    def test_init(self, tmpdir):
        temp_path = os.path.join(str(tmpdir), 'temp')
        log_path = os.path.join(str(tmpdir), 'log')
        kwargs = {
            'paths': {
                'temp': temp_path,
                'log': log_path
            'steps': [1, 2, 3, 4],
            'next_id': 5,
            'run_steps': [2, 4],
            'run_warnings': 'dummy value',
            'run_step_idx': 1,
            'dummy_key': 'added me too!'
        with pytest.raises(pipeline.PipelineError):
            pipe = pipeline.Pipeline(**kwargs)

        pipe = pipeline.Pipeline(create_paths=True,
        for k, v in kwargs.items():
            assert getattr(pipe, k) == v
        assert pipe.name == 'test_pipeline'
def test_run_swarp(tmpdir):
    paths = {
        'temp': os.path.join(str(tmpdir), 'temp'),
        'log': os.path.join(str(tmpdir), 'log')
    setattr(builtins, 'raw_input', mock_raw_input('y'))
    setattr(builtins, 'input', mock_raw_input('y'))
    pipe = pipeline.Pipeline(paths=paths, build_paths={})
    result = api.run_swarp(pipe, 0, ['img1.fits', 'img2.fits'], {})
    cmd = 'swarp img1.fits img2.fits -RESAMPLE_DIR {0} '.format(paths['temp'])
    cmd += '-WRITE_XML Y -XML_NAME {0}/0.swarp.log.xml'.format(paths['log'])
    cmd_result = {
        'args': (cmd, False, '{0}/0.swarp.log.xml'.format(paths['log']), True),
        'kwargs': {},
        'status': 'error'
    assert result == cmd_result

    result = api.run_swarp(pipe, 0, ['img1.fits', 'img2.fits'], {}, frames=[1])
    cmd = 'swarp img1.fits[1] img2.fits[1] -RESAMPLE_DIR {0} '.format(
    cmd += '-WRITE_XML Y -XML_NAME {0}/0.swarp.log-1.xml'.format(paths['log'])
    cmd_result = {
        (cmd, False, '{0}/0.swarp.log.xml'.format(paths['log']), False),
        'kwargs': {
            'frame': '1'
        'status': 'error',
        'warnings': None
    assert result == cmd_result
 def test_empty_init(self):
     pipe = pipeline.Pipeline()
     assert pipe.create_paths == False
     assert pipe.steps == []
     assert pipe.next_id == 0
     assert pipe.run_steps == None
     assert pipe.run_warnings == None
     assert pipe.run_step_idx == 0
     assert pipe.paths == {}
    def test_run_basic(self, tmpdir):
        temp_path = os.path.join(str(tmpdir), 'temp')
        log_path = os.path.join(str(tmpdir), 'log')
        paths = {'temp': temp_path, 'log': log_path}
        pipe = pipeline.Pipeline(paths=paths, create_paths=True)

        pipe.add_step(test_func1, ['func1'], var1=3, var2=4)
        pipe.add_step(test_func2, ['func2'], var1=25, var2=10)
        pipe.add_step(test_func2, ['func2'], var1=1, var2=0)
        pipe.add_step(test_func3, var1=1, var2=0)
        result = pipe.run(ignore_errors=True, ignore_exceptions=True)
        assert result['status'] == 'success'
        assert pipe.steps[0].results == {
            'next_id': 4,
            'status': 'success',
            'step_id': 0,
            'sum': 7
        assert pipe.steps[1].results == {'diff': 2.5, 'status': 'success'}
        assert pipe.steps[2].results == {
            'error': 'Division by 0',
            'status': 'error'
        assert pipe.steps[3].results['status'] == 'error'

        for step in pipe.steps:
            step.results = None
        result = pipe.run(['func2'],
        assert pipe.steps[0].results == None
        assert pipe.steps[1].results == {'diff': 2.5, 'status': 'success'}
        assert pipe.steps[2].results == {
            'error': 'Division by 0',
            'status': 'error'
        assert pipe.steps[3].results == None

        for step in pipe.steps:
            step.results = None
        result = pipe.run(ignore_tags=['func2'],
        assert pipe.steps[0].results == {
            'next_id': 4,
            'status': 'success',
            'step_id': 0,
            'sum': 7
        assert pipe.steps[1].results == None
        assert pipe.steps[2].results == None
        assert pipe.steps[3].results['status'] == 'error'
def test_run_psfex(tmpdir):
    paths = {
        'temp': os.path.join(str(tmpdir), 'temp'),
        'log': os.path.join(str(tmpdir), 'log')
    setattr(builtins, 'raw_input', mock_raw_input('y'))
    setattr(builtins, 'input', mock_raw_input('y'))
    pipe = pipeline.Pipeline(paths=paths, build_paths={})
    result = api.run_psfex(pipe, 0, ['cat1.fits', 'cat2.fits'], {})
    cmd = 'psfex cat1.fits cat2.fits -PSF_DIR {0} '.format(paths['temp'])
    cmd += '-WRITE_XML Y -XML_NAME {0}/0.psfex.log.xml'.format(paths['log'])
    cmd_result = {
        'args': (cmd, False, '{0}/0.psfex.log.xml'.format(paths['log']), True),
        'kwargs': {},
        'status': 'error'
    assert result == cmd_result
def test_run_scamp(tmpdir):
    paths = {
        'temp': os.path.join(str(tmpdir), 'temp'),
        'log': os.path.join(str(tmpdir), 'log')
    setattr(builtins, 'raw_input', mock_raw_input('y'))
    setattr(builtins, 'input', mock_raw_input('y'))
    pipe = pipeline.Pipeline(paths=paths, build_paths={})
    result = api.run_scamp(pipe, 0, ['cat1.fits', 'cat2.fits'], {},
    cmd = 'scamp cat1.fits cat2.fits -SAVE_REFCATALOG Y -REFOUT_CATPATH new_cat.fits '
    cmd += '-WRITE_XML Y -XML_NAME {0}/0.scamp.log.xml'.format(paths['log'])
    cmd_result = {
        'args': (cmd, False, '{0}/0.scamp.log.xml'.format(paths['log']), True),
        'kwargs': {},
        'status': 'error'
    assert result == cmd_result
    def test_add_step(self):
        def test_function(pipeline, step_id, var1, var2):
            result = {
                'status': success,
                'next_id': pipeline.next_id,
                'step_id': step_id,
                'sum': var1 + var2
            return result

        pipe = pipeline.Pipeline()
        pipe.add_step(test_function, ['tag1', 'tag2'], var1=5, var2=10)
        step = pipe.steps[0]
        assert len(pipe.steps) == 1
        assert pipe.next_id == 1
        assert step.func == test_function
        assert set(step.tags) == set(['tag1', 'tag2'])
        assert step.func_kwargs == {'var1': 5, 'var2': 10}
        assert step.results == None
def test_run_sex(tmpdir):
    paths = {
        'temp': os.path.join(str(tmpdir), 'temp'),
        'log': os.path.join(str(tmpdir), 'log')
    setattr(builtins, 'raw_input', mock_raw_input('y'))
    setattr(builtins, 'input', mock_raw_input('y'))
    pipe = pipeline.Pipeline(paths=paths, build_paths={})
    files = {
        'image': 'img.fits',
        'dqmask': 'img.dqmask.fits',
        'wtmap': 'img.wtmap.fits'
    kwargs = {
        'config': OrderedDict([
            ('PARAMETERS_NAME', 'default.path'),
    result = api.run_sex(pipe, 0, files, kwargs)
    cmd = 'sex img.fits -PARAMETERS_NAME default.path -CATALOG_NAME img.cat '
    cmd += '-FLAG_IMAGE img.dqmask.fits -WEIGHT_IMAGE img.wtmap.fits '
    cmd += '-WRITE_XML Y -XML_NAME {0}/0.sex.log.xml'.format(paths['log'])
    cmd_result = {
        'args': (cmd, False, '{0}/0.sex.log.xml'.format(paths['log']), True),
        'kwargs': {},
        'status': 'error'
    assert result == cmd_result

    result = api.run_sex(pipe, 0, files, kwargs, [1])
    cmd = 'sex img.fits[1] -PARAMETERS_NAME default.path -CATALOG_NAME img.cat '
    cmd += '-FLAG_IMAGE img.dqmask.fits[1] -WEIGHT_IMAGE img.wtmap.fits[1] '
    cmd += '-WRITE_XML Y -XML_NAME {0}/0.sex.log-1.xml'.format(paths['log'])
    cmd_result = {
        'args': (cmd, False, '{0}/0.sex.log.xml'.format(paths['log']), False),
        'kwargs': {
            'frame': '1'
        'status': 'error',
        'warnings': None
    assert result == cmd_result
    def test_run_advanced(self, tmpdir):
        temp_path = os.path.join(str(tmpdir), 'temp')
        log_path = os.path.join(str(tmpdir), 'log')
        paths = {'temp': temp_path, 'log': log_path}
        pipe = pipeline.Pipeline(paths=paths, create_paths=True)
        pipe.add_step(test_func1, ['func1'], var1=3, var2=4)
        pipe.add_step(test_func2, ['func2'], var1=25, var2=10)
        pipe.add_step(test_func2, ['func2'], var1=1, var2=0)
        pipe.add_step(test_func3, var1=1, var2=0)

        with pytest.raises(pipeline.PipelineError):
        pipe = dill.load(open(os.path.join(paths['log'], 'pipeline.p'), 'rb'))
        assert pipe.run_step_idx == 2
        assert pipe.steps[0].results == {
            'next_id': 4,
            'status': 'success',
            'step_id': 0,
            'sum': 7

        with pytest.raises(ZeroDivisionError):
            for step in pipe.steps:
                step.results = None
            pipe.run(resume=True, ignore_errors=True)

        new_pipe = dill.load(
            open(os.path.join(paths['log'], 'pipeline.p'), 'rb'))
        result = new_pipe.run(start_idx=1,
        assert result['status'] == 'success'
        assert new_pipe.steps[0].results == None
        assert new_pipe.steps[1].results == {'diff': 2.5, 'status': 'success'}
        assert new_pipe.steps[2].results == {
            'error': 'Division by 0',
            'status': 'error'
        assert new_pipe.steps[3].results['status'] == 'error'