help_text = _( 'If checked, all forum functions ' 'will be shown to users, regardless of their ' 'reputation. However to use those functions, ' 'moderation rules, reputation and other limits ' 'will still apply.' ) ) ) settings.register( values.StringValue( GENERAL_SKIN_SETTINGS, 'ASKBOT_DEFAULT_SKIN', default = 'default', choices = skin_utils.get_skin_choices(), description = _('Select skin'), ) ) settings.register( values.BooleanValue( GENERAL_SKIN_SETTINGS, 'USE_CUSTOM_HTML_HEAD', default = False, description = _('Customize HTML <HEAD>') ) )
register(ImageValue(GENERAL_SKIN_SETTINGS, 'LOCAL_LOGIN_ICON', description=_('Password login button'), help_text=_('An 88x38 pixel image that is used on the login screen for the password login button.'), default='/images/pw-login.gif', url_resolver=skin_utils.get_media_url)) register(BooleanValue(GENERAL_SKIN_SETTINGS, 'ALWAYS_SHOW_ALL_UI_FUNCTIONS', default=False, description=_('Show all UI functions to all users'), help_text=_('If checked, all forum functions ' 'will be shown to users, regardless of their ' 'reputation. However to use those functions, ' 'moderation rules, reputation and other limits ' 'will still apply.'))) register(StringValue(GENERAL_SKIN_SETTINGS, 'ASKBOT_DEFAULT_SKIN', default='default', choices=skin_utils.get_skin_choices(), description=_('Select skin'))) register(BooleanValue(GENERAL_SKIN_SETTINGS, 'USE_CUSTOM_HTML_HEAD', default=False, description=_('Customize HTML <HEAD>'))) register(LongStringValue(GENERAL_SKIN_SETTINGS, 'CUSTOM_HTML_HEAD', default='', description=_('Custom portion of the HTML <HEAD>'), help_text=_('<strong>To use this option</strong>, ' 'check "Customize HTML <HEAD>" ' 'above. Contents of this box will be inserted ' 'into the <HEAD> portion of the HTML ' 'output, where elements such as <script>, ' '<link>, <meta> may be added. ' 'Please, keep in mind that adding external '