def write(filename, images, format=None, **kwargs):
    """Write Atoms object(s) to file.

    filename: str
        Name of the file to write to.
    images: Atoms object or list of Atoms objects
        A single Atoms object or a list of Atoms objects.
    format: str
        Used to specify the file-format.  If not given, the
        file-format will be taken from suffix of the filename.

    The accepted output formats:

    =========================  ===========
    format                     short name
    =========================  ===========
    ASE pickle trajectory      traj
    ASE bundle trajectory      bundle
    CUBE file                  cube
    XYZ-file                   xyz
    VASP POSCAR/CONTCAR file   vasp
    ABINIT input file          abinit
    Protein Data Bank          pdb
    CIF-file                   cif
    XCrySDen Structure File    xsf
    FHI-aims geometry file     aims
    gOpenMol .plt file         plt
    Python script              py
    Encapsulated Postscript    eps
    Portable Network Graphics  png
    Persistance of Vision      pov
    VTK XML Image Data         vti
    VTK XML Structured Grid    vts
    VTK XML Unstructured Grid  vtu
    TURBOMOLE coord file       tmol
    exciting                   exi
    AtomEye configuration      cfg
    WIEN2k structure file      struct
    CASTEP cell file           cell
    DftbPlus input file        dftb
    ETSF                       etsf.nc
    DFTBPlus GEN format        gen
    CMR db/cmr-file            db
    CMR db/cmr-file            cmr
    EON reactant.con file      eon
    Gromacs coordinates        gro
    GROMOS96 (only positions)  g96
    X3D                        x3d
    X3DOM HTML                 html
    Extended XYZ file          extxyz
    =========================  ===========

    The use of additional keywords is format specific.

    The ``cube`` and ``plt`` formats accept (plt requires it) a ``data``
    keyword, which can be used to write a 3D array to the file along
    with the nuclei coordinates.

    The ``vti``, ``vts`` and ``vtu`` formats are all specifically directed
    for use with MayaVi, and the latter is designated for visualization of
    the atoms whereas the two others are intended for volume data. Further,
    it should be noted that the ``vti`` format is intended for orthogonal
    unit cells as only the grid-spacing is stored, whereas the ``vts`` format
    additionally stores the coordinates of each grid point, thus making it
    useful for volume date in more general unit cells.

    The ``eps``, ``png``, and ``pov`` formats are all graphics formats,
    and accept the additional keywords:

    rotation: str (default '')
      The rotation angles, e.g. '45x,70y,90z'.

    show_unit_cell: int (default 0)
      Can be 0, 1, 2 to either not show, show, or show all of the unit cell.

    radii: array or float (default 1.0)
      An array of same length as the list of atoms indicating the sphere radii.
      A single float specifies a uniform scaling of the default covalent radii.

    bbox: 4 floats (default None)
      Set the bounding box to (xll, yll, xur, yur) (lower left, upper right).

    colors: array (default None)
      An array of same length as the list of atoms, indicating the rgb color
      code for each atom. Default is the jmol_colors of ase/data/colors.

    scale: int (default 20)
      Number of pixels per Angstrom.

    For the ``pov`` graphics format, ``scale`` should not be specified.
    The elements of the color array can additionally be strings, or 4
    and 5 vectors for named colors, rgb + filter, and rgb + filter + transmit
    specification. This format accepts the additional keywords:

    ``run_povray``, ``display``, ``pause``, ``transparent``,
    ``canvas_width``, ``canvas_height``, ``camera_dist``,
    ``image_plane``, ``camera_type``, ``point_lights``,
    ``area_light``, ``background``, ``textures``, ``celllinewidth``,
    ``bondlinewidth``, ``bondatoms``

    The ``xyz`` format accepts a comment string using the ``comment`` keyword:

    comment: str (default '')
      Optional comment written on the second line of the file.

    if format is None:
        if filename == '-':
            format = 'xyz'
            filename = sys.stdout
        elif 'POSCAR' in filename or 'CONTCAR' in filename:
            format = 'vasp'
        elif 'OUTCAR' in filename:
            format = 'vasp_out'
        elif filename.endswith('etsf.nc'):
            format = 'etsf'
        elif filename.lower().endswith('.con'):
            format = 'eon'
        elif os.path.basename(filename) == 'coord':
            format = 'tmol'
            suffix = filename.split('.')[-1]
            format = {
                'cell': 'castep_cell',
            }.get(suffix, suffix)  # XXX this does not make sense
            # Maybe like this:

##             format = {'traj': 'trajectory',
##                       'nc': 'netcdf',
##                       'exi': 'exciting',
##                       'in': 'aims',
##                       'tmol': 'turbomole',
##                       }.get(suffix, suffix)

    if format in ['json', 'db']:
        from ase.db import connect
        connect(filename, format).write(images)
    if format == 'castep_cell':
        from ase.io.castep import write_cell
        write_cell(filename, images, **kwargs)
    if format == 'exi':
        from ase.io.exciting import write_exciting
        write_exciting(filename, images)
    if format == 'cif':
        from ase.io.cif import write_cif
        write_cif(filename, images)
    if format == 'xyz':
        from ase.io.extxyz import write_xyz
                  columns=['symbols', 'positions'],
    if format == 'extxyz':
        from ase.io.extxyz import write_xyz
        write_xyz(filename, images, **kwargs)
    if format == 'gen':
        from ase.io.gen import write_gen
        write_gen(filename, images)
    elif format == 'in':
        format = 'aims'
    elif format == 'tmol':
        from ase.io.turbomole import write_turbomole
        write_turbomole(filename, images)
    elif format == 'dftb':
        from ase.io.dftb import write_dftb
        write_dftb(filename, images)
    elif format == 'struct':
        from ase.io.wien2k import write_struct
        write_struct(filename, images, **kwargs)
    elif format == 'findsym':
        from ase.io.findsym import write_findsym
        write_findsym(filename, images)
    elif format == 'etsf':
        from ase.io.etsf import ETSFWriter
        writer = ETSFWriter(filename)
        if not isinstance(images, (list, tuple)):
            images = [images]
    elif format == 'cmr':
        from ase.io.cmr_io import write_db
        return write_db(filename, images, **kwargs)
    elif format == 'eon':
        from ase.io.eon import write_reactant_con
        write_reactant_con(filename, images)
    elif format == 'gro':
        from ase.io.gromacs import write_gromacs
        write_gromacs(filename, images)
    elif format == 'g96':
        from ase.io.gromos import write_gromos
        write_gromos(filename, images)
    elif format == 'html':
        from ase.io.x3d import write_html
        write_html(filename, images)

    format = {
        'traj': 'trajectory',
        'nc': 'netcdf',
        'bundle': 'bundletrajectory'
    }.get(format, format)
    name = 'write_' + format

    if format in ['vti', 'vts', 'vtu']:
        format = 'vtkxml'

    if format is None:
        format = filetype(filename)

        write = getattr(__import__('ase.io.%s' % format, {}, {}, [name]), name)
    except ImportError:
        raise TypeError('Unknown format: "%s".' % format)

    write(filename, images, **kwargs)
def write(filename, images, format=None, **kwargs):
    """Write Atoms object(s) to file.

    filename: str
        Name of the file to write to.
    images: Atoms object or list of Atoms objects
        A single Atoms object or a list of Atoms objects.
    format: str
        Used to specify the file-format.  If not given, the
        file-format will be taken from suffix of the filename.

    The accepted output formats:

    =========================  ===========
    format                     short name
    =========================  ===========
    ASE pickle trajectory      traj
    ASE bundle trajectory      bundle
    CUBE file                  cube
    XYZ-file                   xyz
    VASP POSCAR/CONTCAR file   vasp
    ABINIT input file          abinit
    Protein Data Bank          pdb
    CIF-file                   cif
    XCrySDen Structure File    xsf
    FHI-aims geometry file     aims
    gOpenMol .plt file         plt
    Python script              py
    Encapsulated Postscript    eps
    Portable Network Graphics  png
    Persistance of Vision      pov
    VTK XML Image Data         vti
    VTK XML Structured Grid    vts
    VTK XML Unstructured Grid  vtu
    TURBOMOLE coord file       tmol
    exciting                   exi
    AtomEye configuration      cfg
    WIEN2k structure file      struct
    CASTEP cell file           cell
    DftbPlus input file        dftb
    ETSF                       etsf.nc
    DFTBPlus GEN format        gen
    CMR db/cmr-file            db
    CMR db/cmr-file            cmr
    EON reactant.con file      eon
    Gromacs coordinates        gro
    GROMOS96 (only positions)  g96
    X3D                        x3d
    X3DOM HTML                 html
    Extended XYZ file          extxyz
    =========================  ===========

    Many formats allow on open file-like object to be passed instead
    of ``filename``. In this case the format cannot be auto-decected,
    so the ``format`` argument should be explicitly given.

    The use of additional keywords is format specific.

    The ``cube`` and ``plt`` formats accept (plt requires it) a ``data``
    keyword, which can be used to write a 3D array to the file along
    with the nuclei coordinates.

    The ``vti``, ``vts`` and ``vtu`` formats are all specifically directed
    for use with MayaVi, and the latter is designated for visualization of
    the atoms whereas the two others are intended for volume data. Further,
    it should be noted that the ``vti`` format is intended for orthogonal
    unit cells as only the grid-spacing is stored, whereas the ``vts`` format
    additionally stores the coordinates of each grid point, thus making it
    useful for volume date in more general unit cells.

    The ``eps``, ``png``, and ``pov`` formats are all graphics formats,
    and accept the additional keywords:

    rotation: str (default '')
      The rotation angles, e.g. '45x,70y,90z'.

    show_unit_cell: int (default 0)
      Can be 0, 1, 2 to either not show, show, or show all of the unit cell.

    radii: array or float (default 1.0)
      An array of same length as the list of atoms indicating the sphere radii.
      A single float specifies a uniform scaling of the default covalent radii.

    bbox: 4 floats (default None)
      Set the bounding box to (xll, yll, xur, yur) (lower left, upper right).

    colors: array (default None)
      An array of same length as the list of atoms, indicating the rgb color
      code for each atom. Default is the jmol_colors of ase/data/colors.

    scale: int (default 20)
      Number of pixels per Angstrom.

    For the ``pov`` graphics format, ``scale`` should not be specified.
    The elements of the color array can additionally be strings, or 4
    and 5 vectors for named colors, rgb + filter, and rgb + filter + transmit
    specification. This format accepts the additional keywords:

    ``run_povray``, ``display``, ``pause``, ``transparent``,
    ``canvas_width``, ``canvas_height``, ``camera_dist``,
    ``image_plane``, ``camera_type``, ``point_lights``,
    ``area_light``, ``background``, ``textures``, ``celllinewidth``,
    ``bondlinewidth``, ``bondatoms``

    The ``xyz`` format accepts a comment string using the ``comment`` keyword:

    comment: str (default '')
      Optional comment written on the second line of the file.

    if format is None:
        if filename == '-':
            format = 'xyz'
            filename = sys.stdout
        elif 'POSCAR' in filename or 'CONTCAR' in filename:
            format = 'vasp'
        elif 'OUTCAR' in filename:
            format = 'vasp_out'
        elif filename.endswith('etsf.nc'):
            format = 'etsf'
        elif filename.lower().endswith('.con'):
            format = 'eon'
        elif os.path.basename(filename) == 'coord':
            format = 'tmol'
            suffix = filename.split('.')[-1]
            format = {'cell': 'castep_cell',
                      }.get(suffix, suffix)  # XXX this does not make sense
            # Maybe like this:
##             format = {'traj': 'trajectory',
##                       'nc': 'netcdf',
##                       'exi': 'exciting',
##                       'in': 'aims',
##                       'tmol': 'turbomole',
##                       }.get(suffix, suffix)
    if format in ['json', 'db']:
        from ase.db import connect
        connect(filename, format).write(images)
    if format == 'castep_cell':
        from ase.io.castep import write_cell
        write_cell(filename, images, **kwargs)
    if format == 'exi':
        from ase.io.exciting import write_exciting
        write_exciting(filename, images)
    if format == 'cif':
        from ase.io.cif import write_cif
        write_cif(filename, images)
    if format == 'xyz':
        from ase.io.extxyz import write_xyz
        write_xyz(filename, images, columns=['symbols', 'positions'],
                  write_info=False, write_results=False, **kwargs)
    if format == 'extxyz':
        from ase.io.extxyz import write_xyz
        write_xyz(filename, images, **kwargs)
    if format == 'gen':
        from ase.io.gen import write_gen
        write_gen(filename, images)
    elif format == 'in':
        format = 'aims'
    elif format == 'tmol':
        from ase.io.turbomole import write_turbomole
        write_turbomole(filename, images)
    elif format == 'dftb':
        from ase.io.dftb import write_dftb
        write_dftb(filename, images)
    elif format == 'struct':
        from ase.io.wien2k import write_struct
        write_struct(filename, images, **kwargs)
    elif format == 'findsym':
        from ase.io.findsym import write_findsym
        write_findsym(filename, images)
    elif format == 'etsf':
        from ase.io.etsf import ETSFWriter
        writer = ETSFWriter(filename)
        if not isinstance(images, (list, tuple)):
            images = [images]
    elif format == 'cmr':
        from ase.io.cmr_io import write_db
        return write_db(filename, images, **kwargs)
    elif format == 'eon':
        from ase.io.eon import write_reactant_con
        write_reactant_con(filename, images)
    elif format == 'gro':
        from ase.io.gromacs import write_gromacs
        write_gromacs(filename, images)
    elif format == 'g96':
        from ase.io.gromos import write_gromos
        write_gromos(filename, images)
    elif format == 'html':
        from ase.io.x3d import write_html
        write_html(filename, images)

    format = {'traj': 'trajectory',
              'nc': 'netcdf',
              'bundle': 'bundletrajectory'
              }.get(format, format)
    name = 'write_' + format

    if format in ['vti', 'vts', 'vtu']:
        format = 'vtkxml'
    elif format == 'trj':
        name = 'write_trajectory'
        format = 'pickletrajectory'
    elif format is None:
        format = filetype(filename)

        write = getattr(__import__('ase.io.%s' % format, {}, {}, [name]), name)
    except ImportError:
        raise TypeError('Unknown format: "%s".' % format)

    write(filename, images, **kwargs)