def test_mjd_conversions_function(self): from astrocalc.times import conversions converter = conversions( log=log, ) print(converter.mjd_to_ut_datetime(mjd=57504.61440)) print(converter.mjd_to_ut_datetime(mjd=57504.61440)) print(converter.mjd_to_ut_datetime(mjd=57504.61440)) print(converter.mjd_to_ut_datetime(mjd=57504.61440)) print(converter.mjd_to_ut_datetime(mjd=57504.61440)) print(converter.mjd_to_ut_datetime(mjd=57504.61440)) print(converter.mjd_to_ut_datetime(mjd=57504.61440)) print(converter.mjd_to_ut_datetime(mjd=57504.61440)) print(converter.mjd_to_ut_datetime(mjd=57504.61440)) print(converter.mjd_to_ut_datetime(mjd=57504.61440))
def test_decimal_day_to_day_hour_min_sec_function(self): from astrocalc.times import conversions converter = conversions( log=log, ) daysInt, hoursInt, minsInt, secFloat = converter.decimal_day_to_day_hour_min_sec( daysFloat=24.2453) print("%(daysInt)s days, %(hoursInt)s hours, %(minsInt)s mins, %(secFloat)s sec" % locals()) daysInt, hoursInt, minsInt, secFloat = converter.decimal_day_to_day_hour_min_sec( daysFloat=24.12345) print("%(daysInt)s days, %(hoursInt)s hours, %(minsInt)s mins, %(secFloat)s sec" % locals()) daysInt, hoursInt, minsInt, secFloat = converter.decimal_day_to_day_hour_min_sec( daysFloat=24.2) print("%(daysInt)s days, %(hoursInt)s hours, %(minsInt)s mins, %(secFloat)s sec" % locals()) daysInt, hoursInt, minsInt, secFloat = converter.decimal_day_to_day_hour_min_sec( daysFloat=24.1232435454) print("%(daysInt)s days, %(hoursInt)s hours, %(minsInt)s mins, %(secFloat)s sec" % locals())
def main(arguments=None): """ *The main function used when `` is run as a single script from the cl, or when installed as a cl command* """ from astrocalc.coords import unit_conversion # setup the command-line util settings su = tools(arguments=arguments, docString=__doc__, logLevel="CRITICAL", options_first=True, projectName="astrocalc", defaultSettingsFile=True) arguments, settings, log, dbConn = su.setup() # tab completion for raw_input readline.set_completer_delims(' \t\n;') readline.parse_and_bind("tab: complete") readline.set_completer(tab_complete) # UNPACK REMAINING CL ARGUMENTS USING `EXEC` TO SETUP THE VARIABLE NAMES # AUTOMATICALLY a = {} for arg, val in list(arguments.items()): if arg[0] == "-": varname = arg.replace("-", "") + "Flag" else: varname = arg.replace("<", "").replace(">", "") a[varname] = val if arg == "--dbConn": dbConn = val a["dbConn"] = val log.debug('%s = %s' % ( varname, val, )) ## START LOGGING ## startTime = times.get_now_sql_datetime()'--- STARTING TO RUN THE AT %s' % (startTime, )) # set options interactively if user requests if "interactiveFlag" in a and a["interactiveFlag"]: # load previous settings moduleDirectory = os.path.dirname(__file__) + "/resources" pathToPickleFile = "%(moduleDirectory)s/previousSettings.p" % locals() try: with open(pathToPickleFile): pass previousSettingsExist = True except: previousSettingsExist = False previousSettings = {} if previousSettingsExist: previousSettings = pickle.load(open(pathToPickleFile, "rb")) # x-raw-input # x-boolean-raw-input # x-raw-input-with-default-value-from-previous-settings # save the most recently used requests pickleMeObjects = [] pickleMe = {} theseLocals = locals() for k in pickleMeObjects: pickleMe[k] = theseLocals[k] pickle.dump(pickleMe, open(pathToPickleFile, "wb")) coordflip = a["coordflip"] sep = a["sep"] timeflip = a["timeflip"] trans = a["trans"] now = a["now"] dist = a["dist"] ra = a["ra"] ra1 = a["ra1"] ra2 = a["ra2"] dec = a["dec"] dec1 = a["dec1"] dec2 = a["dec2"] datetime = a["datetime"] north = a["north"] east = a["east"] distVal = a["distVal"] hVal = a["hcFlag"] OmegaMatter = a["wmFlag"] OmegaVacuum = a["wvFlag"] mpcFlag = a["mpcFlag"] redshiftFlag = a["redshiftFlag"] cartesianFlag = a["cartesianFlag"] # CALL FUNCTIONS/OBJECTS if coordflip: if cartesianFlag: converter = unit_conversion(log=log) x, y, z = converter.ra_dec_to_cartesian(ra="23 45 21.23232", dec="+01:58:5.45341") print(x, y, z) return try: ra = float(ra) dec = float(dec) degree = True except Exception as e: degree = False if degree is True: converter = unit_conversion(log=log) try: ra = converter.ra_decimal_to_sexegesimal(ra=ra, delimiter=":") dec = converter.dec_decimal_to_sexegesimal(dec=dec, delimiter=":") except Exception as e: print(e) sys.exit(0) print(ra, dec) else: converter = unit_conversion(log=log) try: ra = converter.ra_sexegesimal_to_decimal(ra=ra) dec = converter.dec_sexegesimal_to_decimal(dec=dec) except Exception as e: print(e) sys.exit(0) print(ra, dec) if sep: from astrocalc.coords import separations calculator = separations( log=log, ra1=ra1, dec1=dec1, ra2=ra2, dec2=dec2, ) angularSeparation, north, east = calculator.get() print("""%(angularSeparation)s arcsec (%(north)s N, %(east)s E)""" % locals()) if timeflip: try: inputMjd = float(datetime) if datetime[0] not in ["0", "1", "2"]: inputMjd = True else: inputMjd = False except: inputMjd = False from astrocalc.times import conversions converter = conversions(log=log) if inputMjd == False: try: mjd = converter.ut_datetime_to_mjd(utDatetime=datetime) print(mjd) except Exception as e: print(e) else: try: utDate = converter.mjd_to_ut_datetime(mjd=datetime) print(utDate) except Exception as e: print(e) if trans: # TRANSLATE COORDINATES ACROSS SKY from astrocalc.coords import translate newRa, newDec = translate(log=log, ra=ra, dec=dec, northArcsec=float(north), eastArcsec=float(east)).get() from astrocalc.coords import unit_conversion converter = unit_conversion(log=log) ra = converter.ra_decimal_to_sexegesimal(ra=newRa, delimiter=":") dec = converter.dec_decimal_to_sexegesimal(dec=newDec, delimiter=":") print("%(newRa)s, %(newDec)s (%(ra)s, %(dec)s)" % locals()) if now: from astrocalc.times import now mjd = now(log=log).get_mjd() print(mjd) if dist and redshiftFlag: from astrocalc.distances import converter c = converter(log=log) if not hcFlag: hcFlag = 70. if not wmFlag: wmFlag = 0.3 if not wvFlag: wvFlag = 0.7 dists = c.redshift_to_distance(z=float(distVal), WM=float(wmFlag), WV=float(wvFlag), H0=float(hcFlag)) print("Distance Modulus: " + str(dists["dmod"]) + " mag") print("Luminousity Distance: " + str(dists["dl_mpc"]) + " Mpc") print("Angular Size Scale: " + str(dists["da_scale"]) + " kpc/arcsec") print("Angular Size Distance: " + str(dists["da_mpc"]) + " Mpc") print("Comoving Radial Distance: " + str(dists["dcmr_mpc"]) + " Mpc") if dist and mpcFlag: from astrocalc.distances import converter c = converter(log=log) z = c.distance_to_redshift(mpc=float(distVal)) print("z = %(z)s" % locals()) if "dbConn" in locals() and dbConn: dbConn.commit() dbConn.close() ## FINISH LOGGING ## endTime = times.get_now_sql_datetime() runningTime = times.calculate_time_difference(startTime, endTime) '-- FINISHED ATTEMPT TO RUN THE AT %s (RUNTIME: %s) --' % ( endTime, runningTime, )) return
def parse_panstarrs_nightlogs( self, updateAll=False): """*download and parse the ps1 night logs from the range of time a wave survey campaign is active* The night-log data is added to the ps1_nightlogs table **Key Arguments:** - ``updateAll`` -- update all of the PS1 nightlogs. This will take sometime, the default is to lift the logs from the last 7 days. Default *False*. **Return:** - None **Usage:** .. todo:: - add usage info - create a sublime snippet for usage - update package tutorial if needed .. code-block:: python usage code """ self.log.debug('starting the ``parse_panstarrs_nightlogs`` method') # CONVERTER TO CONVERT MJD TO DATE converter = conversions( log=self.log ) createStatement = """ CREATE TABLE `ps1_nightlogs` ( `primaryId` bigint(20) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT 'An internal counter', `airm` double DEFAULT NULL, `comments` varchar(200) DEFAULT NULL, `decDeg` double DEFAULT NULL, `etime` double DEFAULT NULL, `f` varchar(10) DEFAULT NULL, `filesetID` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL, `raDeg` double DEFAULT NULL, `telescope_pointing` varchar(200) DEFAULT NULL, `time_registered` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `type` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL, `dateCreated` datetime DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, `dateLastModified` datetime DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, `updated` varchar(45) DEFAULT '0', PRIMARY KEY (`primaryId`), UNIQUE KEY `filesetid` (`filesetID`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM AUTO_INCREMENT=0 DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; """ from astrocalc.times import now mjdNow = now( log=self.log ).get_mjd() # WAVE METADATA FOUND IN SETTINGS FILE for wave in self.settings["gravitational waves"]: # GIVE A 3 DAY WINDOW EITHER SIDE OF WAVE TIME-RANGE mjdLower = int(self.settings["gravitational waves"][ wave]["mjd"] - 21. - 3.) mjdUpper = int(self.settings["gravitational waves"][ wave]["mjd"] + 31. + 3.) if updateAll == False: if mjdUpper < mjdNow - 7.: continue if mjdUpper > mjdNow: mjdUpper = int(mjdNow) if mjdLower < mjdNow - 7.: mjdLower = int(mjdNow - 7.) # METRIC NIGHT LOGS FOR EACH NIGHT FOUND AT A URL SIMILAR TO : # "" urls = [] for i in range(mjdUpper - mjdLower + 3): mjd = i + mjdLower utDate = converter.mjd_to_ut_datetime( mjd=mjd, sqlDate=False, datetimeObject=True ) utDate = utDate.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") urls.append("" % locals( )) localUrls = multiobject_download( urlList=urls, downloadDirectory="/tmp", log=self.log, timeStamp=True, timeout=180, concurrentDownloads=2, resetFilename=False, credentials=False, # { 'username' : "...", "password", "..." } longTime=True, indexFilenames=False ) for url in localUrls: if not url: continue pathToReadFile = url try: self.log.debug("attempting to open the file %s" % (pathToReadFile,)) readFile = pathToReadFile, encoding='utf-8', mode='r') thisData = readFile.close() except IOError, e: message = 'could not open the file %s' % (pathToReadFile,) self.log.critical(message) raise IOError(message) readFile.close() regex = re.compile(r'<pre>\s*# (filesetID.*?)</pre>', re.S) matchObject = re.finditer( regex, thisData ) for match in matchObject: csvReader = csv.DictReader( io.StringIO(, delimiter='|') nightLog = [] for row in csvReader: cleanDict = {} for k, v in row.iteritems(): cleanDict[k.strip().replace(" ", "_")] = v.strip() if "telescope_pointing" in cleanDict: cleanDict["raDeg"] = cleanDict["telescope_pointing"].split()[ 0] cleanDict["decDeg"] = cleanDict["telescope_pointing"].split()[ 1] if "time_registered" in cleanDict: cleanDict["time_registered"] = cleanDict[ "time_registered"].replace("Z", "") nightLog.append(cleanDict) dataSet = list_of_dictionaries( log=self.log, listOfDictionaries=nightLog ) # Recursively create missing directories if not os.path.exists("/tmp/ps1_nightlogs"): os.makedirs("/tmp/ps1_nightlogs") mysqlData = dataSet.mysql( tableName="ps1_nightlogs", filepath="/tmp/ps1_nightlogs/ps1_nightlog_%(utDate)s.sql" % locals(), createStatement=createStatement) directory_script_runner( log=self.log, pathToScriptDirectory="/tmp/ps1_nightlogs", databaseName=self.settings["database settings"][ "ligo_virgo_waves"]["db"], loginPath=self.settings["database settings"][ "ligo_virgo_waves"]["loginPath"], successRule="delete", failureRule="failed" )
def _create_lightcurve_plot_file(self, dataset, flatdata, flatLimits, objectNames, saveLocation, saveFileName): """*Generate the lightcurve and save to file* **Key Arguments** - ``log`` -- logger - ``dataset`` -- the observational dataset split into filters (and then mags, limits etc) - ``flatdata`` -- a flattened dataset to determine current magnitude - ``flatLimits`` -- a flattened dataset of non-detection limits - ``objectNames`` -- a single name or a list of names - ``saveLocation`` -- the folder to save the plot file to - ``saveFileName`` -- the filename to give the plot file (without extension) **Return** - ``filepath`` -- path to the lightcurve file - ``currentMag`` -- a prediction of the current magnitude if there is enough recent data - ``gradient`` -- a prediction of the gradient of recent data (on rise or decline?) """ self.log.debug('starting the ``_create_lightcurve_plot_file`` method') # CONVERTER TO CONVERT MJD TO DATE converter = conversions(log=self.log) # INITIATE THE PLOT FIGURE - SQUARE fig = plt.figure(num=None, figsize=(10, 10), dpi=100, facecolor=None, edgecolor=None, frameon=True) ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) # TICK LABEL SIZE mpl.rc('ytick', labelsize=25) mpl.rc('xtick', labelsize=25) mpl.rcParams.update({'font.size': 25}) # INITIAL RESTRICTIONS currentMag = -9999 gradient = -9999 # WHAT IS TODAY MJD (FIR CURRENT MAG ESTIMATE) todayMjd = now(log=self.log).get_mjd() # MAKE ARRAYS OF TIME AND MAG FOR PLOTS bigTimeArray, bigMagArray = np.array(flatdata["mjd"]), np.array( flatdata["mag"]) # SORT TWO LIST BASED ON FIRST bigTimeArray, bigMagArray = zip( *[(x, y) for x, y in sorted(zip(bigTimeArray, bigMagArray))]) # BIN DATA FOR POLYNOMIALS binData = True if binData is True: distinctMjds = {} for mjd, mag in zip(bigTimeArray, bigMagArray): # DICT KEY IS THE UNIQUE INTEGER MJD key = str(int(math.floor(mjd / 1.0))) # FIRST DATA POINT OF THE NIGHTS? CREATE NEW DATA SET if key not in distinctMjds: distinctMjds[key] = {"mjds": [mjd], "mags": [mag]} # OR NOT THE FIRST? APPEND TO ALREADY CREATED LIST else: distinctMjds[key]["mjds"].append(mjd) distinctMjds[key]["mags"].append(mag) # ALL DATA NOW IN MJD SUBSETS. SO FOR EACH SUBSET (I.E. INDIVIDUAL # NIGHTS) ... summedMagnitudes = {'mjds': [], 'mags': []} for k, v in list(distinctMjds.items()): # GIVE ME THE MEAN MJD meanMjd = sum(v["mjds"]) / len(v["mjds"]) summedMagnitudes["mjds"].append(meanMjd) # GIVE ME THE MEAN MAG meanMag = sum(v["mags"]) / len(v["mags"]) summedMagnitudes["mags"].append(meanMag) bigTimeArray = summedMagnitudes["mjds"] bigMagArray = summedMagnitudes["mags"] bigTimeArray = np.array(bigTimeArray) bigMagArray = np.array(bigMagArray) # DETERMINE SENSIBLE AXIS LIMITS FROM FLATTENED DATA # LIMITS HERE ARE LOWER AND UPPER MJDS FOR X-AXIS xLowerLimit = bigTimeArray.min() xUpperLimit = bigTimeArray.max() latestTime = xUpperLimit xBorder = math.fabs((xUpperLimit - xLowerLimit)) * 0.1 if xBorder < 5: xBorder = 5. xLowerLimit -= xBorder xUpperLimit += xBorder fixedXUpperLimit = xUpperLimit timeRange = xUpperLimit - xLowerLimit # POLYNOMIAL CONSTAINTS USING COMBINED DATASETS # POLYNOMIAL/LINEAR SETTINGS # SETTINGS FILE polyOrder = 5 # EITHER USE DATA IN THESE LAST NUMBER OF DAYS OR ... lastNumDays = 10. # ... IF NOT ENOUGH DATA USE THE LAST NUMBER OF DATA POINTS predictCurrentMag = True lastNumDataPoints = 3 numAnchors = 3 anchorSeparation = 70 latestMag = bigMagArray[0] anchorPointMag = latestMag + 0.5 polyTimeArray, polyMagArray = [], [] # QUIT IF NOT ENOUGH DATA FOR POLYNOMIAL if len(bigTimeArray) <= lastNumDataPoints or timeRange < 3.: predictCurrentMag = False if max(bigTimeArray) < todayMjd - 120: predictCurrentMag = False if predictCurrentMag: # USE ONLY THE LAST N DAYS OF DATA FOR LINEAR FIT mask = np.where(bigTimeArray - bigTimeArray.max() < -lastNumDays, False, True) # DETERMINE GRADIENT OF SLOPE FROM LAST `LASTNUMDAYS` DAYS linearTimeArray = bigTimeArray[mask] linearMagArray = bigMagArray[mask] # FIT AND PLOT THE POLYNOMIAL ASSOCSIATED WITH ALL DATA SETS thisLinear = chebfit(linearTimeArray, linearMagArray, 1) gradient = thisLinear[1] firstAnchorPointTime = anchorSeparation + latestTime # CREATE THE ARRAY OF DATA USED TO GERNERATE THE POLYNOMIAL polyTimeArray = bigTimeArray polyMagArray = bigMagArray # ANCHOR THE POLYNOMIAL IN THE FUTURE SO THAT ALL PREDICTED LIGHTCURVES # EVENTUALLY FADE TO NOTHING extraTimes = np.arange(0, numAnchors) * \ anchorSeparation + firstAnchorPointTime extraMags = np.ones(numAnchors) * anchorPointMag polyTimeArray = np.append(polyTimeArray, extraTimes) polyMagArray = np.append(polyMagArray, extraMags) # POLYNOMIAL LIMTIS xPolyLowerLimit = min(polyTimeArray) - 2.0 xPolyUpperLimit = max(polyTimeArray) + 2.0 # SET AXIS LIMITS xUpperLimit = 5 yLowerLimit = min(bigMagArray) - 0.3 yUpperLimit = max(bigMagArray) + 0.5 yBorder = math.fabs((yUpperLimit - yLowerLimit)) * 0.1 yLowerLimit -= yBorder yUpperLimit += yBorder # EXTEND LOWER X-LIMIT FOR NON-DETECTIONS xLowerTmp = xLowerLimit for t, m in zip(flatLimits["mjd"], flatLimits["mag"]): if m > yLowerLimit and t < xLowerTmp + 2 and t > xLowerLimit - 40: xLowerTmp = t - 2 xLowerLimit = xLowerTmp if predictCurrentMag: thisPoly = chebfit(polyTimeArray, polyMagArray, polyOrder) # FLATTEN INTO A FUNCTION TO MAKE PLOTTING EASIER xData = np.arange(xPolyLowerLimit, todayMjd + 50, 1) flatLinear = chebval(xData, thisLinear) flatPoly = chebval(xData, thisPoly) plt.plot(xData, flatPoly, label="poly") plt.plot(xData, flatLinear, label="linear") # PREDICT A CURRENT MAGNITUDE FROM THE PLOT currentMag = chebval(todayMjd, thisPoly) self.log.debug('currentMag: %(currentMag)0.2f, m=%(gradient)s' % locals()) ls = "*g" % locals() currentMagArray = np.array([currentMag]) nowArray = np.array([todayMjd]) line = ax.plot(nowArray, currentMagArray, ls, label="current estimate") lineExtras = ax.plot(extraTimes, extraMags, "+") # SET THE AXES / VIEWPORT FOR THE PLOT # if currentMag < yLowerLimit: # yLowerLimit = currentMag - 0.4 if currentMag > 23: currentMag = -9999. plt.clf() plt.cla() ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) # print(currentMag) # print(bigTimeArray) # print(bigMagArray) # PLOT DATA VIA FILTER. MAGS AND LIMITS filterColor = { "r": "#29a329", "g": "#268bd2", "G": "#859900", "o": "#cb4b16", "c": "#2aa198", "U": "#6c71c4", "B": "blue", "V": "#008000", "R": "#e67300", "I": "#dc322f", "w": "#cc2900", "y": "#ff6666", "z": "#990000", } i = 0 handles = [] handlesAdded = [] for k, v in list(dataset.items()): mag = v["mag"] magErr = v["magErr"] magMjd = v["magMjd"] limit = v["limit"] limitMjd = v["limitMjd"] magNoErr = v["magNoErr"] magNoErrMjd = v["magNoErrMjd"] magNoErrFudge = v["magNoErrFudge"] if k in filterColor: color = filterColor[k] else: color = "black" if len(limit): for l, m in zip(limit, limitMjd): plt.text(m, l, u"\u21A7", fontname='STIXGeneral', size=30, va='top', ha='center', clip_on=True, color=color, zorder=1) if len(magNoErr): theseMags = ax.errorbar(magNoErrMjd, magNoErr, yerr=magNoErrFudge, color=color, fmt='o', mfc=color, mec=color, zorder=2, ms=12., alpha=0.8, linewidth=1.2, label=k, capsize=0) theseMags[-1][0].set_linestyle('--') if len(mag): theseMags = ax.errorbar(magMjd, mag, yerr=magErr, color=color, fmt='o', mfc=color, mec=color, zorder=3, ms=12., alpha=0.8, linewidth=1.2, label=k, capsize=10) if not len(mag): theseMags = ax.errorbar([-500], [20], yerr=[0.2], color=color, fmt='o', mfc=color, mec=color, zorder=3, ms=12., alpha=0.8, linewidth=1.2, label=k, capsize=10) if k not in handlesAdded: handles.append(theseMags) handlesAdded.append(k) # ADD LEGEND plt.legend(handles=handles, prop={'size': 13.5}, bbox_to_anchor=(1., 1.25), loc=0, borderaxespad=0., ncol=18, scatterpoints=1) # RHS AXIS TICKS plt.setp(ax.xaxis.get_majorticklabels(), rotation=45, horizontalalignment='right') ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(mtick.FormatStrFormatter('%5.0f')) # CHANGE PLOT TO FIXED TIME # SETUP THE AXES xUpperLimit = fixedXUpperLimit ax.set_xlabel('MJD', labelpad=20, fontsize=30) ax.set_ylabel('Magnitude', labelpad=20, fontsize=30) ax.set_title('') ax.set_xlim([xLowerLimit, xUpperLimit]) ax.set_ylim([yUpperLimit, yLowerLimit]) ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(ticker.FormatStrFormatter('%d')) # GENERATE UT DATE AXIS FOR TOP OF PLOT lower, upper = ax.get_xlim() utLower = converter.mjd_to_ut_datetime(mjd=lower, datetimeObject=True) utUpper = converter.mjd_to_ut_datetime(mjd=upper, datetimeObject=True) ax3 = ax.twiny() ax3.set_xlim([utLower, utUpper]) ax3.grid(True) ax.xaxis.grid(False) plt.setp(ax3.xaxis.get_majorticklabels(), rotation=45, horizontalalignment='left', fontsize=14) ax3.xaxis.set_major_formatter(dates.DateFormatter('%b %d, %y')) # Y TICK FORMAT y_formatter = mpl.ticker.FormatStrFormatter("%2.1f") ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(y_formatter) # PRINT CURRENT MAG AS SANITY CHECK # fig.text(0.1, 1.02, currentMag, ha="left", fontsize=40) # RECURSIVELY CREATE MISSING DIRECTORIES if not os.path.exists(saveLocation): try: os.makedirs(saveLocation) except: pass # SAVE THE PLOT filepath = """%(saveLocation)s%(saveFileName)s.png""" % locals() plt.savefig(filepath, format='PNG', bbox_inches='tight', transparent=False, pad_inches=0.4) # plt.clf() # clear figure plt.close() # TEST THAT PLOT FILE HAS ACTUALLY BEEN GENERATED try: with open(filepath): pass fileExists = True except IOError: raise IOError( "the path --pathToFile-- %s does not exist on this machine" % (filepath, )) filepath = False self.log.debug('completed the ``_create_lightcurve_plot_file`` method') return filepath, currentMag, gradient
def test_utdatetime_conversions_function(self): from astrocalc.times import conversions converter = conversions( log=log, ) print("\nUT = 20160426t144643.033433") print(converter.ut_datetime_to_mjd( utDatetime="20160426t144643.033433")) print(converter.mjd_to_ut_datetime(mjd=57504.61577585013)) print("\nUT = 20160426t144643.033433") print(converter.ut_datetime_to_mjd( utDatetime="20160426t144643.033433")) print(converter.mjd_to_ut_datetime(mjd=57504.61577585013)) print("\nUT = 20160426t144643.033433") print(converter.ut_datetime_to_mjd( utDatetime="20160426t144643.033433")) print(converter.mjd_to_ut_datetime(mjd=57504.61577585013)) print("\nUT = 20160426t1446") print(converter.ut_datetime_to_mjd(utDatetime="20160426t1446")) print(converter.mjd_to_ut_datetime(mjd=57504.6153)) print("\nUT = 20160426t144643") print(converter.ut_datetime_to_mjd(utDatetime="20160426t144643")) print(converter.mjd_to_ut_datetime(mjd=57504.61578)) print("\nUT = 20160426t144643.033433") print(converter.ut_datetime_to_mjd( utDatetime="20160426t144643.033433")) print(converter.mjd_to_ut_datetime(mjd=57504.61577585013)) print("\nUT = 20161231t234643.033433") print(converter.ut_datetime_to_mjd( utDatetime="20161231t234643.033433")) print(converter.ut_datetime_to_mjd( utDatetime="20161231t234643.033433")) print(converter.mjd_to_ut_datetime(mjd="57753.99077585013")) print("\nUT = 201604261444") print(converter.ut_datetime_to_mjd(utDatetime="201604261444")) print(converter.mjd_to_ut_datetime(mjd=57504.6139)) print("\nUT = 20160426") print(converter.ut_datetime_to_mjd(utDatetime="20160426")) print(converter.mjd_to_ut_datetime(mjd=57504.0)) print("\nUT = 2016-04-26.33433") print(converter.ut_datetime_to_mjd(utDatetime="2016-04-26.33433")) print(converter.mjd_to_ut_datetime(mjd=57504.33411)) print("\nUT = 20160426144444.5452") print(converter.ut_datetime_to_mjd(utDatetime="20160426144444.5452")) print(converter.mjd_to_ut_datetime(mjd=57504.614404459)) print("\nUT = 2016-04-26 14:44:44.234") print(converter.ut_datetime_to_mjd( utDatetime="2016-04-26 14:44:44.234")) print(converter.mjd_to_ut_datetime(mjd=57504.61440086)) print("\nUT = 20160426 14h44m44.432s") print(converter.ut_datetime_to_mjd( utDatetime="20160426 14h44m44.432s")) print(converter.mjd_to_ut_datetime(mjd=57504.61440315)) print("\nUT = 2016-04-26T14:44:44.234") print(converter.ut_datetime_to_mjd( utDatetime="2016-04-26T14:44:44.234")) print(converter.mjd_to_ut_datetime( mjd=57504.61440086, sqlDate=True ))
def create_lc_depreciated( log, cacheDirectory, epochs): """*create the atlas lc for one transient* **Key Arguments** - ``cacheDirectory`` -- the directory to add the lightcurve to - ``log`` -- logger - ``epochs`` -- dictionary of lightcurve data-points **Return** - None **Usage** .. todo:: add usage info create a sublime snippet for usage ```python usage code ``` """ log.debug('starting the ``create_lc`` function') # c = cyan, o = arange magnitudes = { 'c': {'mjds': [], 'mags': [], 'magErrs': [], 'flux': [], 'zp': []}, 'o': {'mjds': [], 'mags': [], 'magErrs': [], 'flux': [], 'zp': []}, 'I': {'mjds': [], 'mags': [], 'magErrs': [], 'flux': [], 'zp': []}, } limits = { 'c': {'mjds': [], 'mags': [], 'magErrs': [], 'flux': [], 'zp': []}, 'o': {'mjds': [], 'mags': [], 'magErrs': [], 'flux': [], 'zp': []}, 'I': {'mjds': [], 'mags': [], 'magErrs': [], 'flux': [], 'zp': []}, } discoveryMjd = False for epoch in epochs: if epoch["filter"] not in ["c", "o", "I"]: continue objectName = epoch["atlas_designation"] if epoch["limiting_mag"] == 1: limits[epoch["filter"]]["mjds"].append(epoch["mjd_obs"]) limits[epoch["filter"]]["mags"].append(epoch["mag"]) limits[epoch["filter"]]["magErrs"].append(epoch["dm"]) limits[epoch["filter"]]["zp"].append(epoch["zp"]) flux = 10**(old_div((float(epoch["zp"]) - float(epoch["mag"])), 2.5)) limits[epoch["filter"]]["flux"].append(flux) else: if not discoveryMjd or discoveryMjd > epoch["mjd_obs"]: discoveryMjd = epoch["mjd_obs"] magnitudes[epoch["filter"]]["mjds"].append(epoch["mjd_obs"]) magnitudes[epoch["filter"]]["mags"].append(epoch["mag"]) magnitudes[epoch["filter"]]["magErrs"].append(epoch["dm"]) magnitudes[epoch["filter"]]["zp"].append(epoch["zp"]) flux = 10**(old_div((float(epoch["zp"]) - float(epoch["mag"])), 2.5)) magnitudes[epoch["filter"]]["flux"].append(flux) # GENERATE THE FIGURE FOR THE PLOT fig = plt.figure( num=None, figsize=(10, 10), dpi=100, facecolor=None, edgecolor=None, frameon=True) mpl.rc('ytick', labelsize=20) mpl.rc('xtick', labelsize=20) mpl.rcParams.update({'font.size': 22}) # FORMAT THE AXES ax = fig.add_axes( [0.1, 0.1, 0.8, 0.8], polar=False, frameon=True) ax.set_xlabel('MJD', labelpad=20) ax.set_ylabel('Apparent Magnitude', labelpad=15) # fig.text(0.1, 1.0, "ATLAS", ha="left", color="#2aa198", fontsize=40) # fig.text(0.275, 1.0, objectName.replace("ATLAS", ""), # color="#FFA500", ha="left", fontsize=40) fig.text(0.1, 1.02, objectName, ha="left", fontsize=40) # ax.set_title(objectName, y=1.10, ha='left', position=(0, 1.11)) plt.setp(ax.xaxis.get_majorticklabels(), rotation=45, horizontalalignment='right') import matplotlib.ticker as mtick ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(mtick.FormatStrFormatter('%5.0f')) # ADD MAGNITUDES AND LIMITS FOR EACH FILTER # plt.scatter(magnitudes['o']['mjds'], magnitudes['o']['mags'], s=20., c=None, alpha=0.9, # edgecolors='#FFA500', linewidth=1.0, facecolors='#FFA500') handles = [] # SET AXIS LIMITS FOR MAGNTIUDES upperMag = -99 lowerMag = 99 # DETERMINE THE TIME-RANGE OF DETECTION FOR THE SOURCE mjdList = magnitudes['o']['mjds'] + \ magnitudes['c']['mjds'] + magnitudes['I']['mjds'] if len(mjdList) == 0: return lowerDetectionMjd = min(mjdList) upperDetectionMjd = max(mjdList) mjdLimitList = limits['o']['mjds'] + \ limits['c']['mjds'] + limits['I']['mjds'] priorLimitsFlavour = None for l in sorted(mjdLimitList): if l < lowerDetectionMjd and l > lowerDetectionMjd - 30.: priorLimitsFlavour = 1 if not priorLimitsFlavour: for l in mjdLimitList: if l < lowerDetectionMjd - 30.: priorLimitsFlavour = 2 lowerMJDLimit = l - 2 if not priorLimitsFlavour: fig.text(0.1, -0.08, "* no recent pre-discovery detection limit > $5\\sigma$", ha="left", fontsize=16) postLimitsFlavour = None for l in sorted(mjdLimitList): if l > upperDetectionMjd and l < upperDetectionMjd + 10.: postLimitsFlavour = 1 if not postLimitsFlavour: for l in reversed(mjdLimitList): if l > upperDetectionMjd + 10.: postLimitsFlavour = 2 upperMJDLimit = l + 2 if priorLimitsFlavour or postLimitsFlavour: limits = { 'c': {'mjds': [], 'mags': [], 'magErrs': [], 'flux': [], 'zp': []}, 'o': {'mjds': [], 'mags': [], 'magErrs': [], 'flux': [], 'zp': []}, 'I': {'mjds': [], 'mags': [], 'magErrs': [], 'flux': [], 'zp': []}, } for epoch in epochs: objectName = epoch["atlas_designation"] if (epoch["limiting_mag"] == 1 and ((priorLimitsFlavour == 1 and epoch["mjd_obs"] > lowerDetectionMjd - 30.) or (priorLimitsFlavour == 2 and epoch["mjd_obs"] > lowerMJDLimit) or priorLimitsFlavour == None) and ((postLimitsFlavour == 1 and epoch["mjd_obs"] < upperDetectionMjd + 10.) or (postLimitsFlavour == 2 and epoch["mjd_obs"] < upperMJDLimit) or postLimitsFlavour == None)): limits[epoch["filter"]]["mjds"].append(epoch["mjd_obs"]) limits[epoch["filter"]]["mags"].append(epoch["mag"]) limits[epoch["filter"]]["magErrs"].append(epoch["dm"]) limits[epoch["filter"]]["zp"].append(epoch["zp"]) flux = 10**(old_div((float(epoch["zp"]) - float(epoch["mag"])), 2.5)) limits[epoch["filter"]]["flux"].append(flux) allMags = limits['o']['mags'] + limits['c']['mags'] + \ magnitudes['o']['mags'] + magnitudes['c']['mags'] magRange = max(allMags) - min(allMags) if magRange < 4.: deltaMag = 0.1 else: deltaMag = magRange * 0.08 if len(limits['o']['mjds']): limitLeg = plt.scatter(limits['o']['mjds'], limits['o']['mags'], s=170., c=None, alpha=0.8, edgecolors='#FFA500', linewidth=1.0, facecolors='none', label="$5\\sigma$ limit ") handles.append(limitLeg) if max(limits['o']['mags']) > upperMag: upperMag = max(limits['o']['mags']) upperMagIndex = np.argmax(limits['o']['mags']) # MAG PADDING upperFlux = limits['o']['flux'][ upperMagIndex] - 10**(old_div(deltaMag, 2.5)) # if min(limits['o']['mags']) < lowerMag: # lowerMag = min(limits['o']['mags']) if len(limits['c']['mjds']): limitLeg = plt.scatter(limits['c']['mjds'], limits['c']['mags'], s=170., c=None, alpha=0.8, edgecolors='#2aa198', linewidth=1.0, facecolors='none', label="$5\\sigma$ limit ") if len(handles) == 0: handles.append(limitLeg) if max(limits['c']['mags']) > upperMag: upperMag = max(limits['c']['mags']) upperMagIndex = np.argmax(limits['c']['mags']) # MAG PADDING upperFlux = limits['c']['flux'][ upperMagIndex] - 10**(old_div(deltaMag, 2.5)) # if min(limits['c']['mags']) < lowerMag: # lowerMag = min(limits['c']['mags']) if len(limits['I']['mjds']): limitLeg = plt.scatter(limits['I']['mjds'], limits['I']['mags'], s=170., c=None, alpha=0.8, edgecolors='#dc322f', linewidth=1.0, facecolors='none', label="$5\\sigma$ limit ") if len(handles) == 0: handles.append(limitLeg) if max(limits['I']['mags']) > upperMag: upperMag = max(limits['I']['mags']) upperMagIndex = np.argmax(limits['I']['mags']) # MAG PADDING upperFlux = limits['I']['flux'][ upperMagIndex] - 10**(old_div(deltaMag, 2.5)) if len(magnitudes['o']['mjds']): orangeMag = plt.errorbar(magnitudes['o']['mjds'], magnitudes['o']['mags'], yerr=magnitudes[ 'o']['magErrs'], color='#FFA500', fmt='o', mfc='#FFA500', mec='#FFA500', zorder=1, ms=12., alpha=0.8, linewidth=1.2, label='o-band mag ', capsize=10) # ERROBAR STYLE orangeMag[-1][0].set_linestyle('--') # ERROBAR CAP THICKNESS orangeMag[1][0].set_markeredgewidth('0.7') orangeMag[1][1].set_markeredgewidth('0.7') handles.append(orangeMag) if max(np.array(magnitudes['o']['mags']) + np.array(magnitudes['o']['magErrs'])) > upperMag: upperMag = max( np.array(magnitudes['o']['mags']) + np.array(magnitudes['o']['magErrs'])) upperMagIndex = np.argmax(( magnitudes['o']['mags']) + np.array(magnitudes['o']['magErrs'])) # MAG PADDING upperFlux = magnitudes['o']['flux'][ upperMagIndex] - 10**(old_div(deltaMag, 2.5)) if min(np.array(magnitudes['o']['mags']) - np.array(magnitudes['o']['magErrs'])) < lowerMag: lowerMag = min( np.array(magnitudes['o']['mags']) - np.array(magnitudes['o']['magErrs'])) lowerMagIndex = np.argmin(( magnitudes['o']['mags']) - np.array(magnitudes['o']['magErrs'])) # MAG PADDING lowerFlux = magnitudes['o']['flux'][ lowerMagIndex] + 10**(old_div(deltaMag, 2.5)) if len(magnitudes['c']['mjds']): cyanMag = plt.errorbar(magnitudes['c']['mjds'], magnitudes['c']['mags'], yerr=magnitudes[ 'c']['magErrs'], color='#2aa198', fmt='o', mfc='#2aa198', mec='#2aa198', zorder=1, ms=12., alpha=0.8, linewidth=1.2, label='c-band mag ', capsize=10) # ERROBAR STYLE cyanMag[-1][0].set_linestyle('--') # ERROBAR CAP THICKNESS cyanMag[1][0].set_markeredgewidth('0.7') cyanMag[1][1].set_markeredgewidth('0.7') handles.append(cyanMag) if max(np.array(magnitudes['c']['mags']) + np.array(magnitudes['c']['magErrs'])) > upperMag: upperMag = max( np.array(magnitudes['c']['mags']) + np.array(magnitudes['c']['magErrs'])) upperMagIndex = np.argmax(( magnitudes['c']['mags']) + np.array(magnitudes['c']['magErrs'])) # MAG PADDING upperFlux = magnitudes['c']['flux'][ upperMagIndex] - 10**(old_div(deltaMag, 2.5)) if min(np.array(magnitudes['c']['mags']) - np.array(magnitudes['c']['magErrs'])) < lowerMag: lowerMag = min( np.array(magnitudes['c']['mags']) - np.array(magnitudes['c']['magErrs'])) lowerMagIndex = np.argmin( (magnitudes['c']['mags']) - np.array(magnitudes['c']['magErrs'])) # MAG PADDING lowerFlux = magnitudes['c']['flux'][ lowerMagIndex] + 10**(old_div(deltaMag, 2.5)) if len(magnitudes['I']['mjds']): cyanMag = plt.errorbar(magnitudes['I']['mjds'], magnitudes['I']['mags'], yerr=magnitudes[ 'I']['magErrs'], color='#dc322f', fmt='o', mfc='#dc322f', mec='#dc322f', zorder=1, ms=12., alpha=0.8, linewidth=1.2, label='I-band mag ', capsize=10) # ERROBAR STYLE cyanMag[-1][0].set_linestyle('--') # ERROBAR CAP THICKNESS cyanMag[1][0].set_markeredgewidth('0.7') cyanMag[1][1].set_markeredgewidth('0.7') handles.append(cyanMag) if max(np.array(magnitudes['I']['mags']) + np.array(magnitudes['I']['magErrs'])) > upperMag: upperMag = max( np.array(magnitudes['I']['mags']) + np.array(magnitudes['I']['magErrs'])) upperMagIndex = np.argmax(( magnitudes['I']['mags']) + np.array(magnitudes['I']['magErrs'])) # MAG PADDING upperFlux = magnitudes['I']['flux'][ upperMagIndex] - 10**(old_div(deltaMag, 2.5)) if min(np.array(magnitudes['I']['mags']) - np.array(magnitudes['I']['magErrs'])) < lowerMag: lowerMag = min( np.array(magnitudes['I']['mags']) - np.array(magnitudes['I']['magErrs'])) lowerMagIndex = np.argmin( (magnitudes['I']['mags']) - np.array(magnitudes['I']['magErrs'])) # MAG PADDING lowerFlux = magnitudes['I']['flux'][ lowerMagIndex] + 10**(old_div(deltaMag, 2.5)) plt.legend(handles=handles, prop={ 'size': 13.5}, bbox_to_anchor=(1., 1.2), loc=0, borderaxespad=0., ncol=4, scatterpoints=1) # SET THE TEMPORAL X-RANGE allMjd = limits['o']['mjds'] + limits['c']['mjds'] + \ magnitudes['o']['mjds'] + magnitudes['c']['mjds'] xmin = min(allMjd) - 2. xmax = max(allMjd) + 2. ax.set_xlim([xmin, xmax]) ax.set_ylim([lowerMag - deltaMag, upperMag + deltaMag]) # FLIP THE MAGNITUDE AXIS plt.gca().invert_yaxis() # ADD SECOND Y-AXIS ax2 = ax.twinx() ax2.set_yscale('log') ax2.set_ylim([upperFlux, lowerFlux]) y_formatter = mpl.ticker.FormatStrFormatter("%d") ax2.yaxis.set_major_formatter(y_formatter) # RELATIVE TIME SINCE DISCOVERY lower, upper = ax.get_xlim() from astrocalc.times import conversions # CONVERTER TO CONVERT MJD TO DATE converter = conversions( log=log ) utLower = converter.mjd_to_ut_datetime(mjd=lower, datetimeObject=True) utUpper = converter.mjd_to_ut_datetime(mjd=upper, datetimeObject=True) # ADD SECOND X-AXIS ax3 = ax.twiny() ax3.set_xlim([utLower, utUpper]) ax3.grid(True) ax.xaxis.grid(False) plt.setp(ax3.xaxis.get_majorticklabels(), rotation=45, horizontalalignment='left') ax3.xaxis.set_major_formatter(dates.DateFormatter('%b %d')) # ax3.set_xlabel('Since Discovery (d)', labelpad=10,) # # Put a legend on plot # box = ax.get_position() # ax.set_position([box.x0, box.y0, box.width * 0.8, box.height]) # ax.legend(loc='top right', bbox_to_anchor=(1.1, 0.5), prop={'size': 8}) from matplotlib.ticker import LogLocator minorLocator = LogLocator(base=10, subs=[2.0, 5.0]) if magRange < 1.5: minorLocator = LogLocator( base=10, subs=[1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0, 9.0]) ax2.yaxis.set_minor_locator(minorLocator) ax2.yaxis.set_minor_formatter(y_formatter) ax2.tick_params(axis='y', which='major', pad=5) ax2.tick_params(axis='y', which='minor', pad=5) ax2.set_ylabel('Approx. Counts', rotation=-90., labelpad=27) ax2.grid(False) # SAVE PLOT TO FILE pathToOutputPlotFolder = "" title = objectName + " forced photometry lc" # Recursively create missing directories if not os.path.exists(cacheDirectory): os.makedirs(cacheDirectory) fileName = cacheDirectory + "/atlas_fp_lightcurve.png" plt.savefig(fileName, bbox_inches='tight', transparent=False, pad_inches=0.1) # CLEAR FIGURE plt.clf() log.debug('completed the ``create_lc`` function') return None
def generate_atlas_lightcurves(dbConn, log, settings): """generate all atlas FP lightcurves (clipped and stacked) **Key Arguments** - ``dbConn`` -- mysql database connection - ``log`` -- logger - ``settings`` -- settings for the marshall. ```python from marshallEngine.feeders.atlas.lightcurve import generate_atlas_lightcurves generate_atlas_lightcurves( log=log, dbConn=dbConn, settings=settings ) ``` """ log.debug('starting the ``generate_atlas_lightcurves`` function') # SELECT SOURCES THAT NEED THEIR ATLAS FP LIGHTCURVES CREATED/UPDATED sqlQuery = u""" SELECT t.transientBucketId FROM transientBucket t ,pesstoObjects p WHERE p.transientBucketId=t.transientBucketId and t.survey = 'ATLAS FP' and t.limitingMag = 0 and ((p.atlas_fp_lightcurve < t.dateCreated and p.atlas_fp_lightcurve != 0) or p.atlas_fp_lightcurve is null) GROUP BY t.transientBucketId; """ rows = readquery(log=log, sqlQuery=sqlQuery, dbConn=dbConn) transientIds = [r["transientBucketId"] for r in rows] total = len(transientIds) if total > 1000: print( "ATLAS lightcurves need generated for %(total)s sources - generating next 1000" % locals()) transientIds = transientIds[:1000] total = len(transientIds) else: print("Generating ATLAS lightcurves for %(total)s sources" % locals()) # SETUP THE INITIAL FIGURE FOR THE PLOT (ONLY ONCE) fig = plt.figure(num=None, figsize=(10, 10), dpi=100, facecolor=None, edgecolor=None, frameon=True) mpl.rc('ytick', labelsize=18) mpl.rc('xtick', labelsize=18) mpl.rcParams.update({'font.size': 22}) # FORMAT THE AXES ax = fig.add_axes([0.1, 0.1, 0.8, 0.8], polar=False, frameon=True) ax.set_xlabel('MJD', labelpad=20) ax.set_yticks([2.2]) # RHS AXIS TICKS plt.setp(ax.xaxis.get_majorticklabels(), rotation=45, horizontalalignment='right') ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(mtick.FormatStrFormatter('%5.0f')) y_formatter = mpl.ticker.FormatStrFormatter("%2.1f") ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(y_formatter) ax.xaxis.grid(False) # ADD SECOND Y-AXIS ax2 = ax.twinx() ax2.yaxis.set_major_formatter(y_formatter) ax2.set_ylabel('Flux ($\mu$Jy)', rotation=-90., labelpad=27) ax2.grid(False) # ADD SECOND X-AXIS ax3 = ax.twiny() ax3.grid(True) plt.setp(ax3.xaxis.get_majorticklabels(), rotation=45, horizontalalignment='left') # CONVERTER TO CONVERT MJD TO DATE converter = conversions(log=log) if len(transientIds) < 3: plotPaths = [] for transientBucketId in transientIds: plotPaths.append( plot_single_result(log=log, transientBucketId=transientBucketId, fig=fig, converter=converter, ax=ax, settings=settings)) else:"""starting multiprocessing""") plotPaths = fmultiprocess(log=log, function=plot_single_result, inputArray=transientIds, poolSize=False, timeout=7200, fig=fig, converter=converter, ax=ax, settings=settings)"""finished multiprocessing""") # REMOVE MISSING PLOTStrn transientIdGood = [t for p, t in zip(plotPaths, transientIds) if p] transientIdBad = [t for p, t in zip(plotPaths, transientIds) if p is None] # UPDATE THE atlas_fp_lightcurve DATE FOR TRANSIENTS WE HAVE JUST # GENERATED PLOTS FOR if len(transientIdGood): transientIdGood = (",").join([str(t) for t in transientIdGood]) sqlQuery = f"""update pesstoObjects set atlas_fp_lightcurve = NOW() where transientBucketID in ({transientIdGood})""" writequery(log=log, sqlQuery=sqlQuery, dbConn=dbConn) # UPDATE THE atlas_fp_lightcurve DATE FOR TRANSIENTS WE HAVE JUST # GENERATED PLOTS FOR if len(transientIdBad): transientIdBad = (",").join([str(t) for t in transientIdBad]) sqlQuery = f"""update pesstoObjects set atlas_fp_lightcurve = 0 where transientBucketID in ({transientIdBad})""" writequery(log=log, sqlQuery=sqlQuery, dbConn=dbConn) log.debug('completed the ``generate_atlas_lightcurves`` function') return None
def create_lc( log, cacheDirectory, epochs): """*create the atlas lc for one transient* **Key Arguments** - ``cacheDirectory`` -- the directory to add the lightcurve to - ``log`` -- logger - ``epochs`` -- dictionary of lightcurve data-points **Return** - None **Usage** .. todo:: add usage info create a sublime snippet for usage ```python usage code ``` """ log.debug('starting the ``create_lc`` function') from astrocalc.times import conversions # CONVERTER TO CONVERT MJD TO DATE converter = conversions( log=log ) # c = cyan, o = arange magnitudes = { 'c': {'mjds': [], 'mags': [], 'magErrs': []}, 'o': {'mjds': [], 'mags': [], 'magErrs': []}, 'I': {'mjds': [], 'mags': [], 'magErrs': []}, } summedMagnitudes = { 'c': {'mjds': [], 'mags': [], 'magErrs': []}, 'o': {'mjds': [], 'mags': [], 'magErrs': []}, 'I': {'mjds': [], 'mags': [], 'magErrs': []}, } limits = { 'c': {'mjds': [], 'mags': [], 'magErrs': []}, 'o': {'mjds': [], 'mags': [], 'magErrs': []}, 'I': {'mjds': [], 'mags': [], 'magErrs': []}, } discoveryMjd = False for epoch in epochs: objectName = epoch["atlas_designation"] if not epoch["fnu"]: continue if epoch["mjd_obs"] < 50000.: continue if not epoch["snr"] <= 5 and (not discoveryMjd or discoveryMjd > epoch["mjd_obs"]): discoveryMjd = epoch["mjd_obs"] if epoch["snr"] <= 3 and epoch["filter"] in ["c", "o", "I"]: limits[epoch["filter"]]["mjds"].append(epoch["mjd_obs"]) limits[epoch["filter"]]["mags"].append(epoch["fnu"]) limits[epoch["filter"]]["magErrs"].append(epoch["fnu_error"]) elif epoch["filter"] in ["c", "o", "I"]: magnitudes[epoch["filter"]]["mjds"].append(epoch["mjd_obs"]) magnitudes[epoch["filter"]]["mags"].append(epoch["fnu"]) magnitudes[epoch["filter"]]["magErrs"].append(epoch["fnu_error"]) for fil, d in list(magnitudes.items()): distinctMjds = {} for m, f, e in zip(d["mjds"], d["mags"], d["magErrs"]): key = str(int(math.floor(m))) if key not in distinctMjds: distinctMjds[key] = { "mjds": [m], "mags": [f], "magErrs": [e] } else: distinctMjds[key]["mjds"].append(m) distinctMjds[key]["mags"].append(f) distinctMjds[key]["magErrs"].append(e) for k, v in list(distinctMjds.items()): summedMagnitudes[fil]["mjds"].append( old_div(sum(v["mjds"]), len(v["mjds"]))) summedMagnitudes[fil]["mags"].append( old_div(sum(v["mags"]), len(v["mags"]))) summedMagnitudes[fil]["magErrs"].append(sum(v["magErrs"]) / len(v["magErrs"] ) / math.sqrt(len(v["magErrs"]))) if not discoveryMjd: return # COMMENT THIS LINE OUT TO PLOT ALL MAGNITUDE MEASUREMENTS INSTEAD OF # SUMMED magnitudes = summedMagnitudes # DUMP OUT SUMMED ATLAS MAGNITUDE # for m, l, e in zip(limits['o']["mjds"], limits['o']["mags"], limits['o']["magErrs"]): # print "%(m)s, o, %(l)s, %(e)s, <3" % locals() # for m, l, e in zip(limits['c']["mjds"], limits['c']["mags"], limits['c']["magErrs"]): # print "%(m)s, c, %(l)s, %(e)s, <3" % locals() # for m, l, e in zip(magnitudes['o']["mjds"], magnitudes['o']["mags"], magnitudes['o']["magErrs"]): # print "%(m)s, o, %(l)s, %(e)s," % locals() # for m, l, e in zip(magnitudes['c']["mjds"], magnitudes['c']["mags"], magnitudes['c']["magErrs"]): # print "%(m)s, c, %(l)s, %(e)s," % locals() discoveryUT = converter.mjd_to_ut_datetime( mjd=discoveryMjd, datetimeObject=True) discoveryUT = discoveryUT.strftime("%Y %m %d %H:%M") summedMagnitudes = {} # GENERATE THE FIGURE FOR THE PLOT fig = plt.figure( num=None, figsize=(10, 10), dpi=100, facecolor=None, edgecolor=None, frameon=True) mpl.rc('ytick', labelsize=20) mpl.rc('xtick', labelsize=20) mpl.rcParams.update({'font.size': 22}) # FORMAT THE AXES ax = fig.add_axes( [0.1, 0.1, 0.8, 0.8], polar=False, frameon=True) ax.set_xlabel('MJD', labelpad=20) ax.set_ylabel('Apparent Magnitude', labelpad=15) # ax.set_yscale('log') # ATLAS OBJECT NAME LABEL AS TITLE fig.text(0.1, 1.02, objectName, ha="left", fontsize=40) # RHS AXIS TICKS plt.setp(ax.xaxis.get_majorticklabels(), rotation=45, horizontalalignment='right') import matplotlib.ticker as mtick ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(mtick.FormatStrFormatter('%5.0f')) # ADD MAGNITUDES AND LIMITS FOR EACH FILTER handles = [] # SET AXIS LIMITS FOR MAGNTIUDES upperMag = -99 lowerMag = 99 # DETERMINE THE TIME-RANGE OF DETECTION FOR THE SOURCE mjdList = magnitudes['o']['mjds'] + \ magnitudes['c']['mjds'] + magnitudes['I']['mjds'] if len(mjdList) == 0: return lowerDetectionMjd = min(mjdList) upperDetectionMjd = max(mjdList) mjdLimitList = limits['o']['mjds'] + \ limits['c']['mjds'] + limits['I']['mjds'] priorLimitsFlavour = None for l in sorted(mjdLimitList): if l < lowerDetectionMjd and l > lowerDetectionMjd - 30.: priorLimitsFlavour = 1 if not priorLimitsFlavour: for l in mjdLimitList: if l < lowerDetectionMjd - 30.: priorLimitsFlavour = 2 lowerMJDLimit = l - 2 if not priorLimitsFlavour: fig.text(0.1, -0.08, "* no recent pre-discovery detection limit > $5\\sigma$", ha="left", fontsize=16) postLimitsFlavour = None for l in sorted(mjdLimitList): if l > upperDetectionMjd and l < upperDetectionMjd + 10.: postLimitsFlavour = 1 if not postLimitsFlavour: for l in reversed(mjdLimitList): if l > upperDetectionMjd + 10.: postLimitsFlavour = 2 upperMJDLimit = l + 2 if priorLimitsFlavour or postLimitsFlavour: limits = { 'c': {'mjds': [], 'mags': [], 'magErrs': []}, 'o': {'mjds': [], 'mags': [], 'magErrs': []}, 'I': {'mjds': [], 'mags': [], 'magErrs': []}, } for epoch in epochs: if epoch["filter"] not in ["c", "o", "I"]: continue objectName = epoch["atlas_designation"] if not epoch["fnu"]: continue if epoch["mjd_obs"] < 50000.: continue if (epoch["snr"] <= 3 and ((priorLimitsFlavour == 1 and epoch["mjd_obs"] > lowerDetectionMjd - 30.) or (priorLimitsFlavour == 2 and epoch["mjd_obs"] > lowerMJDLimit) or priorLimitsFlavour == None) and ((postLimitsFlavour == 1 and epoch["mjd_obs"] < upperDetectionMjd + 10.) or (postLimitsFlavour == 2 and epoch["mjd_obs"] < upperMJDLimit) or postLimitsFlavour == None)): limits[epoch["filter"]]["mjds"].append(epoch["mjd_obs"]) limits[epoch["filter"]]["mags"].append(epoch["fnu"]) # 000 limits[epoch["filter"]]["magErrs"].append(epoch["dm"]) limits[epoch["filter"]]["magErrs"].append(epoch["fnu_error"]) allMags = magnitudes['o']['mags'] + magnitudes['c']['mags'] magRange = max(allMags) - min(allMags) deltaMag = magRange * 0.1 if len(limits['o']['mjds']): limitLeg = ax.errorbar(limits['o']['mjds'], limits['o']['mags'], yerr=limits[ 'o']['magErrs'], color='#FFA500', fmt='o', mfc='white', mec='#FFA500', zorder=1, ms=12., alpha=0.8, linewidth=0.4, label='<3$\\sigma$ ', capsize=10, markeredgewidth=1.2) # ERROBAR CAP THICKNESS handles.append(limitLeg) limitLeg[1][0].set_markeredgewidth('0.4') limitLeg[1][1].set_markeredgewidth('0.4') # if min(limits['o']['mags']) < lowerMag: # lowerMag = min(limits['o']['mags']) if len(limits['c']['mjds']): limitLeg = ax.errorbar(limits['c']['mjds'], limits['c']['mags'], yerr=limits[ 'c']['magErrs'], color='#2aa198', fmt='o', mfc='white', mec='#2aa198', zorder=1, ms=12., alpha=0.8, linewidth=0.4, label='<3$\\sigma$ ', capsize=10, markeredgewidth=1.2) # ERROBAR CAP THICKNESS limitLeg[1][0].set_markeredgewidth('0.4') limitLeg[1][1].set_markeredgewidth('0.4') if not len(handles): handles.append(limitLeg) if len(limits['I']['mjds']): limitLeg = ax.errorbar(limits['I']['mjds'], limits['I']['mags'], yerr=limits[ 'I']['magErrs'], color='#dc322f', fmt='o', mfc='white', mec='#dc322f', zorder=1, ms=12., alpha=0.8, linewidth=0.4, label='<3$\\sigma$ ', capsize=10, markeredgewidth=1.2) # ERROBAR CAP THICKNESS limitLeg[1][0].set_markeredgewidth('0.4') limitLeg[1][1].set_markeredgewidth('0.4') if not len(handles): handles.append(limitLeg) if len(magnitudes['o']['mjds']): orangeMag = ax.errorbar(magnitudes['o']['mjds'], magnitudes['o']['mags'], yerr=magnitudes[ 'o']['magErrs'], color='#FFA500', fmt='o', mfc='#FFA500', mec='#FFA500', zorder=1, ms=12., alpha=0.8, linewidth=1.2, label='o-band mag ', capsize=10) # ERROBAR CAP THICKNESS orangeMag[1][0].set_markeredgewidth('0.7') orangeMag[1][1].set_markeredgewidth('0.7') handles.append(orangeMag) if max(np.array(magnitudes['o']['mags']) + np.array(magnitudes['o']['magErrs'])) > upperMag: upperMag = max( np.array(magnitudes['o']['mags']) + np.array(magnitudes['o']['magErrs'])) upperMagIndex = np.argmax(( magnitudes['o']['mags']) + np.array(magnitudes['o']['magErrs'])) if min(np.array(magnitudes['o']['mags']) - np.array(magnitudes['o']['magErrs'])) < lowerMag: lowerMag = min( np.array(magnitudes['o']['mags']) - np.array(magnitudes['o']['magErrs'])) lowerMagIndex = np.argmin(( magnitudes['o']['mags']) - np.array(magnitudes['o']['magErrs'])) if len(magnitudes['c']['mjds']): cyanMag = ax.errorbar(magnitudes['c']['mjds'], magnitudes['c']['mags'], yerr=magnitudes[ 'c']['magErrs'], color='#2aa198', fmt='o', mfc='#2aa198', mec='#2aa198', zorder=1, ms=12., alpha=0.8, linewidth=1.2, label='c-band mag ', capsize=10) # ERROBAR CAP THICKNESS cyanMag[1][0].set_markeredgewidth('0.7') cyanMag[1][1].set_markeredgewidth('0.7') handles.append(cyanMag) if max(np.array(magnitudes['c']['mags']) + np.array(magnitudes['c']['magErrs'])) > upperMag: upperMag = max( np.array(magnitudes['c']['mags']) + np.array(magnitudes['c']['magErrs'])) upperMagIndex = np.argmax(( magnitudes['c']['mags']) + np.array(magnitudes['c']['magErrs'])) if min(np.array(magnitudes['c']['mags']) - np.array(magnitudes['c']['magErrs'])) < lowerMag: lowerMag = min( np.array(magnitudes['c']['mags']) - np.array(magnitudes['c']['magErrs'])) lowerMagIndex = np.argmin( (magnitudes['c']['mags']) - np.array(magnitudes['c']['magErrs'])) if len(magnitudes['I']['mjds']): cyanMag = ax.errorbar(magnitudes['I']['mjds'], magnitudes['I']['mags'], yerr=magnitudes[ 'I']['magErrs'], color='#dc322f', fmt='o', mfc='#dc322f', mec='#dc322f', zorder=1, ms=12., alpha=0.8, linewidth=1.2, label='I-band mag ', capsize=10) # ERROBAR CAP THICKNESS cyanMag[1][0].set_markeredgewidth('0.7') cyanMag[1][1].set_markeredgewidth('0.7') handles.append(cyanMag) if max(np.array(magnitudes['I']['mags']) + np.array(magnitudes['I']['magErrs'])) > upperMag: upperMag = max( np.array(magnitudes['I']['mags']) + np.array(magnitudes['I']['magErrs'])) upperMagIndex = np.argmax(( magnitudes['I']['mags']) + np.array(magnitudes['I']['magErrs'])) if min(np.array(magnitudes['I']['mags']) - np.array(magnitudes['I']['magErrs'])) < lowerMag: lowerMag = min( np.array(magnitudes['I']['mags']) - np.array(magnitudes['I']['magErrs'])) lowerMagIndex = np.argmin( (magnitudes['I']['mags']) - np.array(magnitudes['I']['magErrs'])) plt.legend(handles=handles, prop={ 'size': 13.5}, bbox_to_anchor=(0.95, 1.2), loc=0, borderaxespad=0., ncol=4, scatterpoints=1) # SET THE TEMPORAL X-RANGE allMjd = magnitudes['o']['mjds'] + magnitudes['c']['mjds'] xmin = min(allMjd) - 5. xmax = max(allMjd) + 5. ax.set_xlim([xmin, xmax]) ax.set_ylim([0. - deltaMag, upperMag + deltaMag]) y_formatter = mpl.ticker.FormatStrFormatter("%2.1f") ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(y_formatter) # PLOT THE MAGNITUDE SCALE axisUpperFlux = upperMag axisLowerFlux = 1e-29 axisLowerMag = -2.5 * math.log10(axisLowerFlux) - 48.6 axisUpperMag = -2.5 * math.log10(axisUpperFlux) - 48.6 ax.set_yticks([2.2]) import matplotlib.ticker as ticker magLabels = [20., 19.5, 19.0, 18.5, 18.0, 17.5, 17.0, 16.5, 16.0, 15.5, 15.0] magFluxes = [pow(10, old_div(-(m + 48.6), 2.5)) * 1e27 for m in magLabels] ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(ticker.FixedLocator((magFluxes))) ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(ticker.FixedFormatter((magLabels))) # FLIP THE MAGNITUDE AXIS # plt.gca().invert_yaxis() # ADD SECOND Y-AXIS ax2 = ax.twinx() ax2.set_ylim([0. - deltaMag, upperMag + deltaMag]) ax2.yaxis.set_major_formatter(y_formatter) # RELATIVE TIME SINCE DISCOVERY lower, upper = ax.get_xlim() utLower = converter.mjd_to_ut_datetime(mjd=lower, datetimeObject=True) utUpper = converter.mjd_to_ut_datetime(mjd=upper, datetimeObject=True) # ADD SECOND X-AXIS ax3 = ax.twiny() ax3.set_xlim([utLower, utUpper]) ax3.grid(True) ax.xaxis.grid(False) plt.setp(ax3.xaxis.get_majorticklabels(), rotation=45, horizontalalignment='left') ax3.xaxis.set_major_formatter(dates.DateFormatter('%b %d')) # ax3.set_xlabel('Since Discovery (d)', labelpad=10,) # # Put a legend on plot # box = ax.get_position() # ax.set_position([box.x0, box.y0, box.width * 0.8, box.height]) # ax.legend(loc='top right', bbox_to_anchor=(1.1, 0.5), prop={'size': 8}) # from matplotlib.ticker import LogLocator # minorLocator = LogLocator(base=10, subs=[2.0, 5.0]) # if magRange < 1.5: # minorLocator = LogLocator( # base=10, subs=[1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0, 9.0]) # ax2.yaxis.set_minor_locator(minorLocator) # ax2.yaxis.set_minor_formatter(y_formatter) # ax2.tick_params(axis='y', which='major', pad=5) # ax2.tick_params(axis='y', which='minor', pad=5) ax2.set_ylabel('$F_{nu} \\times 1e^{27}$', rotation=-90., labelpad=27) discoveryText = "discovery epoch\nmjd %(discoveryMjd)2.2f\n%(discoveryUT)s UT" % locals( ) ax.text(0.05, 0.95, discoveryText, verticalalignment='top', horizontalalignment='left', transform=ax.transAxes, color='black', fontsize=12, linespacing=1.5) ax2.grid(False) # SAVE PLOT TO FILE pathToOutputPlotFolder = "" title = objectName + " forced photometry lc" # Recursively create missing directories if not os.path.exists(cacheDirectory): os.makedirs(cacheDirectory) fileName = cacheDirectory + "/atlas_fp_lightcurve.png" plt.savefig(fileName, bbox_inches='tight', transparent=False, pad_inches=0.1) # CLEAR FIGURE plt.clf() log.debug('completed the ``create_lc`` function') return None
def _create_lightcurve_plot_file( self, dataset, flatdata, flatLimits, objectNames, saveLocation, saveFileName): """*Generate the lightcurve and save to file* **Key Arguments** - ``log`` -- logger - ``dataset`` -- the observational dataset split into filters (and then mags, limits etc) - ``flatdata`` -- a flattened dataset to determine current magnitude - ``flatLimits`` -- a flattened dataset of non-detection limits - ``objectNames`` -- a single name or a list of names - ``saveLocation`` -- the folder to save the plot file to - ``saveFileName`` -- the filename to give the plot file (without extension) **Return** - ``filepath`` -- path to the lightcurve file - ``currentMag`` -- a prediction of the current magnitude if there is enough recent data - ``gradient`` -- a prediction of the gradient of recent data (on rise or decline?) """ self.log.debug('starting the ``_create_lightcurve_plot_file`` method') # CONVERTER TO CONVERT MJD TO DATE converter = conversions( log=self.log ) # INITIATE THE PLOT FIGURE - SQUARE fig = plt.figure( num=None, figsize=(10, 10), dpi=100, facecolor=None, edgecolor=None, frameon=True) ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) # TICK LABEL SIZE mpl.rc('ytick', labelsize=25) mpl.rc('xtick', labelsize=25) mpl.rcParams.update({'font.size': 25}) # INITIAL RESTRICTIONS currentMag = -9999 gradient = -9999 # WORK OUT RELATIVE DATES - NEEDED FOR CURRENT MAG ESTIMATES fixedTimeDataList = flatdata["mjd"] todayMjd = now( log=self.log ).get_mjd() timeList = [] timeList[:] = [t - todayMjd for t in flatdata["mjd"]] # DETERMINE SENSIBLE AXIS LIMITS FROM FLATTENED DATA bigTimeArray, bigMagArray = np.array( flatdata["mjd"]), np.array(flatdata["mag"]) xLowerLimit = min(bigTimeArray) xUpperLimit = max(bigTimeArray) latestTime = xUpperLimit xBorder = math.fabs((xUpperLimit - xLowerLimit)) * 0.1 if xBorder < 5: xBorder = 5. xLowerLimit -= xBorder xUpperLimit += xBorder fixedXUpperLimit = xUpperLimit # REALTIVE TIMES - TO PREDICT CURRENT MAG relativeTimeArray = [] relativeTimeArray[:] = [r - todayMjd for r in bigTimeArray] rxLowerLimit = min(relativeTimeArray) rxUpperLimit = max(relativeTimeArray) rlatestTime = xUpperLimit # POLYNOMIAL CONSTAINTS USING COMBINED DATASETS # POLYNOMIAL/LINEAR SETTINGS # SETTINGS FILE polyOrder = 3 # EITHER USE DATA IN THESE LAST NUMBER OF DAYS OR ... lastNumDays = 10. # ... IF NOT ENOUGH DATA USE THE LAST NUMBER OF DATA POINTS predictCurrentMag = True lastNumDataPoints = 3 numAnchors = 2 anchorSeparation = 30 latestMag = bigMagArray[0] anchorPointMag = latestMag + 20. polyTimeArray, polyMagArray = [], [] newArray = np.array([]) # QUIT IF NOT ENOUGH DATA FOR POLYNOMIAL if len(bigTimeArray) <= lastNumDataPoints: predictCurrentMag = False while predictCurrentMag and lastNumDataPoints < 6: if len(bigTimeArray) <= lastNumDataPoints: predictCurrentMag = False elif predictCurrentMag and bigTimeArray[-1] - bigTimeArray[-lastNumDataPoints] < 5: lastNumDataPoints += 1 else: break if predictCurrentMag and bigTimeArray[-1] - bigTimeArray[-lastNumDataPoints] < 5: predictCurrentMag = False # FIND THE MOST RECENT OBSERVATION TAKEN > LASTNUMDAYS DAYS BEFORE THE LAST # OBSERVATION breakpoint = 0 for thisIndex, v in enumerate(relativeTimeArray): if breakpoint: break if v < max(relativeTimeArray) - lastNumDays: breakpoint = 1 else: if breakpoint == 0: predictCurrentMag = False if predictCurrentMag: # DETERMINE GRADIENT OF SLOPE FROM LAST `LASTNUMDAYS` DAYS linearTimeArray = relativeTimeArray[0:thisIndex] linearMagArray = bigMagArray[0:thisIndex].tolist() # FIT AND PLOT THE POLYNOMIAL ASSOCSIATED WITH ALL DATA SETS thisLinear = np.polyfit(linearTimeArray, linearMagArray, 1) gradient = thisLinear[0] # FROM GRADIENT DETERMINE WHERE ANCHOR POINTS ARE PLACED if gradient > 0.1: firstAnchorPointTime = 120. elif gradient < -0.5: firstAnchorPointTime = 50 elif gradient > -0.5: firstAnchorPointTime = 120 - (np.abs(gradient) - 0.1) * 300. else: firstAnchorPointTime = 120 if firstAnchorPointTime > 120.: firstAnchorPointTime = 120. firstAnchorPointTime = firstAnchorPointTime + latestTime if firstAnchorPointTime < 30.: firstAnchorPointTime = 30. # CREATE THE ARRAY OF DATA USED TO GERNERATE THE POLYNOMIAL polyTimeArray = relativeTimeArray[0:thisIndex] polyMagArray = bigMagArray[0:thisIndex].tolist() printArray = [] printArray[:] = [float("%(i)0.1f" % locals()) for i in polyTimeArray] infoText = "time array : %(printArray)s" % locals() warningColor = "#dc322f" # ANCHOR THE POLYNOMIAL IN THE FUTURE SO THAT ALL PREDICTED LIGHTCURVES # EVENTUALLY FADE TO NOTHING for i in range(numAnchors): polyTimeArray.insert(0, firstAnchorPointTime + i * anchorSeparation) polyMagArray.insert(0, anchorPointMag) # POLYNOMIAL LIMTIS xPolyLowerLimit = min(polyTimeArray) - 2.0 xPolyUpperLimit = max(polyTimeArray) + 2.0 # SET AXIS LIMITS xUpperLimit = 5 yLowerLimit = min(bigMagArray) - 0.3 yUpperLimit = max(bigMagArray) + 0.5 yBorder = math.fabs((yUpperLimit - yLowerLimit)) * 0.1 yLowerLimit -= yBorder yUpperLimit += yBorder # EXTEND LOWER X-LIMIT FOR NON-DETECTIONS xLowerTmp = xLowerLimit for t, m in zip(flatLimits["mjd"], flatLimits["mag"]): if m > yLowerLimit and t < xLowerTmp + 2 and t > xLowerLimit - 40: xLowerTmp = t - 2 xLowerLimit = xLowerTmp if predictCurrentMag: thisPoly = np.polyfit(polyTimeArray, polyMagArray, polyOrder) # FLATTEN INTO A FUNCTION TO MAKE PLOTTING EASIER flatLinear = np.poly1d(thisLinear) flatPoly = np.poly1d(thisPoly) xData = np.arange(xPolyLowerLimit, xPolyUpperLimit, 1) plt.plot(xData, flatPoly(xData), label="poly") plt.plot(xData, flatLinear(xData), label="linear") # PREDICT A CURRENT MAGNITUDE FROM THE PLOT currentMag = flatPoly(0.) if currentMag < latestMag: currentMag = currentMag + 0.2 self.log.debug( 'currentMag: %(currentMag)0.2f, m=%(gradient)s' % locals()) ls = "*g" % locals() currentMagArray = np.array([currentMag]) nowArray = np.array([todayMjd]) line = ax.plot(nowArray, currentMagArray, ls, label="current estimate") # SET THE AXES / VIEWPORT FOR THE PLOT if currentMag < yLowerLimit: yLowerLimit = currentMag - 0.4 plt.clf() plt.cla() ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) # PLOT DATA VIA FILTER. MAGS AND LIMITS filterColor = { "r": "#29a329", "g": "#268bd2", "G": "#859900", "o": "#cb4b16", "c": "#2aa198", "U": "#6c71c4", "B": "blue", "V": "#008000", "R": "#e67300", "I": "#dc322f", "w": "#cc2900", "y": "#ff6666", "z": "#990000", } i = 0 handles = [] handlesAdded = [] for k, v in list(dataset.items()): mag = v["mag"] magErr = v["magErr"] magMjd = v["magMjd"] limit = v["limit"] limitMjd = v["limitMjd"] magNoErr = v["magNoErr"] magNoErrMjd = v["magNoErrMjd"] magNoErrFudge = v["magNoErrFudge"] if k in filterColor: color = filterColor[k] else: color = "black" if len(limit): for l, m in zip(limit, limitMjd): plt.text(m, l, u"\u21A7", fontname='STIXGeneral', size=30, va='top', ha='center', clip_on=True, color=color, zorder=1) if len(magNoErr): theseMags = ax.errorbar(magNoErrMjd, magNoErr, yerr=magNoErrFudge, color=color, fmt='o', mfc=color, mec=color, zorder=2, ms=12., alpha=0.8, linewidth=1.2, label=k, capsize=0) theseMags[-1][0].set_linestyle('--') if len(mag): theseMags = ax.errorbar(magMjd, mag, yerr=magErr, color=color, fmt='o', mfc=color, mec=color, zorder=3, ms=12., alpha=0.8, linewidth=1.2, label=k, capsize=10) if not len(mag): theseMags = ax.errorbar([-500], [20], yerr=[0.2], color=color, fmt='o', mfc=color, mec=color, zorder=3, ms=12., alpha=0.8, linewidth=1.2, label=k, capsize=10) if k not in handlesAdded: handles.append(theseMags) handlesAdded.append(k) # ADD LEGEND plt.legend(handles=handles, prop={ 'size': 13.5}, bbox_to_anchor=(1., 1.25), loc=0, borderaxespad=0., ncol=18, scatterpoints=1) # RHS AXIS TICKS plt.setp(ax.xaxis.get_majorticklabels(), rotation=45, horizontalalignment='right') ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(mtick.FormatStrFormatter('%5.0f')) # CHANGE PLOT TO FIXED TIME # SETUP THE AXES xUpperLimit = fixedXUpperLimit ax.set_xlabel('MJD', labelpad=20) ax.set_ylabel('Magnitude', labelpad=20) ax.set_title('') ax.set_xlim([xLowerLimit, xUpperLimit]) ax.set_ylim([yUpperLimit, yLowerLimit]) ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(ticker.FormatStrFormatter('%d')) # GENERATE UT DATE AXIS FOR TOP OF PLOT lower, upper = ax.get_xlim() utLower = converter.mjd_to_ut_datetime(mjd=lower, datetimeObject=True) utUpper = converter.mjd_to_ut_datetime(mjd=upper, datetimeObject=True) ax3 = ax.twiny() ax3.set_xlim([utLower, utUpper]) ax3.grid(True) ax.xaxis.grid(False) plt.setp(ax3.xaxis.get_majorticklabels(), rotation=45, horizontalalignment='left', fontsize=14) ax3.xaxis.set_major_formatter(dates.DateFormatter('%b %d, %y')) # Y TICK FORMAT y_formatter = mpl.ticker.FormatStrFormatter("%2.1f") ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(y_formatter) # PRINT CURRENT MAG AS SANITY CHECK # fig.text(0.1, 1.02, currentMag, ha="left", fontsize=40) # RECURSIVELY CREATE MISSING DIRECTORIES if not os.path.exists(saveLocation): try: os.makedirs(saveLocation) except: pass # SAVE THE PLOT filepath = """%(saveLocation)s%(saveFileName)s.png""" % locals() plt.savefig(filepath, format='PNG', bbox_inches='tight', transparent=False, pad_inches=0.4) # plt.clf() # clear figure plt.close() # TEST THAT PLOT FILE HAS ACTUALLY BEEN GENERATED try: with open(filepath): pass fileExists = True except IOError: raise IOError( "the path --pathToFile-- %s does not exist on this machine" % (filepath,)) filepath = False self.log.debug('completed the ``_create_lightcurve_plot_file`` method') return filepath, currentMag, gradient
def _update_day_tracker_table(self): """* update day tracker table* **Key Arguments:** # - **Return:** - None **Usage:** .. todo:: - add usage info - create a sublime snippet for usage - write a command-line tool for this method - update package tutorial with command-line tool info if needed .. code-block:: python usage code """'starting the ``_update_day_tracker_table`` method') # YESTERDAY MJD mjd = now(log=self.log).get_mjd() yesterday = int(math.floor(mjd - 1)) sqlQuery = u""" SELECT mjd FROM atlas_moving_objects.day_tracker order by mjd desc limit 1 """ % locals() rows = readquery( log=self.log, sqlQuery=sqlQuery, dbConn=self.atlasMoversDBConn, ) highestMjd = int(rows[0]["mjd"]) converter = conversions(log=self.log) sqlData = [] for m in range(highestMjd, yesterday): # CONVERTER TO CONVERT MJD TO DATE utDate = converter.mjd_to_ut_datetime(mjd=m, sqlDate=True, datetimeObject=False) sqlData.append({"mjd": m, "ut_date": utDate}) insert_list_of_dictionaries_into_database_tables( dbConn=self.atlasMoversDBConn, log=self.log, dictList=sqlData, dbTableName="day_tracker", uniqueKeyList=["mjd"], dateModified=False, batchSize=10000, replace=True) self.atlasMoversDBConn.commit()'completed the ``_update_day_tracker_table`` method') return None
def _clean_data_pre_ingest(self, surveyName, withinLastDays=False): """*clean up the list of dictionaries containing the ATLAS data, pre-ingest* **Key Arguments** - ``surveyName`` -- the ATLAS survey name - ``withinLastDays`` -- the lower limit of observations to include (within the last N days from now). Default *False*, i.e. no limit **Return** - ``dictList`` -- the cleaned list of dictionaries ready for ingest **Usage** To clean the data from the ATLAS survey: ```python dictList = ingesters._clean_data_pre_ingest(surveyName="ATLAS") ``` Note you will also be able to access the data via ``ingester.dictList`` """ self.log.debug('starting the ``_clean_data_pre_ingest`` method') self.dictList = [] # CALC MJD LIMIT if withinLastDays: mjdLimit = now(log=self.log).get_mjd() - float(withinLastDays) # CONVERTER TO CONVERT MJD TO DATE converter = conversions(log=self.log) for row in self.csvDicts: # IF NOW IN THE LAST N DAYS - SKIP flagMjd = converter.ut_datetime_to_mjd( utDatetime=row["followup_flag_date"]) if withinLastDays and (float(row["earliest_mjd"]) < mjdLimit and float(flagMjd) < mjdLimit): continue # MASSAGE THE DATA IN THE INPUT FORMAT TO WHAT IS NEEDED IN THE # FEEDER SURVEY TABLE IN THE DATABASE target = row["target"] diff = row["diff"] ref = row["ref"] targetImageURL = None refImageURL = None diffImageURL = None if target: mjdStr = str(int(float(target.split("_")[1]))) if target: iid, mjdString, diffId, ippIdet, type = target.split('_') targetImageURL = "" % locals() + '/' + \ mjdStr + '/' + target + '.jpeg' objectURL = "" + iid if ref: mjdStr = str(int(float(ref.split("_")[1]))) if ref: iid, mjdString, diffId, ippIdet, type = ref.split('_') refImageURL = "" % locals() + '/' + \ mjdStr + '/' + ref + '.jpeg' objectURL = "" + iid if diff: mjdStr = str(int(float(diff.split("_")[1]))) if diff: iid, mjdString, diffId, ippIdet, type = diff.split('_') diffImageURL = "" % locals() + '/' + \ mjdStr + '/' + diff + '.jpeg' objectURL = "" + iid discDate = converter.mjd_to_ut_datetime(mjd=row["earliest_mjd"], sqlDate=True) thisDictionary = {} thisDictionary["candidateID"] = row["name"] thisDictionary["ra_deg"] = row["ra"] thisDictionary["dec_deg"] = row["dec"] thisDictionary["mag"] = row["earliest_mag"] thisDictionary["observationMJD"] = row["earliest_mjd"] thisDictionary["filter"] = row["earliest_filter"] thisDictionary["discDate"] = discDate thisDictionary["discMag"] = row["earliest_mag"] thisDictionary["suggestedType"] = row["object_classification"] thisDictionary["targetImageURL"] = targetImageURL thisDictionary["refImageURL"] = refImageURL thisDictionary["diffImageURL"] = diffImageURL thisDictionary["objectURL"] = objectURL self.dictList.append(thisDictionary) self.log.debug('completed the ``_clean_data_pre_ingest`` method') return self.dictList
) angularSeparation, north, east = calculator.get() print """%(angularSeparation)s arcsec (%(north)s N, %(east)s E)""" % locals() if timeflip: try: inputMjd = float(datetime) if datetime[0] not in ["0", "1", "2"]: inputMjd = True else: inputMjd = False except: inputMjd = False from astrocalc.times import conversions converter = conversions( log=log ) if inputMjd == False: try: mjd = converter.ut_datetime_to_mjd(utDatetime=datetime) print mjd except Exception, e: print e else: try: utDate = converter.mjd_to_ut_datetime(mjd=datetime) print utDate except Exception, e: print e