT-SR-GTH") o2 = molecule('O2', calculator=calc) energy = o2.get_potential_energy() energy_ref = -861.057011375 diff = abs((energy - energy_ref) / energy_ref) assert diff < 1e-10 print('passed test "O2"')
def test_multiple_elements(self): a = molecule('HCOOH') io.write('HCOOH.cfg', a) i = neighbour_list("i", a, 1.85) self.assertArrayAlmostEqual(np.bincount(i), [2,3,1,1,1]) cutoffs = {(1, 6): 1.2} i = neighbour_list("i", a, cutoffs) self.assertArrayAlmostEqual(np.bincount(i), [0,1,0,0,1]) cutoffs = {(6, 8): 1.4} i = neighbour_list("i", a, cutoffs) self.assertArrayAlmostEqual(np.bincount(i), [1,2,1]) cutoffs = {('H', 'C'): 1.2, (6, 8): 1.4} i = neighbour_list("i", a, cutoffs) self.assertArrayAlmostEqual(np.bincount(i), [1,3,1,0,1])
def main(): if "ASE_CP2K_COMMAND" not in os.environ: raise NotAvailable('$ASE_CP2K_COMMAND not defined') inp = """&FORCE_EVAL &DFT &QS LS_SCF ON &END QS &END DFT &END FORCE_EVAL""" calc = CP2K(label='test_H2_LS', inp=inp) h2 = molecule('H2', calculator=calc) energy = h2.get_potential_energy() energy_ref = -30.6989581747 diff = abs((energy - energy_ref) / energy_ref) assert diff < 5e-7 print('passed test "H2_LS"')
def main(): if "ASE_CP2K_COMMAND" not in os.environ: raise NotAvailable('$ASE_CP2K_COMMAND not defined') calc = CP2K(label='test_H2_GOPT') atoms = molecule('H2', calculator=calc) # Run Geo-Opt gopt = BFGS(atoms, logfile=None) # check distance dist = atoms.get_distance(0, 1) dist_ref = 0.7245595 assert (dist - dist_ref) / dist_ref < 1e-7 # check energy energy_ref = -30.7025616943 energy = atoms.get_potential_energy() assert (energy - energy_ref) / energy_ref < 1e-10 print('passed test "H2_GEO_OPT"')
def check_db(c, db, test=None): if test is None: print("%10s %10s %10s ( %10s )" \ % ( "bond", "value", "reference", "error" )) print("%10s %10s %10s ( %10s )" \ % ( "----", "-----", "---------", "-----" )) for mol, values in db.items(): #if mol == 'H2O': if 1: a = molecule(mol) a.set_pbc(False) a.set_initial_charges(np.zeros(len(a))) a.set_calculator(c) FIRE(a, logfile=None).run(fmax=0.001) for name, ( ( i1, i2 ), refvalue ) in values.items(): value = a.get_distance(i1, i2) if test is None: print('%10s %10.3f %10.3f ( %10.3f )' % \ ( name, value, refvalue, abs(value-refvalue) )) else: test.assertTrue(abs(value-refvalue) < 0.01)
from import molecule from ase.calculators.onetep import Onetep from os.path import isfile, dirname, abspath, join mol = molecule('H2O') calc = Onetep(label='water') # Tests conducted with the JTH PAW data set. # prefix = dirname(abspath(__file__)) h_path = join(prefix, 'H.abinit') o_path = join(prefix, 'O.abinit') if not (isfile(h_path) and isfile(o_path)): raise Exception("""You must supply PAW data sets for hydrogen and oxygen to run this test. Please see for suitable data. ONETEP takes PAW data sets in the abinit format. I need H.abinit and O.abinit""") calc.set_pseudos([('H', h_path), ('O', o_path)]) calc.set(paw=True, xc='PBE', cutoff_energy='400 eV') mol.set_calculator(calc) energy = mol.get_total_energy() ref_energy = -470.852068717 assert abs(energy - ref_energy) < 1e-6
from ase.calculators.emt import EMT from ase import Atoms from import molecule a1 = Atoms('Au', calculator=EMT()) e1 = a1.get_potential_energy() a2 = molecule('C6H6', calculator=EMT()) e2 = a2.get_potential_energy() a1.translate((0, 0, 50)) a3 = a1 + a2 a3.calc = EMT() e3 = a3.get_potential_energy() print(e1, e2, e3, e3 - e1 - e2) assert abs(e3 - e1 - e2) < 1e-13
def atoms(): return molecule('H2')
#!/usr/bin/env python from import molecule from xcp2k import CP2K from import read, write from ase.optimize import BFGS from ase.vibrations import Vibrations import os atoms = molecule('CO') atoms.pbc=[True, True, True] calc = CP2K(label = 'molecules/co', cpu= 4, xc='pbe') atoms.set_calculator(calc) e = atoms.get_potential_energy() print('energy: {0:1.4f} '.format(e)) pos = atoms.get_positions() bondlength = sum((pos[1] - pos[0])**2)**0.5 print('bond length = {0} A'.format(bondlength))
def settings(gui): gui.new_atoms(molecule('H2O')) s = gui.settings() s.scale.value = 1.9 s.scale_radii()
""" Check the unit cell is handled correctly """ from ase.calculators.vasp import Vasp from import molecule from ase.test import must_raise # Molecules come with no unit cell atoms = molecule('CH4') calc = Vasp() with must_raise(ValueError): atoms.set_calculator(calc) atoms.get_total_energy()
# fails with On entry to ZGEMV parameter number 8 had an illegal value from import molecule from gpaw import GPAW from import PW m = molecule('H') m.set_calculator(GPAW(mode=PW(), eigensolver='cg')) m.get_potential_energy()
from __future__ import print_function from import molecule from gpaw import GPAW from gpaw.poisson import PoissonSolver from gpaw.atom.basis import BasisMaker from gpaw.test import equal # Tests basis set super position error correction # Compares a single hydrogen atom to a system of one hydrogen atom # and one ghost hydrogen atom. The systems should have identical properties, # i.e. the ghost orbital should have a coefficient of 0. b = BasisMaker('H').generate(1, 0, energysplit=0.005) system = molecule('H2') def prepare(setups): calc = GPAW(basis={'H': b}, mode='lcao', setups=setups, h=0.2, poissonsolver=PoissonSolver(nn='M', relax='GS', eps=1e-5), spinpol=False, nbands=1) system.set_calculator(calc) return calc
def open_and_save(gui): mol = molecule('H2O') for i in range(3): mol.write('h2o.json')'h2o.json') save_dialog(gui, 'h2o.cif@-1')
import numpy as np from ase import Atoms from ase.visualize import view from import molecule from import get_bondpairs, write_blender a = 5.64 # Lattice constant for NaCl cell = [a / np.sqrt(2), a / np.sqrt(2), a] atoms = Atoms(symbols='Na2Cl2', pbc=True, cell=cell, scaled_positions=[(.0, .0, .0), (.5, .5, .5), (.5, .5, .0), (.0, .0, .5)]) * (3, 4, 2) + molecule('C6H6') # Move molecule to 3.5Ang from surface, and translate one unit cell in xy atoms.positions[-12:, 2] += atoms.positions[:-12, 2].max() + 3.5 atoms.positions[-12:, :2] += cell[:2] atoms.cell[0][0] += 10 # Mark a single unit cell # atoms.cell = cell # view(atoms) # View used to start ag, and find desired viewing angle #view(atoms) # rot = '35x,63y,36z' # found using ag: 'view -> rotate' atoms.rotate(90, 'y') # view(atoms) bondatoms = get_bondpairs(atoms, cutoff=1.2, rmbonds=[['Na', 'Na'], ['Cl', 'Cl']])
def rotate(gui): gui.window['toggle-show-bonds'] = True gui.new_atoms(molecule('H2O')) gui.rotate_window()
# creates: NaCl_C6H6.png import numpy as np from ase import Atoms from import write from import molecule a = 5.64 # Lattice constant for NaCl cell = [a / np.sqrt(2), a / np.sqrt(2), a] atoms = Atoms(symbols='Na2Cl2', pbc=True, cell=cell, scaled_positions=[(.0, .0, .0), (.5, .5, .5), (.5, .5, .0), (.0, .0, .5)]) * (3, 4, 2) + molecule('C6H6') # Move molecule to 3.5Ang from surface, and translate one unit cell in xy atoms.positions[-12:, 2] += atoms.positions[:-12, 2].max() + 3.5 atoms.positions[-12:, :2] += cell[:2] # Mark a single unit cell atoms.cell = cell # View used to start ag, and find desired viewing angle #view(atoms) rot = '35x,63y,36z' # found using ag: 'view -> rotate' # Common kwargs for eps, png, pov kwargs = { 'rotation' : rot, # text string with rotation (default='' ) 'radii' : .85, # float, or a list with one float per atom
def test_locations_k3(self): """Tests that the function used to query combination locations for k=2 in the output works. """ CO2 = molecule("CO2") H2O = molecule("H2O") descriptors = [ copy.deepcopy(default_desc_k3), copy.deepcopy(default_desc_k2_k3), ] for desc in descriptors: desc.periodic = False desc.species = ["H", "O", "C"] co2_out = desc.create(CO2, positions=[1])[0, :] h2o_out = desc.create(H2O, positions=[1])[0, :] loc_xhh = desc.get_location(("X", "H", "H")) loc_xho = desc.get_location(("X", "H", "O")) loc_xhc = desc.get_location(("X", "H", "C")) loc_xoh = desc.get_location(("X", "O", "H")) loc_xoo = desc.get_location(("X", "O", "O")) loc_xoc = desc.get_location(("X", "O", "C")) loc_xch = desc.get_location(("X", "C", "H")) loc_xco = desc.get_location(("X", "C", "O")) loc_xcc = desc.get_location(("X", "C", "C")) loc_hxh = desc.get_location(("H", "X", "H")) loc_hxo = desc.get_location(("H", "X", "O")) loc_hxc = desc.get_location(("H", "X", "C")) loc_cxo = desc.get_location(("C", "X", "O")) loc_oxo = desc.get_location(("O", "X", "O")) loc_cxc = desc.get_location(("C", "X", "C")) # X-H-H self.assertTrue(co2_out[loc_xhh].sum() == 0) self.assertTrue(h2o_out[loc_xhh].sum() == 0) # X-H-O self.assertTrue(co2_out[loc_xho].sum() == 0) self.assertTrue(h2o_out[loc_xho].sum() != 0) # X-H-C self.assertTrue(co2_out[loc_xhc].sum() == 0) self.assertTrue(h2o_out[loc_xhc].sum() == 0) # X-O-H self.assertTrue(co2_out[loc_xoh].sum() == 0) self.assertTrue(h2o_out[loc_xoh].sum() != 0) # X-O-O self.assertTrue(co2_out[loc_xoo].sum() == 0) self.assertTrue(h2o_out[loc_xoo].sum() == 0) # X-O-C self.assertTrue(co2_out[loc_xoc].sum() != 0) self.assertTrue(h2o_out[loc_xoc].sum() == 0) # X-C-H self.assertTrue(co2_out[loc_xch].sum() == 0) self.assertTrue(h2o_out[loc_xch].sum() == 0) # X-C-O self.assertTrue(co2_out[loc_xco].sum() != 0) self.assertTrue(h2o_out[loc_xco].sum() == 0) # X-C-C self.assertTrue(co2_out[loc_xcc].sum() == 0) self.assertTrue(h2o_out[loc_xcc].sum() == 0) # H-X-H self.assertTrue(co2_out[loc_hxh].sum() == 0) self.assertTrue(h2o_out[loc_hxh].sum() == 0) # H-X-O self.assertTrue(co2_out[loc_hxo].sum() == 0) self.assertTrue(h2o_out[loc_hxo].sum() != 0) # H-X-C self.assertTrue(co2_out[loc_hxc].sum() == 0) self.assertTrue(h2o_out[loc_hxc].sum() == 0) # C-X-O self.assertTrue(co2_out[loc_cxo].sum() != 0) self.assertTrue(h2o_out[loc_cxo].sum() == 0) # O-X-O self.assertTrue(co2_out[loc_oxo].sum() == 0) self.assertTrue(h2o_out[loc_oxo].sum() == 0) # C-X-C self.assertTrue(co2_out[loc_cxc].sum() == 0) self.assertTrue(h2o_out[loc_cxc].sum() == 0)
from ase.calculators.dftb import Dftb from ase.optimize import QuasiNewton from import write from import molecule test = molecule('H2O') test.set_calculator(Dftb(label='h2o', atoms=test, Hamiltonian_MaxAngularMomentum_='', Hamiltonian_MaxAngularMomentum_O='"p"', Hamiltonian_MaxAngularMomentum_H='"s"', )) dyn = QuasiNewton(test, trajectory='test.traj') write('', test)
# fun collision of: 2 H2 + O2 -> 2 H2O import os from import read, write from import read_dftb_velocities, write_dftb_velocities from ase.calculators.dftb import Dftb from import molecule o2 = molecule('O2') h2_1 = molecule('H2') h2_2 = molecule('H2') o2.translate([0, 0.01, 0]) h2_1.translate([0, 0, 3]) h2_1.euler_rotate(center='COP', theta=90) h2_2.translate([0, 0, -3]) h2_2.euler_rotate(center='COP', theta=90) o2.set_velocities(([0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0])) h2_1.set_velocities(([0, 0, -3.00], [0, 0, -3.000])) h2_2.set_velocities(([0, 0, 3.000], [0, 0, 3.000])) atoms = o2 + h2_1 + h2_2 # 1fs = 41.3 au # 1000K = 0.0031668 au calculator_NVE = Dftb(atoms=atoms, label='h2o', Hamiltonian_MaxAngularMomentum_='', Hamiltonian_MaxAngularMomentum_O='p', Hamiltonian_MaxAngularMomentum_H='s', Driver_='VelocityVerlet', Driver_MDRestartFrequency=10, Driver_Velocities_='', Driver_Velocities_empty='<<+ "velocities.txt"',
cu_bulk.set_calculator(calc) e = cu_bulk.get_potential_energy() energies.append(e) volumes.append(cu_bulk.get_volume()) eos = EquationOfState(volumes, energies) v0, e0, B = aref = 3.6 vref = bulk("Cu", "fcc", a=aref).get_volume() copper_lattice_constant = (v0 / vref)**(1 / 3) * aref slab = fcc100("Cu", a=copper_lattice_constant, size=(2, 2, 3)) ads = molecule("C") add_adsorbate(slab, ads, 3, offset=(1, 1)) cons = FixAtoms(indices=[atom.index for atom in slab if (atom.tag == 3)]) slab.set_constraint(cons), axis=2) slab.set_pbc(True) slab.wrap(pbc=[True] * 3) slab.set_calculator(copy.copy(parent_calc)) slab.set_initial_magnetic_moments() images = [slab] Gs = { "default": { "G2": { "etas": np.logspace(np.log10(0.05), np.log10(5.0), num=4),
import sys from import molecule, fcc111, add_adsorbate from ase.optimize import QuasiNewton from ase.constraints import FixAtoms from ase.calculators.emt import EMT from ase.vibrations import Vibrations sys.path.append("..") from __init__ import AnharmonicModes slab = fcc111('Au', size=(2, 2, 2), vacuum=4.0) H = molecule('H') add_adsorbate(slab, H, 3.0, 'ontop') constraint = FixAtoms(mask=[a.symbol == 'Au' for a in slab]) slab.set_constraint(constraint) slab.set_calculator(EMT()) QuasiNewton(slab).run(fmax=0.001) vib = Vibrations(slab, indices=[8]) vib.summary() vib.clean() AM = AnharmonicModes( vibrations_object=vib, settings={
from ase.calculators.octopus import Octopus from import molecule from ase.optimize import QuasiNewton # Ethanol molecule with somewhat randomized initial positions: system = molecule('CH3CH2OH') system.rattle(stdev=0.1, seed=42) calc = Octopus(label='ethanol', Spacing=0.25, BoxShape='parallelepiped') system.set_calculator(calc) opt = QuasiNewton(system, logfile='opt.log', trajectory='opt.traj')
import sys sys.path.append("..") from import molecule, fcc111, add_adsorbate from ase.optimize import QuasiNewton from ase.constraints import FixAtoms from ase.calculators.emt import EMT from ase.vibrations import Vibrations from __init__ import AnharmonicModes slab = fcc111('Al', size=(2, 2, 2), vacuum=3.0) CH3 = molecule('CH3') add_adsorbate(slab, CH3, 2.5, 'ontop') constraint = FixAtoms(mask=[a.symbol == 'Al' for a in slab]) slab.set_constraint(constraint) slab.set_calculator(EMT()) dyn = QuasiNewton(slab, logfile='/dev/null') vib = Vibrations(slab, indices=[8, 9, 10, 11]) vib.summary(log='/dev/null') vib.clean() AM = AnharmonicModes(vibrations_object=vib) rot_mode = AM.define_rotation( basepos=[0., 0., -1.], branch=[9, 10, 11],
def rotate(gui): gui.new_atoms(molecule('H2O')) gui.rotate_window()
from ase import Atoms from ase.units import Bohr import numpy as np from qeManager.pwscf import * from import molecule atoms = molecule("NH3") atoms.set_pbc([True, True, True]) cell = np.array([16.0, 16.0, 16.0]) * Bohr atoms.set_cell(cell) # Create CONTROL namelist of PWSCF input ctrl_NL = ControlNameList() # using default parameters ctrl_NL.pseudo_dir = "/home/efefer/pseudo" # modify pseudo_dir directly ctrl_NL.write_all() # write all parameters, including defaults to stdout # also do the same for SYSTEM and ELECTRONS sys_NL = SystemNameList(atoms) #sys_NL.occupations = "smearing" #sys_NL.smearing = "mv" #sys_NL.degauss = 0.001 sys_NL.ecutwfc = 60.0 sys_NL.ecutrho = 240.0 sys_NL.write_all() elec_NL = ElectronsNameList() elec_NL.mixing_beta = 0.1
#setup the gpaw calculation from import molecule struc = molecule('C6H6') from import read, write from gpaw import GPAW from ase.units import Bohr from ase.units import Hartree #from ase.optimize import FIRE #Quasi Newton + friction from ase.optimize.bfgslinesearch import BFGSLineSearch #Quasi Newton import os.path traj_file = 'benzene.traj' if not os.path.isfile(traj_file): struc.set_cell([15, 15, 15]) struc.set_pbc([0, 0, 0]) calc = GPAW(xc='PBE', h=0.2, charge=0, spinpol=True, convergence={'energy': 0.001}) struc.set_calculator(calc) #opt = FIRE(struc, trajectory='benzene.traj', logfile='fire.log') dyn = BFGSLineSearch(struc, trajectory=traj_file, restart='bfgs_ls.pckl', logfile='BFGSLinSearch.log')
default='esp.csv', help="Electrostatic potential and x,y,z coordinates" " as four-valued lines of .8 digits precision mantissa" " notation, default 'esp.csv'") parser.add_argument('outfile_rho_cube', nargs='?', metavar='outfile_rho.cube', default='rho.cube', help="All-electron density in GAUSSIAN-native .cube" " format, default 'rho.cube'") parser.add_argument('outfile_rho_pseudo_cube', nargs='?', metavar='outfile_rho_pseudo.cube', default='rho_pseudo.cube', help="All-electron density in GAUSSIAN-native .cube format, default" "'rho_pseudo.cube'") args = parser.parse_args() charge = args.charge struc = molecule('H2O') struc.set_pbc([0,0,0]) struc.set_cell([10,10,10]) calc = GPAW(xc='PBE', h=0.2, charge=charge, spinpol=True, convergence={'energy': 0.001}) struc.set_calculator(calc) # ESP from non-optimized H2O structure Epot = struc.get_potential_energy() # tells us, the # get_electrostatic_corrections() method will return an array of integrated # corrections with the unit
from matplotlib.animation import writers from ase.test.testsuite import NotAvailable from import bulk, molecule, fcc111 from import write_animation import warnings if 'html' not in writers.list(): raise NotAvailable('matplotlib html writer not present') images = [molecule('H2O'), bulk('Cu'), fcc111('Au', size=(1, 1, 1))] # gif and mp4 writers may not be available. Easiest solution is to only # test this using the html writer because it always exists whenever # matplotlib exists: with warnings.catch_warnings(): try: from matplotlib import MatplotlibDeprecationWarning except ImportError: pass else: warnings.simplefilter('ignore', MatplotlibDeprecationWarning) write_animation('things.html', images, writer='html')
from import molecule from gpaw import GPAW atoms = molecule('C6H6') calc = GPAW(h=.21, xc='PBE', txt='benzene.txt', nbands=18) atoms.set_calculator(calc) atoms.get_potential_energy() calc.set(fixdensity=True, txt='benzene-harris.txt', nbands=40, eigensolver='cg', convergence={'bands': 35}) atoms.get_potential_energy() calc.write('benzene.gpw', mode='all')
# Check that atoms object mismatches are detected properly across CPUs. from import molecule from gpaw.mpi import world, synchronize_atoms system = molecule('H2O') synchronize_atoms(system, world) if world.rank == 1: system.positions[1, 1] += 1e-8 # fail (above tolerance) if world.rank == 2: system.cell[0, 0] += 1e-15 # fail (zero tolerance) if world.rank == 3: system.positions[1, 1] += 1e-10 # pass (below tolerance) expected_err_ranks = {1: [], 2: [1]}.get(world.size, [1, 2]) try: synchronize_atoms(system, world, tolerance=1e-9) except ValueError as e: assert (expected_err_ranks == e.args[1]).all() else: assert world.size == 1
def test_find_connectivity(self): atoms = molecule('C2H6') bonds_ref = [(0, 1), (0, 2), (0, 3), (0, 4), (1, 5), (1, 6), (1, 7)] bonds = find_connectivity(atoms) self.assertListEqual(bonds, bonds_ref)
from __future__ import print_function from import molecule from gpaw import GPAW, PW from gpaw.test import equal from gpaw.xc.rpa import RPACorrelation from gpaw.xc.exx import EXX ecut = 25 N2 = molecule('N2') calc = GPAW(mode=PW(force_complex_dtype=True), xc='PBE', parallel={'domain': 1}, eigensolver='rmm-diis') N2.set_calculator(calc) E_n2_pbe = N2.get_potential_energy() calc.diagonalize_full_hamiltonian(nbands=104, scalapack=True) calc.write('N2.gpw', mode='all') exx = EXX('N2.gpw') exx.calculate() E_n2_hf = exx.get_total_energy() rpa = RPACorrelation('N2.gpw', nfrequencies=8) E_n2_rpa = rpa.calculate(ecut=[ecut]) N = molecule('N') N.set_cell(N2.cell)
"""Demostrates how global similarity kernels can be built from local atomic environments. """ from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals from builtins import (bytes, str, open, super, range, zip, round, input, int, pow, object) from dscribe.descriptors import SOAP from dscribe.kernels import AverageKernel from import molecule # We will compare two similar molecules a = molecule("H2O") b = molecule("H2O2") # First we will have to create the features for atomic environments. Lets # use SOAP. desc = SOAP(species=[1, 6, 7, 8], rcut=5.0, nmax=2, lmax=2, sigma=0.2, periodic=False, crossover=True, sparse=False) a_features = desc.create(a) b_features = desc.create(b) # Calculates the similarity with an average kernel and a linear metric. The # result will be a full similarity matrix.
def execute(self, context): #print(molecule_str) blpanel = context.scene.blpanel atoms = molecule(blpanel.atoms_str) import_blase(atoms, name = blpanel.atoms_name, model_type = blpanel.model_type_add) return {'FINISHED'}
def run_dftb3_test(test=None, tol=0.05): mio_database_folder = os.getenv('MIO') if mio_database_folder is None: raise RuntimeError('Please use environment variable MIO to specify path to mio Slater-Koster tables.') dftb3_database_folder = os.getenv('DFTB3') if dftb3_database_folder is None: raise RuntimeError('Please use environment variable DFTB3 to specify path to 3ob Slater-Koster tables.') dftb2_calc = Atomistica( [ native.TightBinding( database_folder = mio_database_folder, SolverLAPACK = dict(electronic_T=0.001), SCC = dict(dq_crit = 1e-6, mixing = 0.05, # 0.2 andersen_memory = 15, # 3 maximum_iterations = 100, log = True) ), native.DirectCoulomb(), native.SlaterCharges(cutoff=10.0) ], avgn = 1000 ) dftb2_XH_calc = Atomistica( [ native.TightBinding( database_folder = mio_database_folder, SolverLAPACK = dict(electronic_T=0.001), SCC = dict(dq_crit = 1e-6, mixing = 0.05, # 0.2 andersen_memory = 15, # 3 maximum_iterations = 100, log = True) ), native.DirectCoulomb(), native.SlaterCharges(cutoff=10.0, damp_gamma=True, zeta = 3.70) ], avgn = 1000 ) dftb3_calc = Atomistica( [ native.TightBinding( database_folder = mio_database_folder, SolverLAPACK = dict(electronic_T=0.001), SCC = dict(dq_crit = 1e-6, mixing = 0.05, # 0.2 andersen_memory = 15, # 3 maximum_iterations = 100, log = True) ), native.DirectCoulomb(), native.SlaterCharges(cutoff=10.0, dftb3=True, HubbardDerivatives=dict(H=-0.1857, O=-0.1575)) ], avgn = 1000 ) dftb3_XH_calc = Atomistica( [ native.TightBinding( database_folder = mio_database_folder, SolverLAPACK = dict(electronic_T=0.001), SCC = dict(dq_crit = 1e-6, mixing = 0.05, # 0.2 andersen_memory = 15, # 3 maximum_iterations = 100, log = True) ), native.DirectCoulomb(), native.SlaterCharges(cutoff=10.0, dftb3=True, damp_gamma=True, zeta = 4.05, HubbardDerivatives=dict(H=-0.1857, O=-0.1575)) ], avgn = 1000 ) dftb3_XH_3ob_calc = Atomistica( [ native.TightBinding( database_folder = dftb3_database_folder, SolverLAPACK = dict(electronic_T=0.001), SCC = dict(dq_crit = 1e-6, mixing = 0.05, # 0.2 andersen_memory = 15, # 3 maximum_iterations = 100, log = True) ), native.DirectCoulomb(), native.SlaterCharges(cutoff=10.0, dftb3=True, damp_gamma=True, zeta = 4.00, HubbardDerivatives=dict(H=-0.1857, O=-0.1575)) ], avgn = 1000 ) if test is None: print(' nH2O| G3B3| DFTB2 (MIO) | DFTB2+XH (MIO) | DFTB3 (MIO) | DFTB3+XH (MIO) | DFTB3+XH (3OB) |') print(' | | me ref. | me ref. | me ref. | me ref. | me ref. |') print(' | |-----------------|-----------------|-----------------|-----------------|-----------------|') for name, data in table5_data.items(): e0_DFTB2 = 0.0 e0_DFTB3 = 0.0 e0_DFTB2_XH = 0.0 e0_DFTB3_XH = 0.0 e0_DFTB3_3ob_XH = 0.0 for structure in data['reference_structures']: if os.path.exists(structure): a = read(structure) else: a = molecule(structure) a.set_calculator(dftb2_calc) FIRE(a, logfile=None).run(fmax=0.001) e0_DFTB2 += a.get_potential_energy() a.set_calculator(dftb2_XH_calc) FIRE(a, logfile=None).run(fmax=0.001) e0_DFTB2_XH += a.get_potential_energy() a.set_calculator(dftb3_calc) FIRE(a, logfile=None).run(fmax=0.001) e0_DFTB3 += a.get_potential_energy() a.set_calculator(dftb3_XH_calc) FIRE(a, logfile=None).run(fmax=0.001) e0_DFTB3_XH += a.get_potential_energy() a.set_calculator(dftb3_XH_3ob_calc) FIRE(a, logfile=None).run(fmax=0.001) e0_DFTB3_3ob_XH += a.get_potential_energy() eref_G3B3 = data['G3B3'] eref_DFTB2 = data['DFTB2'] eref_DFTB2_XH = data['DFTB2+XH'] eref_DFTB3 = data['DFTB3'] eref_DFTB3_XH = data['DFTB3+XH'] eref_DFTB3_3ob_XH = data['DFTB3+XH_3ob'] a = read(data['structure']) a.set_calculator(dftb2_calc) FIRE(a, logfile=None).run(fmax=0.001) e_DFTB2 = a.get_potential_energy() e_DFTB2 = (e_DFTB2 - e0_DFTB2)/(ase.units.kcal/ase.units.mol) a.set_calculator(dftb2_XH_calc) FIRE(a, logfile=None).run(fmax=0.001) e_DFTB2_XH = a.get_potential_energy() e_DFTB2_XH = (e_DFTB2_XH - e0_DFTB2_XH)/(ase.units.kcal/ase.units.mol) a.set_calculator(dftb3_calc) FIRE(a, logfile=None).run(fmax=0.001) e_DFTB3 = a.get_potential_energy() e_DFTB3 = (e_DFTB3 - e0_DFTB3)/(ase.units.kcal/ase.units.mol) a.set_calculator(dftb3_XH_calc) FIRE(a, logfile=None).run(fmax=0.001) e_DFTB3_XH = a.get_potential_energy() e_DFTB3_XH = (e_DFTB3_XH - e0_DFTB3_XH)/(ase.units.kcal/ase.units.mol) a.set_calculator(dftb3_XH_3ob_calc) FIRE(a, logfile=None).run(fmax=0.001) e_DFTB3_3ob_XH = a.get_potential_energy() e_DFTB3_3ob_XH = (e_DFTB3_3ob_XH - e0_DFTB3_3ob_XH)/(ase.units.kcal/ase.units.mol) success_DFTB2 = abs(e_DFTB2 - eref_G3B3 - eref_DFTB2) < tol success_DFTB2_XH = abs(e_DFTB2_XH - eref_G3B3 - eref_DFTB2_XH) < tol success_DFTB3 = abs(e_DFTB3 - eref_G3B3 - eref_DFTB3) < tol success_DFTB3_XH = abs(e_DFTB3_XH - eref_G3B3 - eref_DFTB3_XH) < tol success_DFTB3_3ob_XH = abs(e_DFTB3_3ob_XH - eref_G3B3 - eref_DFTB3_3ob_XH) < tol success_str = {True: ' ', False: 'X'} if test is None: print('{0:>8}| {1:>7.3f}|{2:>7.3f} {3:>7.3f} {4}|{5:>7.3f} {6:>7.3f} {7}|{8:>7.3f} {9:>7.3f} {10}|{11:>7.3f} {12:>7.3f} {13}|{14:>7.3f} {15:>7.3f} {16}|' .format(name, eref_G3B3, e_DFTB2 - eref_G3B3, eref_DFTB2, success_str[success_DFTB2], e_DFTB2_XH - eref_G3B3, eref_DFTB2_XH, success_str[success_DFTB2_XH], e_DFTB3 - eref_G3B3, eref_DFTB3, success_str[success_DFTB3], e_DFTB3_XH - eref_G3B3, eref_DFTB3_XH, success_str[success_DFTB3_XH], e_DFTB3_3ob_XH - eref_G3B3, eref_DFTB3_3ob_XH, success_str[success_DFTB3_3ob_XH])) else: test.assertTrue(success_DFTB2) test.assertTrue(success_DFTB2_XH) test.assertTrue(success_DFTB3) test.assertTrue(success_DFTB3_XH) test.assertTrue(success_DFTB3_3ob_XH)
def test_parallel_sparse(self): """Tests creating sparse output parallelly.""" # Test indices samples = [molecule("CO"), molecule("N2O")] desc = copy.deepcopy(default_desc_k2) desc.species = ["C", "O", "N"] desc.sparse = True n_features = desc.get_number_of_features() # Multiple systems, serial job, fixed size output = desc.create( system=samples, positions=[[0, 1], [0, 1]], n_jobs=1, ).todense() assumed = np.empty((2, 2, n_features)) assumed[0, 0] = desc.create(samples[0], [0]).todense() assumed[0, 1] = desc.create(samples[0], [1]).todense() assumed[1, 0] = desc.create(samples[1], [0]).todense() assumed[1, 1] = desc.create(samples[1], [1]).todense() self.assertTrue(np.allclose(output, assumed)) # Multiple systems, parallel job, fixed size output = desc.create( system=samples, positions=[[0, 1], [0, 1]], n_jobs=2, ).todense() assumed = np.empty((2, 2, n_features)) assumed[0, 0] = desc.create(samples[0], [0]).todense() assumed[0, 1] = desc.create(samples[0], [1]).todense() assumed[1, 0] = desc.create(samples[1], [0]).todense() assumed[1, 1] = desc.create(samples[1], [1]).todense() self.assertTrue(np.allclose(output, assumed)) # Test with cartesian positions. In this case virtual positions have to # be enabled. output = desc.create( system=samples, positions=[[[0, 0, 0]], [[1, 2, 0]]], n_jobs=2, ).todense() assumed = np.empty((2, 1, n_features)) assumed[0, 0] = desc.create(samples[0], [[0, 0, 0]]).todense() assumed[1, 0] = desc.create(samples[1], [[1, 2, 0]]).todense() self.assertTrue(np.allclose(output, assumed)) # Multiple systems, parallel job, indices, variable size output = desc.create( system=samples, positions=[[0], [0, 1]], n_jobs=2, ) self.assertTrue( np.allclose(output[0][0].todense(), desc.create(samples[0], [0]).todense())) self.assertTrue( np.allclose(output[1][0].todense(), desc.create(samples[1], [0]).todense())) self.assertTrue( np.allclose(output[1][1].todense(), desc.create(samples[1], [1]).todense()))
def water(): return molecule('H2O')
from import molecule from ase.symbols import Symbols atoms = molecule('CH3CH2OH') print(atoms.symbols) atoms.symbols[0] = 'X' atoms.symbols[2:4] = 'Pu' atoms.numbers[6:8] = 79 assert atoms.numbers[0] == 0 assert (atoms.numbers[2:4] == 94).all() assert sum(atoms.symbols == 'Au') == 2 assert (atoms.symbols[6:8] == 'Au').all() assert (atoms.symbols[:3] == 'XCPu').all() print(atoms) print(atoms.numbers) assert atoms.get_chemical_symbols() string = str(atoms.symbols) symbols = Symbols.fromsymbols(string) assert (symbols == atoms.symbols).all()
def test_cif_roundtrip_nonperiodic(): atoms = molecule('H2O') atoms1 = roundtrip(atoms) assert not compare_atoms(atoms, atoms1, tol=1e-5)
import sys from import molecule from ase.optimize import BFGS from ase.calculators.nwchem import NWChem from ase.calculators.socketio import SocketIOCalculator atoms = molecule('H2O') atoms.rattle(stdev=0.1) unixsocket = 'ase_nwchem' nwchem = NWChem(theory='scf', task='optimize', driver={'socket': { 'unix': unixsocket }}) opt = BFGS(atoms, trajectory='opt.traj', logfile='opt.log') with SocketIOCalculator(nwchem, log=sys.stdout, unixsocket=unixsocket) as calc: atoms.calc = calc
mbtr = MBTR(atomic_numbers=atomic_numbers, k=2, periodic=False, grid={"k2": { "min": 0, "max": 1, "n": n, "sigma": 0.1 }}, weighting=None) # Creating an atomic system as an ase.Atoms-object from import molecule import water = molecule("H2O") # Create MBTR output for the system mbtr_water = mbtr.create(water) print(mbtr_water) print(mbtr_water.shape) from import bulk nacl = bulk("NaCl", "rocksalt", a=5.64) # Optionally we can preserve the tensorial nature of the data by specifying # "Flatten" as False. In this case the output will be a list of # multidimensional numpy arrays for each k-term. This form is easier to # visualize as done in the following. import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Tue Sep 20 13:54:16 2016 @author: cl-iop """ from import molecule, mx2 from ase.collection import g2, s22 from ase.visualize import view import os import shutil from import writeSiesta for name in g2.names: atom = molecule(name) atom.cell *= 10 if os.path.exists(name): shutil.rmtree(name) os.mkdir(name) os.chdir(name) for element in set(atom.get_chemical_symbols()): os.popen(' '+element) writeSiesta('structure.fdf',atom) os.chdir('..') #for name in s22.names: # #atom = molecule(name) # #atom.cell *= 8 # print name #atom = molecule('trans-butane')
@pytest.mark.parametrize('atoms', [ SimpleCubic(latticeconstant=2, size=(3, 1, 1), symbol='Cu', pbc=(1, 0, 0)), SimpleCubic(latticeconstant=2, size=(4, 1, 1), symbol='Cu', pbc=(1, 0, 0)), SimpleCubic(latticeconstant=2, size=(7, 1, 1), symbol='Cu', pbc=(1, 0, 0)), SimpleCubic(latticeconstant=2, size=(1, 3, 1), symbol='Cu', pbc=(0, 1, 0)), SimpleCubic(latticeconstant=2, size=(1, 4, 1), symbol='Cu', pbc=(0, 1, 0)), SimpleCubic(latticeconstant=2, size=(1, 7, 1), symbol='Cu', pbc=(0, 1, 0)), SimpleCubic(latticeconstant=2, size=(1, 1, 3), symbol='Cu', pbc=(0, 0, 1)), SimpleCubic(latticeconstant=2, size=(1, 1, 4), symbol='Cu', pbc=(0, 0, 1)), SimpleCubic(latticeconstant=2, size=(1, 1, 7), symbol='Cu', pbc=(0, 0, 1)), ]) def test_ase_pbc2(atoms): adj = AtomicAdjacency(shape='tent1', length_scale=1.0, zoom=1) graph_pbc = Graph.from_ase(atoms, use_pbc=True, adjacency=adj) graph_nopbc = Graph.from_ase(atoms, use_pbc=False, adjacency=adj) assert(len(graph_pbc.edges) > len(graph_nopbc.edges)) @pytest.mark.parametrize('atoms', [ molecule('H2'), molecule('CH4'), molecule('CH3COOH'), SimpleCubic(latticeconstant=1, size=(3, 3, 1), symbol='Cu', pbc=(1, 1, 0)), ]) def test_ase(atoms): g = Graph.from_ase(atoms) assert(len(g.nodes) == len(atoms)) assert(len(g.edges) > 0)
def test_ase_one(): atoms = molecule('H2') graph = Graph.from_ase(atoms) assert(len(graph.nodes) == 2) assert(len(graph.edges) == 1)
from import molecule from ase import optimize from ase.vibrations.infrared import Infrared from gpaw.cluster import Cluster from gpaw import GPAW, FermiDirac h = 0.22 atoms = Cluster(molecule('H2')) atoms.minimal_box(3.5, h=h) # relax the molecule calc = GPAW(h=h, occupations=FermiDirac(width=0.1)) atoms.calc = calc dyn = optimize.FIRE(atoms) atoms.write('relaxed.traj') # finite displacement for vibrations atoms.calc.set(symmetry={'point_group': False}) ir = Infrared(atoms)
def test_film_operators(seed): from import StartGenerator from import CutAndSplicePairing from import StrainMutation from import (closest_distances_generator, atoms_too_close, CellBounds) import numpy as np from ase import Atoms from import molecule # set up the random number generator rng = np.random.RandomState(seed) slab = Atoms('', cell=(0, 0, 15), pbc=[True, True, False]) cation, anion = 'Mg', molecule('OH') d_oh = anion.get_distance(0, 1) blocks = [(cation, 4), (anion, 8)] n_top = 4 + 8 * len(anion) use_tags = True num_vcv = 2 box_volume = 8. * n_top blmin = closest_distances_generator(atom_numbers=[1, 8, 12], ratio_of_covalent_radii=0.6) cellbounds = CellBounds( bounds={ 'phi': [0.1 * 180., 0.9 * 180.], 'chi': [0.1 * 180., 0.9 * 180.], 'psi': [0.1 * 180., 0.9 * 180.], 'a': [2, 8], 'b': [2, 8] }) box_to_place_in = [[None, None, 3.], [None, None, [0., 0., 5.]]] sg = StartGenerator(slab, blocks, blmin, box_volume=box_volume, splits={(2, 1): 1}, box_to_place_in=box_to_place_in, number_of_variable_cell_vectors=num_vcv, cellbounds=cellbounds, test_too_far=True, test_dist_to_slab=False, rng=rng) parents = [] for i in range(2): a = None while a is None: a = sg.get_new_candidate()['confid'] = i parents.append(a) assert len(a) == n_top assert len(np.unique(a.get_tags())) == 4 + 8 assert np.allclose(a.get_pbc(), slab.get_pbc()) p = a.get_positions() assert np.min(p[:, 2]) > 3. - 0.5 * d_oh assert np.max(p[:, 2]) < 3. + 5. + 0.5 * d_oh assert not atoms_too_close(a, blmin, use_tags=use_tags) c = a.get_cell() assert np.allclose(c[2], slab.get_cell()[2]) assert cellbounds.is_within_bounds(c) v = a.get_volume() * 5. / 15. assert abs(v - box_volume) < 1e-5 # Test cut-and-splice pairing and strain mutation pairing = CutAndSplicePairing(slab, n_top, blmin, number_of_variable_cell_vectors=num_vcv, p1=1., p2=0., minfrac=0.15, cellbounds=cellbounds, use_tags=use_tags, rng=rng) strainmut = StrainMutation(blmin, cellbounds=cellbounds, number_of_variable_cell_vectors=num_vcv, use_tags=use_tags, rng=rng) strainmut.update_scaling_volume(parents) for operator in [pairing, strainmut]: child = None while child is None: child, desc = operator.get_new_individual(parents) assert not atoms_too_close(child, blmin, use_tags=use_tags) cell = child.get_cell() assert cellbounds.is_within_bounds(cell) assert np.allclose(cell[2], slab.get_cell()[2])
# fun collision of: 2 H2 + O2 -> 2 H2O import os from ase.calculators.dftb import Dftb from import molecule from import VelocityVerlet from import MDLogger from ase.units import fs from import read_dftb_velocities, write_dftb_velocities from import read, write o2 = molecule('O2') h2_1 = molecule('H2') h2_2 = molecule('H2') o2.translate([0, 0.01, 0]) h2_1.translate([0, 0, 3]) h2_1.rotate_euler(center='COP', theta=3.1415 / 2) h2_2.translate([0, 0, -3]) h2_2.rotate_euler(center='COP', theta=3.1415 / 2) o2.set_velocities(([0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0])) h2_1.set_velocities(([0, 0, -3.00], [0, 0, -3.000])) h2_2.set_velocities(([0, 0, 3.000], [0, 0, 3.000])) test = o2 + h2_1 + h2_2 # 1fs = 41.3 au # 1000K = 0.0031668 au calculator_NVE = Dftb(label='h2o', atoms=test, run_manyDftb_steps=True, Hamiltonian_MaxAngularMomentum_='', Hamiltonian_MaxAngularMomentum_O='"p"',