        meddate = getdate(d["Date given"])
        m = asm.animal_regimen_single(a.ID, meddate, d["Product"], d["Amount"],
                                      d["Dose notes"])

if asm.file_exists("%s/vaccinations.csv" % PATH):
    for d in asm.csv_to_list("%s/vaccinations.csv" % PATH):
        if d["Animal ID"] == "Animal ID": continue
        if d["Animal ID"] not in ppa: continue
        a = ppa[d["Animal ID"]]
        vaccdate = getdate(d["Date given"])
        lotno = ""
        if "Lot #" in d: lotno = d["Lot #"]
        t = asm.animal_vaccination(a.ID,
                                   d["Vaccine product"],
                                   rabiestag=d["Rabies tag number"],

# Allow shelter animals to have their chips registered
for a in animals:
    if a.Archived == 0:
        a.IsNotForRegistration = 0

# Now that everything else is done, output stored records
for k, v in asm.testtypes.items():
    if v.ID >= START_ID: print(v)
for k, v in asm.vaccinationtypes.items():
    if v.ID >= START_ID: print(v)
for k, v in asm.locations.items():
# allmedical.csv
vx = {}  # lookup of animal ID to vaccinations for speed
for row in asm.csv_to_list(PATH + "allmedical.csv", remove_non_ascii=True):
    a = None
    if not ppa.has_key(row["Animal Id"]): continue
    a = ppa[row["Animal Id"]]
    dg = asm.getdate_iso(row["Date Given"])
    dn = asm.getdate_iso(row["Date Needed"])

    if row["Type of Medical Entry"] == "Vaccination":
        if a.ID not in vx: vx[a.ID] = []
        # Create a vacc with just the needed date
        if dn is not None:
            av = asm.animal_vaccination(
                a.ID, dn, None, row["Vaccination"],
                "%s %s" % (row["Comments"], row["Hidden comments"]))
        # now, go back through our vaccinations to find any for this animal with a needed date that matches the given date
        # so we can mark them given. This is because ishelters store pairs of given and next needed, where we store needed and given.
        gotone = False
        for v in vx[a.ID]:
            if v.AnimalID == a.ID and v.DateOfVaccination is None and v.DateRequired == dg:
                v.DateOfVaccination = dg
                v.Comments += " %s %s" % (row["Comments"],
                                          row["Hidden comments"])
                gotone = True
        if not gotone and dg is not None:
            # We didn't find one, record it as a standalone vacc
            av = asm.animal_vaccination(