def parse(tokens): if tokens.peek() != 'try': return None def eatColon(): tokens.expect(':') tokens.expect('\n') position = tokens.peek().position token = tokens.expect('try') eatColon() tryBlock = BlockStatement.parse(tokens) while tokens.peek() == '\n': tokens.expect('\n') exceptBlocks = [] while tokens.peek() == 'except': tokens.expect('except') filter = None if tokens.peek() != ":": filter = _ExceptFilter.parse(tokens) eatColon() exceptBlock = BlockStatement.parse(tokens) exceptBlocks.append((filter, exceptBlock)) while tokens.peek() == '\n': tokens.expect('\n') finallyBlock = None if tokens.peek() == 'finally': tokens.expect('finally') eatColon() finallyBlock = BlockStatement.parse(tokens) while tokens.peek() == '\n': tokens.expect('\n') if not exceptBlocks and finallyBlock is None: raise error.SyntaxError(position, 'Try statement requires except or finally block') return TryStatement(position, tryBlock, exceptBlocks, finallyBlock)
def parse(tokens): statementList = [] keyword = tokens.peek() if keyword != "if": return None tokens.getNext() if keyword == "if": arg = Expression.parse(tokens) if arg is None: raise error.SyntaxError, "Expected expression at %r" % tokens.peek() if tokens.peek() != ":": raise error.SyntaxError, "Expected ':' at end of line for '" + str(keyword) + " " + repr(arg) + "'" tokens.expect(":") tokens.expect(token.END_OF_STATEMENT) block = BlockStatement.parse(tokens) statementList.append((keyword, arg, block)) while True: keyword = tokens.peek() if keyword not in ("elif", "else"): break tokens.expect(keyword) if keyword in ("elif",): arg = Expression.parse(tokens) if arg is None: raise error.SyntaxError, "Expected value at " + repr(tokens.peek()) else: arg = None if tokens.peek() != ":": raise error.SyntaxError, "Expected ':' at end of line for '" + str(keyword) + " " + repr(arg) + "'" tokens.expect(":") tokens.expect(token.END_OF_STATEMENT) block = BlockStatement.parse(tokens) statementList.append((keyword, arg, block)) return IfStatement(statementList)
def parse(tokens): if tokens.peek() != 'while': return None tokens.getNext() arg = Expression.parse(tokens) if arg is None: raise SyntaxError(tokens.peek().position, "Expected value at " + repr(tokens.peek())) tokens.expect(':') tokens.getNext() block = BlockStatement.parse(tokens) return WhileStatement(arg, block)
def testGoodParse(self): tokens = lex(util.source(''' print 'blah' print '1!' print '2!' un_indent_ahoy_and_something_fish''' )) preamble = PrintStatement.parse(tokens) assert isinstance(preamble, PrintStatement) assert tokens.getNext() is END_OF_STATEMENT assert tokens.peek() is BEGIN_BLOCK, tokens.peek() block = BlockStatement.parse(tokens) assert block is not None, tokens
def parse(tokens): from ast.blockstatement import BlockStatement from ast.expression import Expression from ast.identifier import Identifier from ast.vardecl import VarDecl from ast.vartypes import Type if tokens.peek() != 'for': return None position = tokens.peek().position tokens.expect('for') ident = Identifier.parse(tokens) if ident is None: raise error.SyntaxError(position, 'Expected iterator name, got %r' % tokens.peek()) type = None """if tokens.peek() == 'as': tokens.expect('as') type = Type.parse(tokens) if type is None: raise error.SyntaxError(tokens.peek().position, 'Expected type after "as", got %r' % tokens.peek())""" tokens.expect('in') sequence = Expression.parse(tokens) if sequence is None: raise error.SyntaxError(tokens.peek().position, 'Expected expression after "in", got %r' % tokens.peek()) tokens.expect(':') tokens.expect('\n') body = BlockStatement.parse(tokens) if body is None: raise error.SyntaxError(tokens.peek().position, 'Expected loop body after ":", got %r' % tokens.peek()) return ForStatement(position, VarDecl(, ident.position, type), sequence, body)
def parse(tokens): from ast.parameter import Parameter oldPos = tokens.getPosition() flags = memberflags.MemberFlags() position = tokens.peek().position while True: tok = tokens.getNext() if tok == 'static': flags.static = True elif tok == 'virtual': flags.virtual = True elif tok == 'abstract': flags.abstract = True elif tok == 'override': flags.override = True elif tok == 'sealed': flags.sealed = True else: tokens.unget() break if tokens.peek() != 'def': tokens.setPosition(oldPos) return None tokens.getNext() name = tokens.getNext() if name.type != 'identifier': raise error.SyntaxError, 'Expected function name, got %r' % name tokens.expect('(') # parameters params = [] while True: param = Parameter.parse(tokens) if param is not None: params.append(param) peek = tokens.peek() if peek == ',': tokens.expect(',') continue elif peek == ')': break else: raise error.SyntaxError, "Expected ',' or ')', got %r" % peek tokens.expect(')') if tokens.peek() == 'as': tokens.expect('as') returnType = vartypes.Type.parse(tokens) if returnType is None: raise error.SyntaxError(position, 'Expected return type, got %r' % tokens.peek()) else: returnType = vartypes.VoidType if flags.abstract: if tokens.peek() == ':': raise error.SyntaxError(position, 'Abstract function cannot have definition.') tokens.expect(token.END_OF_STATEMENT) body = None else: tokens.expect(':') tokens.expect(token.END_OF_STATEMENT) body = BlockStatement.parse(tokens) if body is None: raise error.SyntaxError, 'Expected indented block and function body, got %r' % tokens.peek() return FunctionDecl(name.value, name.position, returnType, params, body, flags)