def get_dist(H0, Om0, z, w=None): h = H0 / 100 if w: cosmos = FlatwCDM(H0=H0, Om0=Om0, w0=w) else: cosmos = FlatLambdaCDM(H0=H0, Om0=Om0) return cosmos.comoving_distance(z).value * h
def get_log_likelihood(self, data): cosmology = FlatwCDM(H0=self.H0, Om0=data["omega_m"], w0=data["w"]) distmod = cosmology.distmod(data["z"]).value error = np.sqrt(data["mue"]**2 + 0.1*0.1) diff = (distmod - data["mu"] + data["M"]) / error # diff = (distmod - data["mu"]) / data["mue"] return -0.5 * (diff * diff)
def lnlike(theta, x, y, z, xerr, yerr, zerr): alpha, beta, h0 = theta Or = 4.153e-5 * h0**(-2) Om = 0.3 w0 = -1.0 cosmo = FlatwCDM(H0=h0 * 100, Om0=Om, w0=w0) #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ixG = np.where(z > 10) ixH = np.where(z < 10) Mum = z * 0.0 MumErr = z * 0.0 Mum[ixG] = z[ixG] MumErr[ixG] = zerr[ixG] Mum[ixH] = 5.0 * np.log10(cosmo.luminosity_distance(z[ixH]).value) + 25.0 MumErr[ixH] = (5.0 / np.log(10.0)) * (zerr[ixH] / z[ixH]) Mu = 2.5 * (beta * x + alpha) - 2.5 * y - 100.195 MuErr = 2.5 * np.sqrt((yerr)**2 + beta**2 * (xerr)**2) R = (Mu - Mum) W = 1.0 / (MuErr**2 + MumErr**2) xsq = np.sum(R**2 * W) llq = -0.5 * xsq return (llq, xsq, R, Mum)
def compute_model(options): import numpy import as fits import JLA_library as JLA from astropy.table import Table from astropy.cosmology import FlatwCDM from scipy.interpolate import interp1d # ----------- Read in the configuration file ------------ params=JLA.build_dictionary(options.config) # ----------- Read in the SN ordering ------------------------ SNeList = numpy.genfromtxt(options.SNlist, usecols=(0, 2), dtype='S30,S200', names=['id', 'lc']) nSNe = len(SNeList) for i, SN in enumerate(SNeList): SNeList['id'][i] = SNeList['id'][i].replace('lc-', '').replace('.list', '').replace('_smp', '') lcfile = JLA.get_full_path(params[options.lcfits]) SNe =, format='fits') print 'There are %d SNe' % (nSNe) indices = JLA.reindex_SNe(SNeList['id'], SNe) SNe = SNe[indices] redshift = SNe['zcmb'] replace=(redshift < 0) # For SNe that do not have the CMB redshift redshift[replace]=SNe[replace]['zhel'] print len(redshift) if options.raw: # Data from the bottom left hand figure of Mosher et al. 2014. # This is option ii) that is descibed above['modelOffset']),format='ascii.csv') Delta_M=interp1d(offsets['z'], offsets['offset'], kind='linear',bounds_error=False,fill_value='extrapolate')(redshift) else: Om_0=0.303 # JLA value in the wCDM model cosmo1 = FlatwCDM(name='SNLS3+WMAP7', H0=70.0, Om0=Om_0, w0=-1.0) cosmo2 = FlatwCDM(name='SNLS3+WMAP7', H0=70.0, Om0=Om_0, w0=-1.024) Delta_M=5*numpy.log10(cosmo1.luminosity_distance(redshift)/cosmo2.luminosity_distance(redshift)) # Build the covariance matrix. Note that only magnitudes are affected Zero=numpy.zeros(nSNe) H=numpy.concatenate((Delta_M,Zero,Zero)).reshape(3,nSNe).ravel(order='F') C_model=numpy.matrix(H).T * numpy.matrix(H) date = JLA.get_date() fits.writeto('C_model_%s.fits' % (date),numpy.array(C_model),clobber=True) return None
def get_supernovae(n, data=True): redshifts = RedshiftSampler() # Redshift distribution zs = redshifts.sample(size=n) # import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # plt.hist(zs, 100) # # exit() # Population stats vals = get_truths_labels_significance() mapping = {k[0]: k[1] for k in vals} cosmology = FlatwCDM(70.0, mapping["Om"]) mus = cosmology.distmod(zs).value alpha = mapping["alpha"] beta = mapping["beta"] dscale = mapping["dscale"] dratio = mapping["dratio"] p_high_masses = np.random.uniform(low=0.0, high=1.0, size=n) means = np.array([mapping["mean_MB"], mapping["mean_x1"], mapping["mean_c"]]) sigmas = np.array([mapping["sigma_MB"], mapping["sigma_x1"], mapping["sigma_c"]]) sigmas_mat =[:, None], sigmas[None, :]) correlations =["intrinsic_correlation"], mapping["intrinsic_correlation"].T) pop_cov = correlations * sigmas_mat results = [] for z, p, mu in zip(zs, p_high_masses, mus): try: MB, x1, c = np.random.multivariate_normal(means, pop_cov) mass_correction = dscale * (1.9 * (1 - dratio) / (0.9 + np.power(10, 0.95 * z)) + dratio) adjustment = - alpha * x1 + beta * c - mass_correction * p MB_adj = MB + adjustment mb = MB_adj + mu result = get_ia_summary_stats(z, MB_adj, x1, c, cosmo=cosmology, data=data) d = { "MB": MB, "mB": mb, "x1": x1, "c": c, "m": p, "z": z, "pc": result["passed_cut"], "lp": multivariate_normal.logpdf([MB, x1, c], means, pop_cov), "dp": result.get("delta_p"), "parameters": result.get("params"), "covariance": result.get("cov"), "lc": None if data else result.get("lc") } results.append(d) except RuntimeError: print("Error on nova: %0.2f %0.2f %0.2f %0.3f" % (MB, x1, c, z)) return results
def compute_model(options): import numpy import as fits import JLA_library as JLA from astropy.table import Table from astropy.cosmology import FlatwCDM # ----------- Read in the configuration file ------------ params=JLA.build_dictionary(options.config) # ----------- Read in the SN ordering ------------------------ SNeList = numpy.genfromtxt(options.SNlist, usecols=(0, 2), dtype='S30,S200', names=['id', 'lc']) nSNe = len(SNeList) for i, SN in enumerate(SNeList): SNeList['id'][i] = SNeList['id'][i].replace('lc-', '').replace('.list', '') lcfile = JLA.get_full_path(params[options.lcfits]) SNe =, format='fits') print 'There are %d SNe' % (nSNe) #z=numpy.array([]) #offset=numpy.array([]) Om_0=0.303 # JLA value in the wCDM model cosmo1 = FlatwCDM(name='SNLS3+WMAP7', H0=70.0, Om0=Om_0, w0=-1.0) cosmo2 = FlatwCDM(name='SNLS3+WMAP7', H0=70.0, Om0=Om_0, w0=-1.024) # For the JLA SNe redshift = SNe['zcmb'] replace=(redshift < 0) # For the non JLA SNe redshift[replace]=SNe[replace]['zhel'] Delta_M=5*numpy.log10(cosmo1.luminosity_distance(redshift)/cosmo2.luminosity_distance(redshift)) # Build the covariance matrix. Note that only magnitudes are affected Zero=numpy.zeros(nSNe) H=numpy.concatenate((Delta_M,Zero,Zero)).reshape(3,nSNe).ravel(order='F') C_model=numpy.matrix(H).T * numpy.matrix(H) date = JLA.get_date() fits.writeto('C_model_%s.fits' % (date),numpy.array(C_model),clobber=True) return None
def __init__(self): self.M0 = -19.3 self.musd = 0.1 self.Rc = 0.1 self.Rx = 1. self.x1Star = 0.0 self.cStar = 0.0 self._alpha = 0.13 self._beta = 2.56 self.cosmo = FlatwCDM(H0=72., Om0=.3, w0=-1.) self._SetSurveyParams() self._Generate()
def get_physical_data(n_sne, seed=0): print("Getting simple data") vals = get_truths_labels_significance() mapping = {k[0]: k[1] for k in vals} np.random.seed(seed) obs_mBx1c = [] obs_mBx1c_cov = [] obs_mBx1c_cor = [] deta_dcalib = [] redshifts = np.linspace(0.05, 1.1, n_sne) cosmology = FlatwCDM(70.0, mapping["Om"]) #, w0=mapping["w"]) dist_mod = cosmology.distmod(redshifts).value redshift_pre_comp = 0.9 + np.power(10, 0.95 * redshifts) alpha = mapping["alpha"] beta = mapping["beta"] dscale = mapping["dscale"] dratio = mapping["dratio"] p_high_masses = np.random.uniform(low=0.0, high=1.0, size=dist_mod.size) means = np.array([mapping["mean_MB"], mapping["mean_x1"], mapping["mean_c"]]) sigmas = np.array([mapping["sigma_MB"], mapping["sigma_x1"], mapping["sigma_c"]]) sigmas_mat =[:, None], sigmas[None, :]) correlations =["intrinsic_correlation"], mapping["intrinsic_correlation"].T) pop_cov = correlations * sigmas_mat for zz, mu, p in zip(redshift_pre_comp, dist_mod, p_high_masses): # Generate the actual mB, x1 and c values MB, x1, c = np.random.multivariate_normal(means, pop_cov) mass_correction = dscale * (1.9 * (1 - dratio) / zz + dratio) mb = MB + mu - alpha * x1 + beta * c - mass_correction * p vector = np.array([mb, x1, c]) # Add intrinsic scatter to the mix diag = np.array([0.05, 0.3, 0.05]) ** 2 cov = np.diag(diag) vector += np.random.multivariate_normal([0, 0, 0], cov) cor = cov / np.sqrt(np.diag(cov))[None, :] / np.sqrt(np.diag(cov))[:, None] obs_mBx1c_cor.append(cor) obs_mBx1c_cov.append(cov) obs_mBx1c.append(vector) deta_dcalib.append(np.ones((3,4))) return { "n_sne": n_sne, "obs_mBx1c": obs_mBx1c, "obs_mBx1c_cov": obs_mBx1c_cov, "deta_dcalib": deta_dcalib, "redshifts": redshifts, "mass": p_high_masses }
def ln_likelihood_2d(mu_obs, inv_covmat, z_vector, theta, choice): if choice=='FL2': cosmo=FlatLambdaCDM(Om0=theta[0], H0=100*theta[1]) if choice=='OL2': cosmo = LambdaCDM(H0=70, Om0=theta[0], Ode0=theta[1]) if choice=='FW2': cosmo=FlatwCDM(H0=73.8, Om0=theta[0], w0=theta[1]) if choice=='FW3': cosmo=FlatwCDM(Om0=theta[0], w0=theta[1], H0=100*theta[2]) if choice=='OL3': cosmo=LambdaCDM(Om0=theta[0], Ode0=theta[1], H0=100*theta[2]) mu_th=cosmo.distmod(z_vector).value r=(mu_obs-mu_th).reshape(-1, 1) #Check bracketing chi_2=np.sum(np.matmul(np.matmul(r.T, inv_covmat), r)) return (-chi_2/2.0)
def simulateData(): # the number of transients nTrans = 30 # set the state of the random number generator seed = 0 numpy.random.seed(seed) # simulated data in the dictionary observation, including photometry at peak, # spectroscopic redshift, and spectroscopic type. # the convention is SNIa are '0', SNII are '1' # the current implementation is barebones observation = dict() observation["specz"] = numpy.random.uniform(low=0.1, high=0.8, size=nTrans) observation["zprob"] = numpy.zeros(nTrans) + 1.0 spectype = numpy.random.uniform(low=0, high=1, size=nTrans) snIarate = 1.0 / (1 + inputs.rate_II_r) observation["spectype"] = numpy.zeros(nTrans, dtype=int) observation["spectype"][spectype > snIarate] = 1 luminosity = (1.0 - observation["spectype"]) * numpy.exp(inputs.logL_snIa) * 10 ** ( numpy.random.normal(0, inputs.sigma_snIa / 2.5, size=nTrans) ) + observation["spectype"] * numpy.exp(inputs.logL_snII) * 10 ** ( numpy.random.normal(0, inputs.sigma_snII / 2.5, size=nTrans) ) cosmo = FlatwCDM(H0=72, Om0=inputs.Om0, w0=inputs.w0) ld = cosmo.luminosity_distance(observation["specz"]).value # h0 = (const.c/cosmo.H0).to(u.Mpc).value observation["counts"] = luminosity / 4 / numpy.pi / ld / ld * 10 ** (inputs.Z / 2.5) # plt.scatter(observation['specz'],-2.5*numpy.log10(observation['counts'])) found = observation["counts"] >= fluxthreshold nTrans = found.sum() observation["specz"] = numpy.reshape(observation["specz"][found], (nTrans, 1)) observation["zprob"] = numpy.reshape(observation["zprob"][found], (nTrans, 1)) observation["spectype"] = observation["spectype"][found] # observation['spectype'][0] = -1 # case of no spectral type observation["counts"] = observation["counts"][found] return observation
def __init__(self): self.M0 = -19.3 self.musd = 0.1 self.Rc = 0.1 self.Rx = 1. self.x1Star = 0.0 self.cStar = 0.0 self._alpha = 0.13 self._beta = 2.56 self.cosmo = FlatwCDM(H0=72.,Om0=.3,w0=-1.) self._SetSurveyParams() self._Generate()
def plot(self, filename="hubble"): fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=2, figsize=(6, 10), gridspec_kw={"height_ratios": [2, 1]}, sharex=True) ax0 = axes[0] ax1 = axes[1] ax0.set_ylabel(r"$\mu$") ax1.set_ylabel(r"$\mu - \mu(\mathcal{C})$") ax1.set_xlabel("$z$") allz = sorted([z for entry in self.configs for z in entry["zs"]]) zmin = np.min(allz) if len(allz) > 2 else 0 zmax = np.max(allz) if len(allz) > 2 else 1.0 zs = np.linspace(zmin, zmax, 100) fid = FlatwCDM(70, 0.3) fmus = fid.distmod(zs).value ax0.plot(zs, fmus, c='k', ls=':') ax1.axhline(0, c='k', ls=':') for config in self.configs: cosmo = FlatwCDM(70, config["om"]) mus = cosmo.distmod(zs).value ax0.plot(zs, mus, c=config["color"], ls='--') ax1.plot(zs, mus - fmus, c=config["color"], ls='--') muc = config["mag"] - config["abs"] ax0.scatter(config["zs"], muc, label=config["label"], lw=0, s=6, c=config["color"], alpha=0.3) ax1.scatter(config["zs"], muc - fid.distmod(config["zs"]).value, s=6, lw=0, c=config["color"], alpha=0.3) ax0.legend(loc=2) plt.subplots_adjust(wspace=0, hspace=0.05) this_file = inspect.stack()[0][1] dir_name = os.path.dirname(this_file) output_dir = dir_name + "/output/" print("Saving to " + output_dir + "%s.png" % filename) fig.savefig(output_dir + "%s.png" % filename, bbox_inches="tight", transparent=True, dpi=250) fig.savefig(output_dir + "%s.pdf" % filename, bbox_inches="tight", transparent=True, dpi=250)
def compute_model(options): import numpy import as fits import JLA_library as JLA from astropy.table import Table from astropy.cosmology import FlatwCDM # ----------- Read in the configuration file ------------ params = JLA.build_dictionary(options.config) # ----------- Read in the SN ordering ------------------------ SNeList = numpy.genfromtxt(options.SNlist, usecols=(0, 2), dtype='S30,S200', names=['id', 'lc']) nSNe = len(SNeList) for i, SN in enumerate(SNeList): SNeList['id'][i] = SNeList['id'][i].replace('lc-', '').replace('.list', '') lcfile = JLA.get_full_path(params[options.lcfits]) SNe =, format='fits') print 'There are %d SNe' % (nSNe) #z=numpy.array([]) #offset=numpy.array([]) Om_0 = 0.303 # JLA value in the wCDM model cosmo1 = FlatwCDM(name='SNLS3+WMAP7', H0=70.0, Om0=Om_0, w0=-1.0) cosmo2 = FlatwCDM(name='SNLS3+WMAP7', H0=70.0, Om0=Om_0, w0=-1.024) # For the JLA SNe redshift = SNe['zcmb'] replace = (redshift < 0) # For the non JLA SNe redshift[replace] = SNe[replace]['zhel'] Delta_M = 5 * numpy.log10( cosmo1.luminosity_distance(redshift) / cosmo2.luminosity_distance(redshift)) # Build the covariance matrix. Note that only magnitudes are affected Zero = numpy.zeros(nSNe) H = numpy.concatenate((Delta_M, Zero, Zero)).reshape(3, nSNe).ravel(order='F') C_model = numpy.matrix(H).T * numpy.matrix(H) date = JLA.get_date() fits.writeto('C_model_%s.fits' % (date), numpy.array(C_model), clobber=True) return None
def simulateData(): # the number of transients nTrans = 15 # set the state of the random number generator seed=0 numpy.random.seed(seed) # simulated data in the dictionary observation, including photometry at peak, # spectroscopic redshift, and spectroscopic type. # the convention is SNIa are '0', SNII are '1' # the current implementation is barebones observation=dict() observation['specz'] = numpy.random.uniform(low=0.1, high=0.8, size=nTrans) observation['zprob'] = numpy.zeros(nTrans)+1. spectype = numpy.random.uniform(low=0, high=1, size=nTrans) observation['spectype'] = spectype.round().astype('int') luminosity = (1.-observation['spectype'])*10**(numpy.random.normal(0, 0.1/2.5, size=nTrans)) \ + observation['spectype']*.5**10**(numpy.random.normal(0, 0.4/2.5,size=nTrans)) cosmo = FlatwCDM(H0=72, Om0=0.28, w0=-1) ld = cosmo.luminosity_distance(observation['specz']).value h0 = (const.c/cosmo.H0).to(u.Mpc).value observation['counts'] = luminosity / 4/numpy.pi/ld/ld*10**(0.02/2.5) count_lim = .4e-8 found = observation['counts'] >= count_lim nTrans = found.sum() observation['specz'] = numpy.reshape(observation['specz'][found],(nTrans,1)) observation['zprob'] = numpy.reshape(observation['zprob'][found],(nTrans,1)) observation['spectype'] =observation['spectype'][found] observation['spectype'][0] = -1 # case of no spectral type observation['counts'] =observation['counts'][found] return observation
def plot_cosmology_fit( data: pd.DataFrame, abs_mag: Numeric, H0: Numeric, Om0: Numeric, w0: Numeric, alpha: Numeric, beta: Numeric) -> Tuple[plt.figure, np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """Plot a cosmological fit to a set of supernova data. Args: data: Results from the snat_sim fitting pipeline abs_mag: Intrinsic absolute magnitude of SNe Ia H0: Fitted Hubble constant at z = 0 in [km/sec/Mpc] Om0: Omega matter density in units of the critical density at z=0 w0: Dark energy equation of state alpha: Fitted nuisance parameter for supernova stretch correction beta: Fitted nuisance parameter for supernova color correction Returns: The matplotlib figure, fitted distance modulus, and tabulated residuals """ data = data.sort_values('z') fitted_mu = FlatwCDM(H0=H0, Om0=Om0, w0=w0).distmod(data.z).value measured_mu = data.snat_sim.calc_distmod( abs_mag) + alpha * data.x1 - beta * data.c residuals = measured_mu - fitted_mu fig, (top_ax, bottom_ax) = plt.subplots(2, sharex='col', gridspec_kw={'height_ratios': [2, 1]}) top_ax.errorbar(data.z, measured_mu, yerr=data.mb_err, linestyle='') top_ax.scatter(data.z, measured_mu, s=1) top_ax.plot(data.z, fitted_mu, color='k', alpha=.75) bottom_ax.axhline(0, color='k', alpha=.75, linestyle='--') bottom_ax.errorbar(data.z, residuals, yerr=data.mb_err, linestyle='') bottom_ax.scatter(data.z, residuals, s=1) # Style the plot top_ax.set_ylabel(r'$\mu = m^*_B - M_B + \alpha x_1 - \beta c$') bottom_ax.set_ylabel('Residuals') bottom_ax_lim = max(np.abs(bottom_ax.get_ylim())) bottom_ax.set_ylim(-bottom_ax_lim, bottom_ax_lim) bottom_ax.set_xlim(xmin=0) fig.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.1) return fig, fitted_mu, residuals
def cosmo(self, kwargs): """ :param kwargs: keyword arguments of parameters (can include others not used for the cosmology) :return: astropy.cosmology instance """ if self._cosmology == "FLCDM": cosmo = FlatLambdaCDM(H0=kwargs['h0'], Om0=kwargs['om']) elif self._cosmology == "FwCDM": cosmo = FlatwCDM(H0=kwargs['h0'], Om0=kwargs['om'], w0=kwargs['w']) elif self._cosmology == "w0waCDM": cosmo = w0waCDM(H0=kwargs['h0'], Om0=kwargs['om'], Ode0=1.0 - kwargs['om'], w0=kwargs['w0'], wa=kwargs['wa']) elif self._cosmology == "oLCDM": cosmo = LambdaCDM(H0=kwargs['h0'], Om0=kwargs['om'], Ode0=1.0 - kwargs['om'] - kwargs['ok']) else: raise ValueError("Cosmology %s is not supported" % self._cosmology) return cosmo
def log_prob_ddt(theta, lenses, cosmology): """ Compute the likelihood of the given cosmological parameters against the modeled angular diameter distances of the lenses. Parameters ---------- theta: list loat folded cosmological parameters. lenses: list lens objects (currently either GLEELens or LenstronomyLens). cosmology: string keyword indicating the choice of cosmology to work with. """ lp = log_prior(theta, cosmology) if not np.isfinite(lp): return -np.inf else: logprob = lp if cosmology == "FLCDM": h0, om = theta cosmo = FlatLambdaCDM(H0=h0, Om0=om) elif cosmology == "FwCDM": h0, om, w = theta cosmo = FlatwCDM(H0=h0, Om0=om, w0=w) elif cosmology == "oLCDM": h0, om, ok = theta # assert we are not in a crazy cosmological situation that prevents # computing the angular distance integral if np.any([ ok * (1.0 + lens.zsource)**2 + om * (1.0 + lens.zsource)**3 + (1.0 - om - ok) <= 0 for lens in lenses ]): return -np.inf else: cosmo = LambdaCDM(H0=h0, Om0=om, Ode0=1.0 - om - ok) else: raise ValueError("I don't know the cosmology %s" % cosmology) for lens in lenses: logprob += log_like_add(lens=lens, cosmo=cosmo) return logprob
class ToDistanceModulus(EdgeTransformation): r""" Transformation to give cosmological distance modulus. Given :math:`\Omega_m` and :math:`H_0`, we utilise `astropy.cosmology` to generate an underlying cosmology. The cosmological distance modulus is then calculated from this cosmology and the given redshifts. """ def __init__(self): super().__init__("mu_cos", ["omega_m", "H0", "redshift"]) self.cosmology = None = None self.H0 = None def get_transformation(self, data): om = data["omega_m"] H0 = data["H0"] if not (om == and H0 == self.H0): self.cosmology = FlatwCDM(H0=H0, Om0=om) return {"mu_cos": self.cosmology.distmod(data["redshift"]).value}
def luminosity_distance(z, Om0, w0): cosmo = FlatwCDM(H0=72, Om0=Om0, w0=w0) return cosmo.luminosity_distance(z).value
def compute_rel_size(options): import numpy import as fits from astropy.table import Table import JLA_library as JLA from astropy.cosmology import FlatwCDM import os # ----------- Read in the configuration file ------------ params = JLA.build_dictionary(options.config) # ---------- Read in the SNe list ------------------------- SNeList = numpy.genfromtxt(options.SNlist, usecols=(0, 2), dtype='S30,S200', names=['id', 'lc']) for i, SN in enumerate(SNeList): SNeList['id'][i] = SNeList['id'][i].replace('lc-', '').replace('.list', '') # ----------- Read in the data JLA -------------------------- lcfile = JLA.get_full_path(params[options.lcfits]) SNe =, format='fits') nSNe = len(SNe) print 'There are %d SNe in this sample' % (nSNe) # sort it to match the listing in options.SNlist indices = JLA.reindex_SNe(SNeList['id'], SNe) SNe = SNe[indices] # ---------- Compute the Jacobian ---------------------- # The Jacobian is an m by 4 matrix, where m is the number of SNe # The columns are ordered in terms of Om, w, alpha and beta J = [] JLA_result = { 'Om': 0.303, 'w': -1.00, 'alpha': 0.141, 'beta': 3.102, 'M_B': -19.05 } offset = {'Om': 0.01, 'w': 0.01, 'alpha': 0.01, 'beta': 0.01, 'M_B': 0.01} nFit = 4 cosmo1 = FlatwCDM(name='SNLS3+WMAP7', H0=70.0, Om0=JLA_result['Om'], w0=JLA_result['w']) # Varying Om cosmo2 = FlatwCDM(name='SNLS3+WMAP7', H0=70.0, Om0=JLA_result['Om'] + offset['Om'], w0=JLA_result['w']) J.append(5 * numpy.log10((cosmo1.luminosity_distance(SNe['zcmb']) / cosmo2.luminosity_distance(SNe['zcmb']))[:, 0])) # varying alpha J.append(1.0 * offset['alpha'] * SNe['x1'][:, 0]) # varying beta J.append(-1.0 * offset['beta'] * SNe['color'][:, 0]) # varying M_B J.append(offset['M_B'] * numpy.ones(nSNe)) J = numpy.matrix( numpy.concatenate((J)).reshape(nSNe, nFit, order='F') * 100.) # Set up the covariance matrices systematic_terms = [ 'bias', 'cal', 'host', 'dust', 'model', 'nonia', 'pecvel', 'stat' ] covmatrices = { 'bias': params['bias'], 'cal': params['cal'], 'host': params['host'], 'dust': params['dust'], 'model': params['model'], 'nonia': params['nonia'], 'pecvel': params['pecvel'], 'stat': params['stat'] } if options.type in systematic_terms: print "Using %s for the %s term" % (, options.type) covmatrices[options.type] = # Combine the matrices to compute the full covariance matrix, and compute its inverse if options.all: #read in the user provided matrix, otherwise compute it, and write it out C = fits.getdata(JLA.get_full_path(params['all'])) else: C = add_covar_matrices(covmatrices, params['diag']) date = JLA.get_date() fits.writeto('C_total_%s.fits' % (date), C, clobber=True) Cinv = numpy.matrix(C).I # Construct eta, a 3n vector eta = numpy.zeros(3 * nSNe) for i, SN in enumerate(SNe): eta[3 * i] = SN['mb'] eta[3 * i + 1] = SN['x1'] eta[3 * i + 2] = SN['color'] # Construct A, a n x 3n matrix A = numpy.zeros(nSNe * 3 * nSNe).reshape(nSNe, 3 * nSNe) for i in range(nSNe): A[i, 3 * i] = 1.0 A[i, 3 * i + 1] = JLA_result['alpha'] A[i, 3 * i + 2] = -JLA_result['beta'] # ---------- Compute W ---------------------- # W has shape m * 3n, where m is the number of fit paramaters. W = (J.T * Cinv * J).I * J.T * Cinv * numpy.matrix(A) # Note that (J.T * Cinv * J) is a m x m matrix, where m is the number of fit parameters # ----------- Compute V_x, where x represents the systematic uncertainty result = [] for term in systematic_terms: cov = numpy.matrix(fits.getdata(JLA.get_full_path(covmatrices[term]))) if 'C_stat' in covmatrices[term]: # Add diagonal term from Eq. 13 to the magnitude sigma = numpy.genfromtxt( JLA.get_full_path(params['diag']), comments='#', usecols=(0, 1, 2), dtype='f8,f8,f8', names=['sigma_coh', 'sigma_lens', 'sigma_pecvel']) for i in range(nSNe): cov[3 * i, 3 * i] += sigma['sigma_coh'][i]**2 + sigma[ 'sigma_lens'][i]**2 + sigma['sigma_pecvel'][i]**2 V = W * cov * W.T result.append(V[0, 0]) print '%20s\t%5s\t%5s\t%s' % ('Term', 'sigma', 'var', 'Percentage') for i, term in enumerate(systematic_terms): if options.type != None and term == options.type: print '* %18s\t%5.4f\t%5.4f\t%4.1f' % (term, numpy.sqrt( result[i]), result[i], result[i] / numpy.sum(result) * 100.) else: print '%20s\t%5.4f\t%5.4f\t%4.1f' % (term, numpy.sqrt( result[i]), result[i], result[i] / numpy.sum(result) * 100.) print '%20s\t%5.4f' % ('Total', numpy.sqrt(numpy.sum(result))) return
def simulateData(): # the number of transients nTrans = 30 # set the state of the random number generator seed=0 numpy.random.seed(seed) # simulated data in the dictionary observation, including photometry at peak, # spectroscopic redshift, and spectroscopic type. # the convention is SNIa are '0', SNII are '1' # the current implementation is barebones observation=dict() observation['specz'] = numpy.random.uniform(low=0.1, high=0.8, size=nTrans) observation['zprob'] = numpy.zeros(nTrans)+1. spectype = numpy.random.uniform(low=0, high=1, size=nTrans) snIarate = 1./(1+inputs.rate_II_r) observation['spectype'] = numpy.zeros(nTrans,dtype=int) observation['spectype'][spectype > snIarate]=1 luminosity = (1.-observation['spectype'])*numpy.exp(inputs.logL_snIa)*10**(numpy.random.normal(0, inputs.sigma_snIa/2.5, size=nTrans)) \ + observation['spectype']*numpy.exp(inputs.logL_snII)*10**(numpy.random.normal(0, inputs.sigma_snII/2.5,size=nTrans)) cosmo = FlatwCDM(H0=72, Om0=inputs.Om0, w0=inputs.w0) ld = cosmo.luminosity_distance(observation['specz']).value # h0 = (const.c/cosmo.H0).to(u.Mpc).value npts = 2 cov = numpy.zeros((2,2)) cov[0,0] = 1e-20 cov[1,1] = 1e-20 cov[0,1] = 0 #for now uncorrelated as algorithm handles that cov[1,0] = 0 #for now uncorrelated as algorithm handles that invcov = numpy.linalg.inv(cov) observation['counts'] = [] observation['counts_invcov']=[] observation['mjds']=[] for i in xrange(nTrans): ans = numpy.random.multivariate_normal(numpy.zeros(npts)+ luminosity[i] / 4/numpy.pi/ld[i]/ld[i]*10**(inputs.Z/2.5), cov) observation['counts'].append(ans) observation['counts_invcov'].append(invcov) observation['mjds'].append(numpy.arange(2.)) #luminosity / 4/numpy.pi/ld/ld*10**(inputs.Z/2.5) # plt.scatter(observation['specz'],-2.5*numpy.log10(observation['counts'])) #at least one must be above threshold nthreshold = 1 found = [] # found = observation['counts'] >= fluxthreshold for i in xrange(nTrans): nabove = (observation['counts'][i] >= fluxthreshold).sum() found.append(nabove >= nthreshold) found = numpy.array(found) nTrans = found.sum() observation['specz'] = [numpy.array([dum]) for dum in observation['specz'][found]] observation['zprob'] = [numpy.array([dum]) for dum in observation['zprob'][found]] observation['spectype'] = observation['spectype'][found] observation['spectype'][0] = -1 # case of no spectral type observation['specz'][0] = numpy.array([observation['specz'][0][0], 0.2]) observation['zprob'][0] = numpy.array([0.6,0.4]) observation['spectype'][1] = -1 # case of no spectral type observation['specz'][1] = numpy.array([observation['specz'][1][0], 0.8]) observation['zprob'][1] = numpy.array([0.3,0.7]) # observation['counts'] =observation['counts'][found] # observation['counts_cov'] =observation['counts_cov'][found] observation['counts'] =[observation['counts'][i] for i in xrange(len(found)) if found[i]] observation['counts_invcov'] = [observation['counts_invcov'][i] for i in xrange(len(found)) if found[i]] observation['mjds'] = [observation['mjds'][i] for i in xrange(len(found)) if found[i]] return observation
## this code plots the offset distribution, and overplots the posterior models. ## it makes a Figure 3 like plot import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from astropy import units as u from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord from astropy.cosmology import FlatwCDM import as pyfits cosmo = FlatwCDM(H0=70, Om0=0.3) ## some of the models were coded up for testing purposes, but only func4 was used in the end. def func(xx, rho_0, r0, tau): # the gaussian+Rayleigh cent/miscent model pr_cor = rho_0 * (1.0 / r0 / np.sqrt(2.0 * np.pi) * np.exp(-(xx / r0)**2 * 0.5)) pr_mis = (1 - rho_0) * (xx / tau**2) * (np.exp(-0.5 * xx**2 / tau**2)) pr = pr_cor + pr_mis return pr, pr_cor, pr_mis def func2(xx, rho_0, r0, tau): # the two gaussians model with the second width fixed pr_cor = rho_0 * (1.0 / r0 / np.sqrt(2.0 * np.pi) * np.exp(-(xx / r0)**2 * 0.5)) pr_mis = (1 - rho_0) * (1.0 / 0.329 / np.sqrt(2.0 * np.pi) * np.exp(-(xx / 0.329)**2 * 0.5)) pr = pr_cor + pr_mis return pr, pr_cor, pr_mis
class SyntheticSuperNova(object): def __init__(self): self.M0 = -19.3 self.musd = 0.1 self.Rc = 0.1 self.Rx = 1. self.x1Star = 0.0 self.cStar = 0.0 self._alpha = 0.13 self._beta = 2.56 self.cosmo = FlatwCDM(H0=72.,Om0=.3,w0=-1.) self._SetSurveyParams() self._Generate() def _Generate(self): self._GenerateZ() self._GenerateM() self._GenerateX1() self._GenerateC() self._SetDistMod() self._GeneratemB() def _SetSurveyParams(self): ''' virtual function to setup survey params ''' print "In Super Class" def _GenerateM(self): self.M = stats.norm.rvs(self.M0,self.musd) def _GenerateX1(self): self.X1sd = self._GetPostiveRVS(self._surveyX1mu,self._surveyX1sd) self.x1_true = stats.norm.rvs(self.x1Star,self.Rx) self.x1 = stats.norm.rvs(self.x1_true,self.X1sd) def _GenerateC(self): self.Csd = self._GetPostiveRVS(self._surveyCmu, self._surveyCsd) self.c_true = stats.norm.rvs(self.cStar,self.Rc) self.c = stats.norm.rvs(self.c_true,self.Csd) def _GeneratemB(self): self.mb_true = + self.M - self._alpha*self.x1 + self._beta*self.c self.mbsd = self._GetPostiveRVS(self._surveymbmu,self._surveymbsd) self.mb = stats.norm.rvs(self.mb_true,self.mbsd) # I bet there is a brightness cutoff # so regen if I violat this if self.mb<self._mbLim: self._Generate() def _GetPostiveRVS(self,mu,sd): flag = True while(flag): val = stats.norm.rvs(loc=mu,scale=sd) if val>0.: flag = False return val def _SetDistMod(self): = self.cosmo.distmod(self.z).value def _GenerateZ(self): self.z = self._GetPostiveRVS(self.zmu,self.zsd) def GetObsParams(self): return np.array([self.z,self.mb,self.mbsd,self.c,self.Csd,self.x1,self.X1sd,self.survey]) def GetLatentParams(self): return np.array([self.M,self.mb_true,self.c_true,self.x1_true])
## This code fits the fiducial exponential + gamma(free shape parameter) centering+miscentering offset model ## import numpy as np from astropy import units as u from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord from astropy.cosmology import FlatwCDM from pymc import * import as pyfits from scipy.stats import gamma cosmo = FlatwCDM(H0=70, Om0=0.3) def make_model(r_offset, rlambda): # remember to adjust the prior ranges if the posterior values are out of range. rho_0 = Uniform('Rho0', lower=0.3, upper=1) r0 = Uniform('R0', lower=0.0001, upper=0.1) tau = Uniform('tau', lower=0.04, upper=0.5) k = Uniform('k', lower=1, upper=5) r_rlam = r_offset / rlambda @pymc.stochastic(observed=True, plot=False) def log_prob(value=0, rho_0=rho_0, r0=r0, tau=tau, k=k): pr_cor = (rho_0) * gamma.pdf(r_rlam, 1, scale=r0) pr_mis = (1 - rho_0) * gamma.pdf(r_rlam, k, scale=tau) pr = pr_cor + pr_mis logpr1 = np.log(pr) tot_logprob = np.sum(logpr1) return tot_logprob
def distance(z, om=0.3, w=-1): #this function takes a redshift and two parameters (om,w) cosmo = FlatwCDM(Om0=om, w0=w) return cosmom.distmod(z)
def get_transformation(self, data): cosmology = FlatwCDM(Om0=data["omega_m"], H0=data["hubble"]) return {"mu": cosmology.distmod(data["redshift"]).value}
class SyntheticSuperNova(object): def __init__(self): self.M0 = -19.3 self.musd = 0.1 self.Rc = 0.1 self.Rx = 1. self.x1Star = 0.0 self.cStar = 0.0 self._alpha = 0.13 self._beta = 2.56 self.cosmo = FlatwCDM(H0=72., Om0=.3, w0=-1.) self._SetSurveyParams() self._Generate() def _Generate(self): self._GenerateZ() self._GenerateM() self._GenerateX1() self._GenerateC() self._SetDistMod() self._GeneratemB() def _SetSurveyParams(self): ''' virtual function to setup survey params ''' print "In Super Class" def _GenerateM(self): self.M = stats.norm.rvs(self.M0, self.musd) def _GenerateX1(self): self.X1sd = self._GetPostiveRVS(self._surveyX1mu, self._surveyX1sd) self.x1_true = stats.norm.rvs(self.x1Star, self.Rx) self.x1 = stats.norm.rvs(self.x1_true, self.X1sd) def _GenerateC(self): self.Csd = self._GetPostiveRVS(self._surveyCmu, self._surveyCsd) self.c_true = stats.norm.rvs(self.cStar, self.Rc) self.c = stats.norm.rvs(self.c_true, self.Csd) def _GeneratemB(self): self.mb_true = + self.M - self._alpha * self.x1 + self._beta * self.c self.mbsd = self._GetPostiveRVS(self._surveymbmu, self._surveymbsd) self.mb = stats.norm.rvs(self.mb_true, self.mbsd) # I bet there is a brightness cutoff # so regen if I violat this if self.mb < self._mbLim: self._Generate() def _GetPostiveRVS(self, mu, sd): flag = True while (flag): val = stats.norm.rvs(loc=mu, scale=sd) if val > 0.: flag = False return val def _SetDistMod(self): = self.cosmo.distmod(self.z).value def _GenerateZ(self): self.z = self._GetPostiveRVS(self.zmu, self.zsd) def GetObsParams(self): return np.array([ self.z, self.mb, self.mbsd, self.c, self.Csd, self.x1, self.X1sd, self.survey ]) def GetLatentParams(self): return np.array([self.M, self.mb_true, self.c_true, self.x1_true])
return truncated_z if __name__ == '__main__': #Read simlib file before sampling, obs is list of libIDs which is passed to simulation class each time. #This will take a while as we also need to sort all times in all bands libfile = 'DES_DIFFIMG.SIMLIB' #NOTE: THE SIMLIB INDEX STARTS AT 1, NOT 0# meta, obs = SncosmoSimulation.read_simlib(libfile) print type(obs) for libid in obs.keys(): df = obs[libid].to_pandas() df = df.sort_values(by='time') obs[libid] = Table.from_pandas(df) #parameters we might want to vary in sampler cosmo = FlatwCDM(name='SNLS3+WMAP7', H0=71.58, Om0=0.262, w0=-1.0) alpha = 0.14 beta = 3.2 deltaM = 0.0 zp_offset = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0] #griz fm_sim = SncosmoSimulation(simlib_obs_sets=obs, cosmo=cosmo, alpha=alpha, beta=beta, deltaM=deltaM, zp_off=zp_offset, NumSN=50)
import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from astropy.cosmology import FlatwCDM import astropy.cosmology from astropy import units as u cosmo = FlatwCDM(H0=70, Om0=0.3) def theta_e(M, DL, DS, DLS): G = 4.519e-48 #Mpc^3/s^2/M_sun m200 = M * 1e14 cc = 9.71561 * 10.0**(-15) # Mpc/sec theta_2 = 4.0 * G * m200 / cc**2 * DLS / DL / DS theta = np.sqrt(theta_2) * 3600.0 * 180.0 / np.pi return theta def Me_theta(theta, DL, DS, DLS): G = 4.519e-48 #Mpc^3/s^2/M_sun cc = 9.71561 * 10.0**(-15) # Mpc/sec theta_2 = (theta * np.pi / 3600.0 / 180.0)**2 me = theta_2 / 4.0 / G * cc**2 / DLS * DL * DS return me def theta_sigma(DLS, DS, sigma_a): c = 3.0 * 10.0**5 theta = 4.0 * np.pi * (sigma_a / c)**2 * (DLS / DS)
def make_hubble_plot(fitres_file, m0diff_file, prob_col_name, args): f"Making Hubble plot from FITRES file {fitres_file} and M0DIF file {m0diff_file}" ) # Note that the fitres file has mu and fit 0, m0diff will have to select down to it name, sim_num, *_ = fitres_file.split("__") sim_num = int(sim_num) df = pd.read_csv(fitres_file, delim_whitespace=True, comment="#") dfm = pd.read_csv(m0diff_file) dfm = dfm[( == name) & (dfm.sim_num == sim_num) & (dfm.muopt_num == 0) & (dfm.fitopt_num == 0)] from astropy.cosmology import FlatwCDM import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt df.sort_values(by="zHD", inplace=True) dfm.sort_values(by="z", inplace=True) dfm = dfm[dfm["MUDIFERR"] < 10] ol = dfm.ol_ref.unique()[0] w = dfm.w_ref.unique()[0] if np.isnan(ol):"Setting ol = 0.689") ol = 0.689 if np.isnan(w):"Setting w = -1") w = -1 alpha = 0 beta = 0 sigint = 0 gamma = r"$\gamma = 0$" scalepcc = "NA" num_sn_fit = df.shape[0] contam_data, contam_true = "", "" with, "rt") as f: for line in if "NSNFIT" in line: v = int(line.split("=", 1)[1].strip()) num_sn_fit = v num_sn = f"$N_{{SN}} = {v}$" if "alpha0" in line and "=" in line and "+-" in line: alpha = r"$\alpha = " + line.split("=")[-1].replace( "+-", r"\pm") + "$" if "beta0" in line and "=" in line and "+-" in line: beta = r"$\beta = " + line.split("=")[-1].replace( "+-", r"\pm") + "$" if "sigint" in line and "iteration" in line: sigint = r"$\sigma_{\rm int} = " + line.split()[3] + "$" if "gamma" in line and "=" in line and "+-" in line: gamma = r"$\gamma = " + line.split("=")[-1].replace( "+-", r"\pm") + "$" if "CONTAM_TRUE" in line: v = max(0.0, float(line.split("=", 1)[1].split("#")[0].strip())) n = v * num_sn_fit contam_true = f"$R_{{CC, true}} = {v:0.4f} (\\approx {int(n)} SN)$" if "CONTAM_DATA" in line: v = max(0.0, float(line.split("=", 1)[1].split("#")[0].strip())) n = v * num_sn_fit contam_data = f"$R_{{CC, data}} = {v:0.4f} (\\approx {int(n)} SN)$" if "scalePCC" in line and "+-" in line: scalepcc = "scalePCC = $" + line.split( "=")[-1].strip().replace("+-", r"\pm") + "$" if prob_col_name is not None: prob_label = prob_col_name.replace("PROB_", "").replace("_", " ") classifier_text = f"Classifier = {prob_label}" else: classifier_text = "No Classification" label = "\n".join([ num_sn, alpha, beta, sigint, gamma, scalepcc, contam_true, contam_data, classifier_text ]) label = label.replace("\n\n", "\n").replace("\n\n", "\n") dfz = df["zHD"] zs = np.linspace(dfz.min(), dfz.max(), 500) distmod = FlatwCDM(70, 1 - ol, w).distmod(zs).value n_trans = 1000 n_thresh = 0.05 n_space = 0.3 subsec = True if zs.min() > n_thresh: n_space = 0.01 subsec = False z_a = np.logspace(np.log10(min(0.01, zs.min() * 0.9)), np.log10(n_thresh), int(n_space * n_trans)) z_b = np.linspace(n_thresh, zs.max() * 1.01, 1 + int((1 - n_space) * n_trans))[1:] z_trans = np.concatenate((z_a, z_b)) z_scale = np.arange(n_trans) def tranz(zs): return interp1d(z_trans, z_scale)(zs) if subsec: x_ticks = np.array([0.01, 0.02, 0.05, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0]) x_ticks_m = np.array([0.03, 0.04, 0.1, 0.3, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.9]) else: x_ticks = np.array([0.05, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0]) x_ticks_m = np.array([0.1, 0.3, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.9]) mask = (x_ticks > z_trans.min()) & (x_ticks < z_trans.max()) mask_m = (x_ticks_m > z_trans.min()) & (x_ticks_m < z_trans.max()) x_ticks = x_ticks[mask] x_ticks_m = x_ticks_m[mask_m] x_tick_t = tranz(x_ticks) x_ticks_mt = tranz(x_ticks_m) fig, axes = plt.subplots(figsize=(7, 5), nrows=2, sharex=True, gridspec_kw={ "height_ratios": [1.5, 1], "hspace": 0 })"Hubble plot prob colour given by column {prob_col_name}") if prob_col_name is not None: if prob_col_name.upper().startswith("PROB"): mask_no_prob = df[prob_col_name] < -1 df.loc[mask_no_prob, prob_col_name] = 1.0 df[prob_col_name] = df[prob_col_name].clip(0, 1) for resid, ax in enumerate(axes): ax.tick_params(which="major", direction="inout", length=4) ax.tick_params(which="minor", direction="inout", length=3) if resid: sub = df["MUMODEL"] sub2 = 0 sub3 = distmod ax.set_ylabel(r"$\Delta \mu$") ax.tick_params(top=True, which="both") alpha = 0.2 ax.set_ylim(-0.5, 0.5) else: sub = 0 sub2 = -dfm["MUREF"] sub3 = 0 ax.set_ylabel(r"$\mu$") ax.annotate(label, (0.98, 0.02), xycoords="axes fraction", horizontalalignment="right", verticalalignment="bottom", fontsize=8) alpha = 0.7 ax.set_xlabel("$z$") if subsec: ax.axvline(tranz(n_thresh), c="#888888", alpha=0.4, zorder=0, lw=0.7, ls="--") if prob_col_name is None or df[prob_col_name].min() >= 1.0: cc = df["IDSURVEY"] vmax = None color_prob = False cmap = "rainbow" else: cc = df[prob_col_name] vmax = 1.05 color_prob = True cmap = "inferno" # Plot each point ax.errorbar(tranz(dfz), df["MU"] - sub, yerr=df["MUERR"], fmt="none", elinewidth=0.5, c="#AAAAAA", alpha=0.5 * alpha) h = ax.scatter(tranz(dfz), df["MU"] - sub, c=cc, s=1, zorder=2, alpha=alpha, vmax=vmax, cmap=cmap) if not args.get("BLIND", []): # Plot ref cosmology ax.plot(tranz(zs), distmod - sub3, c="k", zorder=-1, lw=0.5, alpha=0.7) # Plot m0diff ax.errorbar(tranz(dfm["z"]), dfm["MUDIF"] - sub2, yerr=dfm["MUDIFERR"], fmt="o", mew=0.5, capsize=3, elinewidth=0.5, c="k", ms=4) ax.set_xticks(x_tick_t) ax.set_xticks(x_ticks_mt, minor=True) ax.set_xticklabels(x_ticks) ax.set_xlim(z_scale.min(), z_scale.max()) if args.get("BLIND", []): ax.set_yticklabels([]) ax.set_yticks([]) if color_prob: cbar = fig.colorbar(h, ax=axes, orientation="vertical", fraction=0.1, pad=0.01, aspect=40) cbar.set_label("Prob Ia") fp = fitres_file.replace(".fitres.gz", ".png") logging.debug(f"Saving Hubble plot to {fp}") fig.savefig(fp, dpi=300, transparent=True, bbox_inches="tight") plt.close(fig)
def wcdm(): return FlatwCDM(H0=70.0, w0=-0.9, Om0=0.3, Ob0=0.05, Tcmb0=2.7)
def compute_rel_size(options): import numpy import as fits from astropy.table import Table import JLA_library as JLA from astropy.cosmology import FlatwCDM import os # ----------- Read in the configuration file ------------ params=JLA.build_dictionary(options.config) # ---------- Read in the SNe list ------------------------- SNeList=numpy.genfromtxt(options.SNlist,usecols=(0,2),dtype='S30,S200',names=['id','lc']) for i,SN in enumerate(SNeList): SNeList['id'][i]=SNeList['id'][i].replace('lc-','').replace('.list','') # ----------- Read in the data JLA -------------------------- lcfile = JLA.get_full_path(params[options.lcfits]) SNe =, format='fits') nSNe=len(SNe) print 'There are %d SNe in this sample' % (nSNe) # sort it to match the listing in options.SNlist indices = JLA.reindex_SNe(SNeList['id'], SNe) SNe=SNe[indices] # ---------- Compute the Jacobian ---------------------- # The Jacobian is an m by 4 matrix, where m is the number of SNe # The columns are ordered in terms of Om, w, alpha and beta J=[] JLA_result={'Om':0.303,'w':-1.00,'alpha':0.141,'beta':3.102,'M_B':-19.05} offset={'Om':0.01,'w':0.01,'alpha':0.01,'beta':0.01,'M_B':0.01} nFit=4 cosmo1 = FlatwCDM(name='SNLS3+WMAP7', H0=70.0, Om0=JLA_result['Om'], w0=JLA_result['w']) # Varying Om cosmo2 = FlatwCDM(name='SNLS3+WMAP7', H0=70.0, Om0=JLA_result['Om']+offset['Om'], w0=JLA_result['w']) J.append(5*numpy.log10((cosmo1.luminosity_distance(SNe['zcmb'])/cosmo2.luminosity_distance(SNe['zcmb']))[:,0])) # varying alpha J.append(1.0*offset['alpha']*SNe['x1'][:,0]) # varying beta J.append(-1.0*offset['beta']*SNe['color'][:,0]) # varying M_B J.append(offset['M_B']*numpy.ones(nSNe)) J = numpy.matrix(numpy.concatenate((J)).reshape(nSNe,nFit,order='F') * 100.) # Set up the covariance matrices systematic_terms = ['bias', 'cal', 'host', 'dust', 'model', 'nonia', 'pecvel', 'stat'] covmatrices = {'bias':params['bias'], 'cal':params['cal'], 'host':params['host'], 'dust':params['dust'], 'model':params['model'], 'nonia':params['nonia'], 'pecvel':params['pecvel'], 'stat':params['stat']} if options.type in systematic_terms: print "Using %s for the %s term" % (,options.type) covmatrices[options.type] # Combine the matrices to compute the full covariance matrix, and compute its inverse if options.all: #read in the user provided matrix, otherwise compute it, and write it out C=fits.getdata(JLA.get_full_path(params['all'])) else: C=add_covar_matrices(covmatrices,params['diag']) date=JLA.get_date() fits.writeto('C_total_%s.fits' % (date), C, clobber=True) Cinv=numpy.matrix(C).I # Construct eta, a 3n vector eta=numpy.zeros(3*nSNe) for i,SN in enumerate(SNe): eta[3*i]=SN['mb'] eta[3*i+1]=SN['x1'] eta[3*i+2]=SN['color'] # Construct A, a n x 3n matrix A=numpy.zeros(nSNe*3*nSNe).reshape(nSNe,3*nSNe) for i in range(nSNe): A[i,3*i]=1.0 A[i,3*i+1]=JLA_result['alpha'] A[i,3*i+2]=-JLA_result['beta'] # ---------- Compute W ---------------------- # W has shape m * 3n, where m is the number of fit paramaters. W=(J.T * Cinv * J).I * J.T* Cinv* numpy.matrix(A) # Note that (J.T * Cinv * J) is a m x m matrix, where m is the number of fit parameters # ----------- Compute V_x, where x represents the systematic uncertainty result=[] for term in systematic_terms: cov=numpy.matrix(fits.getdata(JLA.get_full_path(covmatrices[term]))) if 'C_stat' in covmatrices[term]: # Add diagonal term from Eq. 13 to the magnitude sigma = numpy.genfromtxt(JLA.get_full_path(params['diag']),comments='#',usecols=(0,1,2),dtype='f8,f8,f8',names=['sigma_coh','sigma_lens','sigma_pecvel']) for i in range(nSNe): cov[3*i,3*i] += sigma['sigma_coh'][i] ** 2 + sigma['sigma_lens'][i] ** 2 + sigma['sigma_pecvel'][i] ** 2 V=W * cov * W.T result.append(V[0,0]) print '%20s\t%5s\t%5s\t%s' % ('Term','sigma','var','Percentage') for i,term in enumerate(systematic_terms): if options.type!=None and term==options.type: print '* %18s\t%5.4f\t%5.4f\t%4.1f' % (term,numpy.sqrt(result[i]),result[i],result[i]/numpy.sum(result)*100.) else: print '%20s\t%5.4f\t%5.4f\t%4.1f' % (term,numpy.sqrt(result[i]),result[i],result[i]/numpy.sum(result)*100.) print '%20s\t%5.4f' % ('Total',numpy.sqrt(numpy.sum(result))) return
def distance(self, z): cosmology = FlatwCDM(**self.__par_values__) return cosmology.luminosity_distance(z).value
def get_transformation(self, data): om = data["omega_m"] H0 = data["H0"] if not (om == and H0 == self.H0): self.cosmology = FlatwCDM(H0=H0, Om0=om) return {"mu_cos": self.cosmology.distmod(data["redshift"]).value}