def fits2fits(infile, outfile, verbose=False, fix_idr=False):
	Returns: error string, or None on success.
	if fix_idr:
		from astrometry.util.fix_sdss_idr import fix_sdss_idr

	# Read input file.
	fitsin = pyfits.open(infile)
	# Print out info about input file.
	if verbose:

	for i, hdu in enumerate(fitsin):
		if fix_idr:
			hdu = fitsin[i] = fix_sdss_idr(hdu)
		# verify() fails when a keywords contains invalid characters,
		# so go through the primary header and fix them by converting invalid
		# characters to '_'
		hdr = hdu.header
		logging.info('Header has %i cards' % len(hdr))
		# allowed characters (FITS standard section
		pat = re.compile(r'[^A-Z0-9_\-]')
		for k in hdr.keys():
			# new keyword:
			knew = pat.sub('_', k)
			if k != knew:
				logging.debug('Replacing illegal keyword %s by %s' % (k, knew))
				# add the new header card
				# it seems pyfits is not clever enough to notice this...
				if len(knew) > 8:
					knew = 'HIERARCH ' + knew
				hdr.update(knew, cards[k].value, cards[k].comment, after=k)
				# remove the old one.
				del hdr[k]

		# Fix input header

		# UGH!  Work around stupid pyfits handling of scaled data...
		# (it fails to round-trip scaled data correctly!)
		bzero = hdr.get('BZERO', None)
		bscale = hdr.get('BSCALE', None)
		if (bzero is not None and bscale is not None
			and (bzero != 0. or bscale != 1.)):
			logging.debug('Scaling to bzero=%g, bscale=%g' % (bzero, bscale))
			hdu.scale('int16', '', bscale, bzero)

	# Describe output file we're about to write...
	if verbose:
		print 'Outputting:'

		pyfits_writeto(fitsin, outfile, output_verify='warn')
	except pyfits.VerifyError, ve:
		return ('Verification of output file failed: your FITS file is probably too broken to automatically fix.' +
				'  Error message is:' + str(ve))
def removelines(infile, outfile, xcol='X', ycol='Y', cut=None, **kwargs):
	if cut is None:
		cut = 100
	p = pyfits.open(infile)
	xy = p[1].data
	hdr = p[1].header
	if xy is None:
		print 'removelines.py: Input file contains no sources.'
		pyfits_writeto(p, outfile)
		return 0
	x = xy.field(xcol)
	y = xy.field(ycol)

	if len(x) == 0:
		print 'removelines.py: Your FITS file contains 0 sources (rows)'
		pyfits_writeto(p, outfile)
		return 0
	ix = hist_remove_lines(x, 1, 0.5, logcut=-cut)
	iy = hist_remove_lines(y, 1, 0.5, logcut=-cut)
	I = ix * iy
	xc = x[I]
	yc = y[I]
	print 'removelines.py: Removed %i sources' % (len(x) - len(xc))

	p[1].header.add_history('This xylist was filtered by the "removelines.py" program')
	p[1].header.add_history('to remove horizontal and vertical lines of sources')
	p[1].header.update('REMLINEN', len(x) - len(xc), 'Number of sources removed by "removelines.py"')

	p[1].data = p[1].data[I]
	pyfits_writeto(p, outfile)

	return 0