def __init__(self, t, mjd=None, date=None): if t is None: if date is not None: mjd = datetomjd(date) if mjd is not None: t = mjd * 24. * 3600. super(TAITime, self).__init__(t)
def timed_out(self, dt): now = datenow() dt = (now - self.lastNewFile).total_seconds() print('No new images seen for', dt, 'seconds.') markmjds = [] if dt > self.longtime: edate = (self.lastNewFile + datetime.timedelta(0, self.longtime)) markmjds.append((datetomjd(edate),'r')) self.plot_recent(markmjds=markmjds)
class TAITime(ScalarParam, ArithmeticParams): ''' This is TAI as used in the SDSS 'frame' headers; eg TAI = 4507681767.55 / 1st row - Number of seconds since Nov 17 1858 And says: MJD = TAI/(24*3600) ''' equinox = 53084.28 # mjd of the spring equinox in 2004 daysperyear = 365.25 # Julian years, by definition mjd2k = datetomjd(J2000) def __init__(self, t, mjd=None, date=None): if t is None: if date is not None: mjd = datetomjd(date) if mjd is not None: t = mjd * 24. * 3600. super(TAITime, self).__init__(t) def toMjd(self): return self.getValue() / (24. * 3600.) def getSunTheta(self): mjd = self.toMjd() th = 2. * np.pi * (mjd - TAITime.equinox) / TAITime.daysperyear th = np.fmod(th, 2. * np.pi) return th def toYears(self): ''' years since Nov 17, 1858 ?''' return float(self.getValue() / (24. * 3600. * TAITime.daysperyear)) def toYear(self): ''' to proper year ''' return self.toYears() - TAITime(None, mjd=TAITime.mjd2k).toYears() + 2000.0
def plot_measurements(mm, plotfn, nom, mjds=[], mjdrange=None, allobs=None, markmjds=[], show_plot=True): import pylab as plt T = db_to_fits(mm) = np.core.defchararray.replace(, 'zd', 'z') print(len(T), 'exposures') T.mjd_end = T.mjd_obs + T.exptime / 86400. #Tall = T Tnonobject = T[T.obstype != 'object'] print(len(Tnonobject), 'exposures are not OBJECTs') T = T[T.obstype == 'object'] print(len(T), 'OBJECT exposures') if len(T) == 0: return ccmap = dict(g='g', r='r', z='m') #bands = 'grz' bands = np.unique( #print('Unique bands:', bands) TT = [] for band in bands: G = T[ == band] TT.append(G) plt.clf() plt.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.1, top=0.98, right=0.95, left=0.1, bottom=0.07) def limitstyle(band): return dict(mec='k', mfc=ccmap[band], ms=8, mew=1) # Check for bad things that can happen bads = [] # bad_pixcnt I = np.flatnonzero(T.bad_pixcnt) for i in I: bads.append((i, 'pixcnt')) # low nmatched I = np.flatnonzero((T.nmatched >= 0) * (T.nmatched < 10)) for i in I: bads.append((i, 'nmatched')) if allobs is not None: # Duplicate md5sum for i in range(len(T)): if T.md5sum[i] == '': continue a = allobs.filter(md5sum=T.md5sum[i]).exclude( filename=T.filename[i], extension=T.extension[i]) if a.count(): # Only report this one as bad if one of the repeats was earlier for ai in a: if ai.mjd_obs < T.mjd_obs[i]: bads.append((i, 'md5sum')) break # Group together bad things for the same image. bd = {} for i,reason in bads: if i in bd: bd[i] = bd[i] + ', ' + reason else: bd[i] = reason bads = bd.items() ilatest = np.argmax(T.mjd_obs) latest = T[ilatest] SP = 5 mx = 2. plt.subplot(SP,1,1) for band,Tb in zip(bands, TT): plt.plot(Tb.mjd_obs, Tb.seeing, 'o', color=ccmap[band]) I = np.flatnonzero(Tb.seeing > mx) if len(I): plt.plot(Tb.mjd_obs[I], [mx]*len(I), '^', **limitstyle(band)) yl,yh = plt.ylim() plt.axhline(1.3, color='k', alpha=0.5) plt.axhline(1.2, color='k', alpha=0.1) plt.axhline(1.0, color='k', alpha=0.1) plt.axhline(0.8, color='k', alpha=0.1) plt.text(latest.mjd_obs, yl+0.01*(yh-yl), '%.2f' % latest.seeing, ha='center') y = yl + 0.01*(yh-yl) plt.plot(np.vstack((T.mjd_obs, T.mjd_end)), np.vstack((y, y)), '-', lw=3, alpha=0.5, color=ccmap[band], solid_joinstyle='bevel') plt.ylim(yl,min(yh,mx)) plt.ylabel('Seeing (arcsec)') ax = plt.axis() for i,reason in bads: plt.axvline(T.mjd_obs[i], color='r', lw=3, alpha=0.3) plt.text(T.mjd_obs[i], ax[3], reason, rotation=90, va='top') plt.axis(ax) plt.subplot(SP,1,2) mx = 20 for band,Tb in zip(bands, TT): sky0 = plt.plot(Tb.mjd_obs,, 'o', color=ccmap[band]) plt.axhline(sky0, color=ccmap[band], alpha=0.5) I = np.flatnonzero( > mx) if len(I): plt.plot(Tb.mjd_obs[I], [mx]*len(I), '^', **limitstyle(band)) yl,yh = plt.ylim() yh = min(yh,mx) plt.text(latest.mjd_obs, yl+0.01*(yh-yl), '%.2f' %, ha='center') for t in T: if t.passnumber > 0: plt.text(t.mjd_obs, min(mx, - 0.03*(yh-yl), #yl+0.1*(yh-yl), '%i' % t.passnumber, ha='center', va='top') plt.ylim(yl,yh) plt.ylabel('Sky (mag)') plt.subplot(SP,1,3) mx = 1.2 mn = 0.5 for band,Tb in zip(bands, TT): plt.plot(Tb.mjd_obs, Tb.transparency, 'o', color=ccmap[band]) I = np.flatnonzero(Tb.transparency > mx) if len(I): plt.plot(Tb.mjd_obs[I], [mx]*len(I), '^', **limitstyle(band)) I = np.flatnonzero(Tb.transparency < mn) if len(I): plt.plot(Tb.mjd_obs[I], [mn]*len(I), 'v', **limitstyle(band)) plt.axhline(1.0, color='k', alpha=0.5) plt.axhline(0.9, color='k', ls='--', alpha=0.5) plt.ylabel('Transparency') yl,yh = plt.ylim() yl,yh = min(0.89, max(mn, yl)), min(mx, max(yh, 1.01)) plt.text(latest.mjd_obs, yl+0.01*(yh-yl), '%.2f' % latest.transparency, ha='center') plt.ylim(yl, yh) plt.subplot(SP,1,4) mx = 300 for band,Tb in zip(bands, TT): fid = nom.fiducial_exptime(band) basetime = fid.exptime lo,hi = fid.exptime_min, fid.exptime_max exptime = basetime * Tb.expfactor clipped = np.clip(exptime, lo, hi) if band == 'z': t_sat = nom.saturation_time(band, clipped = np.minimum(clipped, t_sat) Tb.clipped_exptime = clipped Tb.depth_factor = Tb.exptime / clipped I = np.flatnonzero(exptime > clipped) if len(I): plt.plot(Tb.mjd_obs[I], exptime[I], 'v', **limitstyle(band)) I = np.flatnonzero(exptime > mx) if len(I): plt.plot(Tb.mjd_obs[I], [mx]*len(I), '^', **limitstyle(band)) I = np.flatnonzero(exptime < clipped) if len(I): plt.plot(Tb.mjd_obs[I], exptime[I], '^', **limitstyle(band)) plt.plot(Tb.mjd_obs, clipped, 'o', color=ccmap[band]) plt.plot(Tb.mjd_obs, Tb.exptime, 'o', mec='k', mfc='none') yl,yh = plt.ylim() for band,Tb in zip(bands, TT): dt = dict(g=-0.5,r=+0.5,z=0)[band] fid = nom.fiducial_exptime(band) basetime = fid.exptime lo,hi = fid.exptime_min, fid.exptime_max plt.axhline(basetime+dt, color=ccmap[band], alpha=0.2) plt.axhline(lo+dt, color=ccmap[band], ls='--', alpha=0.5) plt.axhline(hi+dt, color=ccmap[band], ls='--', alpha=0.5) if band == 'z': plt.plot(Tb.mjd_obs, t_sat, color=ccmap[band], ls='--', alpha=0.5) plt.ylim(yl,min(mx, yh)) plt.ylabel('Target exposure time (s)') plt.subplot(SP,1,5) mn,mx = 0.6, 1.4 for band,Tb in zip(bands, TT): plt.plot(Tb.mjd_obs, Tb.depth_factor, 'o', color=ccmap[band]) # lower and upper limits I = np.flatnonzero(Tb.depth_factor < mn) if len(I): plt.plot(Tb.mjd_obs[I], [mn]*len(I), 'v', **limitstyle(band)) I = np.flatnonzero(Tb.depth_factor > mx) if len(I): plt.plot(Tb.mjd_obs[I], [mx]*len(I), '^', **limitstyle(band)) plt.axhline(1.0, color='k', alpha=0.5) plt.axhline(0.9, color='k', ls='--', alpha=0.5) plt.axhline(1.1, color='k', ls='--', alpha=0.5) F = Tnonobject[Tnonobject.obstype == 'focus'] print(len(F), 'focus frames') if len(F): plt.plot(F.mjd_obs, 0.9 + np.zeros(len(F)), 'ko') for f in F: plt.text(f.mjd_obs, 0.88, 'F', ha='center', va='top') if len(T) > 50: ii = [np.argmin(T.expnum + (T.expnum == 0)*1000000), np.argmax(T.expnum)] else: ii = range(len(T)) for i in ii: if T.expnum[i] == 0: continue plt.text(T.mjd_obs[i], mx, '%i ' % T.expnum[i], rotation=90, va='top', ha='center') if len(T) <= 50: # Mark focus frames too for i in range(len(F)): plt.text(F.mjd_obs[i], mx, '%i ' % F.expnum[i], rotation=90, va='top', ha='center') plt.ylim(mn,mx) plt.ylabel('Depth factor') plt.xlabel('MJD') if mjdrange is not None: for sp in range(SP): plt.subplot(SP,1,sp+1) plt.xlim(mjdrange) plt.subplot(SP,1,SP) xl,xh = plt.xlim() if xh - xl < 2./24.: # range of less than 2 hours: label every ten minutes tx = [] tt = [] dl = mjdtodate(xl) d = datetime.datetime(dl.year, dl.month,, dl.hour) while True: mjd = datetomjd(d) if mjd > xh: break if mjd > xl: tx.append(mjd) tt.append(d.strftime('%H:%M')) d += datetime.timedelta(0, 600) plt.xticks(tx, tt) plt.xlabel(dl.strftime('Time UTC starting %Y-%m-%d')) elif xh - xl < 1: # range of less than a day: label the hours tx = [] tt = [] dl = mjdtodate(xl) d = datetime.datetime(dl.year, dl.month,, dl.hour) while True: mjd = datetomjd(d) if mjd > xh: break if mjd > xl: tx.append(mjd) tt.append(d.strftime('%H:%M')) d += datetime.timedelta(0, 3600) plt.xticks(tx, tt) plt.xlabel(dl.strftime('Time UTC starting %Y-%m-%d')) else: tx,tt = plt.xticks() # Set consistent tick marks but no labels on top plots tt = ['']*len(tx) for sp in range(1, SP): plt.subplot(SP,1,sp) plt.xticks(tx,tt) plt.xlim(xl,xh) plt.xlim(xl,xh) if len(markmjds): for sp in range(1, SP+1): plt.subplot(SP,1,sp) ax = plt.axis() for mjd,c in markmjds: plt.axvline(mjd, color=c, alpha=0.5, lw=2) plt.axis(ax) if show_plot: plt.draw() plt.pause(0.001) plt.savefig(plotfn) print('Saved', plotfn) if show_plot: plt.draw() plt.pause(0.001)
def ephem_date_to_mjd(edate): from astrometry.util.starutil_numpy import datetomjd return datetomjd(edate.datetime())
def mjdnow(): from astrometry.util.starutil_numpy import datetomjd return datetomjd(datenow()) + mjdnow_offset