文件: DSs.py 项目: leinadao/PyShower
	def run(self):
		"""A function to run a shower for the given LHEF file."""
		##For e+e- -> qqBar (massless).
		__reader = LHEFHandlers.LHEFReader(self.__toLoad)
		self.__numEvents = __reader.get_number_events()
		__writer = LHEFHandlers.LHEFShowerWriter(__reader,self.__numEvents)
		__alertEvery = self.__numEvents/10
		if __alertEvery > 1000: ##Slow enough to want to see something is happening!
			__alertEvery = 1000
		elif (__alertEvery == 0): ##i.e < 10 events.
			__alertEvery = 1
		for __eventIndex in range(self.__numEvents):
			if (__eventIndex%__alertEvery == 0):
				if (__eventIndex == 0):
					print "Begin showering...\n"
					print "Showering event", __eventIndex
			__MEParticle1 = __reader.get_event_particle(__eventIndex,0)
			__MEParticle2 = __reader.get_event_particle(__eventIndex,1)
			__EIn = __MEParticle1[0] + __MEParticle2[0]
			__S123In = kinematics.Sijk([__MEParticle1.get_four_momentum(), __MEParticle2.get_four_momentum()])
			__particlesIn = [__MEParticle1,__MEParticle2]
			__showerParticle1 = __reader.get_event_particle(__eventIndex,2)
			__showerParticle2 = __reader.get_event_particle(__eventIndex,3)
			__showeri = showers.qqBarShower(__showerParticle1,__showerParticle2,self.__activeQCodes)
			__particlesOut = __showeri.export_results()
			__EOut = 0.0
			__fourVectorsOut = []
			for __p in __particlesOut:
				__ePV = __p.get_four_momentum()
				__EOut += __ePV[0]
			assert precision.check_numbers_equal(kinematics.Sijk(__fourVectorsOut),__S123In)
			assert precision.check_numbers_equal(__EIn,__EOut)
			__trials, __muf2, __mur2 = __reader.get_event_trials(__eventIndex), __reader.get_event_muf2(__eventIndex), __reader.get_event_mur2(__eventIndex)
			__processID, __weight = __reader.get_event_process_ID(__eventIndex), __reader.get_event_weight(__eventIndex)
			__scale, __alphaEM = __reader.get_event_scale(__eventIndex), __reader.get_event_alphaEM(__eventIndex)
			__alphaS = __reader.get_event_alphaS(__eventIndex)
		__numGluonsSplit = counters.gluonSplitCounter.counted()
		print "\nThere were", counters.gluonProdCounter.counted(), "gluons produced!"
		print "\nThere were", __numGluonsSplit, "gluons split!"
		print "\nThere were", counters.photonProdCounter.counted(), "photons produced!"
		print "\nThere were", counters.kPerpProdWarningCounter.counted(), "warnings for E1 or E3 < E2!\n"
		print "\n---------------------"
		print "Quark content report:"
		print "---------------------"
		__sumPercent = 0.0
		for __aQCode in [1,2,3,4,5,6]:
			__qName = particleData.knownParticles.get_name_from_code(__aQCode)
			if precision.check_numbers_equal(__numGluonsSplit,0.0):
				__qPercent = 0.0
				__qPercent = chains.producedQuarkCodes.output().count(__aQCode)*100.0/__numGluonsSplit
			__sumPercent += __qPercent
			print str(__qPercent) + "% are " + __qName + "s."
		print "This adds up to " + str(__sumPercent) + "%."
 def run(self):
     """A function to run the qqBar ME generator approximation."""
     ##Initialise writer
     __writer = LHEFHandlers.LHEFMEWriter('qqBar', self.__numEvents,
                                          self.__S123, self.__quarkCodes)
     __trials, __muf2, __mur2 = 1, self.__S123, self.__S123
     __processID, __weight = 0, 1
     __scale, __alphaEM = 0.0, 0.0
     __alphaS = 0.0
     ##Generate and output events.
     __i, __printEvery = 0, self.__numEvents / 10
     if __printEvery > 1000:  ##Slow enough to want to see something is happening!
         __printEvery = 1000
     elif (__printEvery == 0):  ##i.e < 10 events.
         __printEvery = 1
     while (__i < self.__numEvents):
         __initial = produce_electron_pair(self.__S123)
         __final = produce_quark_pair(self.__S123, self.__quarkCodes)
         __writer.add_event(__trials, __muf2, __mur2, __processID, __weight,
                            __scale, __alphaEM, __alphaS, __initial,
         if (__i % __printEvery == 0):
             if (__i == 0):
                 print "\nStart generating..."
                 print "Reached event", __i
         __i += 1  ##Iterate
     ##End output.
     print "\nSaving..."
     print "\n---------------------"
     print "Quark content report:"
     print "---------------------"
     __sumPercent = 0.0
     for __qIndex, __counter in enumerate(quarkCounters):
         __qName = particleData.knownParticles.get_name_from_code(__qIndex +
         __qPercent = __counter.counted() * 100.0 / self.__numEvents
         __sumPercent += __qPercent
         print str(__qPercent) + "% are " + __qName + "s."
     print "This adds up to " + str(__sumPercent) + "%."
文件: MEs.py 项目: leinadao/PyShower
	def run(self):
		"""A function to run the qqBar ME generator approximation."""
		##Initialise writer
		__writer = LHEFHandlers.LHEFMEWriter('qqBar',self.__numEvents,self.__S123,self.__quarkCodes)
		__trials, __muf2, __mur2 = 1, self.__S123, self.__S123
		__processID, __weight = 0, 1
		__scale, __alphaEM = 0.0,0.0
		__alphaS = 0.0
		##Generate and output events.
		__i, __printEvery = 0, self.__numEvents/10
		if __printEvery > 1000: ##Slow enough to want to see something is happening!
			__printEvery = 1000
		elif (__printEvery == 0): ##i.e < 10 events.
			__printEvery = 1
		while (__i < self.__numEvents):
			__initial = produce_electron_pair(self.__S123)
			__final = produce_quark_pair(self.__S123,self.__quarkCodes)
			if (__i%__printEvery == 0):
				if (__i == 0):
					print "\nStart generating..."
					print "Reached event", __i
			__i += 1 ##Iterate
		##End output.
		print "\nSaving..."
		print "\n---------------------"
		print "Quark content report:"
		print "---------------------"
		__sumPercent = 0.0
		for __qIndex, __counter in enumerate(quarkCounters):
			__qName = particleData.knownParticles.get_name_from_code(__qIndex + 1)
			__qPercent = __counter.counted()*100.0/self.__numEvents
			__sumPercent += __qPercent
			print str(__qPercent) + "% are " + __qName + "s."
		print "This adds up to " + str(__sumPercent) + "%."

##Module test code:##
if __name__ == "__main__":
    ##Import modules required for testing:##
    import math
    import random
    import fourVectors

    ##Begin testing:##
    print "\n----------------------------------------------------------------------"
    print "----------------------------------------------------------------------\n"
    print "///////////////////////"
    print "Testing dipoles module:"
    print "///////////////////////"

    ##Setup here:##
    print "\nGenerating test values..."
    ##Generate random test four-vectors:##
    testFourVectors1 = {'a': None, 'b': None}
    ##Prevent the random vectors being the same as can't boost into frame of massless particle.
    testVector1, testVector2 = fourVectors.fourVector(
        0, 0, 0, 0), fourVectors.fourVector(0, 0, 0,
                                            0)  ##Required to start while loop.
    while (
        (testVector1 == testVector2) or
        (not fourVectors.check_different_direction(testVector1, testVector2))):
        for testFourVector in testFourVectors1:
            x1 = random.randrange(1, 10) / 10.0
            x2 = random.randrange(0, int(math.sqrt(1 - (x1**2)) * 10)) / 10.0
	def __ne__(self,other):
		"""A function to check whether two four-vectors are not equal up to the code precision."""
		return not self.__eq__(other)

##Module test code:##
if __name__ == "__main__":
	##Import modules required for testing:##
	import random

	##Begin testing:##
	print "\n----------------------------------------------------------------------"
	print "----------------------------------------------------------------------\n"
	print "///////////////////////////"
	print "Testing fourVectors module:"
	print "///////////////////////////"
	##Setup here:##
	print "\nGenerating test values..."
	##Generate random test four-vectors:##
	tFourVectors = {'a':None,'b':None,'c':None,'d':None}
	for tFourVector in tFourVectors:
		tX0 = random.randrange(20)
		tX1 = random.randrange(20)
		tX2 = random.randrange(20)
		tX3 = random.randrange(20)
		tFourVectors[tFourVector] = fourVector(tX0,tX1,tX2,tX3)
	tFloat = 2.30000
	tString = "string"
 def run(self):
     """A function to run a shower for the given LHEF file."""
     ##For e+e- -> qqBar (massless).
     __reader = LHEFHandlers.LHEFReader(self.__toLoad)
     self.__numEvents = __reader.get_number_events()
     __writer = LHEFHandlers.LHEFShowerWriter(__reader, self.__numEvents)
     __alertEvery = self.__numEvents / 10
     if __alertEvery > 1000:  ##Slow enough to want to see something is happening!
         __alertEvery = 1000
     elif (__alertEvery == 0):  ##i.e < 10 events.
         __alertEvery = 1
     for __eventIndex in range(self.__numEvents):
         if (__eventIndex % __alertEvery == 0):
             if (__eventIndex == 0):
                 print "Begin showering...\n"
                 print "Showering event", __eventIndex
         __MEParticle1 = __reader.get_event_particle(__eventIndex, 0)
         __MEParticle2 = __reader.get_event_particle(__eventIndex, 1)
         __EIn = __MEParticle1[0] + __MEParticle2[0]
         __S123In = kinematics.Sijk([
         __particlesIn = [__MEParticle1, __MEParticle2]
         __showerParticle1 = __reader.get_event_particle(__eventIndex, 2)
         __showerParticle2 = __reader.get_event_particle(__eventIndex, 3)
         __showeri = showers.qqBarShower(__showerParticle1,
         __particlesOut = __showeri.export_results()
         __EOut = 0.0
         __fourVectorsOut = []
         for __p in __particlesOut:
             __ePV = __p.get_four_momentum()
             __EOut += __ePV[0]
         assert precision.check_numbers_equal(
             kinematics.Sijk(__fourVectorsOut), __S123In)
         assert precision.check_numbers_equal(__EIn, __EOut)
         __trials, __muf2, __mur2 = __reader.get_event_trials(
             __eventIndex), __reader.get_event_muf2(
                 __eventIndex), __reader.get_event_mur2(__eventIndex)
         __processID, __weight = __reader.get_event_process_ID(
             __eventIndex), __reader.get_event_weight(__eventIndex)
         __scale, __alphaEM = __reader.get_event_scale(
             __eventIndex), __reader.get_event_alphaEM(__eventIndex)
         __alphaS = __reader.get_event_alphaS(__eventIndex)
         __writer.add_event(__trials, __muf2, __mur2, __processID, __weight,
                            __scale, __alphaEM, __alphaS, __particlesIn,
     __numGluonsSplit = counters.gluonSplitCounter.counted()
     print "\nThere were", counters.gluonProdCounter.counted(
     ), "gluons produced!"
     print "\nThere were", __numGluonsSplit, "gluons split!"
     print "\nThere were", counters.photonProdCounter.counted(
     ), "photons produced!"
     print "\nThere were", counters.kPerpProdWarningCounter.counted(
     ), "warnings for E1 or E3 < E2!\n"
     print "\n---------------------"
     print "Quark content report:"
     print "---------------------"
     __sumPercent = 0.0
     for __aQCode in [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]:
         __qName = particleData.knownParticles.get_name_from_code(__aQCode)
         if precision.check_numbers_equal(__numGluonsSplit, 0.0):
             __qPercent = 0.0
             __qPercent = chains.producedQuarkCodes.output().count(
                 __aQCode) * 100.0 / __numGluonsSplit
         __sumPercent += __qPercent
         print str(__qPercent) + "% are " + __qName + "s."
     print "This adds up to " + str(__sumPercent) + "%."