def test_timestamps(webdriver, flask_app, dbconn):
    """Test setting of timestamps."""

    # initialize
    init_tests(webdriver, flask_app, dbconn)

    # create an article
    create_article({"title": "My Article"})
    results = get_search_results()
    assert len(results) == 1
    article_sr = results[0]
    article_id = article_sr.get_attribute("testing--article_id")

    # check its timestamps
    row = get_article_row(dbconn, article_id, ["time_created", "time_updated"])
    assert row[0]
    assert row[1] is None

    # update the article
    edit_article(article_sr, {"title": "My Article (updated)"})

    # check its timestamps
    row2 = get_article_row(dbconn, article_id,
                           ["time_created", "time_updated"])
    assert row2[0] == row[0]
    assert row2[1] > row2[0]
def test_timestamps(webdriver, flask_app, dbconn):
    """Test setting of timestamps."""

    # initialize
    init_tests(webdriver, flask_app, dbconn)

    # create a publication
    create_publication({"name": "My Publication"})
    results = get_search_results()
    assert len(results) == 1
    pub_sr = results[0]
    pub_id = pub_sr.get_attribute("testing--pub_id")

    # check its timestamps
    row = get_publication_row(dbconn, pub_id, ["time_created", "time_updated"])
    assert row[0]
    assert row[1] is None

    # update the publication
    edit_publication(pub_sr, {"name": "My Publication (updated)"})

    # check its timestamps
    row2 = get_publication_row(dbconn, pub_id,
                               ["time_created", "time_updated"])
    assert row2[0] == row[0]
    assert row2[1] > row2[0]
def test_delete_article(webdriver, flask_app, dbconn):
    """Test deleting articles."""

    # initialize
    init_tests(webdriver, flask_app, dbconn, fixtures="articles.json")

    # start to delete an article, but cancel the operation
    article_name = "Smoke Gets In Your Eyes"
    results = do_search(SEARCH_ALL_ARTICLES)
    result_names = get_search_result_names(results)
    sr = find_search_result(article_name, results)
    select_sr_menu_option(sr, "delete")
    check_ask_dialog(("Delete this article?", article_name), "cancel")

    # check that search results are unchanged on-screen
    results2 = get_search_results()
    assert results2 == results

    # check that the search results are unchanged in the database
    results3 = do_search(SEARCH_ALL_ARTICLES)
    assert get_search_result_names(results3) == result_names

    # delete the article
    sr = find_search_result(article_name, results3)
    select_sr_menu_option(sr, "delete")
    check_ask_dialog(("Delete this article?", article_name), "ok")
    wait_for(2, lambda: check_toast("info", "The article was deleted."))

    # check that search result was removed on-screen
    wait_for(2, lambda: article_name not in get_search_result_names())

    # check that the search result was deleted from the database
    results = do_search(SEARCH_ALL_ARTICLES)
    assert article_name not in get_search_result_names(results)
 def click_on_author( sr, expected_author, expected_sr ):
     authors = find_children( ".authors .author", sr )
     assert len(authors) == 1
     assert authors[0].text == expected_author
     wait_for( 2, lambda: get_search_result_names() == expected_sr )
     return get_search_results()
def test_delete_publication(webdriver, flask_app, dbconn):
    """Test deleting publications."""

    # initialize
    init_tests(webdriver, flask_app, dbconn, fixtures="publications.json")

    # start to delete a publication, but cancel the operation
    article_title = "ASL Journal (2)"
    results = do_search(SEARCH_ALL_PUBLICATIONS)
    result_names = get_search_result_names(results)
    sr = find_search_result(article_title, results)
    select_sr_menu_option(sr, "delete")
    check_ask_dialog(("Delete this publication?", article_title), "cancel")

    # check that search results are unchanged on-screen
    results2 = get_search_results()
    assert results2 == results

    # check that the search results are unchanged in the database
    results3 = do_search(SEARCH_ALL_PUBLICATIONS)
    assert get_search_result_names(results3) == result_names

    # delete the publication
    sr = find_search_result(article_title, results3)
    select_sr_menu_option(sr, "delete")
    check_ask_dialog(("Delete this publication?", article_title), "ok")
    wait_for(2, lambda: check_toast("info", "The publication was deleted."))

    # check that search result was removed on-screen
    wait_for(2, lambda: article_title not in get_search_result_names())

    # check that the search result was deleted from the database
    results = do_search(SEARCH_ALL_PUBLICATIONS)
    assert article_title not in get_search_result_names(results)
def test_clean_html( webdriver, flask_app, dbconn ):
    """Test cleaning HTML content."""

    # initialize
    init_tests( webdriver, flask_app, dbconn )
    replace = [
        "[\u00ab\u00bb\u201c\u201d\u201e\u201f foo\u2014bar \u2018\u2019\u201a\u201b\u2039\u203a]",
        "[\"\"\"\"\"\" foo - bar '''''']"

    # create a publisher with HTML content
    create_publisher( {
        "name": "name: <span onclick='boo!'> <b>bold</b> <xxx>xxx</xxx> <i>italic</i> {}".format( replace[0] ),
        "description": "bad stuff here: <script>HCF</script> {}".format( replace[0] )
    }, toast_type="warning" )

    # check that the HTML was cleaned
    sr = check_search_result( None, _check_sr, [
        "name: bold xxx italic {}".format( replace[1] ),
        "bad stuff here: {}".format( replace[1] ),
    ] )
    assert find_child( ".name", sr ).get_attribute( "innerHTML" ) \
        == "name: <span> <b>bold</b> xxx <i>italic</i> {}</span>".format( replace[1] )
    assert check_toast( "warning", "Some values had HTML cleaned up.", contains=True )

    # update the publisher with new HTML content
    edit_publisher( sr, {
        "name": "<div onclick='...'>updated</div>"
    }, toast_type="warning" )
    results = get_search_results()
    assert len(results) == 1
    wait_for( 2, lambda: find_child( ".name", sr ).text == "updated" )
    assert check_toast( "warning", "Some values had HTML cleaned up.", contains=True )
 def check_results(expected_url, expected_title, expected_sr):
     wait_for(2, lambda: check_title(expected_title))
     assert get_url() == "{}/{}".format(
         url_stem, expected_url) if expected_url else url_stem
     results = get_search_results()
     assert get_search_result_names(results) == expected_sr
     return results
def test_parent_publisher(webdriver, flask_app, dbconn):
    """Test setting an article's parent publication."""

    # initialize
    init_tests(webdriver, flask_app, dbconn, fixtures="parents.json")

    def check_result(sr, expected_parent):  #pylint: disable=too-many-return-statements

        # check that the parent publication was updated in the UI
        elem = find_child(".header .publication", sr)
        if expected_parent:
            if elem.text != "{}".format(expected_parent[1]):
                return None
            if elem is not None:
                return None

        # check that the parent publication was updated in the database
        article_id = sr.get_attribute("testing--article_id")
        url = flask_app.url_for("get_article", article_id=article_id)
        article = json.load(urllib.request.urlopen(url))
        if expected_parent:
            if article["pub_id"] != expected_parent[0]:
                return None
            if article["pub_id"] is not None:
                return None

        # check that the parent publication was updated in the UI
        results = do_search('"My Article"')
        assert len(results) == 1
        sr = results[0]
        elem = find_child(".header .publication", sr)
        if expected_parent:
            if elem.text != "{}".format(expected_parent[1]):
                return None
            if elem is not None:
                return None

        return sr

    # create an article with no parent publication
    create_article({"title": "My Article"})
    results = get_search_results()
    assert len(results) == 1
    sr = wait_for(2, lambda: check_result(results[0], None))

    # change the article to have a publication
    edit_article(sr, {"publication": "ASL Journal"})
    sr = wait_for(2, lambda: check_result(sr, (1, "ASL Journal")))

    # change the article back to having no publication
    edit_article(sr, {"publication": "(none)"})
    sr = wait_for(2, lambda: check_result(sr, None))
def test_parent_publisher(webdriver, flask_app, dbconn):
    """Test setting a publication's parent publisher."""

    # initialize
    init_tests(webdriver, flask_app, dbconn, fixtures="parents.json")

    def check_result(sr, expected_parent):  #pylint: disable=too-many-return-statements

        # check that the parent publisher was updated in the UI
        elem = find_child(".header .publisher", sr)
        if expected_parent:
            if elem.text != "{}".format(expected_parent[1]):
                return None
            if elem is not None:
                return None

        # check that the parent publisher was updated in the database
        pub_id = sr.get_attribute("testing--pub_id")
        url = flask_app.url_for("get_publication", pub_id=pub_id)
        pub = json.load(urllib.request.urlopen(url))
        if expected_parent:
            if pub["publ_id"] != expected_parent[0]:
                return None
            if pub["publ_id"] is not None:
                return None

        # check that the parent publisher was updated in the UI
        results = do_search('"MMP News"')
        assert len(results) == 1
        sr = results[0]
        elem = find_child(".header .publisher", sr)
        if expected_parent:
            if elem.text != "{}".format(expected_parent[1]):
                return None
            if elem is not None:
                return None

        return sr

    # create a publication with no parent publisher
    create_publication({"name": "MMP News"})
    results = get_search_results()
    assert len(results) == 1
    sr = wait_for(2, lambda: check_result(results[0], None))

    # change the publication to have a publisher
    edit_publication(sr, {"publisher": "Multiman Publishing"})
    sr = wait_for(2, lambda: check_result(sr, (1, "Multiman Publishing")))

    # change the publication back to having no publisher
    edit_publication(sr, {"publisher": "(none)"})
    sr = wait_for(2, lambda: check_result(sr, None))
def _check_tags( flask_app, expected ): #pylint: disable=too-many-locals
    """Check the tags in the UI and database."""

    # get the complete list of expected tags
    expected_available = set()
    for tags in expected.values():
        expected_available.update( tags )

    def check_tags( sr ):
        name = get_search_result_names( [sr] )[ 0 ]
        tags = [ t.text for t in find_children( ".tag", sr ) ]
        if tags == expected[name]:
            return name
        return None

    # check the tags in the UI
    results = get_search_results()
    assert set( get_search_result_names( results ) ) == set( expected.keys() )
    for sr in results:

        # check the tags in the search result
        name = wait_for( 2, lambda sr=sr: check_tags( sr ) )

        # check the tags in the publication/article
        select_sr_menu_option( sr, "edit" )
        dlg = wait_for_elem( 2, ".modal-form" )
        select = ReactSelect( find_child( ".row.tags .react-select", dlg ) )
        assert select.get_multiselect_values() == expected[ name ]

        # check that the list of available tags is correct
        # NOTE: We don't bother checking the tag order here.
        assert set( select.get_multiselect_choices() ) == expected_available.difference( expected[name] )

        # close the dialog
        find_child( "button.cancel", dlg ).click()

    def fixup_tags( tags ):
        return [] if tags is None else tags

    # check the tags in the database
    for sr in results:
        if sr.text.startswith( "publication" ):
            pub_id = sr.get_attribute( "testing--pub_id" )
            url = flask_app.url_for( "get_publication", pub_id=pub_id )
            pub = json.load( urllib.request.urlopen( url ) )
            assert expected[ pub["pub_name"] ] == fixup_tags( pub["pub_tags"] )
        elif sr.text.startswith( "article" ):
            article_id = sr.get_attribute( "testing--article_id" )
            url = flask_app.url_for( "get_article", article_id=article_id )
            article = json.load( urllib.request.urlopen( url ) )
            assert expected[ article["article_title"] ] == fixup_tags( article["article_tags"] )
    def do_test( create, edit, refresh ):

        # create a new object
        results = get_search_results()
        assert len(results) == 1
        sr = results[0]

        # add images to the object
        # NOTE: We're testing that images in an object already on-screen is updated correctly.
        fname = os.path.join( os.path.split(__file__)[0], "fixtures/images/1.gif" )
        description = 'foo <img src="/images/app.png" style="height:2em;" class="preview"> bar'
        edit( sr, fname, description )
        _check_previewable_images( sr )

        # refresh the object
        # NOTE: We're testing that images in an object loaded afresh is set up correctly.
        wait_for( 2, lambda: find_child( "#search-form" ) )
        results = refresh()
        assert len(results) == 1
        _check_previewable_images( results[0] )
def test_images(webdriver, flask_app, dbconn):  #pylint: disable=too-many-statements
    """Test article images."""

    # initialize
    init_tests(webdriver, flask_app, dbconn, max_image_upload_size=2 * 1024)
    article_sr = article_id = None

    def check_image(expected):

        # check the image in the article's search result
        def check_sr_image():
            img = find_child("img.image", article_sr)
            if expected:
                expected_url = flask_app.url_for("get_image",
                image_url = img.get_attribute("src").split("?")[0]
                return image_url == expected_url
                return not img

        wait_for(2, check_sr_image)

        # check the image in the article's config
        select_sr_menu_option(article_sr, "edit")
        dlg = wait_for_elem(2, "#article-form")
        if expected:
            # make sure there is an image
            img = find_child(".row.image img.image", dlg)
            image_url = img.get_attribute("src")
            assert "/images/article/{}".format(article_id) in image_url
            # make sure the "remove image" icon is visible
            btn = find_child(".row.image .remove-image", dlg)
            assert btn.is_displayed()
            # make sure the article's image is correct
            resp = urllib.request.urlopen(image_url).read()
            assert resp == open(expected, "rb").read()
            # make sure there is no image
            img = find_child(".row.image img.image", dlg)
            assert img.get_attribute("src").endswith("/images/placeholder.png")
            # make sure the "remove image" icon is hidden
            btn = find_child(".row.image .remove-image", dlg)
            assert not btn.is_displayed()
            # make sure the article's image is not available
            url = flask_app.url_for("get_image",
                resp = urllib.request.urlopen(url)
                assert False, "Should never get here!"
            except urllib.error.HTTPError as ex:
                assert ex.code == 404
        find_child(".cancel", dlg).click()

    # create an article with no image
    create_article({"title": "Test Article"})
    results = get_search_results()
    assert len(results) == 1
    article_sr = results[0]
    article_id = article_sr.get_attribute("testing--article_id")

    # add an image to the article
    fname = os.path.join(os.path.split(__file__)[0], "fixtures/images/1.gif")
    edit_article(article_sr, {"image": fname})

    # change the article's image
    fname = os.path.join(os.path.split(__file__)[0], "fixtures/images/2.gif")
    edit_article(article_sr, {"image": fname})

    # remove the article's image
    edit_article(article_sr, {"image": None})

    # try to upload an image that's too large
    select_sr_menu_option(article_sr, "edit")
    dlg = wait_for_elem(2, "#article-form")
    data = base64.b64encode(5000 * b" ")
    data = "{}|{}".format("too-big.png", data.decode("ascii"))
                     lambda: find_child(".row.image img.image", dlg).click())
    check_error_msg("The file must be no more than 2 KB in size.")
 def click_on_tag( tag, expected ):
     wait_for( 2, lambda: get_search_result_names() == expected )
     return get_search_results()
def test_db_report(webdriver, flask_app, dbconn):
    """Test the database report."""

    # initialize
    init_tests(webdriver, flask_app, dbconn, fixtures="db-report.json")

    # check the initial report
    row_counts, links, dupe_images, image_sizes = _get_db_report()
    assert row_counts == {
        "publishers": 2,
        "publications": 3,
        "articles": 5,
        "authors": 3,
        "scenarios": 2
    assert links == {
        "publishers": [2, []],
        "publications": [2, []],
        "articles": [2, []],
    assert dupe_images == []
    assert image_sizes == {}

    # add some images
    publ_sr = find_search_result("Avalon Hill", wait=2)
    fname = os.path.join(os.path.split(__file__)[0], "fixtures/images/1.gif")
    edit_publisher(publ_sr, {"image": fname})
    results = get_search_results()
    pub_sr = find_search_result("ASL Journal (1)", results)
    fname = os.path.join(os.path.split(__file__)[0], "fixtures/images/2.gif")
    edit_publication(pub_sr, {"image": fname})
    article_sr = find_search_result("ASLJ article 1", results)
    fname = os.path.join(os.path.split(__file__)[0], "fixtures/images/3.gif")
    edit_article(article_sr, {"image": fname})
    article_sr = find_search_result("ASLJ article 2", results)
    fname = os.path.join(os.path.split(__file__)[0], "fixtures/images/3.gif")
    edit_article(article_sr, {"image": fname})

    # check the updated report
    row_counts, _, dupe_images, image_sizes = _get_db_report()
    assert row_counts == {
        "publishers": 2,
        "publisher_images": 1,
        "publications": 3,
        "publication_images": 1,
        "articles": 5,
        "article_images": 2,
        "authors": 3,
        "scenarios": 2
    assert dupe_images == [[
        ("ASLJ article 1", "/article/100"),
        ("ASLJ article 2", "/article/101"),
    assert image_sizes == {
        "publishers": [
            ("Avalon Hill", "/publisher/1", "/images/publisher/1"),
        "publications": [
            ("ASL Journal (1)", "/publication/10", "/images/publication/10"),
        "articles": [
            ("ASLJ article 1", "/article/100", "/images/article/100"),
            ("ASLJ article 2", "/article/101", "/images/article/101"),

    # delete all the publishers (and associated objects), then check the updated report
    publ_sr = find_search_result("Avalon Hill", wait=2)
    select_sr_menu_option(publ_sr, "delete")
    check_ask_dialog("Delete this publisher?", "ok")
    results = get_search_results()
    publ_sr = find_search_result("Multiman Publishing", results)
    select_sr_menu_option(publ_sr, "delete")
    check_ask_dialog("Delete this publisher?", "ok")
    row_counts, links, dupe_images, image_sizes = _get_db_report()
    assert row_counts == {
        "publishers": 0,
        "publications": 0,
        "articles": 0,
        "authors": 3,
        "scenarios": 2
    assert links == {
        "publishers": [0, []],
        "publications": [0, []],
        "articles": [0, []],
    assert dupe_images == []
    assert image_sizes == {}