foreign_key='source_id', column_type_overrides={'spectra.spectrum': types.TEXT(), 'spectra.local_spectrum': types.TEXT()}) # Query similarly to SIMPLE results = db.query(db.sources).limit(10).all() for row in results: print(row) # The spectra table contains columns of type SPECTRUM, the column_type_overrides allows us to work with them as text for c in db.spectra.columns: print(c, c.type) db.query(db.spectra).limit(10).all() _ = db.inventory(11, pretty_print=True) # Can output the full contents of BDNYC as json files db.save_db('bdnyc') # Copy to another database source_connection_string = 'sqlite:///../BDNYCdb-1/bdnyc_database.db' # SQLite destination_connection_string = 'postgresql://localhost/BDNYC' # Postgres copy_database_schema(source_connection_string, destination_connection_string) # Load database contents from JSON db = Database(destination_connection_string, reference_tables=['changelog', 'data_requests', 'publications', 'ignore', 'modes', 'systems', 'telescopes', 'versions', 'instruments'], primary_table='sources', primary_table_key='id', foreign_key='source_id', column_type_overrides={'spectra.spectrum': types.TEXT(), 'spectra.local_spectrum': types.TEXT()})
temp = bdnyc.query(bdnyc.publications)\ .filter(db.publications.c.shortname.notin_(existing_simple))\ .all() # Reformat data into something easier for SIMPLE to import new_db_mapping = {'DOI': 'doi', 'shortname': 'name'} data = [{ new_db_mapping.get(k, k): x.__getattribute__(k) for k in x.keys() if k not in 'id' } for x in temp] db.Publications.insert().execute(data) # Verify insert and save to disk db.query(db.Publications).count() db.save_db('data') # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Add Sources that are not already in SIMPLE temp = db.query( publications_simple = [s[0] for s in temp] temp = db.query(db.Sources.c.source).all() existing_simple = [s[0] for s in temp] temp = bdnyc.query(bdnyc.sources.c.designation, bdnyc.sources.c.names, bdnyc.sources.c.ra, bdnyc.sources.c.dec, bdnyc.sources.c.shortname, bdnyc.sources.c.publication_shortname, )\ .filter(and_(bdnyc.sources.c.names.notin_(existing_simple),
spt_refs = ingest_table['spt_ref'] # sources names in database Names table db_names = [] for name in names: db_name = db.search_object(name, output_table='Sources')[0].source db_names.append(db_name) # Convert SpT string to code spectral_type_codes = convert_spt_string_to_code(spectral_types, verbose=True) # add new references to Publications table ref_list = spt_refs.tolist() included_ref = db.query( included_ref = [s[0] for s in included_ref] new_ref = list(set(ref_list) - set(included_ref)) new_ref = [{'name': s} for s in new_ref] if len(new_ref) > 0: db.Publications.insert().execute(new_ref) # Make astropy table with all relevant columns and add to SpectralTypes Table SpT_table = Table( [db_names, spectral_types, spectral_type_codes, regime, spt_refs], names=('source', 'spectral_type_string', 'spectral_type_code', 'regime', 'reference')) db.add_table_data(SpT_table, table='SpectralTypes', fmt='astropy') db.save_db('../../data')
name_ref.append('Bedi17') elif ref == 24: name_ref.append('Dahn02') elif ref == 25: name_ref.append('Maro13') elif ref == 26: name_ref.append('Wein12') elif ref == 27: name_ref.append('Tinn14') elif ref == 28: name_ref.append('Tinn03') elif ref == 29: name_ref.append('Delo17') elif ref == 30: name_ref.append('Mars13') elif ref == 31: name_ref.append('Luhm16') elif ref == 32: name_ref.append('Kirk11') elif ref == 33: name_ref.append('Legg17') elif ref == 34: name_ref.append('Mart18') else: name_ref.append('Missing') ingest_parallaxes(db, sources, plx, plx_unc, name_ref, verbose=True) if not DRY_RUN: db.save_db('data') #edits the JSON files if we're not doing a dry run