def test_setattr() -> None: """Test :class:`~nanoutils.SetAttr`.""" assertion.is_(OBJ.obj, _Test) assertion.eq(, 'a') assertion.is_(OBJ.value, False) assertion.is_(OBJ.attr, _Test.a) try: OBJ.attr = False assertion.is_(OBJ.attr, False) finally: OBJ.attr = True assertion.contains(repr(OBJ), SetAttr.__name__) assertion.contains(repr(OBJ), object.__repr__(OBJ.obj)) assertion.contains(repr(OBJ), reprlib.repr(OBJ.value)) assertion.contains(repr(OBJ), 'a') obj2 = SetAttr(_Test, 'a', False) obj3 = SetAttr(_Test, 'a', True) assertion.eq(OBJ, obj2), obj3), 0) assertion.assert_(OBJ.__reduce__, exception=TypeError) assertion.is_(copy.copy(OBJ), OBJ) assertion.is_(copy.deepcopy(OBJ), OBJ) assertion.truth(hash(OBJ)) assertion.eq(hash(OBJ), OBJ._hash) with OBJ: assertion.is_(_Test.a, False) assertion.is_(_Test.a, True)
def test_templates(): """Test that the yaml files are read properly.""" b1 = freq == transform(freq) b2 = geometry == transform(geometry) b3 = singlepoint == transform(singlepoint) b4 = ts == transform(ts) assertion.truth(all((b1, b2, b3, b4)))
def check_couplings(config: DictConfig, tmp_hdf5: str, orbitals_type: str) -> None: """Check that the couplings have meaningful values.""" def create_paths(keyword: str) -> list: return [ os.path.join(orbitals_type, f'{keyword}_{x}') for x in range(len(config.geometries) - 1) ] overlaps = create_paths('overlaps') couplings = create_paths('coupling') # Check that couplings and overlaps exists assertion.truth(is_data_in_hdf5(tmp_hdf5, overlaps)) assertion.truth(is_data_in_hdf5(tmp_hdf5, couplings)) # All the elements are different of inifinity or nan tensor_couplings = np.stack(retrieve_hdf5_data(tmp_hdf5, couplings)) assertion.truth(np.isfinite(tensor_couplings).all()) # Check that the couplings are anti-symetric for mtx in tensor_couplings[:]: assertion(np.allclose(mtx, -mtx.T)) # Check that there are not NaN assertion.truth(not np.all(np.isnan(tensor_couplings)))
def run_single_point(tmp_path: Path, input_file: str): """Run a single point calculation using cp2k.""" file_path = PATH_TEST / input_file config = process_input(file_path, 'single_points') config["scratch_path"] = tmp_path tmp_hdf5 = os.path.join(tmp_path, 'single_points.hdf5') config['path_hdf5'] = tmp_hdf5 Path(tmp_hdf5).touch() try: path_orbitals, path_energies = workflow_single_points(config) print("path_orbitals: ", path_orbitals) print("path_energies: ", path_energies) if config["compute_orbitals"]: assertion.truth(is_data_in_hdf5(tmp_hdf5, path_orbitals[0])) finally: remove_files()
def test_assert_() -> None: """Test :meth:`AssertionManager.assert_`.""" assertion.assert_(len, [1]) assertion.assert_(len, [], invert=True) assertion.assert_(len, 1, exception=TypeError) assertion.assert_(len, [1], [1], exception=TypeError) assertion.assert_(len, [1], bob=1, exception=TypeError) try: assertion.assert_(len, [1], exception=bool) except TypeError: pass else: raise AssertionError('Failed to raise a TypeError') try: assertion.assert_(len, [1], exception=AssertionError) except ValueError: pass else: raise AssertionError('Failed to raise a ValueError') try: assertion.eq(1, 1, exception=TypeError, message='<MARKER>') except AssertionError as ex: assertion.contains(str(ex), '<MARKER>') else: raise AssertionError('Failed to raise an AssertionError') try: assertion.contains(1, 1, exception=ValueError) except AssertionError as ex: assertion.isinstance(ex.__cause__, TypeError) else: raise AssertionError('Failed to raise an AssertionError') func = operator.__invert__ assertion(False, post_process=func) assertion(True, invert=True, post_process=func) try: assertion.truth(False, message='Funcy custom message') except AssertionError as ex: assertion.contains(str(ex), 'Funcy custom message') else: raise AssertionError('Failed to raise am AssertionError')
def test_orca_init_hessian(): """Test the translation from settings to CP2K specific keywords.""" # Read Hessian from DFTB PATH_RKF = PATH / "output_dftb" / "dftb_freq" / "dftb.rkf" assertion.truth(PATH_RKF.exists()) hess = kfreader(PATH_RKF, section="AMSResults", prop="Hessian") water = molkit.from_smiles('[OH2]', forcefield='mmff') # Tess Hessian initialization s = Settings() hess = np.array(hess).reshape(9, 9) s.inithess = hess ORCA.handle_special_keywords(s, "inithess", hess, water) # Test that the hessian is readable new_hess = parse_hessian(s.specific.orca.geom.InHessName) new_hess = np.array(new_hess, dtype=np.float64) assertion.truth(np.allclose(hess, new_hess, atol=1e-5))
def test_quadropole(tmp_path): """Test the calculation of a quadrupole.""" file_path = PATH_TEST / "input_test_single_points.yml" config = process_input(file_path, 'single_points') path_original_hdf5 = config.path_hdf5 path_test_hdf5 = (Path(tmp_path) / "multipoles.hdf5").as_posix() # copy the precomputed data to the temporal HDF5 shutil.copyfile(path_original_hdf5, path_test_hdf5) config.path_hdf5 = path_test_hdf5 mol = readXYZ((PATH_TEST / "").as_posix()) matrix = compute_matrix_multipole(mol, config, "quadrupole") # The matrix contains the overlap + dipole + quadrupole assertion.shape_eq(matrix, (10, 46, 46)) # Check that the matrices are symmetric for i in range(10): arr = matrix[i].reshape(46, 46) assertion.truth(np.allclose(arr, arr.T))
def test_update_hdf5_log1() -> None: """Test :func:`dataCAT.update_hdf5_log`.""" copyfile(HDF5_READ, HDF5_TMP) with h5py.File(HDF5_TMP, 'r+', libver='latest') as f: group = f['ligand/logger'] i = len(group['date']) n0 = group.attrs['n'] assertion.truth(n0) i += group.attrs['n_step'] group.attrs['n'] = 100 update_hdf5_log(group, index=[0]) n1 = group.attrs['n'] assertion.eq(n1, 101) for name, dset in group.items(): if name != 'version_names': assertion.len_eq(dset, i)
def check_hamiltonians(hamiltonians: Sequence[str]) -> None: """Check that the hamiltonians were written correctly.""" energies = np.stack([np.diag(np.loadtxt(ts[1])) for ts in hamiltonians]) couplings = np.stack([np.loadtxt(ts[0]) for ts in hamiltonians]) # check that energies and couplings are finite values assertion.truth(np.isfinite(energies).all()) assertion.truth(np.isfinite(couplings).all()) # Check that the couplings diagonal is zero assertion.truth(abs(np.einsum('jii->', couplings)) < 1e-16)
def test_parse_cp2k_warnings(): """Parse CP2K warnings.""" OUTPUT_FILE = PATH / "output_cp2k" / "cp2k_job" / "cp2k_job.out" map_warns = parse_cp2k_warnings(OUTPUT_FILE, cp2k_warnings) assertion.truth(all((val == QMFlows_Warning) for val in map_warns.values()))
def test_truth_np() -> None: """Test :meth:`AssertionManager.truth` with a NumPy array.""" array: np.ndarray = np.random.rand(10) assertion.truth(array, exception=ValueError)
def test_truth() -> None: """Test :meth:`AssertionManager.truth`.""" assertion.truth(5) assertion.truth(0, invert=True) assertion.truth(5, 6, 7, 8, exception=TypeError)