def _matching(
    master, cat, masteridskey=None, angular=False, radius=1.5, masked=False
    Function to match stars between frames.
    if masteridskey is None:
        masterids = np.arange(len(master))
        master["masterindex"] = masterids
        idkey = "masterindex"
        idkey = masteridskey

    if angular:
        masterRaDec = np.empty((len(master), 2), dtype=np.float64)
            masterRaDec[:, 0] = master["RA"]
            masterRaDec[:, 1] = master["Dec"]
        except KeyError:
            masterRaDec[:, 0] = master["ra"]
            masterRaDec[:, 1] = master["dec"]
        imRaDec = np.empty((len(cat), 2), dtype=np.float64)
            imRaDec[:, 0] = cat["RA"]
            imRaDec[:, 1] = cat["Dec"]
        except KeyError:
            imRaDec[:, 0] = cat["ra"]
            imRaDec[:, 1] = cat["dec"]
        radius2 = radius / 3600.0
        dist, ind = cx.crossmatch_angular(
            masterRaDec, imRaDec, max_distance=radius2 / 2.0
        dist_, ind_ = cx.crossmatch_angular(
            imRaDec, masterRaDec, max_distance=radius2 / 2.0
        masterXY = np.empty((len(master), 2), dtype=np.float64)
        masterXY[:, 0] = master["x"]
        masterXY[:, 1] = master["y"]
        imXY = np.empty((len(cat), 2), dtype=np.float64)
        imXY[:, 0] = cat["x"]
        imXY[:, 1] = cat["y"]
        dist, ind = cx.crossmatch(masterXY, imXY, max_distance=radius)
        dist_, ind_ = cx.crossmatch(imXY, masterXY, max_distance=radius)

    IDs = np.zeros_like(ind_) - 13133
    for i in range(len(ind_)):
        if dist_[i] != np.inf:
            ind_o = ind_[i]
            if dist[ind_o] != np.inf:
                ind_s = ind[ind_o]
                if ind_s == i:
                    IDs[i] = master[idkey][ind_o]

    if masked:
        mask = IDs > 0
        return (IDs, mask)
    return IDs
def matching(master, cat, masteridskey=None,
             angular=False, radius=1.5, masked=False):
    """Function to match stars between frames.
    if masteridskey is None:
        masterids = np.arange(len(master))
        master['masterindex'] = masterids
        idkey = 'masterindex'
        idkey = masteridskey

    if angular:
        masterRaDec = np.empty((len(master), 2), dtype=np.float64)
            masterRaDec[:, 0] = master['RA']
            masterRaDec[:, 1] = master['Dec']
        except KeyError:
            masterRaDec[:, 0] = master['ra']
            masterRaDec[:, 1] = master['dec']
        imRaDec = np.empty((len(cat), 2), dtype=np.float64)
            imRaDec[:, 0] = cat['RA']
            imRaDec[:, 1] = cat['Dec']
        except KeyError:
            imRaDec[:, 0] = cat['ra']
            imRaDec[:, 1] = cat['dec']
        radius2 = radius/3600.
        dist, ind = cx.crossmatch_angular(masterRaDec, imRaDec,
        dist_, ind_ = cx.crossmatch_angular(imRaDec, masterRaDec,
        masterXY = np.empty((len(master), 2), dtype=np.float64)
        masterXY[:, 0] = master['x']
        masterXY[:, 1] = master['y']
        imXY = np.empty((len(cat), 2), dtype=np.float64)
        imXY[:, 0] = cat['x']
        imXY[:, 1] = cat['y']
        dist, ind = cx.crossmatch(masterXY, imXY, max_distance=radius)
        dist_, ind_ = cx.crossmatch(imXY, masterXY, max_distance=radius)

    IDs = np.zeros_like(ind_) - 13133
    for i in range(len(ind_)):
        if dist_[i] != np.inf:
            # dist_o = dist_[i]
            ind_o = ind_[i]
            if dist[ind_o] != np.inf:
                # dist_s = dist[ind_o]
                ind_s = ind[ind_o]
                if ind_s == i:
                    IDs[i] = master[idkey][ind_o]

    # print((len(IDs), len(ind_), len(ind)))
    # print(("Matching result::  IDs > 0. => {}".format(sum(IDs > 0))))
    if masked:
        mask = IDs > 0
        return(IDs, mask)
def go_test(cat, image_data, thresh):
    threshold = thresh*bkg.globalrms
    #make the extraction
    sources = sep.extract(image_data, threshold)
    sources = pd.DataFrame(sources)
    #crossmatch the cats
    S = np.array([cat['x'], cat['y']]).T
    O = np.array([sources['x'], sources['y']]).T
    distr, indr = cx.crossmatch(S, O, max_distance=0.3)
    matchsr = ~np.isinf(distr)
    distl, indl = cx.crossmatch(O, S, max_distance=0.3)
    matchsl = ~np.isinf(distl)
    objID = np.zeros_like(O[:,0]) -1
    CSTARID = np.zeros_like(O[:,0]) -1
    CSTARMAG = np.zeros_like(O[:,0]) -1
    for i in range(len(O)):
        if distl[i] != np.inf: 
            dist_o = distl[i]
            ind_o  = indl[i]
            # now ind is a star number
            # lets see if that star has matched the same obj
            if distr[ind_o] != np.inf:
                dist_s = distr[ind_o]
                ind_s = indr[ind_o]
                if ind_s == i:
                    objID[i] = ind_o  
                    CSTARID[i] = cat['cstarid'][ind_o]
                    CSTARMAG[i] = cat['imag'][ind_o]
    sources['objID'] = objID
    sources['cstarid'] = CSTARID
    sources['threshold'] = np.repeat(thresh, len(sources))
    sources['cstarmag'] = CSTARMAG
    #sources['was_a_hit'] = objID > 0.
    # report the hits as detections
    n_hits = sum(objID > 0.)
    print 'Number of hits ==> {}'.format(n_hits)
    # report the false detections
    n_false= sum(objID < 0.)
    print 'Number of falses ==> {}'.format(n_false)
    return sources
# cross-match
#  the imaging sample contains both standard and variable stars.  We'll
#  perform a cross-match with the standard star catalog and choose objects
#  which are common to both.
Xlocs = np.hstack((data_noisy['ra'][:, np.newaxis],
                   data_noisy['dec'][:, np.newaxis]))
Ylocs = np.hstack((data_stacked['RA'][:, np.newaxis],
                   data_stacked['DEC'][:, np.newaxis]))

print "number of noisy points:  ", Xlocs.shape
print "number of stacked points:", Ylocs.shape

# find all points within 0.9 arcsec.  This cutoff was selected
# by plotting a histogram of the log(distances).
dist, ind = crossmatch(Xlocs, Ylocs, max_distance=0.9 / 3600.)

noisy_mask = (~np.isinf(dist))
stacked_mask = ind[noisy_mask]

# select the data
data_noisy = data_noisy[noisy_mask]
X = X[noisy_mask]
Xerr = Xerr[noisy_mask]

data_stacked = data_stacked[stacked_mask]
Y = Y[stacked_mask]
Yerr = Yerr[stacked_mask]

# double-check that our cross-match succeeded
assert X.shape == Y.shape
# cross-match
#  the imaging sample contains both standard and variable stars.  We'll
#  perform a cross-match with the standard star catalog and choose objects
#  which are common to both.
Xlocs = np.hstack(
    (data_noisy['ra'][:, np.newaxis], data_noisy['dec'][:, np.newaxis]))
Ylocs = np.hstack(
    (data_stacked['RA'][:, np.newaxis], data_stacked['DEC'][:, np.newaxis]))

print("number of noisy points:  ", Xlocs.shape)
print("number of stacked points:", Ylocs.shape)

# find all points within 0.9 arcsec.  This cutoff was selected
# by plotting a histogram of the log(distances).
dist, ind = crossmatch(Xlocs, Ylocs, max_distance=0.9 / 3600)

noisy_mask = (~np.isinf(dist))
stacked_mask = ind[noisy_mask]

# select the data
data_noisy = data_noisy[noisy_mask]
X = X[noisy_mask]
Xerr = Xerr[noisy_mask]

data_stacked = data_stacked[stacked_mask]
Y = Y[stacked_mask]
Yerr = Yerr[stacked_mask]

# double-check that our cross-match succeeded
assert X.shape == Y.shape
# get imaging data
image_data = fetch_imaging_sample()
imX = np.empty((len(image_data), 2), dtype=np.float64)
imX[:, 0] = image_data['ra']
imX[:, 1] = image_data['dec']

# get standard stars
standards_data = fetch_sdss_S82standards()
stX = np.empty((len(standards_data), 2), dtype=np.float64)
stX[:, 0] = standards_data['RA']
stX[:, 1] = standards_data['DEC']

# crossmatch catalogs
max_radius = 1. / 3600  # 1 arcsec
dist, ind = crossmatch(imX, stX, max_radius)
match = ~np.isinf(dist)

dist_match = dist[match]
dist_match *= 3600

ax = plt.axes()
hist(dist_match, bins='knuth', ax=ax,
     histtype='stepfilled', ec='k', fc='#AAAAAA')
ax.set_xlabel('radius of match (arcsec)')
ax.set_ylabel('N(r, r+dr)')
ax.text(0.95, 0.95,
        "Total objects: %i\nNumber with match: %i" % (imX.shape[0],
        ha='right', va='top', transform=ax.transAxes)
ax.set_xlim(0, 0.2)
# get imaging data
image_data = fetch_imaging_sample()
imX = np.empty((len(image_data), 2), dtype=np.float64)
imX[:, 0] = image_data['ra']
imX[:, 1] = image_data['dec']

# get standard stars
standards_data = fetch_sdss_S82standards()
stX = np.empty((len(standards_data), 2), dtype=np.float64)
stX[:, 0] = standards_data['RA']
stX[:, 1] = standards_data['DEC']

# crossmatch catalogs
max_radius = 1. / 3600  # 1 arcsec
dist, ind = crossmatch(imX, stX, max_radius)
match = ~np.isinf(dist)

dist_match = dist[match]
dist_match *= 3600

ax = plt.axes()
ax.set_xlabel('radius of match (arcsec)')
ax.set_ylabel('N(r, r+dr)')
def matching(detected, simulated, radius=1., masked=False, sep=False):
    """Function to match stars between frames.

    masterXY = np.empty((len(detected), 2), dtype=np.float64)
    master_idx = np.zeros(len(detected))
    for i in range(len(detected)):
        if sep:
            masterXY[i, 0] = detected[i].x
            masterXY[i, 1] = detected[i].y
            masterXY[i, 0] = detected[i].X_IMAGE
            masterXY[i, 1] = detected[i].Y_IMAGE
        master_idx[i] = detected[i].id

    imXY = np.empty((len(simulated), 2), dtype=np.float64)
    for i in range(len(simulated)):
        imXY[i, 0] = simulated[i].x
        imXY[i, 1] = simulated[i].y

        dist, ind = cx.crossmatch(masterXY, imXY, max_distance=radius)
        dist_, ind_ = cx.crossmatch(imXY, masterXY, max_distance=radius)
        match = ~np.isinf(dist)
        match_ = ~np.isinf(dist_)
    except ValueError:
        print "masterXY.shape"
        print masterXY.shape
        print "\n\nimXY.shape"
        print imXY.shape
        print "\n"
            dist, ind = cx.crossmatch(masterXY, imXY, max_distance=radius*3)
            dist_, ind_ = cx.crossmatch(imXY, masterXY, max_distance=radius*3)
            match = ~np.isinf(dist)
            match_ = ~np.isinf(dist_)
            # import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace()
            print 'There were cross match exceptions'
            return np.zeros_like(imXY) - 13

    IDs = np.zeros_like(ind_) - 13133
    # IDs has length = len(imXY) = len(simulated)

    for i in xrange(len(ind_)):
        if dist_[i] != np.inf:
            dist_o = dist_[i]
            ind_o = ind_[i]

            if dist[ind_o] != np.inf:
                dist_s = dist[ind_o]
                ind_s = ind[ind_o]

                if ind_s == i:
                    IDs[i] = master_idx[ind_o]
    #                print master_idx[ind_o], ind_o

    print len(IDs), len(ind_), len(ind)
    if masked:
        mask = IDs > 0
        return(IDs, mask)